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[活动] 旸旸 8.11 2009 作文小组 作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-8-11 16:17:34 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Agree or disagree with the following statement: it is more important to award students for effort (trying or hard working) than for achievement (good grades)


1 students of good marks deserves awards.
2 grades can cause competitions

A group of students question the current evaluation system of study based on grades because it cause a heavy burden on them and sometimes it fails to evaluate a student's ability. In my perspective, however, it is still necessary to award students for their achievement. And my reasons are as follows.

To begin with, students gaining achievement deserve awards. Students make a great effort to get high marks in the examination, thus they should be awarded for their industry, excellent study method and intelligence. Admittedly, in some cases, a minority of students of distinctive abilities fails to perform well in the examination; nevertheless, hardly could we deny the achievement gained by most students. Actually, it makes no sense to praise students only for they plunge a mass of energies and time into study - which to some extent neglect the effect of study - while not to award those students of great achievement just because their high efficiency leads to less time that they spend on study. What is more, it is not practical to assess a student's effort on study. Different students vary in study habits. For instance, some students prefer to study in library; some in class; while others at home. As a result, it is impossible and unnecessary to allocate a supervisor for each student to evaluate time and energy he/she spend on study. Convinced with the necessity of awarding students of good grades and the difficulty to assess efforts on study, I maintain to award student for their achievement.

The second reason why I advocate award students for achievement is because various grades can cause competition, which will improve the level of study. In this manner, students could be promoted to study hard. The benefits of award according to grades are manifest. From one hand, those who excel in study would be encouraged to perform more excellent on study especially in the condition when scholarship is related to a student's scores. Rarely could any eminent students resist enticed success in getting perfect marks. While from the other hand, those who fail to perform well in examination would be encourage to improve their study methods. According to scores, students are more likely to find their weakness and make an effort on their drawbacks to gain higher scores in future. In this circumstance, both students who are awarded for good grades and those who fail to could benefit from the system of grades for both of them would find the aim to strive by competition.

In sum, it is not only important but also necessary to award students for their achievement. For one thing, pursuing high marks, students could enjoy the benefits resulting from competition; while for the other thing, it is acceptable to award students who gain achievement. In addition, since it is difficult to evaluate a student's effort on study, awarding students based on their grades is more practical.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-8-11 22:23:08 |只看该作者
A group of students question the current evaluation system of study based on grades , because it causes a heavy burden on them and sometimes it fails to evaluate their ability. In my perspective, however, it is still necessary to award students for their achievements. And my reasons are as follows.

To begin with, students gaining achievement deserve awards. Students make a great effort to get high (good,成绩好可以用high 但习惯用good, great等形容词) marks in the examination, thus they should be awarded for their industry, excellent study method and intelligence. Admittedly, in some cases, a minority of students of distinctive abilities fails to perform well in the examination; nevertheless, hardly could we deny the achievement gained by most students. Actually, it makes no sense to praise students only for they(\for后面不能这样接句子,去掉) plunging(wasting) a mass(huge amount) of energies and time into study plunge into是全神贯注的意思,这里应按用贬义,用简单的wasting a huge amount of time and energy in study- which to some extent neglect the effect(efficiency才是效率) of study - while not to award those students of great achievement just because their high efficiency leads to less time that they spend on study(这一个句子太上了,停顿不好,逻辑有点混乱).

What is more, it is not practical to assess a student's effort on study. Different(多余)
students vary in study habits. For instance, some students prefer to study in library; some in class; while others at home. As a result, it is impossible and unnecessary to allocate a supervisor for each student to evaluate time and energy he/she spend on study. Convinced with the necessity of awarding students of good grades and the difficulty to assess efforts on study, I maintain to award student for their achievement.(
jThe second reason why I advocate award students for achievement is because various grades can cause competition, which will improve
the level of study(
看不懂,提高学习水平吗,make more progress in their study). In this manner, students could be promoted (spurred)to study hard. The benefits of award according to grades are manifest. From(on the one hand, those who excel in study would be encouraged to perform more excellent(换成副)on study especially in the condition when scholarship is related to a student's scores. Rarely could any eminent students resist enticed success in getting perfect marks(????). On the other hand, those who fail to perform well in examination would be encouraged to improve their study methods. According to scores, students are more likely to find their weakness and make an effort on their drawbacks to gain higher scores in future. In this circumstance, both students who are awarded for good grades and those who fail to could benefit from the system of grades for both of them would find the aim to strive by competition.6 )Onoo

In sum, it is not only important but also necessary to award students for their achievement. For one thing, pursuing high marks, students could enjoy the benefits resulting from competition; while for the other thing, it is acceptable to award students who gain achievement. In addition, since it is difficult to evaluate a student's effort on study, awarding students based on their grades is more practical.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-8-12 18:05:22 |只看该作者
Agree or disagree with the following statement: it is more important to award students for effort (trying or hard working) than for achievement (good grades)/ w$ y- j/ M6 n

disagree5 b# P  {+ w" ]! h$ y/ A* |; U& `' o0 g8 E
" ^" n& z- c4 [2 f8 K
1 students of good marks deserves awards.
2 grades can cause competitions$ e& d5 `. x* w- L) {

/ a; i5 T6 Q1 [! u
A group of students question the current evaluation system of study based on grades because it cause a heavy burden on them and sometimes it fails to evaluate a student's ability(换effort会更点题). In my perspective(你很喜欢用这个词组,可是这个词组好像有问题~~~), however, it is still necessary to award students for their achievement. And my reasons are as follows.) `8 J4 a2 I3 `

/ N: [" t
" h  S) I; u7 A8 a& O
To begin with, students gaining achievement deserve awards. Students make a great effort to get high marks in the examination, thus they should be awarded for their industry, excellent study method and intelligence. Admittedly, in some cases, a minority of students of distinctive abilities(efforts) fails to perform well in the examination; nevertheless, hardly could we deny the achievement gained by most students. Actually, it makes no sense to praise students only for they plunge a mass of energies and time into study - which to some extent neglect the effect of study - while not to award those students of great achievement just because their high efficiency leads to less time that they spend on study(此句太长). What is more, it is not practical to assess a student's effort on study. Different students vary in study habits. For instance, some students prefer to study in library; some in class; while others at home. As a result, it is impossible and unnecessary(好像和分论点差的有点远) to allocate a supervisor for each student to evaluate time and energy he/she spend on study. Convinced with the necessity of awarding students of good grades and the difficulty to assess efforts on study, I maintain to award student for their achievement.6 l& m& c! p7 k" z1 \8 P" M

The second reason why I advocate award students for achievement is because various grades can cause competition, which will improve the level of study(有点怪). In this manner(也是你的高频词,但是似乎有问题), students could be promoted(用spured or sparked 怎么样) to study hard. The benefits of award according to grades are manifest. From(On) one hand, those who excel in study would be encouraged to perform more excellent on study especially in the condition when scholarship is related to a student's scores. Rarely could any eminent students resist enticed success in getting perfect marks. While from(on) the other hand, those who fail to perform well in examination would be encourage to improve their study methods. According to scores, students are more likely to find their weakness and make an effort on(to) their drawbacks to gain higher scores in future. In(Under) this circumstance, both students who are awarded for good grades and those who fail to could benefit from the system of grades for both of them would find the aim to strive by competition.2 G3 [# I$ K  u+ L

In sum, it is not only important but also necessary to award students for their achievement. For one thing, pursuing high marks, students could enjoy the benefits resulting from competition; while for the other thing(For one thing……for another), it is acceptable to award students who gain achievement. In addition, since it is difficult to evaluate a student's effort on study, awarding students based on their grades is more practical.(结尾的时候你把这个“学生的effort难以评估”单列了,那么在正文里最好把它作为一个单独的Point)


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-8-13 07:55:04 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 applo111 于 2009-8-13 07:57 编辑

A group of students question the current evaluation system of study based on grades because it cause(causes) a heavy burden on them and sometimes it(去掉) fails to evaluate a student's ability. In my perspective, however, it is still necessary to award students for their achievement. And my reasons are as follows.

To begin with, students gaining achievement deserve awards. Students make a great effort to get high marks in the examination, thus they should be awarded for their industry, excellent study method and intelligence. Admittedly, in some cases, a minority of students of distinctive abilities fails (fail) to perform well in the examination; nevertheless, hardly could we deny the achievement gained by most students. Actually, it makes no sense to praise students only for they (their) plunge a mass of energies and time into study - which to some extent neglect the effect (neglects the efficiency)of study - while not to award those students of great achievement just because their high efficiency leads to less time that they spend on study. What is more, it is not practical to assess a student's effort on study. Different students vary in study habits. For instance, some students prefer to study in library; some in class; while others at home. As a result, it is impossible and unnecessary to allocate a supervisor for each student to evaluate time and energy he/she spend on study. Convinced with the necessity of awarding students of good grades and the difficulty to assess efforts on study, I maintain to award student for their achievement.

论证得很好, 分论点突出,有例证,总结,条理清晰!

The second reason why I advocate award(awarding) students for achievement is because various grades can cause competition, which will improve the level of study(which encourages their study). In this manner, students could be promoted to study hard. The benefits of award according to grades are manifest. From one hand, those who excel in study would be encouraged to perform more excellent on study especially in the condition when scholarship is related to a student's scores. Rarely could any eminent students resist enticed success in getting perfect marks. While from the other hand, those who fail to perform well in examination would be encourage to improve their study methods. According to scores, students are more likely to find their weakness and make an effort on their drawbacks to gain higher scores in future. In this circumstance, both students who are awarded for good grades and those who fail to could benefit from the system of grades for both of them would find the aim to strive by competition.


In sum, it is not only important but also necessary to award students for their achievement. For one thing, pursuing high marks, students could enjoy the benefits resulting from competition; while for the other thing, it is acceptable to award students who gain achievement.(好似有些多余) In addition, since it is difficult to evaluate a student's effort on study, awarding students based on their grades is more practical.

文章写得很好, 有理有据, 论点可以多一点,单复数,短语再精炼些,就更好了!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-8-13 20:06:33 |只看该作者
旸旸 8.13 作文

8.13 Some people think it's more important to spend more time working than being with family,你的觀點?


1 family is more important than work
2 stable and concord family can support each family member to realize their dreams.

There is an increasing trend that people spend more time on work than on their families. Many denizens maintain that it is more important to allocate more time on their jobs because of high pressure from work. In my perspective, however, the importance of family is beyond that of work. As a result people should spend more time being with family. And my reasons are as follows.

To begin with, family plays an essential role on a person's life and it is more important than jobs. It is true that no bread no life, yet we should make sure what kind of life we aspire for. This reminds me of a theory on life, which concludes that the final goal of life is happiness. Here comes to the question that what is a happy life. A life of achievement is not a happy life because besides success in most times we should face problems and failure; a life of power is not a happy life for more power means more responsibilities; a life of massive fortune is not a happy life since money cannot buy happiness. Only with a warm family will we find the happiness of life. Even though a person gains a great success, while if he/she fails to have a family, then his/her life rarely makes a sense - just as if a beautiful natural sense lacks color. Therefore, when we are young especially when we have time, do spend more time with our families.

Furthermore, a stable and concord family can support each family member to realize their dreams. For one thing, family is like a harbor in the process of we exploring the unpredictable world. When we are frustrated in the way of striving, we can confide to our families and they would help us to solve problems; when we feel tired about work, family can help us to release pressure. What is more, there is massive of trivia in our lives, which actually takes us a great deal of time and energy to handle. Nevertheless, families can deal with them together. As a result, each member of family has more time to fulfill their dreams. That is why it is more important for people to spend more time with their families to improve the relative relationship. For the other thing, family relationships need time to maintain. If people spend more time being with their families and pay more attention to their family, it will enhance their link hood; while if people fail to, it would damage their relationship or even may destroy the family. Because of family crisis, hardly would anyone have more energy to their career. Based on the analysis, I am convinced that people should allocate more time to stay with family.

In sum, family plays an important role in people's life. It provides help and satisfy people's emotion needs. Because of the magnitude and necessity of family, I strongly recommend that people should spend more time being with family.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-8-15 22:12:37 |只看该作者
Cornea is especially important to human. According to the introduction in the reading material, we know that cornea is the transparent front part of the human eye, which is likely to be injured.

In the listening material, there are many factors that would cause cornea injured. Firstly, if there are some small pieces of tissue flying into eye, cornea would possibly be injured. Even when people rub eyes with dust, it is possible to damage cornea. Furthermore, a variety of chemistry materials will also cause cornea infected. In addition, long time exposure to lights, for instance sun light, is also destructive to cornea.

What is more, the consequences of injury to cornea are seriously terrible. In the reading material, it is said that cornea is related to vision problems. For example if there is a large ulcer occurring in the center of cornea, the vision of a person would be terribly influenced. What is worse, in some extreme case, it needs a surgery to transplant from one human to another.

Nevertheless, although the problem of cornea is terrible, there are still some treatments to cue the injured cornea. In the hospital, there are many methods to diagnose a corneal injury. Doctors will use physician to place a few drops of special liquid in the eye, and shine a light on the eye. If the surface f cornea is broken, it will have a bright blue area. In this condition, doctors will recommend patients to take antibiotic to cure the damaged cornea. Artificial tears could also play a useful role.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 8Rank: 8


IBT Zeal Cancer巨蟹座

发表于 2009-8-15 23:08:57 |只看该作者

There is an increasing trend that people spend more time on work than on their families. Many denizens maintain that it is more important to allocate more time on their jobs because of high pressure from work. In my perspective这个好, however, the importance of family is beyond that of work. As a result people should spend more time being with family. And my reasons are as follows.

To begin with, family plays an essential role on a person's life and it is more important than jobs. It is true that no bread no life, yet we should make sure what kind of life we aspire for. This reminds me of a theory on life, which concludes that the final goal of life is happiness. Here comes to the question that what is a happy life. (achievement cannot make a happy life)A life of achievement is not a happy life because besides success in most times we should face problems and failure可以继续说的全面些, 像是没说完; a life of power? is not a happy life for more power means more responsibilities好像有些不通,你自己读读看; a life of massive fortune is not a happy life since money cannot buy happiness. Only with a warm family will we find the happiness of life. Even though a person gains a great success, while if he/she fails to have a family, then his/her life rarely makes a sense - just as if a beautiful natural sense lacks color. Therefore, when we are young especially when we have time, do spend more time with our families.

Furthermore, a stable and concord family can support each family member to realize their dreams. For one thing, family is like a harbor in the process of we exploring the unpredictable world. When we are frustrated in the way of striving, we can confide to our families and they would help us to solve problems; when we feel tired about work, family can help us to release pressure. What is more, there is massive of trivia in our lives, which actually takes us a great deal of time and energy to handle. Nevertheless, families can deal with them together. As a result, each member of family(family members) has more time to fulfill their dreams. That is why it is more important for people to spend more time with their families to improve the relative relationship. For the other thing, family relationships need time to maintain. If people spend more time being with their families and pay more attention to their family, it will enhance their link hood; while if people fail to, it would damage their relationship or even may destroy the family. Because of family crisis, hardly would anyone have more energy to their career. Based on the analysis, I am convinced that people should allocate more time to stay with family.

In sum, family plays an important role in people's life. It provides help and satisfy people's emotion needs. Because of the magnitude and necessity of family, I strongly recommend that people should spend more time being with family.
一段和2段的前部分写的很好, 语法和句子结构上. 2段后面的有的地方读不通. 2.3段的支持不错. 个人觉得很连接的. 有复杂句子很好. 作文基础很好的

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-8-18 19:41:32 |只看该作者
8.18 日作业,谢谢啦~
One aim of teachers or professors in universities is to impart knowledge to their students. Therefore, here come to a tense issue whether teachers or professor ought to be awarded according to their students' performance. A group of people are not supportive of the view, because students' learning ability vary and it is not fair for teachers or professors to completely answer for a student's study. However, in my perspective, teachers or professors should be evaluated and paid based on the performance of students. And my reasons are as follows.

To begin with, teachers and professor are responsible for students' study. Although it is the students not teachers to learn knowledge, yet still teachers or professors play an important role in education. From one hand, the primary task of instructors is to impart knowledge and improve students' abilities; while from the other hand, students pay a great sum of money to receive education from schools or universities. Therefore, it is instructs' obligation to enhance a student's study. Just as employees are paid based on the profits that they make for companies, teachers and professors should be awarded by the performance of their students. If there is no relationship between a instructor's profits and a student's score, the only impulse for instructors to be responsible for their students is professional ethics. Nevertheless, it is not effective to guarantee the level of education only relying on ethics. Based on the analysis above, since the education level is partly related with teachers and professors, I am convinced that awards of instructors are in accordance with the performance of students.

Furthermore, if salaries of teachers are based on the performance of students, it will improve the relationship between students and instructors. Because the income of instructors depends on their students, teachers and professor are willing to contact with students to improve their grades. Meanwhile, those who want receive instructions from teachers would like to ask their instructors for help. Consequently, it will spur them to communicate with each other and the merits are manifest. For one thing, students could more likely to get suggestions from their advisors, which is beneficial for their study; for the other thing, since professors in universities could better learn students, it is more possible for those professors to choose excellent to help them make researches. Considering the benefits above, I maintain that income of instructors is based on performance of students.

The third reason why I advocate establishing connection between income of instructors and students' study is because it is fairer to award teachers and professors according to their students' performance. In most cases, if instructors allocate more time and energy on their students, students would make a great progress. Thus, it is necessarily acceptable to award those teachers who made massive efforts on their students.

In sum, because of the responsibility of instructors, improvement of relationship between students and teachers, and equality to award, I am verified that the awards of instructors should be related to the performance of their students.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-8-19 10:28:30 |只看该作者
One aim of teachers or professors(老师是总称) in universities is to impart knowledge to their students. Therefore, here come to a tense(没见过,可以serious or critical) issue whether teachers or professor ought to be awarded according to their students' performance. A group of people are not supportive of the view, because students' learning ability vary and it is not fair for teachers or professors to completely answer for a student's study. However, in my perspective, teachers or professors should be evaluated and paid based on the performance of students. And my reasons are as follows.( Q! z) O8 \+ v8 N. ^

To begin with, teachers and professor are responsible for students' study. Although it is the students not teachers to(that 当强调句时) learn knowledge, yet still teachers or professors play an important role in education. From one hand(我查了,只有on the one hand), the primary task of instructors is to impart knowledge and improve students' abilities; while(这两句没有转折的意思,应是并列或递进) from the other hand, students pay a great sum of money to receive education from schools or universities(school 包含university). Therefore, it is instructs' obligation to enhance a student's study. Just as employees are paid based on the profits that they make for companies, teachers and professors should be awarded by the performance of their students. If there is no relationship between a instructor's profits and a student's score, the only impulse for instructors to be responsible for their students is professional ethics. Nevertheless, it is not effective to guarantee the level of education only relying on ethics. Based on the analysis above, since the education level is partly related with teachers and professors, I am convinced that awards of instructors are in accordance with the performance of students.
8 n6 ^5 h% Q% h0 E, f,O
Furthermore, if salaries of teachers are based on the performance of students, it will improve the relationship between students and instructors. Because the income of instructors depends on their students, teachers and professor are willing to contact with(程度轻) students to improve their grades. Meanwhile, those who want (to)receive instructions from teachers would like to ask their instructors for help. Consequently, it will spur them to communicate with each other and the merits are manifest. For one thing, students could more likely to get suggestions from their advisors, which is beneficial for their study; for the other thing, since professors in universities could better learn students, it is more possible for those professors to choose (those)excellent to help them make researches. Considering the benefits above, I maintain that income of instructors is based on performance of students.' b2 g2 A4 o( }2 r/ n6 j$ E; F' C' `

The third reason why I advocate establishing connection between income of instructors and students' study is because it is fairer to award teachers and professors according to their students' performance. In most cases, if instructors allocate more time and energy on their students, students would make a great progress. Thus, it is necessarily acceptable to award those teachers who made massive efforts on their students.这里的fairer是有比较的,这里没找到比较对象9 B7 e& R# W% q" U/ A' k
# \/ O( n' B3 Y是
In sum, because of the responsibility of instructors, improvement of relationship between students and teachers, and equality to award, I am verified that the awards of instructors should be related to the performance of their students.
整体不错,但没有例子,读起来像你在一直讲道理,第一个论点的主题句responsibility of instructors感觉与下文论证关系不太密切,因为有义务教导学生与工资和学生表现挂钩联系不紧,不如改成虽然教授学生是老师的义务,但老师也需要用这种机制来促使他们更加努力的工作。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2009-8-19 11:06:39 |只看该作者
One aim of teachers or professors in universities is to impart knowledge to their students. Therefore, here come to a tense issue whether teachers or professor ought to be awarded according to their students' performance(or not). A group of people are not supportive of the view(view应该再说明清楚吧), because students' learning ability vary and it is not fair for teachers or professors to completely answer for a student's study. However, in my perspective, teachers or professors should be evaluated and paid based on the performance of students. And my reasons are as follows.

To begin with, teachers and professor are responsible for students' study(这个是你的主观点,怎么又变成理由了). Although it is the students not teachers to learn knowledge, yet still teachers or professors play an important role in education. From(有这个表达吗?) one hand, the primary task of instructors is to impart knowledge and improve students' abilities; while from the other hand, students pay a great sum of money to receive education from schools or universities. Therefore, it is instructs' obligation to enhance a student's study. Just as employees are paid based on the profits that they make for companies, teachers and professors should be awarded by the performance of their students. If there is no relationship between a instructor's profits and a student's score, the only impulse for instructors to be responsible for their students is professional ethics. Nevertheless, it is not effective to guarantee the level of education only relying on ethics. Based on the analysis above, since the education level is partly related with teachers and professors, I am convinced that awards of instructors are in accordance with the performance of students.

Furthermore, if salaries of teachers are based on the performance of students, it will improve the relationship between students and instructors. Because the income of instructors depends on their students, teachers and professor are willing to contact with students to improve their grades. Meanwhile, those who want receive instructions from teachers would like to ask their instructors for help. Consequently, it will spur them to communicate with each other and the merits are manifest. For one thing, students could more likely to get suggestions from their advisors, which is beneficial for their study; for the other(another) thing, since professors in universities could better learn students(这里表达什么意思呀?), it is more possible for those professors to choose excellent(这里为什么又用形容词表示呢) to help them make researches. Considering the benefits above, I maintain that income of instructors is based on performance of students(保持什么呢?宾词感觉好别扭。).
$ }2 S5 l2 K, K
The third reason why I advocate establishing connection between income of instructors and students' study( 主语好长哟!) is because it is fairer to award teachers and professors according to their students' performance(公平,还有更公平吗?). In most cases, if instructors allocate more time and energy on their students, students would make a great progress. Thus, it is necessarily acceptable to award those teachers who made massive efforts on their students.  G( z' A! a& E) B
) q/ r1 \# W  E2 j! M
In sum, because of the responsibility of instructors, improvement of relationship between students and teachers, and equality to award, I am verified that the awards of instructors should be related to the performance of their students.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-8-20 20:15:11 |只看该作者
旸旸 8.20作业

题目:being creative 和planning carefully 哪个更能find the best solution to a problem

Innovation usually leads to amazing achievements in the realm of industry, science and politics; A careful plan can maintain the development of society. However, when there is a debate which one is more useful, In my perspective, in most cases and especially under tough conditions being creative rather than having a careful plan it is more possible for people to find a best solution to solve problems. And my reasons are as follows.

To begin with, many legends in history are caused by innovation and transitory inspiration, which solve the problems confused human beings for many years. Just as Albert Einstein said that imagination is important, the spars of creation, not carefully designed plans accelerate the enhancement of society. Inventions and technologies in the field of industry can best illusatrate my point. The idea of lightening by electricty spurs Tomans Edison invented electric lights; Inspired by science fictions composed by Jules Verne, people designed the first submarine; Simulating birds, Brother Wirghts created a plane in 1903. Lights brighten us; submarine take people under water; Aircrafts reduce the time of travel. Those great achievement are all derived from creative ideas. In this manner, hardly could anyone neglect the importance of innovation to solve problems.

Furthermore, a careful plan, though seriously contrived by a group of experts, yet fails to work when there are accidents. Admittedly, I would not deny the fact that a careful plan plays a crucial role in the development of a company, a nation and even the whole society of human beings, yet there are massive factors leading to success but never could be taken into account compeletely. Thus, when the unexpected accidents happen, we could not rely on the old plan but depend on innovative methods. This reminds me of the global economy depression in 2008. At the first half year of 2008, many enterprises planned to open new markets and expanded manufacture in the world to make more profits. Unfortunately economic crisis in the second half of that year changed everything. Instead enlarge producing, most companies reduce their manufacture and staff. What is more, none of previous plans and old policies could save this economic crisis. Nevertheless, we may learn the experience of economic crisis occuring in the 1930s in US. The national economy recover quickly due to the creative policies of Roosevelt government. Based on the analysis, I am supportive of the idea that being creative is more likely to find a best solution.

In sum, since innovations and orginations usually break through, and careful plans would be frustrated by accidents, I would argue that being creative planning carefully find the best solution to a problem.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-8-22 22:12:44 |只看该作者
旸旸 8.22作文

In the reading material, it is said that Anasazi who had high intelligence and creation vanished because of a severe summer drought. However, in the lecture, the professor proposed the opposite view based on the new discovered evidence.

To begin with, in the passage, there was a sixty-year summer drought caused by global warming when Anasazi people vanished. And in the perspective of scientists, the summer drought was so severe that Anasazi could not avoid from suffering. Therefore, it is acceptable that Anasazi vanished due to the drought. Nevertheless, in the lecture, the professor question the summer caused by global warming. It is true that there were massive droughts resulting from the global warming around the world, yet it makes no sense to indicate that the summer drought happened in the village of Anasazi. Scientists found some trees alive in that period, so if there was a severe, how to explain the existence of trees.

Furthermore, the reading material verifies that disappearance of Anasazi is caused by terrible summer drought because people found irrigation systems including diversion dams and cannels. They believe that the presence of such system can justify the shortage of water. However, professor disagrees with this idea. From his point, it is not necessary to conclude that drought caused by global warming compelled the Anasazi to leave. Actually, this 150 years old irrigation system would be the evidence that just because realizing the problem of short water, the Anasazi built this projects to store water.

Finally, the reading material supplies the evidence of fertile soil and natural springs which indicates the growth population of local denizens. Anasazi vanished because of the limited water resources. Yet the professor cites the result of a report, which verifies that the summer drought of those years was not severe enough to cause Anasazi abandon their homes. People should consider other factors that would lead to the decrease of Anasazi such as diseases or overuse of farmland.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-8-23 13:07:20 |只看该作者
In the reading material, it is said that Anasazi who had high intelligence and creation vanished because of a severe summer drought. However, in the lecture, the professor proposed the opposite view based on the new discovered evidence.

To begin with, in the passage, there was a sixty-year summer drought caused by global warming when Anasazi people vanished. And in the perspective of scientists, the summer drought was so severe that Anasazi could not avoid from suffering. Therefore, it is acceptable that Anasazi vanished due to the drought. Nevertheless, in the lecture, the professor question the summer caused by global warming. It is true that there were massive droughts resulting from the global warming around the world, yet it makes no sense to indicate that the summer drought happened in the village of Anasazi. Scientists found some trees alive in that period, so if there was a severe, how to explain the existence of trees.

Furthermore, the reading material verifies that disappearance of Anasazi is caused by terrible summer drought because people found irrigation systems including diversion dams and cannels. They believe that the presence of such system can justify the shortage of water. However, professor disagrees前面都是过去时) with this idea. From his point, it is not necessary to conclude that drought caused by global warming compelled the Anasazi to leave. Actually, this 150 years old irrigation system would be the evidence that just because realizing the problem of short water, the Anasazi built this projects to store water.

Finally, the reading material supplies the evidence of fertile soil and natural springs which indicates the growth population of local denizens. Anasazi vanished because of the limited water resources. Yet the professor cites the result of a report, which verifies that the summer drought of those years was not severe enough to cause Anasazi abandon their homes. People should consider other factors that would lead to the decrease of Anasazi such as diseases or overuse of farmland.
9.12 上帝保佑~~

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-8-23 13:07:40 |只看该作者
In the reading material, it is said that Anasazi who had high intelligence and creation vanished because of a severe summer drought. However, in the lecture, the professor proposed the opposite view based on the new discovered evidence.

To begin with, in the passage, there was a sixty-year summer drought caused by global warming when Anasazi people vanished. And in the perspective of scientists, the summer drought was so severe that Anasazi could not avoid from suffering. Therefore, it is acceptable that Anasazi vanished due to the drought. Nevertheless, in the lecture, the professor question the summer caused by global warming. It is true that there were massive droughts resulting from the global warming around the world, yet it makes no sense to indicate that the summer drought happened in the village of Anasazi. Scientists found some trees alive in that period, so if there was a severe, how to explain the existence of trees.

Furthermore, the reading material verifies that disappearance of Anasazi is caused by terrible summer drought because people found irrigation systems including diversion dams and cannels. They believe that the presence of such system can justify the shortage of water. However, professor disagrees前面都是过去时) with this idea. From his point, it is not necessary to conclude that drought caused by global warming compelled the Anasazi to leave. Actually, this 150 years old irrigation system would be the evidence that just because realizing the problem of short water, the Anasazi built this projects to store water.

Finally, the reading material supplies the evidence of fertile soil and natural springs which indicates the growth population of local denizens. Anasazi vanished because of the limited water resources. Yet the professor cites the result of a report, which verifies that the summer drought of those years was not severe enough to cause Anasazi abandon their homes. People should consider other factors that would lead to the decrease of Anasazi such as diseases or overuse of farmland.
9.12 上帝保佑~~

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-8-24 21:39:03 |只看该作者
ly8768(旸旸) 8.24作文

In the reading material, the author cast doubts that Marco Polo never travelled to China in the 13th century. However, in the lecture, the professor holds the opposite opinion in the listening material as following reasons.

To begin with, in the reading material, the author claimed that Marco Polo never used any Chinese or Mongolian place-names. Nevertheless in the 13th or 14th centuries of Europe, as professor stated that, Persian was the major language. As a result, it is acceptable that Macro Polo just borrowed the name of Persian to describe places of China.

Furthermore, the author of this article provided the evidence that Macro Polo never mentioned the cultural practices of Chinese, such as the Chinese loving tea. While the professor argued that though there is omission of reference to the popular pastimes and cultural practices, yet it is possible that only southern people in China would like to drink tea in that period. So Macro Polo failed to the south of China and only had been to the
North of China, in which it was not popular to drink tea.

Finally, the author was not supportive of the idea that Macro Polo had been to China because there is no evidence that Marco Polo served at the court of Mongol ruler. However, the professor analyzed that it is possible that people were usually referred by different names in the stage of China. So the name of Macro Polo was probably replaced with another name or maybe in the official documents his name was simply lost, when Macro Polo was appointed to the post of governor of Yang Zhou.

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