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[i习作temp] issue48 [TSUBASA] by wildrose800331 [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2009-7-3 06:54:00 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 wildrose800331 于 2009-7-3 22:00 编辑

TOPIC: ISSUE48 - "The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."
WORDS: 486

TIME: 00:38:12
DATE: 2009-7-1 17:11:28

It seems true that famous few individuals are far more striking and remarkable than ordinary groups in the study of those historical events and trends. The massive groups of people are even too obscure to be remembered. However, in my eyes, the unnamed bigger population are at least, as important as those famous figures.

It should be admitted that the well-known individuals have admirable qualities that others may not have. One case in this point is Thomas Jefferson, as the Third President, who wrote the Declaration of Independence. He had the merits of independence, belief, down-to-earth scrutiny and so forth, more importantly, he had the ability of leadership over and family-like treatment with people. Once, when he studied the living condition of residents in relatively less-developed area, he insisted on living and eating with one ordinary family to experience the difficulties and hardship in person, and subsequently, he, of course, won the support of his subjects and successfully lead the U.S. into a prosperous time. The other important figure is Roosevelt elected in 1930s. He could outwit at stake in the Great Depression, set economic boosting policies and even harshly implement these actions. His thoughts and actions irrevocably occurred suspicion and opposition beyond the comprehensibility and prediction of his fellowmen. Nevertheless, time proves his wisdom and resolution, endowing countrymen with economic recovery even a U-turn. These minority elites are pioneers, crusaders or leaders at the critical moments of history evolution. They deserve perpetual recognition and eternal memorization.

It should also be noticed and emphasized that only these few can not control or change historical trends, since ordinary people are irreplaceable human agencies in every event and trend. Without the firm support and altruistic sacrifice of groups of people, leaders can not make their progress or fulfill their achievement. Take the most significant event, the World War II in the last century, for instance. Millions of militias and ordinary people were killed in the process of anti-Nazism fight, which underlay a step-by-step foundation to the final victory. They were too less-known to be remembered by their respective names and identities, but as a whole, these people should be remembered and beard in mind of every generation. Their contributions to historical development and progress are at least, if not more than, important as the noted few regardless of time passing.

In a conclusion, the important events and trends in history were made by both famous named figures and unnamed groups of people. The former were usually eye-catching heroes and heroines by their outperformed bravery, wisdom, profound ideas, leadership and others, which can be easily mentioned and remembered in the study of history. The latter may look obscure and indistinctive without knowing and examining their names and identities, while this can not justify the less emphasis on or even ignorance of these heroes. They, as a group, are also heroes in the historical flow even with their unknown details.
宁愿相信世间的真善 这样才美

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2009-7-4 19:35:33 |只看该作者
BS 之后的修改 (也恶补了追星箭特训) 自己的观点 第一句同意 第二句中庸即是两者的推动作用
It seems true that famous few individuals are far more striking and remarkable than ordinary groups in the study of history, in particular as to  the study of historical events and trends. The massive groups of people, instead, appear too obscure to be mentioned and remembered. However, in my eyes, the unnamed bigger population are at least, as important as those famous figures in history.

It should be admitted that the well-known individuals have admirable qualities that others may not have. One case in this point is Thomas Jefferson, as the Third President, who wrote the Declaration of Independence. He had the merits of independence, belief, down-to-earth scrutiny and so forth, more importantly, he had the ability of leadership over and family-like treatment with people. Once, when he studied the living condition of residents in relatively less-developed area, he insisted on living and eating with one ordinary family to experience the difficulties and hardship in person, and subsequently, he, of course, won the support of his subjects and successfully lead the U.S. into a prosperous time. The other important figure is Roosevelt elected in 1930s. He could outwit at stake in the Great Depression, set outeconomic boosting policies and even harshly implement these actions. His thoughts and actions irrevocably occurred suspicion and opposition beyond the comprehensibility and prediction of his fellowmen. Nevertheless, time proves his wisdom and resolution, endowing countrymen with economic recovery even a U-turn. These minority elites are pioneers, crusaders or leaders at the critical moments of history evolution. They were endowed with some unusual talents and destined to change something dramatically, thus they deserve perpetual recognition and eternal memorization.

It should also be noticed and emphasized that only these few can not control or change historical trends without the support from their uncountable ordinary people,  because the latter are irreplaceable human agencies in those events and trends. Without the firm support and altruistic sacrifice of groups of people, leaders can not make their progress or fulfill their achievement alone. Take the most significant event, the World War II in the last century, for instance. Millions of militias and ordinary people followed their leaders and were killed in the process of anti-Nazism fight, which underlay a step-by-step foundation to the final victory. The millions were too less-known to be remembered by their respective names and identities, but as a whole, these people should be remembered and beard in mind of every generation. Their contributions to historical development and progress are at least, if not more than, important as the noted few regardless of time passing.

It should be confessed that for the seek of studying hisotory, focusing on the distinguished few is more feasible and operatible than considering the massive ordinary populace. However, this can not justify the neglection of the vast back-up, because the important events and trends in history were made by both famous named figures and unnamed groups of people. The former were usually eye-catching heroes and heroines by their outperformed bravery, wisdom, profound ideas, leadership and others. The latter, as the impetus and firm foundations to accomplish the ambition of their icons. They, as a group, are also heroes in the historical flow even with their unknown details.
宁愿相信世间的真善 这样才美

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