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[作文] 【每日写作】 发帖只为督促自己(欢迎狠批) [复制链接]

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发表于 2012-10-7 21:08:12 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
In twenty years there will be fewer cars in use than there are today.

As technology developed , people could easily afford a car because the cost of building a car is going down and more money can be made in present day. So it is quite naturally to draw the conclusion that there will be much more cars in the next two decades. However,as we have realized that the pollution of cars disposal and severer traffic conditions today, I predict that the number of cars will undoubtly decrease in the future.

Personally, i believe that we are getting tired of drving a car to go to work or somewhere else.We used to think that it is more convenient and faster for us to get to a place by driving a car. But too many of us have this opinion so that we all drive our cars,therefore the roads are full of cars and it cost much more money to drive than to take subways.Also it cost our more energy to drive a car. For example, people tend to drive to a near tourism destination to relax and enjoy the wonderful time with their families. When they arrived, the driver can be exhausted and have no interests and energy to play with families. All the driver want is probably to get some sleep.

Another aspect we should focus on is air polution. Nowadays, green house gases is hot topic all over the world. Governments and enterprises are concerned whether those cars are environmental-friendly or sustainable. More cars mean that more carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere, thus the global warming will become severer, the large amount of ice will disappear so that the level of sea may increase to overwhelm some lower island or coastal cities. It is a chain reaction, one step of mistake will have butterfly effect and ultimatly interfere human lives.

In a word, I wholeheartedly agree that human beings will use fewer cars in twenty years. After all, the earth is the only place we can habitat now. To protect our only homeland is everyone's responsibiliy, all of us will finally realize this question and volunteerly reduce the car uses in the future.

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发表于 2012-10-8 20:33:44 |只看该作者

The passage is about three theories how the buildings in American Southwest were used. While these theories seem to be compelling, the lecturer directly contradicts the theory in the passage.

First, the inside of the buildings suggests they can not be the residential place for people.If once it had been many people lived there, there should be many fire places because people need to cook. Thus as few as ten fire places means few people once lived there.

Moreover, the passage says Chaco structures were used to store grain maize. However, the speaker claims that this theory is unsupported either. The reason for this is simple, there is no trace of maize used to be stored there. Even if it has large size which is perfect for storing food, few containers could be found so that there was no place for much grain maize to put in.

Finally,it is mentioned in the lecture that not only broken pots but also many other metrials were found in the buidings which means the ceremonial theory is also quite contraditory. The presence of many building materials such as sands and construction tools can be interpreted as the evidence that this place was just a trash heap. Those broken pots can be regular trash people once threw there.

A friend of mine once told me that the lifetime of a human being is so short that we could not have enough time to enjoy the beautiful world. It is quite true that many people begin to have the thought that we should take advantage of our short time to do things we like to do.I will not argue that we must not spend time on personal enjoyment, however we do need to realize all of us have responsibilities so that we do not live our own lives, we should also take our love ones into consideration.

Personally I believe that the modernization of our world has deviated us from the right track. As we can see, those fancy online games, luxury night world and countless parties, all of which has dominated many people's daily social lives. They may have fun doing things that seems to be quite interesting, however they may not realize that they have lost themselves. Things they are doing are not suitable for them, maybe it would cost their a lot of money. For example, if many friends invite someone to have dinner together in a five-star hotel, s\he may bring equal-value present which s\he can not probably afford. In the long run, it would definitely devour all the money they have.

Some people may have an opposite viewpoint that everyone should do things they like to do because to do things they like is the right thing for them to do.Everyone should be happy in his or her own life, so we may may not be constrained by the world to do things we do not like to do. Nevertheless, we should think about our parents and children. To be an adult, we should take the responsibility to look after our families. If we spend every minute making us happy and forget about our love ones, they may become unfamiliar with us and ultimately do not remember they have a relative.

To sum up, we do have reasons to persue personal enjoyment and live a happy life.But everyone has to be responsible for somebody else, we may make money to support our retired parents, we may help husband or wife to pass difficulties. Time is not only our time but also others's time, we do need to save a mount of time to spend on other meaningful we should do.

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发表于 2012-10-10 21:18:14 |只看该作者
TPO6  补昨天

The lecturer talks about three obvious advantage of the online communal encyclopedias. What she said is quite distinct from the theory stated in the passage.Instead of being inacurate, unreliable and allusive, online encyclopedias have great advantages over the traditional ones.

To begin with, the lecturer said it is never close for an offline encyclopedias to be perfect if we read any reference on all traditional encyclopedias. Also to correct some errors is very easy for the online encyclopedias, on the other hand, mistakes remained in traditional ones are always be there for decades.

Moreover, the passage says that someone may have the opportunity to hack the database so that we cannot tell the acuracy of the materials. But the lecturer directly contradicted the statements, she said the website have two strategies to protect the orihinal entry.The first one is that the format is impossible for anyone to change the details, the other one is that they have editors to eliminate obvious unreliable changes.

Finally, it is mentioned in the lecture that we actually can tell what is important and what is not.Because the small size of traditional encyclopedias, readers cannot keep abreast with the  hot issues around the world. However, great varieties  of online encyclopedias can reflect the diversity of different kind of users. It can still represent the latest topics people talked about and everything is actually happening around us.

In the last few decades, a lot more new things has been invented and they are changing the way we live today. Many transportations such as airplanes, trains and subways are becoming to be the main methods for us to go somewhere. Also computers and Internets even affect us how to communicate with each others. All of these are obvious evidence that it should be easier and more comfortable for us than it was when our grandparents were young. However, I tend to disgree with this theory, and here is why.

Personally, I do believe that many new inventions have made our lives a lot more easier, but, in the meantime, there are also some problem afterwards. For example,due to the convenience that we can arrive somewhere faster, we tend to work far away from home. Thus, everyday we may spend almost three hours to go to company and home. We could have saved the time to be with our family, but we choose to make more money and become unfamiliar even distract from our love ones.

Someone would argue that today is information age and many people could talk and see each other even they have thousands of miles between them.It is true that Internets are the direct reason , but it is not to say that we should prefer this way to communicate. Today, many youngsters are more willing to keep the latest information about their friends on social website. In my view, we should go outside and talk with friends face to face more often. Sometimes severals old classmates go out to have dinner and talk about the latest news, but when the end, everyone play with their mobile phones and start to surf the Internet and send messages.It is those high technology products that made us living in a visual life over real life.

In a word, Although technology can make us easier to solve a lot of difficult problems, It also brings many disadvantages in our lives. When our grandparents were young, everyone seems to be really happy. If there is anything happen between them, they would sat down and talk about it so that every person can help to overcome the difficulties. Also because there is no too much temptations, they really enjoy their limited lives. They do not have worry about who bought a new car or who traveled abroad and shoping luxuries, they know what can make them happy, thus they may live a easier and more comfortable lives than we do.

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发表于 2012-10-10 23:02:32 |只看该作者
TPO7  今天的补上  累死了。。。

The lecturer talks about the possibility that US wood company may actually adopt new, ecocertifically friendly practices for three reasons, all of which are quite distinct from what is stated in the passage.

First,American consumers do distinguish from different advertisements.So it is quite convenient for agencies to pay eough attention to thh cocertification label. This directly contradicts the theory in the passage that American customers do not value this label and have little faith in advertising claims.

Moreover, It is true that American consumers are sensitive about price, but it only happens when the price is much higher or lower comparing other products. If the difference is less than five percent, they will be willling to buy ecocertified wood because American people have a great value on protecing the environment.

Finally, It is mentioned in the lecture that American wood companies pay close attention to their oversee competitors. Because if they are slow capturing the customers, their competitors may crowd in the US market and thus get a impressive market share if US wood company can not offer ecocertificated wood.

Nowadays, a great amount of children go to school to learn knowledge to solve their misunderstandings or confusions. So i think it is quite important for all of us to understand what is the exact ideas and concepts about different things.However I could hardly say that it has more importance over learning facts, because what we learned will somtime in the future be used in our actual daily lives, and facts are always quite distinct from the ideas and concepts due to theirs complicated changes.

Personally I do believe we should understand the basic ideas and concepts. The reason for this is simple, it is these easy and everyone-should-know things are the foundation of our understand of the world.Without understanding these, we may find it hard for us to communicate with each other and thus feel lost, but it is not to say that we could neglect facts. For example, in a chemical laboratory, many inavoidable accidents may cause the failure of the experient so the result does not match what is stated in the textbook.

Also, we should focus more on facts for the reason that it will probably give us new information. When the ideas and concepts are not in accordance with facts, it makes us think deeply about what is going on. In the meantime, it gives us the opportunity to challenge the traditional view, after evaluating from different angles thoroughly, we can tell whether it is our mistake or the idea is actually wrong. Both will make us more intelectual and have a better understanding of what we learned.

To sum up, I cannot  agree that understanding ideas and concepts is superior to learning facts. When it comes to the beginning, we could be persuaded that students should value those basic things. But in the long run, all we have learned will ultimately be used in reality, ideas and concepts can be modified or optimized. Facts, on the other hand, can not be denied.

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AUandNZ Award 烤鸭大厨 Golden Apple 美版守护者 寄托之心勋章 寄托与我 Aquarius水瓶座 寄托优秀版主 AW作文修改奖 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance GRE斩浪之魂 GRE守护之星 分享之阳 德意志之心 新加坡SG ADVISOR 新加坡SG ASSISTANT 新加坡SG APPLICANT 寄托兑换店纪念章 2015 US-applicant 寄托16周年纪念勋章 荣誉版主

发表于 2012-10-10 23:05:00 |只看该作者

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发表于 2012-10-11 21:23:35 |只看该作者

The lecturer talks about  the memoir of the Chevalier and it should be very reliable. What she said is quite distinct from what is stated in the passage.

First, loan does not mean that he was poor that time. This is because he  needs to sell his belongings first in order to get the money to gamble in Swizerland. When he ran out of cash, he should sell first and waited for the money arrived. This directly contradicts the theory in the passage.

Moreover, it is also mentioned in the lecture that he always wrote down the words after the conversation with Voltaire. Thus many years later, he uses this reference to write in the memoir. Besides it is also confirmed that he really refer this journel and notes in the memoir. This is another evidence challenge the statement in the passage.

Finally, passage says Chevalier had friends who could have offered a bride to get him out of prison. However, the lecturer says there were prisoners who had even more powerful friends but none of them are able to bride. The government documents also approved it. After the escaping of the prison, people had repaired the ceiling which means Chevalier once escaped the prison using the broken ceiling.

Television could be considered one of the most influential inverntion in the last several decades. The development of television increases rapidly both in the display and TV programme. Advertisement is also of great importance because company could benefit from it. However some advertisement  directed towards young children in a very little age, this should not be allowed.

Personally, I believe that children at this age can not even remember the advertisement after a very short time. Children are too young to build memory which will last long. For example, when having family reunion, children at two years old may just be able to talk. Children may say something nice to a person, but after several days they are probably forget every strange person. So television advertising to this age group of children is actually of little use, and it just wasted of money to do so.

Even if children do have an ability to remember, we should not permit this kind of advertisement to be played. This is because children are too young to distinguish the reliability of a product. We are adults now so we could discerned whether an advertisement is over exaggarated even lied to customers. But those two to five-aged children have just arrived this world and the world is much sophiscated than they imagined. They have no idea what a company would do to achieve high profit. Some market managers just take advantage of the innocence of young children, and present how their product can make childen happy. Their parents may notice there is something wrong, but children would cry or do not eat if their parents are reluctant to buy the product in the advertisement.

Examing what was mentioned above, we do have reason to disencourage television advertisement directed to young children. What we have tried to do is to protect our children from cheating and lying. When they grow up and have their own understanding of the world, they can  believe whatever they want to belive.

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发表于 2012-10-11 21:24:40 |只看该作者
秋雨荆州 发表于 2012-10-10 23:05


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发表于 2012-10-14 10:45:35 |只看该作者
TPO9 补前天

In the lecture, the speaker talked about three disadvantages of using hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine. What she said is quite distinct from what is stated in the passage.

First, we may not be too optimistic that hydrogen can be easily available. Because it should be first obtained in liquid state, and it is extremely difficult for us to produce and store hydrogen in that state. Besides,the cooling technology to sustain that cold matter is not that easy.

Moreover, hydrogen-based fuel cells, on the contrary, mau actually cause more pollution problems. This is because it needs sophiscated perification process. In order to perify the hydrogen, it will burn a number of coal and oil. Therefore, more world pollution will be generated which directly contradicts the theory in the passage.

Finally, fuel-cell engines will not be as competitive as the passage expected. The speaker said that it would cost a lot to produce hydrogen. The most important reason is that platium is considerable expensive to obtain. Without this material, the reaction for producing power will not undergo. Also, the speaker mentioned that we still have not found any less expensive materials to replace platium so far.

During the last several decades, a great number of inventions have made us lives much easier than before. Consequently, some people would argue children may not as creative as in the past. However, I tend to disagree with this opinion and here is why.

Personally, I think that problems our children faced is quite different today. For example, when our grandparents were children, they basiclly want to have enough food and wear enough cloths everyday so that they would not be starve and cold. They should be creative about how to obtain those basic needs of daily life. But children today, their main responsibilities are studing and having a strong body. Maybe their homework could be quite difficult so they must have a creative way to solve. Thus we can not say who are less creative since they have different thing to worry about.

Some people have an opinion that those high-tech products such as computers, calculators and even Internet has been dominating our children's lives. They do not need to spend a lot of time on homework if they cannot finish. All they need to do is to search the solution on the Internet, therefore, the intellegence of children will generally decrease so that they would be less creative. But on the contracy, I still believe our children can do much better. The reason for this is simple, because to search the most appropriate answer is not that easy. Many problems today are so difficult to solve that we could not even find it on the Internet. Young children can develop their creative thinking during searching the answer, they can gradually have their own view toward different things.

In a word, technology does not make children less creative. Technology can be an amazing tool for not only children but also everyone to be more open-minded and give us a much wider approach to think about this world.

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发表于 2012-10-14 16:17:02 |只看该作者
TPO10 补昨天

The lecturer talked about three aspects to reinforce the predation hypothesis, what she said is quite distinct from what is stated in the passage.

First, the pollution hypothesis is mostly weaken because there is no dead otter to be found along the coast. This is not expected by pollution hypothesis, however, it is quite consistant with the predation theory. Because the predator may have caused the reason why there is no dead sea otter on the shore.

Moreover, it is mentioned in the lecture that human has recentlt hunt many animals which are the main food of the orca. Therefore orcas have to change their diet to survive, they may begin to hunt other sea mammals such as seals, sea lions and also sea otters. This directly contradicts the theory in the passage.

Third, the uneven pattern of otter decline is better explained by the predation hypothesis. Different patterns of sea otter decline is related to the location. When the location is accessible by predators, the otters populations declined greatly. If predators cannot go to the places which is quite shallow, the populations remain  stable and did not decline.

Computer may be one of the most important inventions in last several decades, in the meantime the development of computer games has also increased quickly and greatly. Therefore, some people have the opinion that children should not be allowed to play compuer games because it is a waste of time. However, I cannot agree with this statement, and here is why.

Personally, I believe all of us should have our own time to relax ourselves especially children. Children today have much more homework or other assignments than before, so it is natural for them to play computer games for a little while to relax. There is an old saying that all work and no play make jack a dull boy. It is quite true because no one could focus on work or study all the time, we all need to find a way to refresh ourselves and get our energy back. Since playing computer games is probably the most easy way for children, we should give them a reasonable amount of time to play.

Some people would argue that many online computer games are so distracting that children cannot control themselves.  Since the images and exciting plots of the games are quite attractive, children are too young to have the ability to limit their time for playing games. But this cannot be the reason why we should forbid it, it is our adults responsibility to guide and educate children so that we can gradually understand what they should do and what should not do. Children may be too innocent about the world, they might be alluded by any fancy things they had never meet before. After having a better understanding of the computer games, they will know these games can only be one kind of entertainment in their lives.

In a word, sometimes playing computer games can really be a waste of time. When it comes to a small amount of time, it really does not matter if children want to play games one hour or two. But if we want to persuade children not to play them,  we should not simply deprive their rights to play. A much wiser approach we can do is to make children realize the nature of games and never ever get hooked on them.

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发表于 2012-10-14 21:24:07 |只看该作者
TPO11 今天的

The lecturer mainly talked about three different opnions to the unfortunate effects. What she said is quite distinct from what is stated in the passage.

First, it is mentioned in the lecture that besides literature, there are also other kinds of books can provide intellectual stimulation. Books about science fictions or business can be just as creative as literature, those books do stimulate our imagination. This directly contradicts the theory in the passage that nothing can be comparable to litereture.

Moreover, the lecturer said that there are plenty of new things can effect our culture. In the passage, spending time in other trivial forms instead of literature will lower the level of culture. However, the lecturer does not think so. She took music and movies as examples. Since the culture has changed, forms also changed. Others type of forms can actually enlighten us just like the literature did.

Finally, although the lecturer agreed that there is investegation in literature, she did not think we should blame readers, authors should take more responsibilities. This is because modern writers write books in a way that people can hardly understand. Thus the decline of reading literature should also be considered as the failure of the authors.

During the last several decades, the Internet is probably one of the greatest inventions around the world. Some people believe we can achieve many valuable information on the Internet, while others think it has also created many problems. Well, in my opnion, I would definitely agree with the former one, and here is why.

The most important thing is that people all over the world can share everything important on the Internet. Twenty first century is information age, everything is about how fast we can get what we want to know. For example, a company need some kind of material to build a bridge, and they post an advertisement on the Internet. It is easy to understand that whoever can notice this advertisement quickly will have a better opportunity to get the order of that material. The Internet can brings a lot more imformation if we have the ability to use it wisely.

Some people would argue that too many unneccessary or distracting imformation can lower the efficiency of our work, ultimately causes more problems. However, I would like to say that the Internet actually have solved more problems than created. If we can reasonably classify different information, it can be both easier and more efficient for us to use the Internet. After all, it is not the Internet but ourselves who has created those problems. What we should do is to set up rules to build a harmony Internet environment. Computer programmer should make the software more friendly-used, the Internet builder should delete non related imformation from time to time. Everything could be done to achieve a less complex Internet so that we can fell more comfortable when surfing the Internet.

In a word, I believe the Internet is always of more positive effect that negative one. Some people do have reasons to argue that the Internet is not that good, but it is our Internet users who has created these problems to ourselves. Think about the easiness the Internet offered, we should be thankful for it and do our best to better build a wonderful Internet world.

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发表于 2012-10-15 10:51:04 |只看该作者

The lecturer talked about three different opinions about whether the portrait is Jane Austen or not. What he said is quite distinct from what is stated in the passage, thus those evidences can hardly prove the theory.

First, although Austen's family permit the use of that portrait mentioned in the passage, they could not be sure. Because the permission happened seventy years later after Austen's death, her family who asserted the girl in the portrait was Austen may actually never see her before, so they could not know for certain.

Moreover, since Austen had a large family, it is possible that she had some relatives who could be resemble her. Many female relatives were teenage girls that time, also daughters of many parents are also teenagers. Some people recently argue that a distant niece of her relatives could be the person in the portrait.This directly contradicts the theory in the passage.

Finally, it is true that the style links to Humphrey, but Humphery did not sell his paintings untill Austen was twenty seven years old. The stack on the convass has proved this theory, it must be sometime later Humphery began selling his paintings in London, at the time Austen was older than the portrait.

Since the rapid development of knowledge in last several century, many new subjects have branched from the traditional subject trunk such as biochemistry, physical chemistry and so on. These subjects all interconnect with each other, so I would definitely agree that we should have broad knowledge of many different academic subjects.

Personally, I believe that nothing can be done if we just focus on our own domains of knowledge. For example, a physicist want to calculate the distance between two countries or evaluate the mass of a remote planet, he or she should also know something about geography to be sure about the different landscape, or chemistry to assert what made up of that planet and basic skills to do all the mathematics. Everything is related,therefore no one can be put aside and progress on their own without the help of other field of knowledge.

Some people would argue that if we really want to do something extrodinary, we should specialize in one particular subject. It is true that without a deep knowledge of one specific field we can not make some huge contribution, but it is not the only aspect to success. Steve Jobs once had a presentation on the Standford commencement, he said all of us should connect the dots in our lives. He used to study a wonderful course about the different type of letters, many years later it all came back to him when his group built the Macintosh computer. So if his group only specialize in computer, none of us can use so many different types of letter in our computer.

After evaluating what was mentioned above, we do have a reason be believe broad knowledge of a variety of academic subjects can help us have more ideas when doing our own jobs. Because we may never know what we learned today will somehow connect together in the future, and thus make it easier for us when having a hard time solving the problems we faced.

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发表于 2012-10-16 21:03:54 |只看该作者

Although the lecturer said it would have nagetive effects on fossils bought by private collectors, she thought the advantages would outweight the disadvantages. What she said is quite distinct from what is stated in the passage.

First, the passage says that private collectors are reluctant to expose their fossil, and thus leads to a decline in public interest. On the contrary, the lecturer said there would be more exposure not less. Because many fossils should be displayed in public so that people could purchase them. This directly contradicts the theory in the passage.

Moreover, it is mentioned in the lecture that every fossil need to be identified, and it is those scientists who are able to do all the tests and experiements on fossils. Therefore, more purchase of fossils means more of those would pass the hands of experts, and there would be not too much important imformation missed. So it is not the case in the passage that less fossils will be limited in those pivate collec

Third, it is said in the passage that commercial fossil collectors do not pay attention to the fossils in the ground and thus often destroy some valuable scientific evidence. However, the lecturer argued that many fossils discovered by experts are in the similar condition. More fossils discovered means more imformation we can get because the fossils would be destroyed anyway. Even they try to protect the fossils, the locations or surroundings will still be affected.

Now, there are over six billions people on the earth and the number will still increase for a long time. But people begin to live seperately with their parents or brothers and sisters. They have built their own families which means the number of people in a family is decreasing. So people tend to think maybe the extended family is of less importance than before. However I totally disagree with this statement and here is why.

Personally I believe that the extended family will always be our relatives no matter how far away we lived. For example, when a husband and a wife start a new life in a remote city, they will always feel good having a family reunion on a holiday. When Christmas, we feel so happy to see all members in our family and we can talk about everyone's new stories. Because we can see some people maybe only once in a year, thus there must be a lot of things to catch up. It is really important for us to get rid of everything in our lives to enjoy the happy moment with our families.

Some people would argue that maybe we never have the opportunity to know some distanct relatives so that there would  not be much to talk about. On the contrary, I think it is quite important to build some relationship between these people. This is because we can never know what will be brought in our lives if we know some people today. When chatting with the extended families, we would surprisingly find maybe someone we know are both a friend of our own and some family member's. So it may help us get to know each other much easier, also we can work or study together in the future.It is easy to understand that some relatives in another city are able to help us to get through some difficulties. Some remote uncle may have a job vacancy that you know someone could fill it. All of these would not happen if we do not build some relationships when we are able to do it.

In a word, as we move far from our original place, we may have more chance to know different people from all over the country. Consequently, I wholehearted agree that the importance of the extended family is much greater than it was in the past.

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发表于 2012-10-17 11:17:27 |只看该作者

The lecturer talked about three different opinions about the salvage logging, what she said is quite distinct from what is stated in the passage.

First, it is not neccessary to remove those dead trees. This is because it is just a natural process, and the decomposation will give a variety of nutrients to rich the soil which will do good to new trees generation in the future. Lack of these nutrientions is not good for tree growth which directly contradicts what is said in the passage.

Moreover, it is true that some harmful insects will have a suitable place to habitat, but the lecturer said there would be more benefits. Some trees have been decaying over one hundred years without costing too much damage. These dead trees are also suitable for many birds or insects because they can take advantage of dead trees. Forests will have more benefits than damage made  by harmful insects.

Finally, the influence on some wood industries is small and will not last for a long time. It is expensive to manufacture wood by using these dead trees. Besides, the opportunities of new jobs are limited because it is temporary. Many outside workers are better trained and of more experience than local residents are.

Since we have improved our living standards today, a lot more people are capable of traveling during their holidays or vacations. Many people hold an opinion that we do not need to go abroad because it would be better if we can benefit from our own countries. However, I tend to disagree with this statement and here is why.

Personally, I believe that travelling abroad can broaden our horizontals. Unlike those coutries such as USA, Canada and China, countries in euro have limited homeland thus they can not know something they did not know before because everywhere is the same. They all have same food and same language so they have no difference between them. Consequently, people may think they live in the best country in the world therefore they will never bother to make progress. Also traveling in our own country has little fun, this is because some countries has a short history thus not too many interesting places are worth visiting.

Some people would argue that we can get every imformation we want to know on the Internet so we do not need to really go to another country. On the contrary, I would like to say that there would be no misunderstandings if we can truly know some places just from radio, TV or Internet. Only by travelling abroad can give us a real surrounding of another country, we can experience on our own by talking with foreign residents and making friends with them. Different people may have different experience on the same country. It is just a reference to us, all we should do is to see it with our own eyes. It also helps us better understand different culture by travelling to a foreign country. Old opnions about another country can be exchanged so that we can know for sure what is really going on in another country. We can tell whether news in TV are true or just a way of making a fake appearence.

In a word, we should all believe that we can not limit us in our own country. After all, there are much more amazing things waited outside for us to discover. Travelling to a new country will always give us more exciting findings, then we can know what we did is not good enough so that we are able to work on it and make our country a better place to live.

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发表于 2012-10-17 15:17:44 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

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发表于 2012-10-17 16:23:17 |只看该作者
TPO15  明天的先写了

The lecturer talked about three aspects of the measures stated in the passage, and she totally disagreed with the proposal. She thought none of those reasons are reliable and gave her own opinions.

First, a national fence would not work at all. This is because it can not stop the spread young toads and toad eggs in river. The waterway can help them flow from one side to another, so a national fence can not effct the spread of these toads. This directly contradicts what is said in the passage.

Moreover, it is true that volunteers can help capture some of the cane toads, but the lecturer said young toads are quite similar with native frog, especially when cane toads are young. These untrained volunteers may unintentionally destroy natives frog because they can not tell the difference between cane toads and native frogs.

Third, using some kind of virus is also a bad idea. It is mentioned in the lecture that the virus will finally kill the cane toads in their original habitants. Because researchers or somebody else may take cane toads to transport from one continent to another. When virus reaches Central and South America, original native cane toads will be attacked and devastaed. They are a part of nature in those continents, once they are killed the whole ecosystem will suffer.

With the development of our society, children today have almost nothing to worry about. Unlike their grandparents, they do not have to do housework or try to make money when they are very young. The only thing they need to do is to study hard so that they can go to a fine college, their parents have done everything to protect young children including managing their own money. However I do not think it is a good idea, I think we should have a plan about what to do with our money no matter how young we are.

Personally I believe we can learn a lot from managing our money. For example, we can make a list of every single flow of cash out. By doing this,we may have a overall idea what exact money we spend in a fixed period of time. And then we will understand how much money we can save if we use it more widely, also we can plan how much money we can use in next period of time. Besides, we may save some money in the bank in case we need to use it when there is an emergency. Because we can never know what tomorrow is, if we are not caple of manging our money we will feel sorry when something happens.

Some people would argue that children at young age may not have a concept of what money is and thus there is little use for them to do so. It is true that maybe we should wait before they can actually control themselves, but it is not to say there would be any bad effects on children. When they are young, we can just give them a small amount of money so that there would not be too much cost if they use the money widely. In the process we can teach them how to manage their money, when they grow up we can give them more money so that they can do something meaningful to them. After all everyone will face the difficulty in their lives, we must be prepared when having trouble dealing with our financial conditions.

In a word, there are more educational meaning than harmful things for children to manage their money. If we want to become financially responsible adults, we should do it when we are young. Our parents can not always be our sides to do those things which are supposed to be done by ourselves. The ability of managing our money at young age will sometime in the future help us to get through difficult situation we may never expect.

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