本帖最后由 yafeiwang89 于 2019-1-18 06:55 编辑
The Indiana University ISE FAMES Lab
Although unprecedented on the level of individual nano-device fabrication, nanotechnology can often fail to
deliver a viable product on a macro-scale—the scale we live on. This is due to an absence of a uniform approach to scalability in quantity and an orderly integration of nanodevices into macroscopic matrices while keeping the individual addressability of each nanodevice.
Multimaterial fibers are an intuitive solution to this problem. The fiber-device cross-sectional features are
nanometric, they span the entire fiber length (sometime kilometers) bridging the Nano and the Macro realms.
Our newly formed Fibers & Additive Manufacturing Enabled Systems (FAMES) Lab focuses on revolutionizing
fiber devices and systems through an additive manufacturing approach. Rapidly developing, freeform
fabrication techniques enable monolithic packaging of semiconductors, metals, and insulators into the fiber
preform with a high degree of complexity, boosting the functional flexibility of the resulting fiber device. The
fiber preform—the scaled-up macroscopic replica of the final fiber—is then thermally drawn into a multi-
kilometer device in a viscous flow process. Taking a “Recursive Manufacturing” path, the fiber device itself is
later used as a feedstock for 3D printing of functional freeform structures, such as active biomimetic scaffolds,
health-monitoring biomedical implants, and neuro-cyber interfaces. Smart fabrics and nets of fiber devices are
promising for global environmental sensing as well as for general big data collection and communication
frameworks, such as the Internet of Things. Indiana University's advanced cyberinfrastructure, including
supercomputing systems, is used for the processing of the collected big data as well as for basic research of
fluid dynamics processes in the fiber device draw and post-processing.
Ph.D. Scholar qualifications
The eligible candidates should hold B.Sc., B.Eng., M.Sc., or M.Eng. degree in Applied Physics, Electrical,
Biomedical or Nano Engineering, or in another relevant discipline, and have a proven record of hands-on
experience in experimental research.
Application procedure
Please email the following materials to Prof. Alexander Gumennik, Director of ISE FAMES Lab
1. A complete Curriculum Vitae
2. Electronic copies of transcripts
Email: gumennik at iu dot edu
Lab website: fames dot indiana dot edu