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[i习作temp] Issue 48 ---酒香 Boris21 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-12-12 16:18:42 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 Boris21 于 2010-12-14 00:31 编辑

"The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."

Everyone living on this planet, no matter he is a king or a ordinary citizen, makes contribution to our civilization. Nonetheless, the most significant events and trends are inspired and led by exceptional few who foresee the future and obtain the wisdom. Although groups of people also do a lot to forward the history, they would not aware to do so without the enlightenment of some individual. So, it is reasonable for the historical study places more emphasis on them.

It is true that groups of people also make contribution. The relation between the famous few and the groups of people is just like the general and his soldiers. A general can win the battle for his ability to rule the troops. Every soldier struggles with the enemy, without which the general is only an old man who may not strong enough to hold the spear and surely easily be killed. The soldiers who fight in the river of blood, in the shadow of weapons, are risking their lives to defeat the rivals, but the history only remembers the general who only points the maps and watches the battle in telescopes. Undoubtedly, the troops` contribution is not insignificant.

However, the contributions of the groups are made because they are inspired by some individuals. the soldier will defeat the enemy only under the wise leadership of the general. A battle is not only the competition of the muscle and weapon of the soldiers, but also the minds and the resolutions of two generals. The occurrence of this battle is only caused by the conflicts between the two generals. Then who leads the trends of the history? And when the scholars are researching on this battle, to which should they pay the premier attention? The answer is obvious. Let us take scientific research as another example. A project in charge of a famous professor and many fellow workers also take a part in it. Everyone`s effort should be denied, but the most significant contribution is obviously made by the professor. When we admit that the groups of people`s contribution should not be ignored, the history always should remember the ones who lead the trends, in other word, the ones who join in the history and the ones who make this history.

As both groups of people and outstanding individuals forward the history, it is impossible for historians to remember all of them. Historians do research to find what happened in the pastwho played as the heroes of those scenes and try to depict a whole panorama of history. It is not only interesting, but also required. We commemorate the great figures and they deserve our admiration. Groups of people make them not alone and they guide us look ahead. The famous individuals play the key role. And the historian should write down the key events first.

In sum, the most significant events and trends are made by both groups and the individuals. The individuals are remembered because they led the groups of people to forward our history. But the later plays the leading role in this process. This explains why historical study pays more emphasis on them

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Issue 48 ---酒香 Boris21
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