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[i习作temp] issue 112处女作, 求改 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-3-21 00:17:37 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
issue 112处女作, 求改不到一个月就要考了,今天才开始慌,本来英语就很烂,求高人指教。如有互改小组看得上请联系,不胜感激!!112. "Some educational systemsemphasize the development of students' capacity for reasoning and logicalthinking, but students would benefit more from an education that also taughtthem to explore their own emotions."

    The speaker asserts that if we place more emphasis on exploration of students' emotions rather than on capacity of reasoning and logical thinking, students will more benefit from the educational system. While I agree with the speaker that nurturing students' emotions is important in every field, but to place more emphasis on every field indidtinctively is totally wrong, even very dangerous.
    I agree with the speaker insofar as undue emphasis on reason and logical thinking can have a chilling effect on the arts. After all, the artistic ideas and inspiration srping not from logic, but from emotion such as joy, sadness, hope, and love. And the true measure of aritscic accomplishment lies not in technical proficiency but rather in a work's impact on the emotions and spirit. (抄了一段范文,也不知道怎么回事,写的时候这句记得最清楚,为了不浪费时间还是写下来了,考试时不敢了)Nevertheless, even in the arts, logical thinking does not play no part. Consider, for example, a painter should aquire enough technical knowledge to arrange his or her painting to, at least, correspond with physical commen sense; an instrumentalist cannot know nothing about the working principle of his or her instrument; all artist should have ability to infer something from art history.
    Moreover, outside the academic realms, cultivating emotion is very useful, even urgent for our current society. Commen sense tells us that every one should be contributor of the society if he or she is kind-hearted, no matter his or her academic feat or intellect. Without kind emotion guiding a prominet mind the side effects might be more powerful than its contribution. Consider, for example, so many shool gun-shot events have occured in universities over the past few years. Some would argue that limiting ones crime should be attributed to functions of laws, and such field should be consider as logical and reasoning thinking. While I would like remind them that to punish a criminal should appeal to power of laws, but to construct a mind heart should depend on exporating emotion.
    On the other hand, all of our material civilization stems from those disiplines which predominated by logical and reasoning thinking, such as physics, biology, mathematics, etc.. We will get nothing if undue place more emphasis on exploration of emotions. At least, we need foodstaff to sustain, and the Super Hybrid Rice which solved billions of Chinese people's livelihood is not invented by an emotional mind, but from an reasonable agriculturist -- Yuan Longpin. Accordingly, we should place more emphasis on reasoning and logical thinking in this sort of discipline, but it does not mean emotion cultivating should be ignored.
    In sum, if have to choose mutually extinctively between emotion and logic to install it in the most important position, I do prefer emotion exporation because it garantees steady and secure developement of our society. However, none of them can be overlooked, and cannot assert which of them should put more emphasis on hastily. The final decision should strike a balance between the development of discipline and steady and secure of society.


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