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Rank: 3Rank: 3


2015 US-applicant

发表于 2015-10-9 12:25:32 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
acrimoniousadj. 刻薄的,充满仇恨的:caustic, biting,  or rancorous especially in feeling, language, or manner例:the acrimonious  debate between the two candidates 候选人之间言辞激烈的辩论
adventitiousadj. 外来的,后天的:coming from another  source and not inherent or innate
ambiguousadj. 含糊的,有多种理解方式的;不确定的:open to  more than one interpretation;doubtful or uncertain
    例: Students have ambiguous feelings about their role in the world.  学生们为他们在世界中的角色感到迷茫。
amorphousadj. 无固定形状的having no definite  form: shapeless
anomalousadj. 反常的,难以预料的:inconsistent with  or deviating from what is usual, normal, or expected :irregular , unusual
anonymousadj. 匿名的:not named or identified
arduousadj. 难以做到,费劲的:hard to accomplish  or achieve: difficult      例:a long and  arduous undertaking 一项长期艰苦的任务
assiduousadj. 勤勉的,专心仔细的:marked by careful  unremitting attention or persistent application; busy
atrociousadj. 极坏的,极其邪恶的,极其野蛮的:extremely  wicked, brutal, or cruel
audaciousadj. 大胆的,愚勇的:fearlessly, often  recklessly daring; bold      例: an  audacious plan 冒险的计划
barbarousadj. 野蛮的, 暴躁的, 粗野的:mercilessly  harsh or cruel
    adj. 没有教养的,不文明的:uncivilized.
boisterousadj. 喧嚷的、吵闹的:noisily  turbulent      例:a boisterous crowd  沸沸扬扬的人群
bumptiousadj. 专横傲慢的,自以为是的,盲目自夸的:  presumptuously and often noisily self-assertive
callousadj. 无同情心的, 冷漠的:emotionally  hardened; unfeeling      
    例:a callous indifference to the suffering of others 对他人的痛苦的漠不关心
    v 无情:to make or become callous.
censoriousadj. 挑剔指责的:highly critical.      例: censorious comment 尖刻的评论      
circuitousadj. 不直接的:not being forthright  or direct in language or action       例:a circuitous route 迂回的路线
commodiousadj. 宽敞舒适的comfortably or  conveniently spacious: roomy      例: a  commodious closet 宽敞的衣橱
conscientiousadj. 仔细的:meticulous;  careful      例: a conscientious  listener 非常认真的听者
conspicuousadj. 显而易见的:obvious to the eye or  mind,attracting attention      
    例:conspicuous changes 明显的变化;a conspicuous success 一项显著的成就
contagiousadj. 传染的:communicable by  contact: catching
contentiousadj. 引起争论的:likely to cause  contention;argumentative      例:a  contentious argument 引起争论的论证
contiguousadj. 接壤的:sharing an edge or  boundary; touching.      例:America’s 48  contiguous states 美国48个毗邻的州
contumaciousadj. 不服从的stubbornly  disobedient:rebellious
copiousadj. 丰富的,大量的:large in quantity;  abundant      
    例:a copious harvest 大丰收;copious rainfall 丰富的降水;take copious notes 记大量的笔记
covetousadj. 贪婪的,渴求的:marked by  inordinate desire for wealth or possessions or for another's  possessions例:cast covetous eyes on their neighbors’ fields 对他邻居的土地垂涎
credulousadj. 轻信的,易受骗的:disposed to  believe too readily; gullible       例:accused of swindling credulous investors 被控欺骗轻信的投资者
deleteriousadj. 有害的:harmful often in a  subtle or unexpected way      例:  deleterious to health 对健康有害的
dexterousadj. 双手灵巧的:skillful and  competent with the hands      例: a  dexterous surgeon 技术娴熟的外科医生
    adj. 头脑灵活的:mentally adroit and skillful: clever
diaphanousadj. 模糊的,非实在的:vague or  insubstantial      例: only a diaphanous  hope of success 只有一丝成功的希望
    adj. (质地精致得)几乎透明的:of such fine texture as to be transparent or  translucent      例:a diaphanous silk  veil 精致透明的丝绸面纱
dolorousadj. 忧伤的:causing, marked by, or  expressing misery or grief      例:He  lifted a pair of dolorous eyes. 他抬起了一双忧郁的眼睛。
dubiousadj. 充满不定性或怀疑的:giving rise to  uncertainty; questionable or suspect as to true nature or quality例:be dubious  about something 对某事持怀疑态度
euphoniousadj. 悦耳的:pleasing or agreeable  to the ear
extraneousadj. 无关的:having no  relevance
    adj. 非主要因素的:not forming an essential or vital part
facetiousadj. 喜欢开玩笑的,幽默的,轻浮的:joking or  jesting often inappropriately; not serious例:Stop being facetious! This is  serious. 别开玩笑了!这很严肃。
factiousadj. 好捣乱的;好搞派系的;源于派别的
factitiousadj. 人为的,人工的;不自然的;虚假的
fastidiousadj. 挑剔的,极仔细的,追求完美的:possessing  or displaying careful, meticulous attention to detail例:be fastidious about  personal hygiene and appearance 极其注意个人卫生和外表
fatuousadj. 愚笨的:complacently or inanely  foolish
ferrousadj. 铁的,含铁的:of, relating to, or  containing iron
fictitiousadj. 虚构的:of, relating to, or  characteristic of fiction       例:fictitious rumors 虚构的谣言
fortuitousadj. 偶然的,意外的;幸运的
fractiousadj. 易怒的;倔强的,难以对待的
frivolousadj. 轻率的:lacking in  seriousness
    adj. 不重要的:of little weight or importance
garrulousadj. 啰嗦的,话多得令人厌烦的:given to  excessive and often trivial or rambling talk; tiresomely talkative
glutinousadj. 胶状的,粘的:of the nature of or  resembling glue; sticky
gratuitousadj. 无根据的,无理由的:unnecessary or  unwarranted; unjustified
    adj. 无报酬的:given or granted without return or recompense; unearned
gregariousadj. 爱社交的:tending to associate  with others of one's kind
harmoniousadj. 协调一致的:having the parts  agreeably related: congruous
heinousadj. 可憎的,十恶不赦的:hatefully or  shockingly evil, abominable
hideousadj. 非常丑陋的:exceedingly ugly
hilariousadj. 非常好笑的:marked by or causing  hilarity: extremely funny
ignominiousadj. 可耻的;下流的
impecuniousadj. 贫穷的:lacking money;  penniless; poor   
imperiousadj. 傲慢的,专横的:arrogantly  domineering or overbearing      例: an  imperious manner/voice 傲慢的姿态或声音
imperviousadj. 不能被破坏的:not capable of being  damaged or harmed      例:a carpet  impervious to rough treatment 耐用的地毯
    adj. 不能渗透的: not allowing entrance or passage
impetuousadj. 冲动的,性急的,轻率的:characterized  by sudden and forceful energy or emotion; impulsive例: He is young and  impetuous. 他年轻易冲动。   
incongruousadj. 不协调的;不一致的;不和谐的
indigenousadj. 土产的,本地的:originating and  living or occurring naturally in an area or environment例:the indigenous  culture 当地的文化
    adj. 与生俱来的,先天的:innate, inborn
industriousadj. 勤勉的:constantly, regularly,  or habitually occupied: diligent
infelicitousadj. 不幸的,不高兴的:not happy;  unfortunate
    adj. 不适当的,不合时宜的:not appropriate or well-timed
ingeniousadj. 聪明的,有创造才能的:marked by  originality, resourcefulness, and cleverness in      conception or execution
ingenuousadj. 天真淳朴的:lacking in cunning,  guile, or worldliness; artless           
    adj. 坦白的:openly straightforward or frank; candid
innocuousadj. 不会引起敌意的:not likely to give  offense or to arouse strong feelings or hostility         
    adj. 无害的:producing no injury; harmless
insidiousadj. 阴险的;隐伏的;暗中为害的;狡猾的
invidiousadj. 惹人反感的:tending to cause  discontent, animosity, or envy
judiciousadj. 明智的,慎重的:having or  exhibiting sound judgment; prudent       例: a judicious choice 明智的抉择
lasciviousadj. 好色的;淫荡的;挑动情欲的
licentiousadj. 放荡的:lacking legal or moral  restraints
loquaciousadj. 过分多话的,非常健谈的:very talkative;  garrulous
lugubriousadj. (故作夸张的)悲哀的:mournful,  dismal, or gloomy, especially to an exaggerated or ludicrous degree例: his  lugubrious tear-stained face 他忧郁而带着泪痕的脸庞
lustrousadj. 有光泽的:having a sheen or glow
magnanimousadj. 宽宏大量的;有雅量的;宽大的
maliciousadj. 恶意的:given to, marked by, or  arising from malice, deliberately harmful
mellifluousadj. (曲调)优美的:smooth and sweet
mendaciousadj. 撒谎的,虚假的:lying;  untruthful      例: mendacious tales  about his adventures 关于他冒险的虚假传说
meticulousadj. 一丝不苟的;小心翼翼的;拘泥小节的
mischievousadj. 调皮的:playful in a naughty or  teasing way      例: a mischievous child  调皮的孩子
momentousadj. 极重要的of utmost importance;  of outstanding significance or consequence
nebulousadj. 模糊的indistinct, vague
nefariousadj. 邪恶的flagrantly wicked or  impious;evil
noxiousadj. 有害的,有毒的harmful to living  things; injurious to health
obliviousadj. 忽略的:lacking conscious  awareness; unmindful      
    例: He seemed oblivious to the fact that he had hurt her.他似乎并不在意他伤害了她.
    adj. 健忘的lacking all memory; forgetful
obsequiousadj. 谄媚的,奴性的marked by or  exhibiting a fawning attentiveness
obstreperousadj. 难驾驭的,任性的:stubbornly  resistant to control;unruly
officiousadj. 多管闲事的:volunteering one's  services where they are neither asked nor needed : meddlesome
ominousadj. 凶兆的:of or being an omen,  especially an evil one
onerousadj. 繁重的,麻烦的:troublesome or  oppressive; burdensome
opprobriousadj. 辱骂的expressing contemptuous  reproach; scornful or abusive           
    adj. 臭名昭著的, 值得辱骂的bringing disgrace; shameful or infamous      例:opprobrious conduct 值得辱骂的行为
ostentatiousadj. 炫耀卖弄的:marked by or fond of  conspicuous or vainglorious and sometimes pretentious display
penuriousadj. 吝啬的;缺乏的;贫困的
perniciousadj. 有害毒的;致命的:highly injurious  or destructive
perspicaciousadj. 极敏锐的:having or showing  penetrating mental discernment; clear-sighted
pertinaciousadj. 顽固的,固执地坚持的:stubbornly or  perversely persistent
pompousadj. 浮夸的:full of high-sounding  phrases; bombastic
ponderousadj. 笨重的:of very great  weight
    adj. 沉闷无聊的:oppressively or unpleasantly dull:lifeless      例:a ponderous prose 沉闷无聊的文章          Made By Jason & Franklin. This  Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without  Authorization.
porousadj. 多孔可渗透的:admitting the  passage of gas or liquid through pores or interstices
portentousadj. 不寻常的:full of unspecifiable  significance
precariousadj. 危险不稳定的:dangerously lacking  in security or stability       例:precarious footing on the ladder 梯子上不稳定的立足点
precipitousadj. 非常陡峭的:very steep,  perpendicular, or overhanging in rise or fall
precociousadj. 早熟的;过早发育的
preposterousadj. 荒谬的,不符合常理的:contrary to  nature, reason, or common sense; absurd      
presumptuousadj. 放肆的,冒昧的:overstepping due  bounds (as of propriety or courtesy) : taking liberties
prodigiousadj. 巨大的impressively great in  size, force, or extent; enormous
propitiousadj. 吉祥的,好心的favorably disposed:  benevolent
prosperousadj. 成功的,繁盛的having success;  flourishing     
pugnaciousadj. 好斗的,好战的
punctiliousadj. 注意细节的,一丝不苟的strictly  attentive to minute details of form in action or conduct.
pusillanimousadj. 懦弱的, 胆小得令人鄙视的lacking  courage and resolution : marked by contemptible timidity
querulousadj. 抱怨的,爱发牢骚的habitually  complaining
rambunctiousadj. 狂暴的  boisterous and disorderly
rapaciousadj. 过度贪婪的excessively grasping  or covetous
salubriousadj  . 有益健康的favorable to or promoting health or  well-being
sanctimoniousadj. 假装虔诚的hypocritically pious  or devout
scrupulousadj. 正直的having scruples;  principled
scurrilousadj. 说粗话的given to the use of  vulgar, coarse, or abusive language
sedulousadj. 坚忍不拔的,勤勉的involving or  accomplished with careful perseverance
sinuousadj. 迂回的not direct; devious
solicitousadj. 关心挂念的expressing care or  concern
speciousadj. 似是而非的having a false look of  truth or genuineness
spontaneousadj. 事先没有计划的produced without  being planted or without human labor
spuriousadj. 假的,伪造的lacking authenticity  or validity in essence or origin; not genuine; false
sumptuousadj. 豪华的,奢侈的extremely costly,  rich, luxurious, or magnificent
superciliousadj. 高傲的,傲慢的feeling or showing  haughty disdain
superfluousadj. 多余的,过剩的exceeding what is  sufficient or necessary:extra
surreptitiousadj. 偷偷摸摸的;保密的done, made, or  acquired by stealth
synchronousadj  同时期的,同相的having identical period and phase
synonymousadj. 同义的having the same or a  similar meaning
tediousadj. 冗长乏味的tiresome because of  length or dullness:boring
tempestuousadj. 暴乱的turbulent; stormy
tenaciousadj. 顽固的,不屈不挠的persistent in  maintaining something valued or habitual
tendentiousadj. 有偏见的marked by a tendency in  favor of a particular point of view:biased
tenuousadj. 没有实际内容的having little  substance; flimsy
timorousadj. 胆小的of a timid  disposition:fearful
tortuousadj. 转弯抹角的marked by devious or  indirect tactics: crooked, tricky
treacherousadj. 背叛的marked by betrayal of  fidelity, confidence, or trust
ubiquitousadj. 无所不在的,普通的being everywhere  at the same time
unctuousadj. 油质的fatty, oily
unpretentiousadj. 不炫耀的, 谦逊的free from  ostentation, elegance, or affectation
vacuousadj. 愚蠢的lacking intelligence;  stupid
veraciousadj. 诚实的truthful, honest
vicariousadj. 代理的,取代的performed or  suffered by one person as a substitute for another or to the benefit  oradvantage of another
viciousadj. 恶意的spiteful; malicious
vigorousadj. 精力旺盛的,健壮的strong, energetic,  and active in mind or body; robust
virtuousadj. 品德高尚的,正直的having or showing  virtue, especially moral excellence
viscousadj. 粘滞的,粘性viscid; sticky
vivaciousadj. 活泼的,快活的lively in temper,  conduct, or spirit:sprightly
vociferousadj. 喧哗的,大叫大嚷的making, given to,  or marked by noisy and vehement outcry
voluminousadj. 卷数多的,大量的,庞大的having great  volume, fullness, size, or number
voluptuousadj. 奢侈逸乐的,沉溺酒色的given to or  spent in enjoyments of luxury, pleasure, or sensual gratifications
voraciousadj. 有很大食欲的having a huge  appetite

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寄托兑换店纪念章 US-applicant 19周年勋章

发表于 2015-10-10 07:12:20 |只看该作者
abstemious abstentious acajous acarpous acaulous acephalous acerous acetous acidulous acinous acrimonious actinomycetous adenocarcinomatous adenomatous adipous adscititious adulterous aduncous advantageous adventitious adventurous aeneous agamous alacritous albuminous alliaceous allogamous altitudinous aluminous amadous ambidextrous ambiguous ambitious amentiferous amorous amorphous amphibious anachronous anadromous analogous anasarcous anatropous androgynous anemophilous anestrous anfractuous anginous angiomatous angiospermous angulous anhydrous anisogamous anomalous anonymous anserous anthophilous anthropophagous antireligious antituberculous antonymous anurous anxious apetalous aphthous apodous apogamous aposporous apterous aqueous aquiferous araceous arboreous arborous arduous arenaceous arenicolous arenous argentiferous argillaceous armigerous arsenious arsenous arsonous arteriovenous ascomycetous assiduous astomous asynchronous atheromatous atrabilious atrocious audacious auriferous aurous auspicious autocephalous autochthonous autoecious autogamous autogenous autologous autonomous autotomous avaricious awmous azygous barbarous basidiomycetous battailous bayous beauteous bibliolatrous bibulous bigamous bijous bijugous bilious bimanous biogenous biparous biramous bituminous blasphemous blusterous bodacious boisterous bonhomous boubous bounteous brachypterous brumous bulbous bullous bumptious burglarious burnous butyrous cachous cacophonous cadaverous caducous calamitous calcareous calcicolous calciferous calcifugous calculous caliginous callipygous callous calumnious camphoraceous campylotropous cancellous cancerous cankerous canorous cantankerous capacious capricious captious carbonaceous carboniferous carcajous carcinomatous caribous carious carnivorous cartilaginous caseous catadromous cataractous cautious cavernicolous cavernous cementitious censorious ceremonious cernuous cerous ceruminous cetaceous champertous chancrous chitinous chivalrous chlorophyllous chlorous chromous chylous chymous cinereous circuitous circumfluous cirrous citreous citrous clamorous clangorous cleistogamous cobaltous coccous coetaneous coleopterous collagenous collembolous collenchymatous commodious comous compendious complicitous compunctious condylomatous congenerous congous congruous coniferous consanguineous conscientious conscious consentaneous conspicuous contagious contemporaneous contemptuous contentious conterminous contiguous continuous contradictious contrarious contumacious contumelious copious coprophagous coprophilous coriaceous cormous corneous coterminous coumarous courageous courteous couscous covetous coypous crankous crapulous credulous cretinous cribrous criminous croupous cruciferous crustaceous cryptogamous cumbrous cumulous cupreous cupriferous cuprous curious curvaceous curvacious cutaneous cymous dangerous decapodous deciduous declivitous decorous deleterious delicious delirious dentulous desirous despiteous deuteranomalous devious dexterous dextrous diadelphous diadromous diamondiferous diaphanous diathermanous diatomaceous dichogamous dichotomous diclinous dicotyledonous didymous diecious diestrous digamous dimerous dimorphous dioecious dioicous dipterous disadvantageous disastrous discontinuous discourteous disharmonious disingenuous dispiteous disputatious dissentious distichous dizygous dolorous drupaceous dubious duplicitous duteous echinodermatous eczematous edacious edematous edentulous efficacious egregious elytrous emphysematous emulous enantiomorphous endogamous endogenous enginous enormous enterocoelous entomophagous entomophilous envious epigeous epigonous epigynous epiphanous epitheliomatous eponymous ericaceous erogenous erroneous erythematous estrous euphonious eurokous eurythermous exanthematous excrementitious exiguous eximious exogamous exogenous expeditious extemporaneous extraneous fabulous facetious factious factitious fallacious famous fantabulous farinaceous farraginous fashious fastidious fastuous fatuous felicitous felonious ferocious ferreous ferriferous ferrous ferruginous feverous fibromatous fibrous fictitious filamentous fissiparous fistulous flagitious flexuous flirtatious floriferous foliaceous folious foraminous fortuitous fossiliferous frabjous fractious frivolous froufrous fructuous frugivorous fucous fugacious fulgurous fuliginous fulvous fungous furious fuscous gallinaceous gallous gametogenous gamopetalous gangrenous garnetiferous garrulous gaseous gelatinous generous geosynchronous gibbous glabrous glamorous glamourous glaucous globous glorious glutenous glutinous gluttonous goitrous gorgeous gracious gramineous graminivorous granivorous granulomatous gratuitous gregarious grievous griseous grumous gummatous gummous gymnospermous gynandrous gypseous gypsiferous halogenous hamulous harmonious hazardous hebetudinous heinous heliolatrous hellacious hematogenous hematophagous hemimetabolous hemipterous hemizygous herbaceous herbivorous heterocystous heteroecious heterogamous heterogeneous heterogenous heterologous heteronomous heterophyllous heteropterous heterosporous heterozygous hideous hilarious holometabolous homogamous homogeneous homogenous homologous homonymous homophonous homopterous homosporous homozygous horrendous hugeous humongous humorous humungous hydrogenous hydrous hygrophilous hymenopterous hypercautious hyperconscious hyperfastidious hypogeous hypogynous ichorous ichthyophagous idolatrous idoneous igneous ignominious illustrious impecunious imperious impervious impetiginous impetuous impious imporous inauspicious incautious incestuous incommodious incongruous inconspicuous incredulous incurious indecorous indigenous industrious inefficacious infamous infectious infelicitous ingenious ingenuous inglorious inharmonious inhomogeneous iniquitous injudicious injurious innocuous innumerous insalubrious insectivorous insidious instantaneous interreligious intracutaneous intravenous invidious iodous irreligious isochronous isogamous isomorphous jealous joyous judicious kabeljous keratinous kinkajous laborious lacteous lactiferous laminous languorous lanuginous larcenous lascivious lecherous leguminous lepidopterous lepromatous leprous libellous libelous libidinous licentious lichenous ligamentous ligneous lipomatous litigious longevous loquacious lubricious lubricous luciferous ludicrous lugubrious luminiferous luminous lupous luscious lustrous luteous luxurious lymphomatous macropterous magnanimous malarious malicious malodorous manganous manitous marabous marvellous marvelous meandrous medicamentous melanous mellifluous melodious membranous mendacious meous mercurous meretricious meritorious mesophyllous metalliferous meticulous miaous micaceous microlepidopterous microphyllous microporous microsporous microvillous migrainous miraculous miscellaneous mischievous momentous monadelphous monecious monestrous monocotyledonous monoecious monogamous monogynous monophagous monotonous monstrous mountainous mucilaginous mucinous mucocutaneous mucous multifarious multiparous multireligious multitudinous murderous murmurous muticous mutinous mycetomatous mycetophagous mycophagous myelogenous myelomatous myomatous myrmecophilous mysterious myxedematous myxomatous nacreous nauseous nebulous necessitous necrophagous nectarous nefarious nervous neuropterous nickeliferous nidicolous nidifugous nimious niobous nitrogenous nitrous niveous nocuous nodous nodulous nonambiguous nonaqueous nonautonomous noncancerous nonconscious noncontagious noncontiguous noncontinuous nonferrous nonfilamentous nonfrivolous nongaseous nonglamorous nongregarious nonhazardous nonhomogeneous nonhomologous nonindigenous noninfectious nonleguminous nonluminous nonmonogamous nonnitrogenous nonnutritious nonobvious nonpoisonous nonporous nonreligious nonsensuous nonserious nonsimultaneous nonsynchronous nonunanimous nonvenomous nonviscous notorious nous noxious nubilous nulliparous numerous numinous nutritious oblivious obnoxious obsequious obstreperous obvious ocherous ochreous ochrous odious odoriferous odorous oestrous officious oleaginous oleoresinous oligophagous olivaceous ominous omnifarious omnivorous onerous oogamous opprobrious orchidaceous organophosphorous orgulous orthotropous osmious osmous osseous ostentatious outrageous overambitious overanxious overcautious overconscientious overconscious overcredulous overfastidious overgenerous overingenious overobvious overscrupulous overserious oversolicitous oversuspicious overzealous oviparous ovoviviparous ozonous pachydermatous palladous papilionaceous papillomatous pappous parenchymatous parlous paronymous parous parsimonious patulous pectinaceous pediculous pellagrous pendulous pentamerous penurious percutaneous perfidious perigynous perilous peritrichous perjurious pernicious perspicacious perspicuous pertinacious pervious pestiferous petalous petrous phosphorous phycomycetous phytophagous piceous pileous pilous pious piscivorous piteous platitudinous plenitudinous plenteous plumbous plunderous pluvious poaceous poisonous polyandrous polychotomous polyestrous polygamous polygynous polymorphous polyonymous polypetalous polyphagous polyphonous polypous polysemous polystichous pomaceous pompous ponderous populous porcelaneous porcellaneous porous portentous posthumous poyous precancerous precarious precious precipitous precocious preconscious predaceous predacious preposterous prestigious presumptuous pretentious previous primiparous prodigious prognathous prolegomenous promiscuous propitious prosperous proteinaceous pseudomorphous pseudonymous pseudoparenchymatous pugnacious pulchritudinous pulpous pumiceous punctilious pusillanimous pyritous quadrumanous querulous racemous rambunctious ramous rampageous ramulous rancorous rapacious rapturous raucous ravenous rebellious rectitudinous religious rendezvous repetitious resinous rhizomatous ridiculous righteous rigorous rimous riotous rivalrous robustious roisterous rosaceous rosinous rubious ructious rufous rugous ruinous rumbustious sabulous sacrilegious sagacious sajous salacious salubrious salutiferous sanctimonious sanguineous sanious sapajous saphenous saponaceous saporous saprophagous sarcomatous sarcous savorous saxicolous scabious scabrous scandalous scarious schizogonous scirrhous sclerenchymatous sclerous scoriaceous scrofulous scrumptious scrupulous scurrilous sebaceous seditious sedulous seleniferous selenous semiautonomous semiconscious semilustrous seminiferous semiprecious semireligious sensuous sententious sepalous sequacious serendipitous sericeous serious serotinous serous serpiginous setaceous setous setulous siliceous silicious simious simultaneous sinistrous sinuous slanderous slaughterous slumberous slumbrous socioreligious solanaceous solicitous sombrous somniferous sonorous soporiferous sorcerous sous spacious specious spermous sphagnous spinous spiritous spirituous splendiferous splendorous splendrous spontaneous sporogenous spumous spurious squamous stannous steatopygous stercoraceous stertorous stoloniferous stratous strenuous stridulous strumous struthious studious stupendous stuporous subaqueous subbituminous subconscious subcoriaceous subcutaneous suberous subreptitious subterraneous succedaneous sudoriferous sulfurous sulphureous sulphurous sumptuous superambitious supercautious supercilious superfluous superluxurious superstitious suppositious supposititious surreptitious suspicious susurrous sympetalous symphonious syncarpous synchronous synonymous talcous tautologous tedious temerarious tempestuous tenacious tendencious tendentious tendinous tendrilous tenebrious tenebrous tenuous terraqueous terricolous terrigenous testaceous tetradynamous tetramerous thallous theonomous thermophilous thous thunderous timeous timorous tinamous titaniferous titanous torous tortious tortuous torturous traitorous transcutaneous transpicuous trappous treacherous treasonous tremendous tremulous trichinous trichotomous trimerous triquetrous troublous tuberculous tuberous tubulous tufaceous tuffaceous tumorous tumulous tumultuous turacous typhous tyrannous ubiquitous ulcerous ultracautious ultrafastidious ultraglamorous ultrahazardous ultraserious umbelliferous umbrageous unadventurous unambiguous unambitious unanimous uncensorious unceremonious unchivalrous unconscious uncontentious uncourageous unctuous uncurious unenvious unfamous unfastidious unfossiliferous unfrivolous ungenerous unglamorous ungracious unhumorous unmalicious unmelodious unostentatious unpretentious unpropitious unprosperous unreligious unrighteous unscrupulous unserious unsuspicious untimeous uproarious uranous urinous usurious uveous uxorious vacuous vagarious vainglorious valorous vanadous vaporous various venomous venous venturous venulous veracious verdurous verisimilitudinous verminous vertiginous vexatious vicarious vicious vicissitudinous victorious vigorous villainous villous vinaceous vinous violaceous viperous viraginous virtuous viruliferous viscous vitreous vivacious viviparous vociferous voluminous voluptuous vomitous voracious vulturous wamefous wondrous xanthous xerophilous xylophagous zealous zincous zoophilous zygodactylous


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