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[活动] [进军美利坚作文组] 如是_ivy的作文 10月3日起用此版 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-11-3 11:00:01 |只看该作者
11.2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

For most of us, the first word we learnt to speak is "mom". Since parents and family are actually the first teachers for us, they have a deep influence on us. They teach us about what is good and bad. From them, we initially know about the appearance of the world. So someone may argue that they are the best teacher because we can learn from the stories they told us, the angers to us, the encouragements for us, in a word, the daily life with them. However, we still cannot be sure that they are the best teacher.

To begin with, admittedly, the parents can influence us by their behavior among the daily life. However, most people around can affect us as well. As an old Chinese motto goes, among any three fellows, it (there) must have someone we can learn from. Everyone's one word, one small behavior may totally change everyone's life. I still remember the words which Jason, a friend of mine, told me 3 years ago. "Don't take complaints as a habit." Whenever I felt down and was not satisfied with some disorder stuff, whenever I wanted to owe my failure to environment or others, these words would come into my mind and taught (teach) me not to complain anything, and just to try to do my best. Such kinds of example cannot be counted out during my twenty years. If parents can be the best teacher just for its influence during my life, then everyone ever teaches my something can also be my best teacher. If everyone can be the best, what the best teacher means then?

Besides, even our parents know more things than us in most circumstances, they may still make mistakes. So we just can treat them as our teachers on certain condition, but not as a simple best teacher covering all the aspects for us. It is without doubt that everyone has the experience of quarreling with their dads and moms. Just recall the situation of the quarrels. Is it us but not the parents who make the mistake? Do you have sometime that felt quite innocent? Have you ever been blamed just for some mistakes made by neighbor’s kids? I think everyone will have the same answer. Because our parents is just the parents instead of the God who will never be wrong. Maybe after the quarrel, we also can insist what we believe in. However, it is quite obvious that we cannot regard our parents as the best teacher then.

To sum up, even we quite respect our parents, even without them we cannot live healthily and well now, treating them as the best teachers is still a correct decision. Never respect someone as the best teachers and believe in them easily. Since what a large world is, teachers can be everyone we meet, and whoever you meet is just the ordinary people who will make mistakes.


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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-11-4 21:16:31 |只看该作者
11.4 It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?

As an old motto goes, never too old to learn. While whether we learn more from experience or from books is a question which has been discussed for a long time. Every coin has two aspects as this question. In my opinion, we should not just focus on this statement and ignore the educational situation day. Once separated from the circumstances in reality, any view will be meaningless. Maybe in the past period of China, students have concentrated on the textbooks too much. However, for the last two years in Wuhan University, I have clearly seen what we students lack more is the knowledge from our textbook and the classrooms.

Above of all, since Wuhan University is one of the universities which began to take the educational reform in China, it is filled with numerous activities. On this kind of background, students have learnt enough from the various activities and experience. Even to participating in some certain activities has become the ordinary official excuse to skip classes. When I was a freshman, I was a member in Students' Union. For the whole year, I only went to the professional class for just 5 times. Actually, compared with most classmates, I may have gained enough experience to cope with all kinds of companies and some quite complicated social relationships. Nonetheless, I have lost countless opportunities to get the systemic theory from books and classes. As a result, when being asked about some questions about my major, no matter what an excellent speaker I am, I cannot answer it self-confidently. My experience is just a kind of life for every common student in Wuhan University. Thus, to gain knowledge from books is more important.

Besides, even for the practical experience related to our major, we still must have certain professional knowledge from books as the foundation. On this summer vocation, I fortunately got the chance to go on a field trip to a procuratorate. While due to the reason I have stated in the last paragraph, to accomplish my task became quite difficult. I've met a large quantity of problems which I should have solved and understood from books and classes. After this field trip, I've learnt a lot of knowledge, such as how to indict a suspect, how to judge the evidences from the police, and so forth. While what I've learnt more is that the knowledge from books should always come first.

In a conclusion, based on my educational environment and the common situation of learning for the students here, gaining knowledge from books is more emergent and important. Otherwise, maybe most students in Wuhan Universities can be the talkative and optimistic one when hunting for the job. While we still may be the ones without enough profession knowledge. What a great tragedy is!

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-11-5 20:46:34 |只看该作者
As an old motto goes(好的表达), never too old to learn. While whether we learn more from experience or from books is a question which has been discussed for a long time. Every coin has two aspects as this question(收藏学习). In my opinion, we should not just focus on this statement and ignore the educational situation day(today). Once separated from the circumstances in reality, any view will be meaningless(好句子). Maybe in the past period of China, students have concentrated on the textbooks too much. However, for the last two years in Wuhan University, I have clearly seen what we students lack more is the knowledge from our textbook and the classrooms.& r7 S$ @# T$ _$ ~& t! \

+ K4 z- \4 L7 e# W3 T' wAbove of all, since Wuhan University is one of the universities which began to take the educational reform in China, it is filled with numerous activities. On this kind of background, students have learnt enough from the various activities and experience. Even to(是不是该删去to?) participating in some certain activities has become the ordinary official excuse to skip classes(好句子). When I was a freshman, I was a member in Students' Union. For the whole year, I only went to the professional class for just 5 times. Actually, compared with most classmates, I may have gained enough experience to cope with all kinds of companies and some quite complicated social relationships. Nonetheless, I have lost countless opportunities to get the systemic theory from books and classes. As a result, when being asked about some questions about my major, no matter what an excellent speaker I am, I cannot answer it self-confidently. My experience is just a kind of life for every common student in Wuhan University. Thus, to gain knowledge from books is more important.
- @1 f3 q9 ?& w* W! r# t& t4 R
3 o0 l0 ]9 H  T. C) e" ~$ I  t' m6 V3 v8 N
Besides, even for the practical experience related to our major, we still must have certain professional knowledge from books as the foundation. On this summer vocation(vacation), I fortunately got the chance to go on a field trip to a procuratorate. While due to the reason I have stated in the last paragraph, to accomplish my task became quite difficult. I've met a large quantity of problems which I should have solved and understood from books and classes. After this field trip, I've learnt a lot of knowledge, such as how to indict a suspect, how to judge the evidences from the police, and so forth. While what I've learnt more is that the knowledge from books should always come first.9 {0 \" q+ R% m1 [! }

% t8 ^; ~: ?3 }! Q/ }0 W% U' b" cIn a conclusion, based on my educational environment and the common situation of learning for the students here, gaining knowledge from books is more emergent and important. Otherwise, maybe most students in Wuhan Universities can be the talkative and optimistic one when hunting for the job. While we still may be the ones without enough profession knowledge. What a great tragedy is!


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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-11-7 13:43:06 |只看该作者
11.7 In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon.

Last summer, when I attended my grandpa's funeral, it was the first time I witness the leaving of my relatives. My grandpa was 80 years old when he left. Last week, the great scientist, Qian Xueseng, who is known as the father of atom bomb, also has left this world forever. He was 98 years old when leaving. According to a survey by Public Health Bureau, the average age for which ordinary people can live has broken through 70. It is obvious that people today can live longer than our ancestors. All of that should attribute to the following factors.

Above of all, we should not ignore the improvement of our medical treatment. It has been normal to hear the news that the scientists finally find some ways to cure the certain disease, such lung disease. And the cancer also has not been the incurable disease, which means the death penalty for the patients before. Ten years ago, my father has diagnosed with cancer. While through twice surgery, he is very healthy today like any ordinary people. Even during the anxiety of the H1N1 flu, we also can see more and more patients being cured and returning their own position. Since the improvement of medical treatment beat all kinds of terrible diseases, we can enjoy our happy life longer than before.

In addition, the continuous advancement of living condition also plays a crucial role for it. Just recall the 3-year disaster happened from 1969 to 1971 in China. Most people in China suffered from the starvation during these three years. And countless ones died from the hunger. My aunt used to not eat anything from a long time, just for setting the limited food aside for her sisters and brothers. It is quite fortunate to be able to see her living healthy today. While the advancements in agriculture and the resistances to the natural disaster have totally changed this serious situation. Even for the rare flood in 1998 and the extreme drought last year in China, we have overcome them successfully. The example like Maya civilization, which disappeared just for 7-year drought, should never happen today. Without any doubt, we can survive from and stand more serious disasters now. Thus, we naturally can live longer than people before.

To conclusion, thanks to the improvement for medical and living condition, we can stay with our parents longer, can share happiness and sorrow with our friends longer, can get more time and chances to pursue what we keen on, and, in a word, can enjoy our life.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8


IBT Zeal Cancer巨蟹座

发表于 2009-11-9 20:45:23 |只看该作者
Last summer, when I attended my grandpa's funeral, it was the first time I witness the leaving of my relatives. My grandpa was 80 years old when he left. (i feel sorry about that..and my grandma is the same age with your grandpa still alive..庆幸..表达下感情没不好的意思哈) Last week, the great scientist, Qian Xueseng,英文的应该姓在后面吧 who is known as the father of atom bomb, also has left-->passed away at age of 98 this world forever. He was 98 years old when leaving. According to a survey by Public Health Bureau, the average age for which ordinary people can live has broken through 70. It is obvious that people today can live longer than our ancestors. All of that should attribute to the following factors.

Above of all, we should not ignore the improvement of our medical treatment. It has been normal to hear the news that the scientists finally find some ways to cure the certain disease, such lung disease. And the cancer also has not been the incurable disease, which means the death penalty for the patients before. Ten years ago, my father has diagnosed with cancer..???really!!!??. While through twice surgery, he is very healthy today like any ordinary people.-->he is recovered and has a healthy physics again after two surgeries. Even during the anxiety of the H1N1 flu, we also can see more and more patients being cured and returning their own positions. Since the improvement of medical treatment beat all kinds of terrible diseases, we can enjoy our happy life longer than before.

In addition, the continuous advancement of living condition also plays a crucial role for it. Just recall the 3 year disaster happened from 1969 to 1971 in China. Most people in China suffered from the starvation during these three years. And countless ones died from the hunger-->famine. My aunt used to not-->not to eat anything from-->for a long time, just for setting the limited food aside for her sisters and brothers. It is quite fortunate to be able to see her living healthy today. While the advancements in agriculture and the resistances to the natural disaster have totally changed this serious situation. Even for the rare flood in 1998 and the extreme drought last year in China, we have overcome them successfully. The example like Maya civilization, which disappeared just for 7-year drought,(玛雅王朝的灭亡不一定是这个) should never happen today. Without any doubt, we can survive from and stand more serious disasters now. Thus, we naturally can live longer than people before 这段写的比上个好,结构清晰紧密

onclusion, thanks to-->due to the improvement for-->of medical and living condition, we can stay with our parents longer, can share happiness and sorrow with our friends longer, can get more time and chances to pursue what we keen on, and, in a word, can enjoy our life. 后面的地方不很合适, 寿命貌似不跟父母,朋友分享有关. 而且上文中也没提到.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-1-26 17:45:03 |只看该作者
~~o(>_<)o ~~

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


荣誉版主 寄托与我 IBT Zeal Sagittarius射手座

发表于 2010-7-8 09:51:04 |只看该作者
15# larcwing

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