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Rank: 4



发表于 2009-11-28 11:37:04 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 i2000s 于 2009-11-28 11:40 编辑

b a d 245 c
7:10-7:55, 8:58-9:19
Hi, Matthew. I'm glad you can come in today. You've been observing Mr Grabell's third-grade class for your approaches to education paper, right?
Hmm...yes. I go over to Johnson's elemental school. You know, to watch Mr Grabell teach the children in class. It's been amassing. I mean, I'm learning so much from just watching him. I'm so glad the classroom observations are a requirement for education program. I mean it's like the best thing ever to prepare you to be a good teacher.
Well. I'm glad to say you feel that way, Matthew. You know, that's the goal. So, I've been reading over your observation notes and I'm quite interested in what's going on in particular with this astronomy unit he's been teaching.
The astronomy unit?
It seems Mr Grabell has mastered the interdisciplinary approach to teaching. The way he's been talking about in class.
Oh. Ok. Yeah, so like when he was teaching them astronomy? He didn't just teach the names of the planets, he used that way to teach mythology.
Really! So how did he do that?
Well. Some of the students could already know the name of the planets, but they didn't know that name has any meaning--the story behind them.
So, he...
He introduced Greek and Roman mythology as a way as explaining. Like, you know, how like Jupiter is the biggest planet, right? And how Jupiter was the name of the king of Gods in Roman mythology, right? So since Jupiter, the planet, is the largest planet in the sonar system, it's like the king of planets, like Jupiter was the king of all the Gods.
Oh. Matthew. That's a great example.
Yeah. And each student chose a planet and then did research to write a report and make a presentation. They went to the library to do the research. Then they made presentation about the planet they chose.
So, in one science unite, in which the focus are astronomy, the students also learned about literature of Greek and Roman mythology, used research skills in a library, wrote a report and practiced their oral presentation skills.
Exactly. He used this one topic to teach third-grades all that stuff--how to use books in a(不是the吧) library, to write reports and even how to speak in public, plus he had a great time doing it.
You know, Matthew, this is just what we've been talking about in our class. I'm sure everyone can learn something from your experience. You know, Matthew, I'd like you to talk about this astronomy unit in class on Wednesday.
Really? Uh...’Cause I don't really think I’ll have any time to write my paper by then.
Oh. You won't need to write anything new just yet. For Wednesday, use your class observation notes and explain the things we’ve discussed today.
Ok. That sounds all right.
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Queen’s U手册完成第一版。

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-11-28 18:44:16 |只看该作者
Listen to part of lecture in an archeology class
Ok, we've been  talking about earlier agriculture in the near east, so let's concentrated on one site, and see what we can learn from it.Let's OK(?)(look at) CatalhoYuk, en, I bet(?)(I'd better) write that down. Catahoyoke, that's about this(as) closes (as) we get in English. It's Turkish, really. The sites in modern day Turkey and who knows what the original habitants called it. Anyway, Catalhoyuk wasn't the first agriculture settlement in the near east, but  it was pretty early, settled about 9,000 years ago in the neolithic period. And em.. the settlement, em.. town, really, lasted about (a) thousand years, and grew to a size of about eight or ten thousand people. That really(certainly) makes it one of the largest towns in the world (at) that time.

One of the things that makes the settlement of this size impressive is the time period. It's the neolithic, remember, the late stone age, so the people that lived there had only stone tools, no metals. So everything they complished(acomplished), like building this town, they did was(with) just stone. plus wood, breaks(?)(bricks), that sort of thing. But you gotta remember that it wasn't just any stone they had, they had obsidian. And obsidian is a black, volcanic, well, almost like glass. It flakes very nicely into really sharp points. The sharp is the(sharpest) tools of the entire stone age were made of obsidian. And the people of Catalhoyuk got there's from they are England(theirs from further inland), from central Turkey. Traded for it, probably.

Anyway what I wanna focus on is the way the town was build(built). The houses were all rectangular one storey made of some(sun) dried brakes(?)(bricks). But what's really interesting is that there are no spaces between them. No streets another words. And so generally no doors on the houses either. People walked arround on the roofs, and entered the house through the hatchway on the roof, downed(down a) wooden ladder. You can still see the diagnol marks of the ladders in the plust(?)(plaster,石膏,灰泥) on the inside walls. Once you were in the house, there would be one main room, and (a) couple of small rooms for storage. The main room had the harse(?)(hearths,壁炉) for cooking and for heat, it would've been pretty cold in(during) the winters. And it also looks like they made of(their) tools near the fire. There tends to be a lot of obsidian flakes and chips in the hard's(?)(hearth) ashes. But no chimney. The smoke just ran(went) out the same hatchway that people used for going out and in themselves. So there would have been an open fire inside the house, with only one hole in the roof to let the smoke out. You and I would (have) founded a bit too smoky in there. You can see on the walls, which the plus did(?)(they plastered) and decorated with paintings, they ended up with a layer of black cittern(?)(soot) on them. And so did people's lungs. The bones found in the graves, show a layer of (soot on the) inside of the ribs. And that's another unusual feature of Catalhoyuk. The burial sites. The graves have all been found under the houses, right under the floors, and (it) maybe this burial custom that explains why the houses were pacted so tightly without streets. I mean, you might think it was for protection for(or) something, but there's been no evidence found yet of any violent attack what(that) indicate that kind of danger. It maybe there one of(they wanted to) live nears(as) possible to their ancestor's graves. And be buried near (them) themselves. But it makes a good point.

Based on next divitions(excavations,出土文物), we can know the layout of the houses and location of the graves, but we're only guessing, when we try(tried) to say why they did that way. That's the way it is the(with) acheology. You're doing(dealing) with the physical remains the people laugh(?)(left) behind. We have no short(sure) access to what they thought and how they felt about things, I mean, it's interesting the(to) speculate, and the physical artifacts give some(us) clues. But there's a lot we can't really know. So, for instance, the(their) art, they painted on the plused(plasted) walls, and usually they painted hunting things(scenes) with wild animals in them. Now they did hunt, and they also raise serioul(?)(cereal,谷类) crops and kept sheep. But we don't know why so many of the paintings observe(are of) hunting things(scenes), was it supposed to have religions or magical significance? That's the kind of thing we can only guess at, based on clues. And hopefully, for the escevation(?)(futher excavation) of Catalhoyuk, we're use(?)(well yield) more clues, but we'll probably never know for sure.

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Rank: 1

发表于 2009-11-28 20:52:03 |只看该作者
Archeology class
Ok, we’ve been talking about early argucultureàagriculture in Newrousàthe near east. So let’s concentrate on one sideàsite and see what we can learn from it. Let’s okàlook at Catalhoyuk, I’d better write that down. Cataculhoyyuk, that’s about the clothesàas close as we get in Engilsh. It’s turkeishàTurkey really. they saysàThe sites in morden day turleyàTurkey and who knows what the original inhabitants called it. Anyway, Catalhoyuk wasn’t the first algricultureàagricultural settlement in the nearestànear east, but it’ was pretty early, settled about 9000 years ago in the Neolithic period. And the settlement, town really, lasted about a thoudsand years and grew to a size of about 8 or 10 thound people. That makes it one of the largest towns in the world at that time.

One of the things make the settlement of this size impressive is the time period. It’s the Neolithic, remember, the late stone age. So the people that leavedàlived there only had stone tools, no metals. So everything they accomplished, like building this town, they did with just stone, plus wood, breaksàbricks, that sort of thing. But you got to remember that it wasn’t just any stone they had, they had obsidian. And uh, obsidian is a black vocanic, well almost like glass. It flacksàflakes very nicely into very sharp points. The sharpest tools of the entire Stone Age made of obsidian. And the people of Cataholyuk got theirs from further inland, from centrial turkey, traded for it properbalyàprobably.

Anyway, what I wanna focus on is the way the town was built. The houses are all right tangularàrectangular and one storyàstorey(楼层) made sun dright àdried bricks. But what’s really interesting is that there are no spaces between them, no streets in other words, and so generally no doors on the houses either. People walked around on the roofs and entered the house through a hatchway天花板出入口 on the roof down the wooden ladder. You can still see the diagonal marks of the ladders in the plaster on the inside walls. Once you were in the house, there would be one main room and a couple of small rooms for storage. The main room had the hashàhearths炉子, for cooking and for heat. It would be pretty cold during the winters. And it also looks like they made tools near the fire. theiràThere tends to be a lot of obsidian flacksàflakes and chips in the ash asheetsàhearth ashes, but no chimney. The smoke just went out the same hatchway that people used for going in and out themsleves. So there would have been an open fire inside the house with only one hole in the roof to let the smoke out. You and I would have found it a bit too smoky in there. You can see on the walls, which they plastered and decorated the paintings. They and the black layer certain on them àended up with a layer of black soot(烟尘) on them, and so did people’s lungthàungs. The bones found in the graves showed a layer of suitàsoot on the inside of the ripesàribs. And that’s another unusual feature of Cataholyuk, the beralàburial sites. The grapesàgraves have all been found under the houses, right under the floors. And it maybe this beralàburial custom that explains why the houses were pattedàpacked in so tightly without strightsàstreets. I mean, you might think it’s for protection or something, but there’s no evidence found yet of any violantàviolent attack that would indicate that kind of danger. It maybe they wanted to live as near as possible to their ancestors’ graves and be berayedàburied near them themselves. But it makes a good point.

Based on next devisionsàexcavations, we can know the layeràlayout设计 of the houses and the location of the graves, but we are only guessing when we tried to say why they did it that way. TheàThat’s the way it is with archeology. You are dealing with physical remains andàthat people left behind. We have no sure access to what they thought and how they felt about things. I mean it’s interesting to speculate. And the physical artifacts can give us clues, but there is a lot we cannnot really know. So, for instance, their art. Their instantàpainted on the plastered walls and usually they painted hunting scenes with wild animals in them. Now they did hunt and they also raised seriousàcereal crops they achieveàand kept sheep, but we don’t know why so many of the paintings andàare of hunting scenes. Was it supposed to have religious or magical significance? That’s the kind of thing we can only guess and base on the clus. And hopefully, further excurvation of Catahlyuk foràwill yeild more clus. But we’ll probably never know for sure.
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荣誉版主 寄托与我 IBT Zeal Sagittarius射手座

发表于 2009-11-28 22:26:27 |只看该作者
11月28日 来自03
TPO 1L 4

Hi Mathew, I’m glad you can come in today. You’ve been observing Mr.Grable’s third-grade class for your approached to education paper, right?
Hummm, yes. I go over the Johnson Elementary School, you know, watch Mr.Grable teach the children in class. It’s been amazing, I mean, I’m just learning so much from just watching him. I’m so glad the classroom observations are a requirement for the education program. I mean it’s like the best thing ever to prepare you to be a good teacher.
Well, I’m glad to see you feel that way, Mathew. You know, that’s the goal. So, I’ve been reading over your observation notes and I’m quite interested in what’s going on, in particular what’s the astronomy unit he’s been teaching.
The astronomy unit?
It seems that Mr.Grable has mastered the interdisciplinary approach to teaching---the way we’ve been talking about in class.
Oh! Ok, yeah, so like when he was teaching them asteronomy, he didn’t just teach them the names of the planets, he used it as a way to teach mythology.
Really? So, how did he do that?
Well, some of the students could already name the planets, but they didn’t know that the names had any meaning----the stories behind them.
So, he----
He introduced Greek and Roman mythology as a way of explaining. Like, you know, how like Jupiter’s the biggest planet, right, and how Jupiter was the name of the king of the gods in Romam mythology, right? So since Jupiter, the planet, is the largest planet in our solar system, it’s like the king of the planets, like Jupiter was the king of all the gods.
Oh, Mathew, that’s a great example.
Yeah! And each student chose a planet and then did research on it to write a report and make a presentation they chose.
So, in one science unit, in which the facus was astronomy, the students also learned about the literature of Greek and Roman mythology, used research skills in the library, wrote a report and praciced their oral presentation skills.
Exactly! He used this one topic to teach third-grades all that stuff---how to use the books in the library, to write reports, and even how to speak in public. Plus they had a great time doing it.
You know, Mathew, this is just what we’ve been talking about in our class. I’m sure everyone can learn something from your experience. You know, Mathew, I’d love you to talk about this astronomy unit in class on Wednesday.
Really? Hummm....’cause I don’t really think I’ll have any time to write my paper by then.
Oh, you won’t need to write anything new just yet. For Wednesday, use your class observation notes and explain the things we’ve discussed today.
Ok, that sounds all right.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-11-29 10:18:46 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 莘梓 于 2009-11-29 10:20 编辑

For today’s discussion, we’ll review the case study on how some animals have behaviorally adapted to their environments. Now you had now read about two animal species, the Eastern Marmot and the Olympic Marmot. Marmots are rodents. Their large ground gorws(squirrels), about the size of an average house cat. and they live a variety of habitats. And know(even though) they spend significant portion of the year habiniating(hibernating). According to this case study, marmots are still considered excellent subjects for animal behavioral studies. Why is that?
S: Well, when they are not habernating(hibernating), you can find they in open areas, and they are pretty active during the day, which makes them easy to observe, right?
Uhhu, so first let’s discuss the Eastern Marmots. They were less to(reside) through out in the eastern region of North America with(where there is) a temprate climate. The growing season last for these(at least) five months of the year, which is when they do for order(all their) mating, playing and eating.
S: Oh, I see. At first, I wasn’t sure what growing season meant. Just from the readng, now I get it. It’s the amount of time it takes for them to grow, right? So it would be five months?
Oh, I’m sorry, but no. It has nothing to do with that. It is not about the time it takes for eastern marmot to grow. It’s when the food is available, that is, when it’s not covered in snow and there’s no fos(frost) covering the grass. And vegetated(vegetative) parts of a plants(plant’s herbs) and the flowers that the marmot like to eat. So growing season refers to the availability of the food they eat, OK? So now, how would you describe the eastern marmots social habits?
S: Well, they really territorial and loners and just so agreesive even with aother eastern marmots. And their mating recholls(rituals)仪式 just so impersonal.
Uhhg? Now when they mergen(emerge) in the spring from hibernation, the mating progress begins. For them, well, they come toghter to mate and then they go to seprate ways. Then about 6 to 8 weeks after birth, the offsprings leave their mothers.
S: Really? just 6 weeks? Is it possible for the offsprings to make it on their own so young?
Well, it is not that(as if) they are(aren’t) ready for the real worlds, because they are. Remember, they mature quickly and what is(the weather’s) nice. Also they live open fields with(where there’s) lots of edible可食用的 vagetation. So rapidly(roughly) 6 weeks after birth, eastern marmots are just old enough to take their chances of surviving in the temperate environment. So how’s it(does that) realated to the behavior?
S: Oh, I get it. Since the climate is not too bad, the eastern marmot don’t have to rely on each other too much. And they even don’t have to stay toghter as a family to survive either.
Uhhg? On the contract, the Olympic marmots, what about them?
S: Well, they live toghter as a family and take care of the young until they are 2 years old, they are really friendly with each other, and What I really like is that they even have greating(greeting)问候 ceremonies. And they are not all aggressive and territorial like the eastern marmots. So their social behaviors so different from eastern marmots because the climates what they live? That seems so bezar(bizarre).
Well, the Olympic marmots have a(inhabit) middles(meadows) high in the Olympic mountains where the whether conditions are much harsher. So there’s a lot more wind and snow. The growing season only last about 2 to 3 months. So in that much shorter period of time, all the Olympic marmots, male and female, eat, play, work and take(nurture) the young toghter, because the climate is so harsh, coorperation increases the survivial rate of Olympic marmots. They keep their young at home until they are physically able to survive on their own. This could explain why the behavior of Olympic marmots is so unlikely that of eastern marmots.
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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-11-29 12:01:29 |只看该作者
11月29日,听写 TPO1.6

For today's discussion, we'll review the case study on how some animals have behavioraly(behaviorally 拼写) adapt(adapted) to the(their) environment(enviornments). Now you you had to read about two animal species, the Eastern Marmot, and the Olympic Marmot. Marmots are rodens(rodents 啮齿类动物), they are large ground skwirls(squirrels 没听出来是松鼠), about the size of an average house cat, and they live in a varioty(variety) of habitats. And, even though they spend the significant portion of the year hibernating, according to this case study, marmot are still considered excalent(excellent 竟然这个也不会拼,汗) subject(subjects) for animal behavioral studies, why is that?

Well, when they are not hibernating, you can find them in open areas,and they are pretty active during the day, which makes them easy toobserve, right?

Uh-ha. So, first let's disscuss the Eastern Marmots. They authorize well(reside throughout 听了十遍也没听出来) the eastern region of north america, where there is a temperary(temperate) climate, where the growing season lasts for at least five months a(of the) year, which is when they do all their mating, playing, and eating.

Oh, I see, at first I wasn't sure what growing season meant, just from the reading, but now I get it, it's the amount time that(it) takes for them to grow, right? So it'd be... five months?

Uhm, oh, I'm sorry, but no, it has nothing to do with that. It's not about the time that it takes for Eastern Marmots to grow, it's when the food is avialable, that is, when it's not covered in snow, and there is no fruss(frost) cover
in(covering) the grass, and Umm, vegetative parts of Uh,(a) plants, urbes(plant's herbs), and flower(the flowers) that(the) marmot(marmots) like to eat. So, growing season refers to the avialability(availability 又是一个极低级错误) of the food they eat, OK? So, now, how would you discribe(describe) the eastern marmot's social habits?

Well, they are really teritorial(territorial), and loners, and... just so agressive(aggressive), even with other eastern marmots, and their mating ritual is just so... inpersonal(impersonal).

Uh-ha, now when they imerge in the spring from hibernation, the mating process begins. Fow(For 呃,键盘操作也算问题) them, well, they come together to mate, and then they go their seperate(separate) ways, then about 6 or 8 weeks after birth, their offspring leave their mothers.

Really? Just six weeks? Is it possible for the offspring to make it on their own so young?

Well, it's not as if they aren't ready for the really(real)world, course, they are. Remember, they mature quickly, and the weatheris nice. Also they live in open fields, where there is lots of egible(edible 可食用的) vegetation. So, roughly six weeks after birth, eastern marmots are just old enough to take their chances of surviving in the tempered invironment(temperate environment). So, how does this relate to their behavior?

Oh, I get it, since the climate is not too bad, eastern marmots don'thave to rely on each other too much, and they really don't need to staytogether as a family to survive, either.

Uh-ha, and in contrase(contrast), the Olympic Marmots, what about them?

Well, they live together as a family, and take care of their younguntil they are at least two years old. They are really friendly witheach other, and what I really like is that they even have greetingceremonies, and they are not at all agressive(aggressive) in teritorial(territorial) like the Eastern Marmots. So, Umm, their social behaviors(behavior is) so different from Eastern Marmots, because of the climate where they live? that seem(seems) so bizzar(bizarre).

Well, the Olympic Marmots in heavy(inhabit 这个词,见到了认识,但听到了就反应不过来,用就更不会了) meadows in high in the Olympic mountains, where the weather condition is(conditions are) much harsher, so there are(is)a lot more wind and snow, the growing season only lasts about 2 to 3months. So in that much shorter period of time, all the OlympicMartots, male and female, eat, work, play, and nurcher(nurture 养育) the young together, because the climate is so harsh, cooreration(cooperation)increases the survival rate of the Olympic Marmots. They keep theiryoung at home until they are physically able to survive on their own,this could explain why the social behavior of the Olympic Marmots is sounlike that of the Eastern Marmots.

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发表于 2009-11-29 16:14:35 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 i2000s 于 2009-11-29 16:16 编辑

31# i2000s

TPO1-5 lecture
b a(b) cd(a) a(c) a bc(e)d
Ok. We've been talking about earlyagriculture in the near east, so let's concentrate on one sitdeand see what we can learn from it. Let's look at catalhoyuk...uh...I'd betterwrite thatit down.Catalhoyuk--that's about theas close asswe get in English. It's Turkish, really. The sight'tesin modern dayTurkey, and who knows what the original habitants called it. Anyway...uh...catalhoyuk wasn't the first agriculture of settlementsin the near east, butit was pretty early, settled about nine thousand years ago in the Neolithicperiod. And…hmmm… thesettlement, a town really, lasted aboutthousand years and groupedew to asize of about eight or ten thousandpeople. That certainabsolutelymakes it one of the largest towns in theworld at that time.
One of the things that makesthe settlement of this size impressive is the time period. It's the Neolithic,remember, t? Thelate stone age. So the people that lived there had only stone tools, no metals.So everything they accomplished, like buildingthis town, they did with just stone, plus wood, briocks...thatsort of thing. But you've got to remember that it wasn't just any stone theyhad, they had obsidian. And …umm…obsidianis a black, volcanic, well, almost like glass. Its flack'sreally nicely andintoreally sharp points. The sharpest tools of entire stone age were made ofobsidian. And...uh...the people of catalhoyuk got thereirsfrom further inland from center Turkey, traded for it, probably.
Anyway, what I wannat tofocus on is the way the town was built. The houses were all rectangular, one storey madeof sun -driedybriocks.But what's really interesting is that there are no spaces between them--nostreet, in other words, and so generally, no doors on the houses either. ///
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Queen’s U手册完成第一版。

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-11-29 19:33:50 |只看该作者
Listen to part of lecture in a biology class
For today’s disscution(disscussion), we will review case studies (study) on some animals (have) behaviorly(behaviorally) adapted to the environments(environments). now you have to read about two speices(species), the eastern marmot and olympic marmot. Marmots are rodents. Their(they are) large grouds grows(ground squirrels) about the size of aborcus(an average house这块儿有点儿玄幻) cat and they live in the a variety habitats. And even though they spend a significant portion of the year hibernating, according to this case study, marmots are still considered excellent subject (subjests) in(for) animal behavior studies. Why is that?  

Well, when they are not hibernating, you can find them in open areas and they are pretty active during the day, which makes them easy to observe right? Uha, so first let’s discuss the eastern marmots. They reside throughout the eastern region of America, where (there) is the temperate climate. Where the grow season lasts for at least five months a year. Which is when they do all their mating, plan (playing) and eating.

Oh I see ,at first I was not sure what the grown season meant. Just from the reading but now I get it. It’s amount of time to (it) take (for) them to grow right? So it will be five months? Ha? Oh, I’m sorry but no. It has nothing to do with that. It’s not (about) the time it takes each (eastern) marmot to grow. It’s when the food is available. That is when it’s not covered by (in) snow and there is no frost covering the grass and the vegetated (vegetative) parts of the (a) plants (plant’s) urbs (herbs) and flowers marmots like to eat. So the growing season refers to the availability of food they eat. Ok ? now how would you explain eastern marmots social habits?

Well, they are really territorial and loners and so aggressive even with other eastern marmots. And their mating ritual is so impersonal.  

Now when they emergen (emerge) from spring hibernation. The mating process begins. For them, well, they come together to mate and (then) they go to separate ways. Then about six weeks after their birth, the offspring leave their mothers. Really? Just six weeks? Is that possible for the offspring to make it on their own? so young? Well it’s not if (as if) they are ready for the real world. Because they are. Remember, they mature quickly and the whether is nice. Also they live in open fields when (where) there are lots of available vegetation. So roughly six weeks after birth, eastern marmots are just old enough to take chances of surviving in the temperate enviornment (environment). So, how is this related to their behavior? Oh, I get it, since the climate is not too bad. Eastern marmot don’s have to relie (rely) on each other too much. And they don’t need to stick (stay) together to survive either. Any contrast, the olympic marmot? Well, they live together as a family and take care of their young untill (until they are) at least two years old. They’re really friendly with each other. And what I really like, that they even have greeting ceremonis (ceremonies). And they are not at all aggressive and territorial like eastern marmots. So their social behaviors are so different from eastern marmets because (of) the climate where they live? That seems so bizzard (bizarre). Well the olympic marmots in habits middles (meadows) high in olympic mountains where the weather conditions are much harsher. So there are lot more wind and snow. The growing season only lasts 2-3 months. So in that much shorter pireod (period) of time all the olympic marmots male and female eat, play and mature the young together. Because the climate is so harsh, corporation (cooperation) increases the survival rate of olympic marmots. They keep their young at home until they are phisically (physically) able to survive on their own. This would explain why the social behavior of olympic marmots is so unlike that of eastern marmots.
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发表于 2009-11-29 20:13:37 |只看该作者


listen to the part of the lecture in the biology class.

For todays discussion, well review the case study on how some animals behaviorally adapted to their environments. Now, you had to read about 2 animals species: the eastern marmot and the Olympic marmot.

The marmot rodents, they are large ground squirrels, about the size of an average house cat and they living variety of habitats. And even though they spend the significant portion of the year hibernating. According to this case study, marmots are still considered excellent subjects for animal behavioral. Why is that?

Well, when they are not hibernating, you can find them in open areas. and they are pretty active during the day, which makes them easy to observe, right?

w: Uh-ha, so first let's discuss the eastern marmots, they reside throughout the eastern region of north American there is a temperate climate, where the growing season lasts for at least 5 mouths of the year, which is when they do all their mating playing and eating.

m: Oh I see, at first I wasnt sure what growing season meant, just for the reading.

But now I get it. It is the amount of time, it takes for them to grow, right? so it would be 5 mouths?

w: oh, I'm sorry, but no. it has nothing to do with that. It is not about the time takes for eastern marmots to grow. It's when the food is available ,that is when it is not covered in snow and there is no frost covering the grass and vegetative parts of a plants herbs and the flowers that marmots like to eat, so growing season refers to the availability of the food they eat, OK? SO, now, how would you describe the eastern marmots the social habits

Wellthere is the territorial, and lonerand just so aggressive even with other eastern marmots and their mating ritual is just so impersonal.

Uh-ha? Now they emerge in the spring for hibernation, the mating process begins. For them, well, they come together to make and then they go to the separate ways. Then about 6 to 8 weeks after birth, the offspring leave their mothers.

Really? Just 6 weeks? It that possible for the offspring to make it on their owns so young?

well, it's not if they arent ready for the real world, because they are. Remember, they mature quickly and weather is nice. also they live in open fields where there is lots of edible vegetation. So roughly 6 weeks after birth, eastern marmots are just old enough to take their chances of surviving and temperate environment. So how does this relative behavior?

Oh, i get it. Since the climates not too bad, the eastern marmots dont have to rely on each other to much, and they really don't need to stay together as a family to survive either.

Uh-ha, any contrast the olympic marmots ,what about them?

well, they live together as a family and take care of the young until they are at least 2 years old. They are really friendly with each other and what i really like is that they even have greeting ceremonies. and they are not at all the aggressive
territorial like eastern marmots. So their social behavior is so different from the eastern marmot because of the climate where they live?

That's seem to so bizarre.

Well, the olympic marmots inhabit meadows high in the Olympic mountains where the weather conditions are much harsher. So there is a lot more wind and snow. The growing seasons only lasts about 2 to 3 mouths. So in that much shorter poried of time, all the olympic marmots, male and female, eat play work and nurture young together. Because the climate is so harsh, cooperating increases the survival rate of the olympic marmots. They keep their young at home until they are physically able to survive on their own.

This could explain why the social behavior of the olympic marmots is so unlike that on that of the eastern marmots.

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发表于 2009-11-30 12:10:03 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lanyouno2 于 2009-11-30 12:49 编辑

a biology class4 c" N. z3 [% V" ~" d
For today’s disscussion, we will review on case study on some animals have behaviored(behaviorally) adapted to the environments.Now you had to read about two species, the eastern marmot and olympic marmot. Marmots are rootens(rodents). they are  a large grounds grows(ground quirrels) about the size of an average house cat and they live in the a variety habitats. And even though they spend a significant portion of the year hybernating(hibernating), according to this case study, marmots are still considered excellent subjests in for animal behavior studies. Why is that?  
Q& W" {! T7 y3 K  j

S(Student): Well, when they are not hibernating(下同), you can find them in open areas and they put it (are  pretty) active during the day, which makes them easy to observe, right?

P(Professor):Uha, so first let’s discuss the eastern marmots. They reside throughout the eastern region of America, where there is the temperate climate. Where the grow season lasts for at least five months a year. Which is when they do all their mating, playing and eating.

S : Oh I see ,at first I was not sure what the grown season meant. Just from the reading but now I get it. It’s amount of time to (it) takes (for them) to grow right? So it will be five months? Ha? Oh, I’m sorry but no. It has nothing to do with that. It’s not about the time it takes eastern marmot to grow. It’s when the food is available. That is when it’s not covered by in snow and there is no frost covering the grass and the vegetative parts of a plant’s herbs and flowers marmots like to eat. So the growing season refers to the availability of food they eat. Ok ? now how would you explain eastern marmots social habits?

Well, they are really teritorial(territorrial) and loners(longers) and so aggressive even with other eastern marmots. And their mating ritual is so impersonal.

Now when they emerge from spring hibernation. The mating process begins. For them, well, they come together to mate and then they go to separate ways. Then about 6 weeks after their birth, the offspring leave their mothers. Really? Just six weeks? Is that possible for the offspring to make it on their own so young?

Well it’s not as if they are ready for the real world. Because they are. Remember, they mature quickly and the whether is nice. Also they live in open fields where there are lots of available vegetation. So roughly six weeks after birth, eastern marmots are just old enough to take chances of surviving in the temperate environment. So, how is this related to their behavior? Oh, I get it, since the climate is not too bad. Eastern marmot don’s have to rely on each other too much. And they don’t need to stay together to survive either. Any contrast, the olympic marmot? Well, they live together as a family and take care of their young until they are at least two years old. They’re really friendly with each other. And what I really like, that they even have greeding(greeting) ceremonies. And they are not at all aggressive and territorial like eastern marmots. So their social behaviors are so different from eastern marmets because of the climate where they live? That seems so bezzard (bizarre). Well the olympic marmots in habits middles (meadows) high in olympic mountains where the weather conditions are much harsher. So there are lot more wind and snow. The growing season only lasts 2 to 3 months. So in that much shorter pireod (period) of time all the olympic marmots male and female eat, play and mature the young together. Because the climate is so harsh, cooperation increases the survival rates of olympic marmots. They keep their young at home until they are physically able to survive on their own. This would explain why the social behavior of olympic marmots it is so unlike that of eastern marmots.

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发表于 2009-11-30 16:54:19 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 名字是个词儿 于 2009-11-30 16:55 编辑

Listen to a conversation between a student and a receptionest[receptionist] at the registral[registrar's] office on the first day of a semester.
Excuse me, I'm supposed to be having my physics class in the science building, but no one is in the classroom. Could you tell me where the class is? Physics 403, has it been moved?
Well, there is a room assignment sheet on the bullion[bulletin] board outside this office.
Yeah, I know, but my class isn't listed there, there must be some kind of mistake or something. Could you look it up, please?
Hmm, OK, let me check on the computer. It's physics, right? Wait, did you say physics 403?
Well, I'm sorry, but it says here that it was canceled[cancelled]. You should have got a[note] letter from the registral[registrar's] office about this.
What? I[I've] never got it.
Are you sure? Cause it says on this computer that the letter was sent out to students a week ago.
Really? I should've got it by now. I wonder if I threw it away with all the junk mail by mistake.
Well, it does happen. Uh, let me check something, what's your name?
Woodhouse, Laura Woodhouse.
Ok, Umm, Woodhouse, let me see. All right[Ah], it says here we sent it to your appartment on Center Street.
Oh, that's my old appartment, I moved out of there a little while ago.
Well, and I suppose you havn't changed your mailling adress at the administration office? Well, that would explain it.
Yeah, I guess that's it. But how can they cancel a[the] class after offering it? If I'd known this was gonna happen, I'd have taken it last semester.
I know, it's really inconveniont[inconvenient] for you, I understand that, but if we don't have enough students sign up for the course, the college can't offer it, you know, it's pracical[practical] issue, like we can't have an instructor when there are only a few student in the class. You see what I mean?
I guess, but now I don't know what course I should take instead.
OK, let's see, do you have any courses you were[are] gonna take, say next semester? If you do, you might wanna take them now, and sign up for physics 403 next semester.
Yeah, I guess I could do that, I just hope it won't be canceled[cancelled] again. Do you know how many people have to be enrolled in order to keep a course[class] from being canceled?
Well, it depends on the class, but for that class, you have to have, Ahh, let's see, usually it'd be at least ten people, but since it was canceled[cancelled] this semester, they might even do it with less. But do you know what you should do? Give the physics department a call a couple of weeks before the semester start[starts], they'll be able to tell you if they are planning to go through with it, it's their dicession[decision], actually.
Oh, OK, I'll do that. Thanks for the info.
No problem, sorry about the class, Oh, why don't you go change your mail adress now? It'll only take a minute.
Oh, sure, I'll do that right away.

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荣誉版主 寄托与我 IBT Zeal Sagittarius射手座

发表于 2009-11-30 18:13:35 |只看该作者

TPO 1 L 6
For today’s discussion, we’ll review the case study on how some animals have behaviorally adapted to their environments. Now you had to read about two animal species, the Eastern marmot and the Olympic marmot. Marmots are rodents. They are large goound squirrels, about the size of an average house car. And they live in a variety of habitats. And even though they spend the significant portion of the year hibernating, according to this case study, marmots are still considered excellent subjects for animal behacioral studies. Why is that?
Well, when they are not hibernating, you can find them in open areas. And they are pretty active during the day, which makes them easy to oberve, right?
So first let’s discuss the Eastern marmots. They reside throughout the eastern region of North America where there is a temperate climate, where the growning season lasts for at last five months of the year, which is when they do all their mating, playing and eating.
Oh, I see. At first I wasn’t sure what growing season meant, just from the reading. But now I get it. It’s the amount of time it takes for them to grow, right? Si it would be five moths?
Umm? Oh, uh.....I’m sorry but no. It has nothing to do with that. It’s not about the time it takes fir Eastern marmots to grow. It’s when the food is available. That is when it’s not covered in snow and there is no frost covering the grass and, umm, vegetative parts of a plant’s herbs and the flowers the marmots like to eat. So growing season refers to the availability of the food they eat, OK? So now how would you describe the Eastern marmots’ social habits?
Well, they are really territorial, and loners, and just so aggressive even with other Eastern marmots. And their mating ritual is just so impersonal.
Uh-ha? Now when they emerge in the spring from hivernation, the mating process begins. For them, well, they come together to mate and then they go their separate ways. Then about six to eight weeks after birth, the offspring leave their mothers.
Really? Just six weeks? Is that possible for the offspring to make it on their own so young?
Well, it’s not as if they arem’t ready fot the real world because they are. Remenber, they mature quickly and the weather’s nice. Also they live in open fields where there is lots of edible vegetation. So roughly six weeks after birth, Eastern marmots are just old enough to take their chances of surviving in the temperate environment. So how does this relate to their behavior?
Oh, I get it. Since the climate’s not too bad, the Eastern marmots don’t have to rely on each other too much and they rally don’t need to stay together as a family to survive either.
Un-ha. Any contrast, the Olympic marmots? What about them?
Well, they live together as a family and take care of their young until they are at least two years old. They’re rally friendly with each other. And what I really like is that they even have greeting ceremonies. And they are not at all aggressive and territorial like the Eastern marmots. So their social behavior is so diffrent from Eastern marmots because of the climate where they live? That seems so bizarre.
Well, the Olympic marmots inhabit meadows high in the Olymoic Mountians where the weather conditions are much harsher. So there is a lot more wind and snow. The growing season only lasts about two to three months. So in that much shorter period of time, all the Olympic marmots, male and female, eat, play, work and nurture the young together, Becsuse the climate is si harsh, cooperation increases the survival rate of the Olympic marmots. They keep their young at home until they ate phsically able to survive on their own. This could explain why the social behavior of the Olymoic marmots id so unlike that of the Eastern marmots.l
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荣誉版主 寄托与我 Sagittarius射手座 Golden Apple

发表于 2009-11-30 19:16:22 |只看该作者
N7 K, H" R  [
Excuse me, I'm supposed to be having my physics class in the science building, but no one is in the classroom. Could you tell me where the class is? Physics 4or3(403), has it been moved?
Well, there is a room assignment sheet on the (bulletin) board outside this office. 1 P& S% h2 R' k7 B0 l! a4 }
Yeah, I know, but my class isn't listed there, there must be some kind of mistake or something. Could you look it up, please?5 q  z3 D1 R  Q) k8 W& e$ {
Hmm, OK, let me check on the computer. It's physics, right? Wait, did you say physics 4or3(403)? 1 m6 q, M) D& v0 }4 H8 z% L) y# L
Yeah. ( [' ]! l$ V$ G) I
Well, I'm sorry, but it says here that it was cancelled. You should have got a(note) letter from the registral(registrar's)office about this.
What? I(I've) never got it.
Are you sure? Cause it says on this computer that the letter was sent out to students a week ago.; j3 @3 b" P+ d0 B+ ^; @8 u/ k3 {
Really? I should've got it by now. I wonder if I threw it away with all the (junk) mail by mistake.9 d4 u; G" ]7 P; z
Well, it does happen. Uh, let me check sth, what's your name?4 r2 r) U( l: M. e8 ^$ l& x. w  u: e
Ok, Umm, WH, let me see. All right,it says here we sent it to your appartment on Center Street.' ^5 O& n  z+ e
Oh, that's my old appartment, I moved out of there a little while ago.0 x$ E) c9 M2 ^0 q2 }$ m4 N5 V
Well, and I suppose you havn't changed your mailling adress at the administration office? Well, that would explain it.& r2 B" J" V) C
Yeah, I guess that's it. But how can they cancel the class after offering it? If I'd known this was gonna happen, I'd have taken it last semester.' Z0 A3 W( f* r/ a/ v% ]6 J* s
I know, it's really inconvenient for you, I understand that, but if we don't have enough students sign up for the course, the college can't offer it, you know, it's practical issue, like we can't have an instructor when there are only a few student in the class. You see what I mean?8 u: k, P: X2 A  [$ K
I guess, but now I don't know what course I should take instead. 6 T, Q. U2 k9 ]: Y! q
OK, let's see, do you have any courses you are gonna take, say next semester? If you do, you might wanna take them now, and sign up for physics 4or3(403) next semester.
Yeah, I guess I could do that, I just hope it won't be cancelled again. Do you know how many people have to be enrolled in order to keep a course(class) from being canceled?
Well, it depends on the class, but for that class, you have to have, Ahh, let's see, usually it'd be at least 10 people, but since it was cancelled this semester, they might even do it with less. But do you know what you should do? Give the physics department a call a couple of weeks before the semester start(starts), they'll be able to tell you if they are planning to go through with it, it's their decision, actually.  x8 Z" N0 C- G+ L
Oh, OK, I'll do that. Thanks for the info. 4 |$ Y* v* O2 p9 f: m) L  F
No problem, sorry about the class, Oh, why don't you go change your mail adress now? It'll only take a minute.
Oh, sure, I'll do that right away.

有些单词还是没听出来。。特别是wanna,gonna 就没写对过
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发表于 2009-12-1 10:48:24 |只看该作者
Listen to a part of lecture in the environmental class
Now we have been talking about the loss of animal habitat from housing developments. Um, growing cities, small habitats losses. But today we are going to discuss what happen when habitats is reduced across the area. There are animals species require large habitats and some migrate very long distance. So, what’s impact habitats loss in those animals, animals that need large habitats. Well, I will use hummingbird as example. Well, you know hummingbird is amazingly small, but even it is really tiny it migrate very long distances. Travel up and down the western hemisphere, the Americas. Back and force between it breeds in the summer and warmer climates where it spent the winter. So, we will say the whole area, the migrate area is the habitat. Because in the so long distance, it need to come down to feed, sleep, very so often, right?
Well, the hummingbird beats its wings get this about 3000 times per minute. So you think, wow! It must need a lot of energy, lot of food, right? Yes, it does, it drinks a lot of nectar in the flower and feeds from insect. But its energy efficient too, you can’t say it, isn’t. I mean, as flying across the Mexico Gulf, using all most none of its body fat. But it doesn’t mean it don’t need to eat. So hummingbird must rely on plants, nature in their habitats. The goes without saying, well, the opposite is true as well, plants depend on hummingbird too. There are some flowers can only be pollinated by hummingbird, without it stopping to feed and spread pollen from flowers to flowers, these flowers cease to exist. But, there is problem. As nature habitat along this migration rout developed by human for housing or agriculture or clear for raising cattle for instance. There is less food available to migrate hummingbirds. Their nesting sets are affected too, the same by the same sorts of human activities. And all these activities post a real threat to hummingbirds’ population. So to help them to survive, we need preserve the habitats. And, one of the concrete ways people have been doing this is by clearing up the polluted habitat areas. Um, replanting flowers, replanting native flowers that hummingbirds feed on. Promoting ecological tourism is another way to help saving their habitats. As the number of visitors, the eco-tourists who have come by the watching hummingbirds habitats, the more the visitors grow the more local business profit. So, ecological tourism can provide rewards, all more reasons to value these beautiful little creature’s habitats, right? But to understand more about how to protect them to support these hummingbirds the best we can? We’ve got to learn more about how they breeding, nesting set, migrating route and habitats we found there. That’s help us determine how to prevent further decline in their population. A good research method a good way to learn more is way to run a banding study. Banding the birds allow us to track their life time. It is practice have been used for years. In fact, what we know about hummingbirds coming from banding studies, where we capture hummingbird, about all its information, its weight, age and length. All of information putting into the international information databases. Then we change extremely lightweight on its legs. Well, it’s look like a leg, technically it considered as a part of foot. Anyway, these banding are perfect safe, some hummingbirds worn it for a years and no evidence show there are problems. The band with tracking number, oh, there is a phone number on band for people to call, for free, to report the band they found or recapture. So, when the abandon birds have been recaptured or reported, we know its route, grow, how life it have been alive, its life-span. One recaptured hummingbird is 12 years, she is one the oldest hummingbird have been recorded. Another interesting thing we have learned is that, some hummingbirds they no longer use a certain route. They travel by different routes to reach their destination. Finding these like these have been interested by biologists and environmental scientists in numbers of countries who try to understand how complexities changes in habitats affect species in it.

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发表于 2009-12-1 10:49:13 |只看该作者
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