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本帖最后由 名字是个词儿 于 2010-1-9 18:33 编辑
TPO 10-3
Listen to part of a lecture in a European historyclass.
Sowould it surprise you to learn that many of the foods that we today consider traditionalEuropean dishes, that their key ingredients were not even known in Europe untilquite recently, until the Europeans started trading with the native peoples inNorth and South America?(12. 主旨题) Imean, well, you are probably aware that the America’s provided Europe, andAsia, with foods like squash 美国南瓜, beans, turkey, peanuts, but what about all those Italian tomatosauses[sauces], humgariengurush, or my favorite,French fries, those yummy fried potatos[potatoes]?
Wait, I mean I knew potatoes were from…where,South America?
South America, yeah, the Andis[Andes] Mountains.
But you’re saying tomatoes, too? I just assumedsince they are used in so many Italian dishes.
No, like potatoes, tomatoes grew wild inthe Andes, although unlike potatoes, they weren’t originally cultivated there.That seems to have occurred first in Central America. And even then, the tomatodoesn’t appear to have been very important as a food plant, until the Europeanscame on the scene. They took it back to Europe with them around 1550, and Italywas indeed the first place where it was widely grown as a food crop. So in ascence[sense], it really is more Italian thanAmerican. And another thing and this is true of both the potato and the tomato.Both of these plants are members of the night shade family.
Thenight shade family is the category of plants which also includes many that youwouldn’t want to eat, like…mandrac[mandrake],baladana[belladonna], and even tobacco. So itno wonder that people once considered tomatoes and potatoes to be ineatable[inedible] too, even poisonise[poisonous].(13. 细节,对象特征) Andin fact, the leaves of the potato plant are quite toxic, so it took both plantsquite a while to catch on in Europe, and even longer before they made theirreturn trip to North America, and became popular food items here.
Yeah, you know, I remember my grandmother tellingme that when her mother was a little girl, a lot of people still thought thattomatoes were poisonous.
Oh, sure. People didn’t really start eatingthem here until the mid 1800s.
But…it seems like I heard, didn’t Tomas Jeffersongrow them or something?
Uh, well, that’s true, but then Jefferson was known not only as the thirdpresident of the United States, but also as a scholar who was way ahead of histime, in many ways. He didn’t let the conventional thinking of his day restrainhis ideas.(14. 细节,某人对某事的看法)
Now potatoes went through a similar sort ofa rejection process, especially when they were first introduced into Europe.You know how potatoes can turn green if they are left in the light too long,and that greenish scan can make the potato taste bitter, even make you ill, sothat was enough to put people off for over 200 years. Yes, Bill?
I’m sorry, Professor Johns, but…I mean,yeah, OK, American crops have probably contributed a lot to European cookingover the years, but…
Buthave they really played any kind of important role in European history?(17. 重听) Well, as a matter of fact,yes, I was just coming to that. Let’s start with North American corn, or maize 玉米, as it’s often called. Now before the Europeans made contact withthe Americans, they subsisted mainlyon grains, grains that often suffered from crop failures, and it’s largely forthis reason that political power in Europe was centered for centuries in thesouth, around the Medetrainian[Mediterranean 地中海] sea, which was ready[where they] couldgrow these grains with more reliability, but when corn came to Europe from Mexico, well now they had a much hardier 耐寒的 crop that couldbe grown easily in more northerly 北方的 climates, and the center of powerbegan to shift accordingly.(15. 情节发展逻辑顺序)And then, well, as I said potatoes weren’treally popular at first, but when they finally did catch on which they didfirst in Ireland around 1780, well, why do you suppose it happened? Becausepotatoes had the ability to provide in abundant and extremely nutriashus[nutritious] food crop,(16. 逻辑关系,因果) no other crop growingin northern Europe at the time had anything like the number of vitaminscontained in potatoes. Plus, potatoes growing on a single acer[acre] of land could feed many more people than, say,wheat, growing on that same land. Potatoessoon spread to France and other European countries, and as a result, the nutrition 营养 of the general populationimproved tremendously, and population soured[soared]in the early 1800s, and so the shift of power from southern to northern Europecontinued.(15. 情节发展逻辑顺序)
12题错,被后边男生的问题误导了,以为整个都是关于influence的,也是做太快的缘故。 |