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Listen to part of a lecture in a linguisticclass, the professor has been discussing animal communication systems.
So last time, we covered the adept[dances] the honeybirds[bees] do to indicate where food to[can] be found, and calls and sounds of differenttypes of birds. Today, I’d like to look at excerlent[some]communication systems found in mammals, particularly in primates 灵长类动物, such as R[orangutans 猩猩], G[chimpanzees 黑猩猩], garrilars[gorillas 大猩猩], yes, Tommas[Tomas]?
Excuse me, professor, but when you talkabout gorilla language, do you mean like those experiments where humans taughtthem sign language, or language like…
OK, wait just a minute, now, who in this class heard me use theword “language”?(17. 重听题) Noone I hope. What we’re talking about here are systems of communication, allright?
Oh, sorry, communication, right. Um, butcould you maybe… like, clarify with the differences?(12. 主旨题)
OK, that’s a fair question. OK, well, tostart with, let’s make it clear that language is a type of communication, notthe other way around. OK, so all communication systems, language included, havecertain features of[in] common. For example,the signals used to communicate from the bees dance movements to the world’sincentances[words and sentences] found in humanlanguage, all these signals convey meaning. And all communication systemsserve a purpose, a primatic[pragmatic 实际的,实用主义的] function of some sort., warning ofdanger, perhaps, or offering other needed information. But there are several featuresparquet???you to human language that have, for the most part, never been found in the communicationsystem of any other species. For one thing, learn ability. Animals have instinctive 本能的communication systems, when a dog, a puppy, gets to a certainage, it’s able to bark, it barks without having to how from other dogs, it justbarks. But much of human language has to be learned from other humans. Whatelse makes human language unique? What makes it different from animal communication?Debra?
How about grammar? Like having verbs,nouns, addutives[adjectives]?
OK, that’s another feature, and it’s afitted[good] example…
I mean, I mention this cause, like…in my biologycourse last year, I kind of remember talking about a study on prairie dogs, where I think the researchers claimed that thewarning cliers[cries] of prairie dogs constitute 组成 language,(13. 例子的作用) because they have these differentparts of speech, you know, like the nouns, to name the type of preditors[predator] they spotted. Um, adjectives to describeits size and shape, verbs, um…but now it seems like…
All right, hold on a moment, I’m familiarwith the study you’re talking about, and for those of you who don’t know, prairiedogs are not actual dogs, they are a type of rodent who were born[burrows 挖洞] in the ground and the grass lands of the western United States andMexico. In this study, the researchers looked at the high pitched barks a prairiedog makes when it spots predator, and form this they made some pretty…well, they made some claims about these calls qualifyingas an actual language, with its own premetive[primitive原始的,简单的] grammar. But actually these warning calls are no different fromthose found among certain types of monkeys.(14. 细节题,人物观点) And, well… let’s not even get into the question of whether conceptsof noun and verb can be meaningfully applied to animal communication.
Anotherthing that distinguish it with[distinguishes] areal language is a property we call disgreedness[discreteness不连续性,离散性],(16. 例子作用) inother words, messages are built up out of smaller parts, sentences out ofwords, words out of individual sounds, etc. Now, maybe you could say that the prairiedogs massage is built from smaller parts, like... say for example a prairie dogbarks of[spots a] predator, a big caody[coyote 丛林狼], approaching graphicly[rapidly], sothe prairie dog makes a call that means coyote, then one that means large, andthen another to indicate its speed. But youreally suppose it makes any difference what order these calls come in? No. But the discrete 不连续的 unites that make up language canbe put together in different ways. Those smaller parts can be used to form an infinite 无限的 number ofmessages,(15. 细节题,对象特征) includingmessages that are completely novel, that have never been expressed before. For example,we can differnshape[differentiate 区分] between “a large coyote moves fast” and, say…”move the large coyote fast”,(16. 题干定位) or “move fast large coyote”, and I truly doubt whether anyone hasever other[uttered 发出声音 either of] the[these] senses[sentences] before. Human language is productive(16. 例子作用) and open ended communicationsystem, or is[whereas] no other communicationsystem has this kind of property.
And another feature of language that’s not displayedby any form of animal communication is what we call “displacement 位移,取代”, that is…language is abstractina[abstractenough] that we can talk about things that aren’t in present here and now. Things like “My friendJoe is not in the room”, or “It’ll probably rain next Thursday”. Prairie dogsmay be able to tell you about a halk[hawk 鹰,隼] circling overhead right now, but they’ve never shown any inclination倾向 to describe
the one they saw last week.
13题错,题目问“为什么提到这个study”,因为这个study的研究结果声称动物也许有语言。C正确。而我理解成了“说这句话的是为了解释什么”,D选项“为了表明她是从别的课堂上听说这些知识的”。根本上还是没听懂原意,这女生实际上也是对老师的观点提出异议,另一堂课的study只是一个佐证。 |