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In any professions---business, education,government, politics---those in power should step down after five years. Thesurest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through newleadership.
The assertion, in which the author claims that leaders from anyprofession should step down after five year, does provide a fully significant suggestion.But such claim, to a certain extent, is detached to the reality.
There is no doubt that alternative election has been accepted bymost of the democratic countries(even some apparently democratic ones).This kind ofinstitution, however, is not proper within all professions. For instance, Commerce,which needs highly efficient management team to make crucial decision, isseldom able to widely apply this institution. So profitable and significantdecisions the team has to make that it is of great importance for team to takea long time in order that its member could get familiar with each other. Therefore,keeping constant within the management position is, inevitably, a necessarypart for the whole company. Still, there are a lot of small company belonged toprivate person cannot change its leader, for the boss, also the owner and sourof the company, would like to hold the position for his whole life, willing towitness the growth of his own “son”. Because of this, it has been almostimpossible for all commercial companies to change their leaders per five years.
In spite of these, still it is of great significance for otherprofessions, such as education, government and politics, to alternate theirleaders periodically, ensuring the inner purity and efficiency. Many peopleseem to agree with, for most of time, totally support that government leaderlike president, Prime Minister and other officials should be alternatedregularly in that no autocrats are going to appear. Recent heated protesthappened in Egypt just proved this idea, hundreds of thousands of common Egyptianssurged onto every corner to protest and have been willing to evict their formerpresident Hosni Mubarak who had been dominated and dedicated the country forover 30 years. His officials and government was famous for corruption andself-privilege, agitating most residents who were discontented with his autocracyand repression. Due to these situations, the departure of Mubarak is the mostsatisfying events the ex- government had left. So, there is no doubt that nogovernment is expected to be autocratic and leaders of it have been alwaysanticipated to be incorruptible and, at the same time, with the virtueaccompanied with Gorge Washington. Still, leaders regarding profession likeeducation are suggested to change regularly. For example, the presidents ofuniversities have their term within which they are supposed to spread their owneducational theory and to tackle different kinds of problems, and they will changeafter couples of years so that their educational theory and characteristic areable to be widely spread.
Due to the evident mentioned above, it seems that changing leadersregularly or even frequently is an “express way” to success, yet “this way musthave a proper regulation to restrain the speed of the cars drive on”—too muchchange will diminish the efficiency. Most leaders who are planning to bring upa reform or revolution do expect to have enough time in order to fulfill theirplan, for they are convinced that big leap comes from small steps. It took SamWalton 13 years to develop WalMart from a country store, Gandhi 26 years tohelp his motherland get rid of the name of “colony”, Martin Luther King wholelife to enlighten his black brothers and sisters to fight for their right.Therefore, if we choose to change leaders of all groups and communities frequentlyand aimlessly, no such big leap in human history would emerge.
In one sentence, we are supposed to apply the alternativeappointment wisely so that it can do what we need it to do. |