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萧美叮的作文练习 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-10-5 08:33:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 xiaomeiding 于 2011-10-6 10:33 编辑

TPO 3 Integrate Writing

The speaker claims that the painting isthe work of Rembrandt who is a famous of seventeenth-century Dutchpainters. However, the writer holds a different point of view.

First, according to the speaker, x-rayanalysis shows that it is Rembrandt's. The original painting wasrepainted 100 years after it made to increase its value. On the otherhand, the writer doubts that the way the women dress is incompatiblewith the white linen cap she wears. This contradicts his paintingstyle that he pays attention to the details of his subjects'sclothing.

Second, the professor says that thereis no light and shadow conflict after removing the added fur collar;in the original painting, the woman is wearing a light color collarother than the fur one. It lighten the women's face instead of makingthe part of face in shadow. Unlike the professor, the author thinksthat Rembrandt is skillful to exert the light and shadow and thus thewomen's face should appear partially in shadow.

Third, the professor claims that woodpanels was added by other painter to enlarge the painting andincrease its value. The original was painted in one single woodpanel.  Also, this kind wood is also found in Rembrandt' s otherworks. The author, however, mentions that Rembrandt does not have thehabit to glue several pieces of wood panels to make the painting material.

10月5日 20100925NA Do you think that young people in today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.

10月5日 20100925NA Do you think that young people in today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.

As a part of human nature, we always want to look back to compare the differences between now and past. Comparing the dependence the young have today and past, I think young adults are becoming less dependence on their parents than before. It is because the quick development of cars' industries, the young's desire for freedom,and the old’s expectation.

To begin with, thanks to prevalence of low-cost private cars, young generation have their personal cars to use; it relives their dependence on their parents. In the past, they could not afford a car. They had to ask parents for a ride to run errands or to attend their friends parties. Right now, almost every younger has a driver's license and possesses a car after turning 18.

In addition, younger today want to have their own space without parents supervision. They request more personal space. Living with parents means less freedom. So, as soon as the 18 birthday party is over, most of them will move out to live on their own; they prefer to choose to live in a rented apartment and house. On saturdays, they can have friends come over to watch football games without asking their parents permission. Or for some, will choose to live with boyfriends or girlfriend to start a relationship. While, in the past, young adults normally moved out after they got married.

Furthermore, parents give their children more freedoms. New old generation value the freedom and independence as an important part of adulthood. They think young adults should be independent at their early age in order to be successful in their future jobs;under the secular world competition pressure, young adults can become more mature and competitive to be succeed at the workplace.

In conclusion, these improvements and desires help younger to have more freedoms to live alone and less dependence on older. However, it does not affect their relationships with their parents.
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-10-7 03:57:11 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 neochenyao 于 2011-10-7 03:59 编辑

1# xiaomeiding As a part of humannature, we always want to look back to compare the differences between now andpast. Comparing the dependence of the young people have删去 today andwith the past, I think young adults are becoming less dependence ontheir parents than before. It is because of the quick development of cars' industries the young's desire for freedom, and the old’s(elder’s) expectation.

To begin with, thanks to prevalence of low-costprivate cars(
car), young generation have their personal cars to use; itrelives their dependence on their parents. In the past, they could not afford acar. They had to ask parents for a ride to run errands or to attend theirfriends parties. Right now, almost every younger has a driver's license andpossesses a car after turning(they turn) 18.
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In addition, younger today want to have their ownspace without parents supervision. They request more personal space. Living withparents means less freedom. So, as soon as the 18 birthday party is over, mostof them will move out to live on their own; they prefer to choose to live in arented apartment and house. On saturdays
Saturdays, they can have friends come over to watch football gameswithout asking their parents permission. Or for some young people, will choose to live with their boyfriends or girlfriend to start a relationship. While, inthe past, young adults normally moved out after they got married.这一句在逻辑上面不是很理解,前面说了他们倾向于独立生活的例子,这一句while应该是举对比过去的反例,个人觉得是不是改成young adults normally move out only when they got married会比较好?
Furthermore, parents
begin togive their children more freedoms. With time changed, (添加一句过渡的话会比较好?)new old generation value the freedom and independence as animportant partimportant characteristic of adulthood. They think young adults should be independentat their early age in order to be successful in their future jobs; under the secularworld competition pressure这里加上and face the problem on their own, young adults can become more mature and competitive tobe succeed at the workplaceand further their success in their career.

In conclusion, these improvements and desires helpyounger to have more freedoms to live alone and less dependence on older
elder. However, it does not affect their relationships withtheir parents.个人觉得最后一句用正面的说明会比较好,it improve the young people’s status both from mentally and financially

第一次改作文,多多指教,有时间帮我也改一下吧 谢谢啦!!!

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