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在面前之前我准备了很多我为什么从gre 考gmat的理由,因为我想申请的一些marketing 项目都是与analytics相关的,所以当时觉得考gre更好一些,而且gre可以用来申almost all kinds of masters, but gmat is only accepted by business schools,选择余地更多。
你这里想要解释的到底是什么? 虽然没用上, 不过不是很理解你的表达, 你上面的句子看起来实际上要解释的是为什么GRE, 为什么这次转到GMAT好像并没有讲?
今天面签,26号窗口,遇见一个非常不苟言笑的vo. 当时就预感不好。
Me: Hello, officer. I come here to apply for my student visa. Here is my material. Me(一边递I-20、护照一边继续说):I am going to attend GMAT program at Kaplan in xx City. (我I-20 上写的专业是business studies,实际上就是 gmat,但是不知道签证官懂不懂)
VO(接过护照,看到我上一次的美国f1签证): Have you been to xxx university? You graduated from xxx university?
me: Yes, I went to America for attending Graduate Foundations program at XXX university in September 2016.(这里傻逼了,我应该跟他说我本科是在英国毕业的,在美国藤校的那个只是non-degree program)
这里实际上没有什么问题, 人家并没有问你本科是哪里毕业的; graduate和degree在有些人眼里本身就是两回事, 没有degree也可以算作是graduate
VO:How about the program?一般来说问一下学校是常规, 但是这里VO故意追问你对于这个program的看法, 说明你想隐瞒的东西, 他们其实都已经知道了, 后面如果不老实一点, 很容易被打脸
Me: This program is one-semester long and allows students to custome-design their own curriculum at a world-class university. I want to do my master in America.
最后一句应该是I did this program to prepare my self for a future master program in America, 不然有点牛头不对马嘴
VO:Could you show me your transcript at XXX University? (没太听清,是让我提交我从那所藤校Graduate Foundations program结业的一个证明)
Me (有点慌张,找了资料袋): Sorry I forgot to bring it. This is a certificate program and you need to order your transcript online. It will cost a long time to delivery my transcript from America to China. I have the student card, do you want to see it?
transcript是成绩单; 就算是正式的成绩单很麻烦, 你自己在学校的网上系统里打印一下也好过什么都没有. 学生卡这种东西人家是不关心的, 这个VO很清楚你确实去了这个学校所以学生卡什么也证明不了; 他怀疑的是你没有学力, 而不是伪造学历
VO(摆手,说不用,继续看电脑,打字,然后发现我在美国的overstayed记录,面露难色): You have been overstayed ? what happened?
Me: Yes, I am so sorry and regretful. I have been overstayed for around half month. My F1 visa was out of status around on 04/15/2016 because I failed to maintain my attendance records. At that time I attended and finished all my GRE classes but did not spend enough self-studying time at school as required. The school requires each student to spend at least 2 hours per week at the self-studying room. In addition, at that time my apartment was far away from school and I was in poor health. I got a weird allergy and the allergy recurred several times … I preferred to study at home in stead of at school. I did not know self-studying would affect my attendance seriously……i really made a big mistake regarding my attendance……
About that, I finished my curriculum, but failed to meet the school's required amount of self-study hours. This is an unfornate result of my residence's long distance from the self-study location, compounded by a significant health condition at the time. I tried my best but fell short.
最好不要主动说你自己不知道需要自习. 一个学生连毕业要求都不知道, 你这是自己在给自己摸黑.
VO(打断了我的对话,键盘打字):You were in poor health at that time, why did you come back to China?
Me(语塞): Because it was just allergy... I thought I could get over it at that time.
自相矛盾, 既然不严重为什么会影响自习?
回中国的原因很自然啊, 没有身份了自然要回国, 或者就说回国找中医治疗, 合情合理, 因为我以前被中医治疗过效果很好;
VO: You finished your classes? Do you have any completion certificate?
Me(语塞):It was a test training education. I did poorly in my GRE test so I cancelled my score… gre is accepted by almost all kinds of master programs but gmat is only accepted by business school so at that time I chose to take gre instead of gamt courses. My dream graduate programs include maketing intelligence at xxx university/ marketing analytic at xxx university/ intergrated makerking at xxx university. Some of these program focus on marketing data analytics and have detailed prerequisites such as statistical ….
完全没有回答他的问题. 首先我不了解你的这个program到底是什么, 就算没有degree也不可能一点存根都没有的; 就算没有certificate, 你哪怕是网上的各种attendance之类的记录打印出来, 证明你课上完了, 或者你如期参加了GRE考试的凭证, 都可以带着, 不要两手一摊: 老子没有;
然后你后面跑过来直接GRE, GMAT这个完全是不搭杠的;
这个VO算客气的了, 一直在给你机会展示你实际上是一个学力足够的学生, 你自己没有好好把握. 脾气差一点的VO看了你这个记录就可以直接拒了你.
nobody asked that
1. 我所想要申请的研究生项目需要一些大数据和统计背景,所以去年我认为在gmat和gre都被学校接受的情况下,gre would be more welcome than gmat,而且gre能够申请更多额外的保底项目; 2.但我结束去年在Kaplan的课程后,我发现我低估了gre的难度,我的思维模式不善于记忆, 而gre恰恰是一门需要记忆海量单词才能考好的试,gmat only test your ability to solve problems step by step in the business context using your strong critical reasoning, 后者更适合我的思维模式;第三,今年在我写信询问了招生办后,招生办的人在邮件中直接否认了gre 成绩优于gmat成绩的说法, 所以今年我打算 switch to gmat program,从头再战。
遗憾的是,VO似乎并没有听清我的回复, 也并没有听完,就把我打断了。
VO(打断后继续问): How long have you stayed in America last time?
Me: 8 months. I transferred my I-20 from xxx university to Kaplan international school in mid January last year. My F1 visa was out of status on 04/15/2016……
(我当时是不是应该说transferred my sevis number, 因为I-20 还是那张旧的)
VO(打断): What happened? You were kicked off from school?
Me(接着说): my f1 visa was terminated. I did not meet the requirement of self-studying time at school. The school asks each student to spend at least 21 hours at school per week. At that time the school official told me I only had 15 days to pack up and leave the country. After the conversation with the official, I had a severe allergy again and had a leasing dispute with my landlord. My landlord asked that me to find a new tenant before moving out and returning back to China. If I can not find a new tenant, she would not return my deposit of 4000 dollars. All of these thing resulted in my late leave. I am so sorry for that. I really learned a lesson from the results due to my lack of planning. I would like to cherish the chance Kaplan give me again and try my best to correct my previous mistakes this time.太啰嗦了;
My F1 status was terminated due to insufficient self-studying hours spent at school. I later had a leaseing dispute with my landlord which prevented me from leaving the country in time. The overstay results from a mixture of unfortunate incidents.
不过你心眼儿也是大, 为了4000刀留下滞留的不良记录, 孰轻孰重.
VO: how can you promise you will not misuse your next visa?
Me: I will move to apartment which is very near school so I can walk to school every day……
I will get a closer apartment, and I will study the requirement of my new program much more carefully, and I also plan to bring some medicine to help managing my health.
避免啰嗦, 除非你语速极快.
Me: (出于心虚继续说): I am so sorry that I have been overstayed there for half month.
VO(打字,递出护照): Sorry I can not approve your visa this time.
Me: Could you consider my case again?
VO 摇头说no.
Me: thank you all the same.
整个过程签证官一直很严肃,跟我要过两次文件,一个是Graduate Foundations program at XXX university 的结业证明(那个结业证明我要自己上网order, 我考试成绩不好,那学期上的四门课的绩点很低,因为当时跟恋人分手,再加上刚到美国身体过敏发烧,倒时差,整个人都情绪颓靡,阴郁得学不了习,那个项目得达到一定的绩点才能拿到这个certificate);
你不提供GPA人家就默认你GPA很差, 这个是美国人的默认思维了; you hide nothing. 话说回来, 你这个各种不良记录摆在这里, 人家也不会指望你学习成绩很好. hiding only makes it worse. 在我的很多帖子里面我提到过, 不主动招供不良信息, 但是你这个不属于这个情况, 你这个人家问到了你隐瞒, 这个情节更加不利;
另一个签证官要的文件是kaplan 培训学校的结业certificate,不过这个本来就是一个培训课程,是没有证书的。我怀疑他没有理解我面签时说的“At that time I attended and finished all my GRE classes but did not spend enough self-studying time at school as required”这句话的意思,其实我每星期的课都去了,只是因为在学校的自习时间严重不足,才被学校teminated 了我的I-20.
anything, anything
1) 需要跟学校要证明吗?能不能请那个university 的人给我开一封“completion letter”的东西,因为如果只是letter的话签证官就看不到我的具体成绩了;再者,需不需要kaplan给我开一份“该生被开除是因为自习时间不够”这样的证明?
你要是有时间就搞, 不过其实帮助未必很大. you are trying to hide your transcript and VO knows why.
2) 我究竟Overstay了多久?我之前一直以为我滞留了半个月。我是4月15 被学校注销i-20的,5月15离境,但是那时侯kaplan那个办公室新来的员工对我说,我还有15天做准备离开美国。是不是她说的“15天“是错的,我这种情况应该是马上就走?如此的话,我的实际滞留时间是30天?
3) 这一次是真的下定学习去到美国要认真学习了,为此之前在健身房好好锻炼了身体,也把过敏治好了,也发邮件跟一些master program的admission committee的人约好了见面,计划在去美国学gmat的几个月内把分数搞定,能有一些跟招生办face to face 的面试机会。我打算这个月再签,请问还有希望吗?
大部分能说的其实熊版主都说过了, 就算是不看你这些各种不良记录(drop out, overstay), 你这个都不好签, 为什么? 你去美国就是去学一个GMAT? 抱着这种理由去面签的人VO真的是见了茫茫多了, 根本不买你的帐的. 大部分人都是在国内准备完英语考试, "去美国"不是过GMAT的必要条件.
你可以继续尝试, 但是如果我是你, 就自己发点狠, 在国内把英语考试过掉, 然后直接申请master. 不然的话, 万一你下次面签运气好过了倒还算了, 万一没有过, 你就算后面自己在国内把GMAT考了个高分, 再去签master, 都很不利: 那时候的VO会一看你这些不良记录加上之前, 仅仅为了去参加一个培训班连着搞了三四个拒签记录, 他会怎么想? 你就是不择手段想去美国而已, 到时候你就算手上拿着一个好的GMAT分数都无济于事. 所以保险的做法我个人还是建议你在国内完成GMAT.