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各位大哥大姐小弟小妹叔叔阿姨侄子侄女:要找chris问就请到本贴问!(由于辞职已久,当然是当值版版帮忙回答) 现在在visa版苟延残喘了,半辞职(彻底辞职),所以很少扫贴了。主要是老婆问题还没有解决,人不不能如hunter那样可以耐住寂寞专心工作学习,没有办法走投无路所以拼命考G ing,想找妹妹了 (G不考了,忙着试验)
15楼是三个108问回答模板,不看估计后悔 可惜还缺一个最经典的,当事人非要保密不许发,浪费了我的时间 1228是本版斑竹的经典之战,大家不看白不看啦
Before you get started, please remember:
u Every visa officer will assume that you are NOT coming back to China, all you have to do is to convince him/her that you ARE coming back!
u Don’t wait the visa officer to ask the questions you prepared or the questions you assume is going to fit into your answers, you have to fully express yourself positively, you have to seek any chance to express yourself!
u Every question is a trap! you have to see the trap behind the question!
u Do notice every answer should be very SPECIFIC, clear and reasonable.
Category A---Are you coming back to China?
All the questions below looks like asking about your purpose to go to US, looks like asking about your study goals in US or your study strategies in US. In fact
Ø The trap behind: you concentrate too much on the school details without mention career development plan in China.
Ø The real question behind: Are you coming back to China?
Ø Trick to answer: answer them simply and clearly with your knowledge of major and schools you are applying, then switch to your career plan in China immediately! You have to have a very customized plan for yourself, it has to be very reasonable.
Group1ü What will you study in the United States? What is your purpose to the USA?
ü What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study?
ü What will you do in USA?
ü Are you going to study in USA? How long will you study in USA?
ü What do you want to study in USA?
ü Why did you apply this University, please give me some academic reason?
Group2ü Why do you like your major?
ü What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA? Why do you change your major?
ü Do you have any specialty?
ü What specialty will/did you study?
ü Why your specialty is important to China?
Group3ü How do you know this University? Why do you choose this University?
ü What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?
ü Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?
ü Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back?
ü Why do you want to pursue a master degree?
ü Please give me FIVE reasons why you select this university!
ü Will you get a bachelor/master degree?
ü Why will you want to get the Ph.D. degree at this university? Why do you want to go to USA for the Ph.D. degree?
ü Will you be an American engineer after you finish your PH.D?
Group4ü What is your purpose for the visa?
ü How can you convince me that you will come back?
ü What is your plan after you come back to china, as a teacher or find a high salary job?
ü Do you feel that you are trapped in a logic loop? You said you come back to earn money and you said you would not be attracted by good living conditions?
ü What is the thing you like best in America…Then what is the thing you don't like most in China?
ü What is your dream? What is your career goal?
ü Do you think it is just luck which makes one receive his visa or not?
ü Why you are refused at last time and what kind of visa you apply?
Category B: Are you a serious student?
The visa officer may ask some questions to evaluate if you are a serious student. These are detailed messages about yourself or the school you applied.
Ø The trap behind: you don’t have a good education background or your language skills are poor, or the way you present yourself is not proper on that day.
Ø The real question behind: Are you a legislate student to go to US without causing any trouble?
Ø The trick to answer: Study more about the school you applied over emails, website or brochures. Know more about your school and department. Express yourself precisely, clearly and honestly. Dress up as a serious student rather than a businessperson unless you have years of working experience and you are going to study MBA in US.
ü Please explain why you chose this University in academic standard level in details.
ü Where do/will you live? Where is your Hukou?
ü What/where are you studying NOW?
ü What is your academic background?
ü What is your TOEFL/GRE score?
ü When/where did you get your BS/MS?
ü Can you talk something about the course of this university?
ü Why does your Diploma look so new? Are they forged?
ü How many universities have you applied? How many of them accepted you? How many of them have given you financial aids?
ü TELL ME your standard to judge a school.
ü Do you have any relative in the United States?
ü What is the most difficult class you have had in your study?
ü When was the university founded? Who found the university? Who is the chairman of the department?
Category C: Do you have enough money to support your study and living?
You might be asked about scholarships, your income, your parents’ income, your parents’ jobs or your job status, in fact, they are just trying to find out if you are able to pay your study and living in US. But you have to remember:
It is NOT the scholarship that makes you choose that university. The reason you choose that university have to be VERY VERY SPECIFIC and very REASONABLELY related to your future career plan in China!
Ø The trap behind: you don’t seem have enough financial support for your study or living. The financial certificates you present are either looking fake or unreasonable.
Ø The real question behind: Will you able to pay the tuition and other fees while you stay in US?
Ø The trick to answer: be confident to say that you have enough money to support yourself, it can be either from your savings or from your parents. Seek any chance to speak out very specifically or show the documents (bank statement from you or your parents. A letter from your parents stating that you would like to pay for your study) to visa officer. The documents have to show a proper and reasonable amount.
ü Have you got any scholarship?
ü Why does the university give you financial aid?
² Please be notified that: never never try to make a story to tell that you know why the school gives you scholarship. Especially for graduate student, the scholarship is a long story from department to admission office. You would have never known.
So, the correct answer is: I Don’t Know.
ü How long will you have your financial support during your study?
ü How about your monthly income in your current job?
ü Do you know where does your sponsor get the funds?
ü Who will offer you the money?
ü What are you doing for living? Which university are you in right now?
ü Why do you receive financial aid from this University?
ü Why do your parents want to support you? What does your father do?
原则上,中国护照发给16周岁以上的中国公民,不满16周岁者,则随其父母或监护人合用一本护照。在必要时,也可为16周岁以下的儿童单独发相应的护照。外交护照主要颁发给中国党、政、军高级官员,中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会、中国人民政治协商会议和各民主党派的主要领导人,外交官员、领事官员及其随行配偶、未成年子女和外交信使等。 公务护照主要颁发给中国各级政府部门的工作人员、驻国外的外交代表机关、领事机关和驻联合国组织系统及其专门机构的工作人员和他们的随行配偶、未成年子女等。 因公普通护照主要颁发给国有企事业单位出国从事经济、贸易、文化、体育、卫生、科技交流等公共事务活动的人员。 香港特别行政区护照主要颁发给持有香港永久性居民身份证的中国公民。
附--护照丢失了怎么办(护照遗失了怎么办? 护照是国家主管机关的给本国公民出入国境和在国外旅行、居留使用的合法身份证件和国籍证明。持照人对护照应妥为保管,防止丢失或损坏。以北京市居民为例,如因不慎在本市遗失了护照,请立即向遗失地区、县公安机关申报,并凭上述公安机关出具的证明前往北京市公安局出入境管理处备案,然后持证明到《首都公安报》社办理护照挂失声明手续,待"挂失声明"刊载后,持"挂失声明"到北京市公安局出入境管理处申请办理新护照。
具体办法是:领取护照后尚未出境,自护照签发之日起3个月之内丢失护照的,在出境事由和前往国家、地区均不改变的情况下,可凭"挂失声明"直接申请 补发护照。如出境事由和前往国家、地区有变化,需凭国外邀请信及"挂失声明"重新申请办理。二、领取护照后尚未出境,自护照签发之日起3个月以后丢失护照的,需按重新申请护照办理。三、出境后又返回国内丢失护照的,可持本人在国外的身份证明(主要指要国外的身份证、居留证、注册的学生证、就职证明)申请补发护照。四、在外埠丢失护照的,可持遗失地公安机关出具的遗失证明,先在《首都公安报》办理护照挂失声明手续后,再申请补发护照。五、在国外丢失护照,持中华人民共和国旅行证或者其他入出境证件回国的,可凭中华人民共和国驻外使领馆出具的有关证明和入境证件及有国外的身份证明申请补发护照。六、丢失我国驻外使领馆签发护照的,持原户口所在地派出所出具的出国前系北京市常住户口的证明申请办理。)
护照的有效期应超过您预定离美的日期至少六个月。 存折没有说需要明细的,这个是个错误的认识。重点是提供资金证明的时候很好的说明他的合法来源这个才是最重要的,资金的存入方式和细节虽然也重要,但是不是必须的。一般很少有人一个帐户很多钱的,往往都是要用了存一起或者都带去。况且存折逐渐被银行卡代替了,重点在于解释如何果爸妈或者某某资助你的人合法的赚到这部分钱,为何他们资助你,资助你以后等你们回国会不会有回报。 此外,这种中美大学间有treaty的exchange 学生在美国想要留下非常非常,辉常辉常的困难,所以理论上通过率非常高的。:handshake
[ 本帖最后由 红颜祸水 于 2008-3-29 01:09 编辑 ] |
总评分: 寄托币 + 22
声望 + 6