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[i习作temp] issue11 写的较顺。欢迎互改! [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-7-23 22:15:56 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:All nationas should help support the development of a global university desigened to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems.

Should a global university be set up with the aid of all nations, in order to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems? In my view, it is fundamentally a good idea. However we should realize the difficulties in founding such a university. In addition, there are other more practical ways for solving social problems.

It might seem tempting to agree with the speaker, on the basis that such a university is the place where all kinds of cultures mix(多种文化的交汇。表述对吗?). The students are from different parts of the world, with different cultures. Thus it is the best place to study and understand cultures of other nations, and the students would gradually become more tolerant. After all, a student in such a place has to understand and absorb the essence of his classmates' cultures in order to make friends with them. Otherwise, anyone who is provincial would not be able to make a single friend there at all. As a result, he would quickly be washed out. Therefore all of the graduates in that university are tolerant and best for dealing international conflicts.

However, we should not ignore the difficulties in forming such a school practically. Judging from the properties of this university, it is commonly accepted that this school needs support from all of the nations. Yet it is hard to tell if all of the nations have interests in setting up such a university to solve the world most persistent social problems, and even query whether those nations have the desire for solving such problems at all. Although World war II has ended up for fifty-five years, the conflicts between nations have never paused. Regional wars still happen occasionally. The contest for oil, terrorism and the wide spread of atomic bombs also worries the whole world.

Moreover, even if such a university is formed and is able to train its students to be tolerant and inter-culture(多元文化的。表述对吗?), I am still concerned whether the graduates could properly solve those social problems. Because the graduates are from different cultures, they would possibly think and behave in the interests of their own nations. In that event, the global social problems still cannot be solved if these graduates are selfish and regional.

To settle the world's most persistent problems, what people need to do is far more than merely setting up a global university. Tracking back to the root(追溯到根源。是这么说吗?), it is peoples’ selfishness and provinciality that lead to such social problems. In order to solve the world's culture conflicts, global warming, water pollution, spread of atomic bombs as well as other problems, we need to be altruistic and tolerant. The contemporary major trend is economic growth, enrichment of spirits and peace—better understanding of other cultures and mutual benefits(就是现在流行的说法“双赢“。表述准确吗?). War is the worst solution to international conflicts. Give up selfishness and provincialism, and let's make the world a more comfortable place to live in!

In the final analysis, the speaker's assertion is partly true. A global university is able to cultivate students with toleration and understanding of other cultures. However, it might not be practical to do so. Besides, there are far more that we could do in order to solve the world's most persistent social problems.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-7-26 00:06:23 |只看该作者

It might seem tempting to agree with the speaker, on the basis that such a university is the place where all kinds of cultures mix(多种文化的交汇。表述对吗?)你认为用communicate怎么样?. The students are from different parts of the world, with different cultures. Thus it is the best place to study and understand cultures of other nations, and the students would gradually become more tolerant. After all, a student in such a place has to understand and absorb the essence of his classmates' cultures in order to make friends with them. Otherwise, anyone who is provincial would not be able to make a single friend there at all. 我怎么觉得这一句跟前面好像是因果,而不是平行?As a result, he would quickly be washed out. Therefore all of the graduates in that university are tolerant and best for dealing with international conflicts

However, we should not ignore the difficulties in forming such a school practically. Judging from the properties of this university, it is commonly accepted that this school needs support from all of the nations. Yet it is hard to tell if all of the nations have interests in setting up such a university to solve the world most persistent social problems, and even query whether those nations have the desire for solving such problems at all. 你可以提出这些质疑,但是没有给出理由的质疑是没有意义的。(因为没有哪个国家会确定解决的problems会优先考虑自己,总之就是利益第一,国家之间会质疑这个学校的公平性和有效性,自然不会interest or desireAlthough World war II has ended up for fifty-five years, the conflicts between nations have never paused. Regional wars still happen occasionally. The contest for oil, terrorism and the wide spread of atomic bombs also worries the whole world.

Moreover, even if such a university is formed and is able to train its students to be tolerant and inter-culture(多元文化的。表述对吗?), I am still concerned whether the graduates could properly solve those social problems. Because the graduates are from different cultures, they would possibly think and behave in the interests of their own nations. In that event, the global social problems still cannot be solved if these graduates are selfish and regional.不错,知识的获取,文化的交融,即使是胸怀世界,大约也不能逃脱对祖国的热爱带来的局限。但是也不要用selfish吧?具体我也不清楚。

To settle the world's most persistent problems, what people need to do is far more than merely setting up a global university. Tracking back to the root(追溯到根源。是这么说吗?), it is peoples’ selfishness and provinciality that lead to such social problems. In order to solve the world's culture conflicts, global warming, water pollution, spread of atomic bombs as well as other problems, we need to be altruistic and tolerant. The contemporary major trend is economic growth, enrichment of spirits and peace—better understanding of other cultures and mutual benefits(就是现在流行的说法“双赢“。表述准确吗?). War is the worst solution to international conflicts. Give up selfishness and provincialism, and let's make the world a more comfortable place to live in!从战争开始,你最后一句想说什么?我觉得喊一句口号特别别扭。而且跟前面的论述虽然沾边,但绝对不属于分析总结,只是个人感情。没有理论支持的感情表达在这里不太好吧?

而且,你第一段写得不很好么?有more practical ways for solving……后面就没了?其实这个可以很好的展开阿。

题目问你应不应该,你说呢?(我不知道对于这样的题目你分析出来一个partly true是什么意思?应该?不应该?)逻辑因为第五段的模糊而显得有些乱。最后的总结一定要改。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-26 00:48:15 |只看该作者
Should a global university be set up with the aid of all nations, in order to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems? In my view, it is fundamentally a good idea. However we should realize the difficulties in founding such a university. In addition, there are other more practical ways for solving social problems. (观点挺清晰)

It might seem tempting to agree with the speaker, on the basis that such a university is the(改成a) place where all kinds of cultures mix(多种文化的交汇。表述对吗?我感觉用mingle也可以而且感觉好些). The students are from different parts of the world, with different cultures. Thus it is the best place to study and understand cultures of other nations, and the students would gradually become more tolerant. After all, a student in such a place has to understand and absorb the essence of his classmates' cultures in order to make friends with them. Otherwise, anyone who is provincial would not be able to make a single (直接用any) friend there at all. As a result, he would quickly be washed out. Therefore all of the graduates in that university are tolerant and best for dealing (掉了with) international conflicts.

However, we should not ignore the difficulties in forming such a school practically. Judging from the properties of this university, it is commonly accepted that this school needs support from all of the nations. Yet it is hard to tell if all of the nations have interests in setting up such a university to solve the world most persistent social problems, and even query whether those nations have the desire for solving such problems at all. Although World war II has ended up for fifty-five years, the conflicts between nations have never paused. Regional wars still happen occasionally. The contest for oil, terrorism and the wide spread of atomic bombs also worries the whole world. (后面如果能加一句补充说明这些问题的产生和解决的复杂性抑制了各个国家的积极性,应该比较完整)

Moreover, even if such a university is formed and is able to train its students to be tolerant and inter-culture(多元文化的。表述对吗?我查书是multiculture), I am still concerned whether the graduates could properly solve those social problems. Because the graduates are from different cultures, they would possibly think and behave in the interests of their own nations. In that event, the global social problems still cannot be solved if these graduates are selfish and regional.(selfish 不好,我想了一个insightless, 不知合适不合适。)

To settle the world's most persistent problems, what people need to do is far more (significant) than rely setting up a global university. Tracking back to the root(追溯到根源。是这么说吗?), it is (加一个 primarily the限制一下) peoples’ selfishness and provinciality that lead to such social problems. In order to solve the world's culture conflicts, global warming, water pollution, spread of atomic bombs (来个流行一点的大规模杀伤性武器的扩散proliferation of Weapons of mass destruction)as well as other problems, we need to be altruistic and tolerant. The contemporary major trend is economic growth, enrichment of spirits and peace—better understanding of other cultures and mutual benefits(就是现在流行的说法“双赢“。表述准确吗?双赢就是win-win或者double win). War is the worst solution to international conflicts. Give up selfishness and provincialism, and let's make the world a more comfortable place to live in! (这种口号慎用)

In the final analysis, the speaker's assertion is partly true. A global university is able to cultivate students with toleration and understanding of other cultures. However, it might not be practical to do so. Besides, there are far more that we could do in order to solve the world's most persistent social problems.

个人浅见 :) 楼主加油!!!
我也把我的贴上来 有时间互拍阿!



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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-7-26 11:46:37 |只看该作者
B3主要是想发散一下,说明要解决人类危机,需要的措施远不只是一个学校。人类需要宽大的胸怀,超越民族与国家的境界。可惜表述不很清晰。哎!more practical ways for solving……说的就是这些啊!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2006-8-8 00:38:38 |只看该作者

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