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[i习作temp] issue185 [Jet小组] 第一次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-1-29 23:21:15 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ISSUE185 - "Scandals-whether in politics,academia, or other areas-can be useful. They focus our attention on problems inways that no speaker or reformer ever could."

Can scandals in fields of politics, academia and so on be useful? The speaker asserts that scandals can exert a positive function, for they make public pay attention on a societal issue in a special way. Admittedly, scandals can supervise celebrities, and help society operate in a correct way. Yet, to overstate the function ofsandals is also irrational, which may bring society negative effects, also, too many scandals may attract people' attention, therefore affecting people' normal daily life.

As a powerful means of supervision, scandals are playing more and more indispensable part in the realm of politics. The modern media makes the rapid spread of news come true,therefore any scandals can be known by public, and quickly cause wide discussion.To politician, he or she has to consider his behavior carefully, otherwise his rashaction may lead to big mistake. With the fear of scandals, leaders must guarantee their actions not out of law, and they have to adopt rational ways in the process of election and daily policy affairs. From this point, public can benefit from scandals.

Scandal also exerts positive part in public’s  daily life, because it helps people realize the truth of the matter and person. Some celebrities appear to be honesty and integrity;while perhaps they actually use others’ trust to commit crime stealthily.Scandals help people realize the true face of those hypocrites, and avoid be deceived by them.

However, it is not feasible to place too much emphasis on scandals, which will affect our life on different levels. To those who have been involved in the center of scandals,scandals not only reveal their mistakes or even crimes, but also expose their private life to public; thereby their family or relatives may lose privacy. Topublic, they pay overmuch attention on scandals, which consume unnecessary timeand energy. Actually in most cases, the scandals happened on celebrities have little relationship with public's daily life. Even some scandals of entertainment are created just for the purpose of attracting public'sattention. In such case, it is not worthwhile to focus on these scandals.

To sum up,scandals have become an indispensable part in the modern world, for scandals' function of supervision guarantee the society operate in a rational way, and they help people realize the truth of certain matter or certain people. Yet, it is not advisable to pay much attention on scandals; after all, they consume much energy, and sometimes are meaningless at all.

[ 本帖最后由 yimengshan 于 2008-1-30 20:19 编辑 ]
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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-1-31 15:20:16 |只看该作者


ISSUE185 - "Scandals-whether in politics, academia, or other areas-can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could."

Can scandals in fieldsof (fields of) politics, academia and so on be useful? The speaker asserts that scandals can exert a positive function, for they make public pay (a) attention on (to) a societal issue in a(去掉) special way. Admittedly, scandals can supervise celebrities, and help society operate in a correct way. Yet, to overstate the function of sandals is also irrational, which may bring society negative effects, also, too many scandals may attract people'(s) attention, therefore affecting people'(s) normal daily life.(句子成分不全,特别是最后一个分句。Therefore+ clause)

As a powerful means of supervision, scandals are playing more and more indispensable part in the realm of politics. The modern media makes the rapid spread of news come true, therefore any scandals can be known by public, and quickly cause wide discussion (建议换成influence). To politician, he or she has to consider his(/her) behavior carefully, otherwise his rash action may lead to big mistake (would lead to lose support.). With the fear (fearing) of scandals, leaders must guarantee their actions (which are) not out of law, and they have to adopt rational ways in the process of election and daily policy affairs. From this point, public can benefit from scandals.

Scandal also exerts positive part in public’ daily life, because it helps people realize the truth of the matter and person. Some celebrities appear to be honesty and integrity; while perhaps they actually use others’ trust to commit crime stealthily (这个词用得不错). Scandals help people realize the true face of those hypocrites, and avoid (to)be deceived by them.

However, it is not feasible to place too much emphasis on scandals, which will affect our life on different levels. To those who have been involved in the center of scandals, scandals not only reveal their mistakes or even crimes, but also expose their private life to public; thereby their family or relatives may lose privacy. To public, they pay overmuch attention on scandals, which consume unnecessary time and energy. Actually in most cases, the scandals happened on celebrities have little relationship with public's daily life. Even some scandals of entertainment are created just for the purpose of attracting public’s attention. In such case, it is not worthwhile to focus on these scandals.

To sum up, scandals have become an indispensable part in the modern world, for scandals’ function of supervision guarantee the society operate in a rational way, and they help people realize the truth of certain matter or certain people. Yet (Obviously), it is not advisable to pay much attention on scandals; after all, they consume much energy, and sometimes are meaningless at all.

建议把第一段的立场换一下。第一段的最后一句表明了本文立场是反对scandal would cause some negative effects to society. 但是却用了两段来说明scandal的positive effects。 此外,在句子结构方面需要加强,要特别注意句子的完整性,特别是长句子。


[ 本帖最后由 bluebell_cici 于 2008-1-31 15:30 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2008-1-31 17:10:25 |只看该作者


  The role scandal plays in a society is in fact an important part of the big machine which makes sure that the society runs in the right track, a display of the power of the media and the public, and the mechanism of balance and check finally.

   Based on the preassumption that man is a fallibly animal, it is impossible for the absence of crime and illegal, indecent action in politics, academia or other areas, which as always, are the arena ready for applauses. So the exposure of scandal, in additional to the success of the public against the abusement of government or celebrities, is a distoxic process to a society. It is an alert that remedy or rehabilitation is needed before it is too late. As it goes, " A vigilant soldier is not easy to be ambushed", the society needs the vigilance of the public, which is so important that can never be replaced by any individual hero, speaker or reformer.

   Just as tragedy is always more impressive than comedy, scandals always give the society a shocking effect, forcing the people involved, and more important, the public to reconsider what value we need to uphold, what policies to follow, and how remedies and improvements can be made. White Water Scandal is a better lesson than any textbook of describing the basic moral standard on which the United States is building on.

   But one disturbing fact is that in today's society, as a result of the development of mass media, particularly the advancement of cyber technology, the public is liable to overreact towards scandals. The sentiment of public is easily to be leaded to irrational rage against the society, or desperation that the society is "doomed or irremedied". The expanding power of the media presents a potential danger in the other way--the abusement of the power of the public.

   "Trust, but verify." Verification is the role scandal should play. A good society needs the alerts from scandals, but more importantly, needs the right attitude of the society towards scandals. Optimism of the society as a whole, respect towards privacy, the courage to admit mistakes and to make remedies and appropriate degree of forgiveness are also what the society need to handle scandals.

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issue185 [Jet小组] 第一次作业


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