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[经验感悟] 韦氏大学词典词库 for 黑莓手机 |
A bird's pride comes not from the height he soars on,
but from the will and courage to fight storm alone. A bird's glory comes not from the claim of he can fly, but from the proof of he eventually teared the sky. |
Saavedro's series of preeminent essays for Cracking GRE and TOEFL-iBT
- - - 【Saavedro】——Authentic Guide For TOEFL-iBT [听说读写完整版] (Version 2.00) (2010年 3月5日) Saavedro简谈如何有效提升GRE-AW写作语言表达 (2009年 2月17日) - - - |