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[i习作temp] Issue17【0906G背水一战三月小组】第8次作业 by yunfeiyang4ever [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-3-16 13:01:01 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 yunfeiyang4ever 于 2009-3-16 13:02 编辑

           1. 首先,法律的公正与不公正不能由人们自己来判断;
           2. 每个成员都要责任遵守法律,不管它是公正的还是不公正的;
           3. 对于那些不公正的,甚至是有明显错误的法律,人们应该去修改,使之成为公正的法律;

When it comes to laws, some people, including the speaker, would agree that each individual should comply just law and even more importantly, to break the unjust law. However, I strongly disagree above assertion. In my view, society people have a responsibility to conform the laws no matter these laws are just or unjust and what is significant is people should change unjust laws to just laws.

To begin our discussion, we should aware that it is arbitrary to judge the laws whether they are just or not according to the value of each individual. As a general rule, under the society circumstance, each individual fosters himself or herself personality and identity. Then anyone would have his or her own judgment that causes one would define a law as fair while other would believe that is an unfair law. To illustrate this point clearly, American Constitution is a good example. As we know, in the early of 20th century, the law ordains that Caucasian could rest either the seats of white American or of African American while the African American can only sit the latter rather than the former. In the Caucasian’s perspective, nothing could be more equal than this regulation but the African American takes the opposite view. For this example indicates that people should not determine the law by their own natural desire.

As people could not decide the justice of law, they have a responsibility to obey the just and unjust laws. An analogy can be drawn with this idea: it is like the soldiers must obey the demand in the army. Providing that soldiers only follow the order they feel is right and take the dissimilar measure for the wrong order, as a result the army will entirely be collapsed at the first blow. The same is true of laws. For example, the law in Japan asserts that people must drive their cars on the left-hand side of a two-way street. If people are allowed to select at random which side of the street to drive on, driving would be risky and chaotic. In other words, imaging that in a society, each individual could resist laws casually that they realize this law is unjust and the authority of laws will totally disappear. For that matter, there would be no laws at all. If so, nothing could ensure a safe and harmonious society where public’s rights are regarded that would leads the whole society to a disorder one. Absolutely, anyone would not wish this occurs and thus each individual should obey laws.

Furthermore, people should fix and change rather than combat the unjust and even the false laws. The chief reason is because there will be no progression as well as evolvement without modifying such unfair and incorrect laws. One obvious example is the destruction of the slavery in the United States. When faced with the effect of industrial evolution, there is a growing realization that to have slaveries is unjust. After the Civil War, Lincoln abolished the slavery institution and established the laws that announced all men are equal. From then on mankind escapes from the slavery and gradually constructs a democratic society.

In a word, everyone in a society should obey laws and rebuild instead of resist the unjust and false laws. In this way, human society can be continuously developed.


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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-3-17 08:57:46 |只看该作者
When itcomes to laws, some people, including the speaker, would agree thateach individual should comply just law and even more importantly, tobreak the unjust law. However, I strongly disagree above assertion. Inmy view, society people have a responsibility to conform the laws nomatter these laws are just or unjust and what is significant is peopleshould change unjust laws to just laws.

To begin ourdiscussion, we should aware that it is arbitrary to judge the lawswhether they are just or not according to the value of each individual.As a general rule, under the society circumstance, each individualfosters himself or herself personality and identity. Then(which makes) anyone would(DELETE)have his or her own judgment that causes one would define a law as fairwhile other would believe that is an unfair law. To illustrate thispoint clearly, American Constitution is a good example. As we know, inthe early of 20th century, the law ordains that Caucasian could resteither the seats of white American or of African American while theAfrican American can only sit the latter rather than the former. In theCaucasian’s perspective, nothing could be more equal than thisregulation but the African American takes the opposite view. For(DELETE) thisexample indicates that people should not determine the law by their ownnatural desire.

As peoplecould not decide the justice of law, they have a responsibility to obeythe just and unjust laws(the laws if we could not tell if it is just or unjust). An analogy can be drawn with this idea: it islike the soldiers must obey the demand in the army. Providing thatsoldiers only follow the order they feel is right and take thedissimilar measure for the wrong order, as a result the army willentirely be collapsed at the first blow. The same is true of laws. Forexample, the law in Japan asserts that people must drive their cars onthe left-hand side of a two-way street. If people are allowed to selectat random which side of the street to drive on, driving would be riskyand chaotic. In other words, imaging that in a society, each individualcould resist laws casually that they realize this law is unjust and theauthority of laws will totally disappear. For that matter, there wouldbe no laws at all. If so, nothing could ensure a safe and harmonioussociety where public’s rights are regarded that( ,which) would leads(remove) the wholesociety to a disorder one(become disoder). Absolutely, anyone would not wish thisoccurs and thus each individual should obey laws.

Furthermore,people should fix and change rather than combat the unjust and(or) even thefalse laws. The chief reason is because there will be no progression aswell as evolvement without modifying(enhancing) such unfair and incorrect laws.One obvious example is the destruction of the slavery in the UnitedStates. When faced with(DELETE) the effect of industrial evolution, there is agrowing realization that to have(having) slaveries is unjust. After the CivilWar, Lincoln abolished the slavery institution and established the lawsthat announced all men are equal. From then on mankind escapes from theslavery and gradually constructs a democratic society.

In a word,everyone in a society should obey laws and rebuild instead of resistthe unjust and false laws. In this way, human society can becontinuously developed.

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Issue17【0906G背水一战三月小组】第8次作业 by yunfeiyang4ever


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