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发表于 2010-8-2 16:25:28 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
.209.01.23 NA

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should try several different jobs before they take a long term career

When it comes to the controversial issue that whether young adults should try different jobs before choosing the job they are more likely to do in the long term , owing to distinctive backgrounds and personal experiences ,divergent viewpoints will emerge. Some people would argue that different jobs can provide the young people more working experiences in various aspects. Other people will hold the opinion that young adults will  concentrate less on their work because of their frequently changing jobs. However, as far as I am concerned, trying different jobs can give the young adults more choices before they make their final decision about their jobs. As I will discuss below.

To begin with , most of the young adults , who have just graduated from the college or not, all face the problems of finding jobs. In fact, the young adults are not familiar with the society. They even do not know what they like and what they dislike. Most of them initially choose their jobs just for the purpose of survival. The amount of wages is the most important factor for the young adults to evaluate when they are selecting jobs. According to a statistics data, almost eighty percent of the young adults have changed their jobs for numbers of reasons, such as showing less interest in their work , or seeking for a work providing high salary and better promotion, etc. Taking my colleague professor as an example, she was once an employee of an electric company about two years ago. Attracted by the high wages provided by this company , she anticipated in this company and signed up a contract being an employee for 3 years. She believed that it may bring her a bright future. However, to her surprise, this onerous work usually make her feel exhausted and stressful. She had so little time for relaxation. Gradually, she felt tired of this job and quitted it at last. During the time she was a free-lancer, she had tried lots of jobs that were not fit for her. Finally, she returned to her colleague and become a teacher. She told me that being a teacher could live  a relaxed and unhurried life, which made her feel at ease. Therefore, changing the jobs can satisfy the current need of the young adults under different circumstances.

In addition, the working experiences which accumulated by different jobs can make the young adults become more competitive in the society. There is a saying goes " To be a leader, you have to first learn how to be a follower. " Learning is essential to the young adults wherever in the school or in the society. The experiences we have learned from various jobs can absolutely pave the road to our success. For instance, JiaCheng Lee, the famous entrepreneur in HK, had changed so many jobs when he was an young adult. At first, he worked as a waiter in a restaurant. Being a waiter, he learned how to make his customers become more satisfied with him. It brought him great advantages to his interpersonal skills in his later life. Then he began to operate the factory with some other cooperators. During this period, he had mastered the skills to manage the factory .From then on, he had started his build up his own career and got success.

Finally, we can not deny that frequently changing of the jobs will not render the young adults concentrate on what they are working. They can not gain enough knowledge and learn more skills in the specific area. However, outweighing the advantages and disadvantages, I am prone to agree that trying different jobs before they decide which job or career they will benefit the young people more.

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



发表于 2010-8-3 19:16:06 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time

When it comes to the controversial issue that which kind of jobs is better for us, a job providing low wages but more vacations time or that with higher wages but less vacation time? Owing to the distinctive backgrounds and personal experiences, Divergent viewpoints will emerge. Some people will hold the opinion that the first kind of job is better for us because it enable us to have enough time to have relaxation. Others would argue that the latter is better for the reason that they can purchase more favorite things with their high salary. For this, it deserves to sacrifice their vacation time. However, as far as I am concerned, there are more advantages from the job with more vacation but a low wages. As I will discuss below.

To begin with, it is commonly believed that people who are in favor with of  the job with more vacation time can make better performance in their careers even though they may get a low salary. we can draw this conclusion from general principle that having enough rest is the foundation that one can accomplish his task well. We can not emphasize the importance of having enough rest too much when facing the onerous work .For that reason, it is obviously that more and more people intended to choose the job with more vacation time. For instance, I choose teacher as my job  mainly because it can provide me more vacation time  to have a completely relaxation. Being a teacher, I can enjoy two vacations both in summer and winter so that I can make good use of this time to travel the places that I like, such as Beijing forbidden city and Hong Kong Disney park. Those places are I am dreaming to visit. The sufficient time for my vacation ensure that I can devote all myself to my work . Having enough rest making me full of energy render me to improve my working efficiency. In addition, job with more vacation can offer me a better emotional state while I am working. It is essential because better emotional state can also affect your performance on your work.

Furthermore, a job offering more vacation time provide us more leisure time to care about other important things. In addition to work, people have quantities of things to do in their life. Some of them have family members which should be considered as an significant part of their life. It is their responsibility to share enough time to stay with them. Less vacation time can not satisfy your strong desire to stay with your family members. According to report on a statistics data, forty percent of the couples who have divorced mainly for the reason that the husband can not act a balance between the time that spent on work and the time consumed on his family members. For example, Alex who gets a job in the same company as me always tells me that his wife complains about his work. Because of the onerous work loaded on him, he works till very late everyday and has less vacation . He can hardly have enough time to stay with his wife and daughter. Therefore, a job with more vacation can not only make us feel at ease but also make our family members live a happy life.

Finally, there is no deny that job with more salary can satisfy our demands to purchase more goods that we are fond of. However, less vacation will cause more problems which can lead to great disorder in one’s life. Consequently, I am prone to agree with idea that a ob with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.

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Rank: 6Rank: 6



发表于 2010-8-3 22:29:30 |只看该作者

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Rank: 6Rank: 6



发表于 2010-8-3 22:36:20 |只看该作者
When it comes to the controversial issue that whether young adults should try different jobs before choosing the job they are more likely to do in the long term , owing to distinctive backgrounds and personal experiences ,divergent viewpoints will emerge. Some people would argue that different jobs can provide the young people more working experiences in various aspects. Other people will hold the opinion that young adults will  concentrate less on their work because of their frequently changing jobs. However, as far as I am concerned, trying different jobs can give the young adults more choices before they make their final decision about their jobs. As I will discuss below.

To begin with , most of the young adults , who have just graduated from the college or not, all face the problems of finding jobs. In fact, the young adults are not familiar with the society. They even do not know what they like and what they dislike. Most of them initially choose their jobs just for the purpose of survival. The amount of wages is the most important factor for the young adults to evaluate when they are selecting jobs. According to a statistics data, almost eighty percent of the young adults have changed their jobs for numbers of reasons, such as showing less interest in their work , or seeking for a work providing high salary and better promotion, etc. Taking my colleague professor as an example, she was once an employee of an electric company about two years ago. Attracted by the high wages provided by this company , she anticipated in this company and signed up a contract being an employee for 3 years. She believed that it may bring her a bright future. However, to her surprise, this onerous work usually make her feel exhausted and stressful. She had so little time for relaxation. Gradually, she felt tired of this job and quitted it at last. During the time she was a free-lancer, she had tried lots of jobs that were not fit for her. Finally, she returned to her colleague and become a teacher. She told me that being a teacher could live  a relaxed and unhurried life, which made her feel at ease. Therefore, changing the jobs can satisfy the current need of the young adults under different circumstances.

In addition, the working experiences which accumulated by different jobs can make the young adults become more competitive in the society. There is a saying goes " To be a leader, you have to first learn how to be a follower. " Learning is essential to the young adults wherever in the school or in the society. The experiences we have learned from various jobs can absolutely pave the road to our success. For instance, JiaCheng Lee, the famous entrepreneur in HK, had changed so many jobs when he was an young adult. At first, he worked as a waiter in a restaurant. Being a waiter, he learned how to make his customers become more satisfied with him. It brought him great advantages to his interpersonal skills in his later life. Then he began to operate the factory with some other cooperators. During this period, he had mastered the skills to manage the factory .From then on, he had started his build up his own career and got success.

Finally, we can not deny that frequently changing of the jobs will not render the young adults concentrate on what they are working. They can not gain enough knowledge and learn more skills in the specific area. However, outweighing the advantages and disadvantages, I am prone to agree that trying different jobs before they decide which job or career they will (persue)benefits the young people more.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-8-4 13:17:37 |只看该作者
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



发表于 2010-8-4 16:19:30 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Newspapers and magazines are the best ways to learn about a foreign country

When it comes to the controversial issue that whether it is the best way  to get know a foreign country from newspaper and magazines. Owing to the distictive backgrounds and personal experiences, divergent viewpoints will emerge. Some people would argue that it is convenient for us to learn about a foreign country in the form of reading newspapers and magazines. Other will hold the opinion that the information that newspapers and magazines provide to us is so limited that we can not get a better understanding about a foreign country. However, as far as I am concerned, newspapers and magazines can defintely satisfy our demands to learn about a foreign country . As I will discuss below.

To begin with ,it is universially convinced that newspapers and magazines bring more convenience and ease to us especially when we are learning about a foreign country.Nowadays, newspapers and magazines are two forms of media that we are familiar  in our daily life. We usually can see a man who is reading newspaper or magazines while having breakfast or taking the bus. Reading newspapers and magazines, of course, have become the most common way for people to get more information in their unknown area. They are easy for us to bring with  so that we can read them in the places that we are fond of such as in the cafe, or even at home. For example, when I was an exchange student in Hongkong university, my professor gave me a assignment that learn about Japan within only one week. He also offered me some old newspapers and magazines which can of great assitance to my research into Japan. I brought these materials to the library and make great efforts to read them. I had to bring them with me all the time even I was having the meals because the time my professor had give to me is so short.Because they are easy to bring, I can read them for most of the time. The convenience that newspapers and magazines have brought to me attributes to the task completely accompolished on time. Therefore, reading newspaper and magazines can absolutely make us easier to learn about a foreign.

Furthermore, the information that newspapers and magazines have provided to us in enough to learn about a foreign country.When we learn about a foeign country,the things that intrigue us most are the local custom and  local culture.It is easily for us to obtain those essential information by the discription the newspapers and magazines provide to us. From the picture presented by the newspapers and magazines, we seem to have experienced their life styles that are different from our home country. Those pictures can also give us a feeling of being in a foreign country enjoying the pleasant that the foreign culture brings to us. For instance, During the time I study  Japan country by reading the newspaper and magazines , I was involved with Japan 's local culutre, which is so different from our chinese tradtional culture. Japanese usually go to the temple that on the top of the hill to pray for peace several times during a year. And the fish flag is also one of the most important form to celebrate their festivals. The picture of fish flag provide me a strong desire to go to Japan to have a look at.

Finally, we can not deny that other kind of media, such as televsion can enable us to get more details when we learn about a foreign country. From the vivid pictures that television has presented, people may  have a better understanding and know a foreign country precisely. Nevertheless, outweighing the advantages and disadvantages of the newspapers and magazines have brought to us when we learn about a foreign country, I am prone to agree with that newsapaers and magazines are the best ways to learn about a foreign country.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-8-4 17:44:26 |只看该作者
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发表于 2010-8-4 18:10:57 |只看该作者

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发表于 2010-8-4 18:20:27 |只看该作者

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发表于 2010-8-5 00:21:33 |只看该作者

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发表于 2010-8-5 18:19:16 |只看该作者
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



发表于 2010-8-5 22:27:22 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Professional athletes, such as football and basketball players, do not deserve the high salaries that they are paid.
When it comes to the controversial issue that whether it is worthwhile for the professional athletes get the high wages that they are paid. Owing to the distinctive backgrounds and personal experiences, divergent viewpoints will emerge. Some people will hold the opinion that professional athletes should get a higher salary because they have make great contribution to their country by getting so many rewards. Other would argue that professional athletes do not deserve to get the high salary because it can bring a lot of trouble to the athletes. These trouble can directly lead to the athletes can not concentrate on their training. However, as far as I am concerned, professional athletes should be paid high salary for their efforts devoted to their motherland. As I will discuss below.

To begin with, it is commonly acknowledge that more and more countries take great efforts to develop the physical education .The sports of one nation is considered of great importance because it has a closely relationship with one nation 's national status in the whole world. Thus, we can not emphasize the importance of sports so much for one nation. Athlete, one of the significant factors in sports, also play an important role in determining the strength of one nation 's sports career. Professional athletes who have the purpose of getting rewards  for their own country devote all themselves to the hard training everyday. Even if the training usually make them feel exhausted and get hurt in their body, they never complaint about these difficulties." practice makes perfect" is  belief of most professional athletes that encourage them to move forward .Therefore, it is no deny that professional athletes with patriotism deserve to get the high salaries.

Furthermore, high wages for the professional athlete can satisfy their demands in their daily life. They spend most of their time on training so that they pay less attention to their lives. The higher salary not only can satisfy their basic living needs but also their strong desire to be respected  as a professional athletes in the society. It will absolutely motive them to make great efforts to make contribution to their home country. For instance, Yao Ming, the famous basketball player who is famous around the world, is a great professional athlete of China. He deserves to be paid quantities of dollars every year as a result of the excellent performance in the basketball field. In one of the interviews with him, the reporter raised a question that whether he satisfied his salary. Yao answered this question without consideration. He said salary is one of the indispensible factors that can support professional athlete’s career. It is essential to a professional athlete.

Finally, we can not deny that high salary may bring more problems to professional athletes. Those problems usually make them distract from their training. Because of the celebrity effect, numbers of manufactures will find the professional athlete to advertise for their products. Doing advertisement will surely take the professional athlete most of their time during which they can not get training. Nevertheless, outweighing the advantages and disadvantages, I am prone to agree with the opinion that professional athlete deserve the high salary that are paid.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-8-6 08:55:57 |只看该作者
帮你改下这个吧 newspaper的那个还没写

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time) u* w( e+ C+ m4 `. y# `9 |

When it comes to the controversial issue that which kind of jobs is better for us, a job providing low wages but more vacations time or that with higher wages but less vacation time? Owing to the distinctive backgrounds and personal experiences, D(d)ivergent viewpoints will emerge. Some people will hold the opinion that the first kind of job is better for us because it enable us to have enough time to have relaxation. Others would argue that the latter is better for the reason that they can purchase more favorite things with their high salary. For this, it deserves to sacrifice(这个词?有点过了吧) their vacation time. However, as far as I am concerned, there are more advantages from(of) the job with more vacation but a low wages. As I will discuss below.( ~3 N2 O" ~" P& Z7 H6 o; W, ?
5 Q1 F6 V6 P! b( l. w6 v

To begin with, it is commonly believed that people who are in favor with(去掉) of  the job with more vacation time can make better performance in their careerseven though they may get a low salary. we can draw this conclusion from general principle that having enough rest is the foundation that one can accomplish his task well. We can not emphasize the importance of having enough rest too much when facing the onerous work .For that reason, it is obviously that more and more people intended to choose the job with more vacation time. For instance, I choose teacher as my job  mainly because it can provide me more vacation time  to have a completely relaxation. Being a teacher, I can enjoy two vacations both in summer and winter so that I can make good use of this time to travel the places that I like, such as Beijing forbidden city and Hong Kong Disney park. Those places are I am dreaming to visit. The sufficient time for my vacation ensure that I can devote all myself to my work . Having enough rest making me full of energy(这个主语有点头重) render(s) me to improve my working efficiency. In addition, job with more vacation can offer me a better emotional state while I am working. It is essential because better emotional state can also affect your performance on your work(这个地方觉得最好不要一下第一人称,一下第二人称的).()9 u0 h$ l, V% f; f# k

Furthermore, a job offering more vacation time provide(s) us more leisure time to care about other important things. In addition to work, people have quantities of things to do in their life. Some of them have family members which should be considered as an significant part of their life. It is their responsibility to share enough time to stay with them. Less vacation time can not satisfy your strong desire to stay with your family members. According to report on a statistics data, forty percent of the couples who have divorced mainly for the reason that the husband can not act a balance between the time that spent on work and the time consumed on his family members. For example, Alex who gets a job in the same company as me always tells me that his wife complains about his work. Because of the onerous work loaded on him, he works till very late everyday and has less vacation . He can hardly have enough time to stay with his wife and daughter. Therefore, a job with more vacation can not only make us feel at ease but also make our family members live a happy life.

Finally, there is no deny that job with more salary can satisfy our demands to purchase more goods that we are fond of. However, less vacation will cause more problems which can lead to great disorder in one’s life. Consequently, I am prone to agree with idea that a job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



发表于 2010-8-7 20:12:38 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should not take part-time jobs while they are studying in universities

When it comes to the controversial issue that whether students should take part-time job  during the time they receive education in the university, owing to the distinctive backgrounds and personal experience, divergent viewpoints will emerge. Some people will hold the opinion that taking part time job can provide students more working experience which can benefit them in their later life. Others would argue that taking part time job will occupy a lot of time that the student original have to study. It distract students' attention on their learning. However, as far as I am concerned, students can learn a lot of knowledge and skills that they can not learn in the university by taking part time jobs. As I will discuss below.

To begin with , it is inevitable to declare that taking part time job have provided  quantities of opportunities for the student to make good practice and wide their prospective. The main purpose for most of students attending the college is to find a decent job. The education that university has offered is mainly focus on the academic research. Although it has something to do with improving your ability, the courses are so limited. As the old saying goes" practice makes perfect", obtaining more practice outside the campus is considered significant to students' later development. so what is the best way to get more practice without left behind courses? The answer is definitely taking part time jobs.  Taking part time job enable the students to have a clearly understanding about  various kinds of job they are more fit for. The information that they collected during taking part time job will exert great positive effect on their later career. Therefore, it is no deny that taking part time job bring more advantages to the university's students.

Furthermore, taking part time jobs can reduce parents ' pressure on tuition fees and the expenses that students make. Students can pay part of their tuition fees with the money they have earned. Students in university can make a independent living and support themselves They can also use these sum of money to do some meaningful things such as donating the money to the charities who are in need of them. Take me as an example, just as some students in the university, I have to take part time jobs to pay for parts of the tuition fees that I owe to school. My family is not rich enough to afford mu tuition fees so that I determine to support my daily expense. In addition to the scholarship that I make great effort to get ,taking  part time job is another way I can obtain more earnings . Now I have got part time job as a teacher working in a teaching company. Seldom do I ask for money from my parents.

Finally, we can not deny that taking part time job can make students in the university pay less attention on their learning. Under some circumstances, some students may get deeply involved with their part time job without caring about their basic learning in the university. They overestimate the importance of practicing neglecting the basic knowledge can skills that are of great assistant to them. Nevertheless, outweighing the advantages and disadvantages that taking part time job bring to students in the universities, I am prone to agree that students should take part time job while they are studying in unive

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-8-9 14:10:37 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 janeliuyan 于 2010-8-9 14:35 编辑


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Professional athletes, such as football and basketball players, do not deserve the high salaries that they are paid.: F0 u0 `! }( D6 \' a" @

When it comes to the controversial issue that whether it is worthwhile for the professional athletes get the high wages that they are paid. Owing to the distinctive backgrounds and personal experiences, divergent viewpoints will emerge. Some people will hold the opinion that professional athletes should get a higher salary because they have make great contribution to their country by getting so many rewards. Other would argue that professional athletes do not deserve to get the high salary because it can bring a lot of trouble to the athletes. These trouble can directly lead to the athletes can not concentrate on their training. However, as far as I am concerned, professional athletes should be paid high salary for their efforts devoted to their motherland. As I will discuss below.9 x0 F9 {0 T- V; |8 }: b8 A

: F8 H9 D) ?$ `( w6 Z0 G. Q4 t& c/ B5 J+ d2 k
To begin with, it is commonly acknowledge that more and more countries take great efforts to develop the physical education .The sports of one nation is considered of great importance because it has a closely relationship with one nation 's national status in the whole world. Thus, we can not emphasize the importance of sports so much for one nation. Athlete, one of the significant factors in sports, also play an important role in determining the strength of one nation 's sports career. Professional athletes who have the purpose of getting rewards  for their own country devote all themselves to the hard training everyday. Even if the training usually make them feel exhausted and get hurt in their body, they never complaint about these difficulties." practice makes perfect" is (the) belief of most professional athletes that encourage them to move forward .Therefore, it is no deny that professional athletes with patriotism deserve to get the high salaries.
& X1 N9 |3 e) |+ n
& F$ `, Y1 c) _! s6 Z: `% Q1 z, x- b4 l" e! E+ d& A& u
Furthermore, high wages for the professional athlete can satisfy their demands in their daily life. They spend most of their time on training so that they pay less attention to their lives. The higher salary not only can satisfy their basic living needs but also their strong desire to be respected  as a professional athletes in the society. It will absolutely motive them to make great efforts to make contribution to their home country. For instance, Yao Ming, the (famous和后面的famous有些重复)basketball player who is famous around the world, is a great professional athlete of China. He deserves to be paid quantities of dollars every year as a result of the excellent performance in the basketball field. In one of the interviews with him, the reporter raised a question that whether he satisfied his salary. Yao answered this question without consideration. He said salary is one of the indispensible factors that can support professional athlete’s career. It is essential to a professional athlete.3 r$ H% x3 D- Z1 U! }

4 o, R% M5 e6 p  S( x$ ^" d. p# r  t
Finally, we can not deny that high salary may bring more problems to professional athletes. Those problems usually make them distract from their training. Because of the celebrity effect, numbers of manufactures will find the professional athlete to advertise for their products. Doing advertisement will surely take the professional athlete most of their time during which they can not get training. Nevertheless, outweighing the advantages and disadvantages, I am prone to agree with the opinion that professional athlete deserve the high salary that are paid.


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