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[未归类] 写作 by kikyou_lr [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-12-31 12:11:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

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发表于 2012-1-2 13:14:01 |只看该作者
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1月2日 101218NA
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Two persons cannot be friends if one is richer than the other. 7 ~% b

       Marvelous as it looks like at first sight, fortune does not help us make friends , however, it would work towards the opposite direction, which lead ones lose equal attitude and status with richer individuals.
      Foremost, one property of fortune is latently harmful to friendship. one thing we feel about when we meet the rich is that the wealth remind us all over the time ,not only that's the different people from different world, but also external feeling to be uneasiness. until now i still remember clearly about the day when i meet a billionaire who own a fantastic house and even an eight acre golf field ,and do not know how to perform to be polite. in this case, ones can't be relax and pleasant to stay with the rich, and that's definitely friends are suppose to be. In this case, fortune plays a negative role in friendship. Therefore it's not a common thing to make friends with ones who are much richer than yourself.
       On the other hand, nowadays lots of soap opera give us an illusion that it's a easy thing to meet and make friends with upper class people. But in fact, most if not all of our friends come from the same class of society which we belong to. ones go to the same public school ,attend the simillar party and get the same kind of work have access to meet . and that's why they have something in come and feel happy to be together. An illustrating example is my friends, Because of the background, we know each other so much and even without talking sometimes.
       Furthermore, it does not work to be friends with someone who come from the quite different class for a long time. as all we know, friendship might begin with some sort of fresh feelings and would end up with unpleasant experience. I used to have a friend who is in a very poor family , and  we have a real nice and close relationship at first. But a month later we stop talking to each other in the end. just because she can't go with me to the place she can't afford, and wouldn't let me go to the other places for her. It turned out this form of relationship only the first step towards friendship, as to be friend requires to be close , which is almost absent in the conditions of ones have such a gap .
       To summarize, fortune does not help ones with making more friends and let friends more closely, even though ones in different background do have something in common, the friendship just can't last for long time. family background still give too much pressure to individuals to be together with happy ,that is the hallmark of friendship.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2012-1-3 00:49:48 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 shibin11 于 2012-1-3 00:50 编辑

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Two persons cannot be friends if one is richer than the other.

Marvelous as it looks like at first sight, fortune does not help us make friends , however, it would work towards the opposite direction, which lead ones lose equal attitude and status with richer individuals.

Foremost, one property of fortune is latently harmful to friendship. one thing we feel about when we meet the rich is that the wealth remind us all over the time ,not only that's the different people from different world, but also external feeling to be uneasiness. until now i still remember clearly about the day when i meetmet a billionaire who own a fantastic house and even an eight acre golf field ,and do not know how to perform to be polite.我觉得这个最好在However什么后面说,突出个反差什么的 in this case, ones can't be relaxrelaxed and pleasant to stay with the rich, and that's definitely friends are supposesupposed to be. In this case, fortune plays a negative role in friendship. Therefore it's not a common thing to make friends with ones who are much richer than yourself.

On the other hand, nowadays lots of soap opera give us an illusion that it's a easy thing to meet and make friends with upper class people. But in fact, most if not all of our friends come from the same class of society which we belong to. ones go to the same public school ,attend the simillar party and get the same kind of work have access to meet . and that's why they have something in come and feel happy to be together. An illustrating example is my friends, Because of the background, we know each other so much and even without talking sometimes. 我感觉这例子太短,这段有点虎头蛇尾的感觉

Furthermore, it does not work to be friends with someone who come from the quite different class for a long time. as all we knowas we all know, friendship might begin with some sort of fresh feelings and would end up with unpleasant experience. I used to have a friend who is in a very poor family , and  we have a real nice and close relationship at first. But a month later we stop talking to each other in the end重复a month later了. just because she can't go with me to the place she can't afford, and wouldn't let me go to the other places for her. It turned out this form of relationship only the first step towards friendship, as to be friend requires to be close , which is almost absent in the conditions of ones have such a gap .6 o4 t% }2 ?- g5 K9 E

To summarize, fortune does not help ones with making more friends and let friends more closely, even though ones in different background do have something in common, the friendship just can't last for long time. family background still give too much pressure to individuals to be together with happyhapiness ,that is the hallmark of friendship

LZ文字功底很赞 用词也很高级 学习了
哪里改错的话请见谅 ^^

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2012-1-3 20:41:34 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 danteksj 于 2012-1-3 20:50 编辑

3# shibin11

Marvelous as it looks like at first sight(这个看LZ用了两篇了哈,这个语境感觉marvelous用的不是很准 ), fortune does not help us make friends , however, it would work towards the opposite direction, which lead ones lose equal attitude(equal attitude towards what? 感觉lz想表达ideology?) and status with richer individuals.
      Foremost, one property(这个是想表示属性的意思么?) of fortune is latently harmful to friendship. one thing we feel about when we meet the rich is that the wealth remind us all over the time(remind us of what?) ,not only that's the different people from different world, but also external feeling to be uneasiness. (我虽然能看懂这句啥意思 但是感觉表达的不是很流畅,有点硬中翻英的感觉)until now i still remember clearly about the day when i meet met a billionaire who owns a fantastic house and even an eight acre golf field ,and do did not know how to perform to be polite(这块感觉可以改成I was shocked by his wealth and became too nervous to behave naturally).(举例子时候小心时态和主谓一致) in this case, ones can't be relax and pleasant to stay with the rich, and that's definitely friends are suppose to be. In this case(不要连用in this case), fortune plays a negative role in friendship. Therefore it's not a common thing to make friends with ones who are much richer than yourself.(这段感觉例子和论证有很多语言都有比较生硬的中翻英的感觉)

       On the other hand, nowadays lots of soap opera give us an illusion that it's a easy thing to meet and make friends with upper class people. But in fact, most if not all of our friends come from the same class of society which we belong to. ones  go to the same public school ,attend the simillar party and get the same kind of work have access to meet . (这句动词多了 要不前面加who改成从句)and that's why they have something in come and feel happy to be together. An illustrating example is my friends, Because of the background, we know each other so much and even without talking sometimes.
       Furthermore, it does not work to be friends with someone who come(s) from the quite different class for a long time. as all we know, friendship (in such circumstance)might begin with some sort of fresh feelings and would end up with unpleasant experience. I used to have a friend who is in a very poor family , and  we have a real nice and close relationship at first. But a month later we stop talking to each other in the end. just because she can't go with me to the place she can't afford, and wouldn't let me go to the other places for her. It turned out this form of relationship only the first step towards friendship, as to be friend requires to be close , which is almost absent in the conditions of ones have such a gap .
       To summarize, fortune does not help ones with making more friends and let friends more closely, even though ones in different background do have something in common, the friendship just can't last for long time. family background still give too much pressure to individuals to be together with happy ,that is the hallmark of friendship.

整体还是挺好的 但LZ写的时候要细心 小错又不少,有一些表达不很地道 可以多积累下~祝考出好成绩

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2012-1-4 21:20:35 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2012-1-5 04:01:41 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 kikyou_lr 于 2012-1-5 04:05 编辑


13 110402NA Doyou agree or disagree with the following statement? When you choose a university,是prefer毕业生就业好的,还是有famous professor

There is no universal agreement on the subject that do you prefer to choose a university with higher employment rates after graduation or one with famous professors?
Many factors play their roles. I ,given the chance, can’t agree more with the later choice.

First and foremost, one reason for my preference concerns with that a professor with great fame can provide students with information and real knowledge at greater amount and higher efficiency. Since the ultimate aim of going to college is to learn more professional knowledge and study major related material, an expert on these aspects provides the students the easiest access to get the wide and in-depth knowledge ones need. For instance, I have a professor who is one of the best in the field of foreign literature in the country. I took the famous professor's class for it’s good reviews from students, and ended up with great interest because of the fantastic professor. In this case, the teacher is definitely crucial for students to complete their education at their universities.

Besides, an expert of his or her own realm can be the best way to learn and pursue the particular career. The professor would probably know most of the top CEOS of companies in that field, and can give you’re the best advice about your career plantation. when I graduated from a college with an education degree three years ago, my professor introduced me to the headmaster of a famous elementary school.During the intership in this elementary school, I learned about the steps of how to became a good teacher, and became aware of how to improve myself to get a great job with good salaries and future. Without my professor’s introduction, I would not have learned so much in three months .Therefore, A famous professor could be a big help to your career too.

But a famous professor can’t always be an assurance of something. fame is often challenged or even reversed – that is, unscrupulous ones make use of various ways to gain fame. For example, I was once a big fan of a writer who was claimed to be the youngest and most talented up and coming writer . Teenagers like myself rushed into the bookstores, bought his book at an eye-popping price, and considered it as one of the most precious books .However, a year later we found that the same material in this writer's book was presented in another writer’s book , and later one is the original version . It turned out that the “youngest writer ” was a cheater and plagiarised from the other writer , this incident disappointed me for quite a long time. We can learn from the experience that we should not always trust the fame, for that it could be exaggerated.

In conclusion, a famous professor can help students learn more knowledge and go much further in terms of their career paths. In the meantime, we ought to keep a more realistic point of view, and avoid being blind sighted by their fame and reputation. However, the comparison between the different choices is itself subjective. The criteria could not be easily determined, and opinions are highly personal.


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Rank: 2

发表于 2012-1-5 04:07:48 |只看该作者
4# danteksj


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Rank: 2

发表于 2012-1-5 23:03:15 |只看该作者
悲催的时差党,提前几小时起床交作业,结果发现忘记算冬季时,还是算错时间了 :D不过论坛好歹不抽风了,能上就感恩了
1月5日100508NA  In order to be more financially responsible when we are adults, we should learn how to manage money at young ages./ p8 s# a7 }8 P& d

           There is no universal agreement on the subject that should we start to learn to manage money at our young ages, in order to be more good at financial in terms of money when we are grow-ups. At my young ages , many parents, like mine, hold that child is too young to deal with their own money, but I want to say, it’s the best time to build financial responsibility when ones still in childhood .
         First and foremost , it’s undeniable that the younger the people , the easier the formation of people’s character is, financial responsibility is not a except . obviously, most if not all characters of everyone are formed during the process of growing up . for instance, my little sister lynn always like to do other things every several minutes when she is having a meal. when she still was a little girl , his parents didn’t take it serious and thought that she would be better when she grow up. But the truth is she still need lots of breaks whenever and wherever until now ,and even when she is taking exam or doing important presentation . She lost the best opportunity to learn how to persist as she is an adult. Therefore, it would be better to built and correct one’s habits at younger ages.
          On the other hand, people’s financial responsibility which formed naturally might be damage if she or he didn’t be trust and get the chance to keep handling with money issues, especially when he or she is young. an illustrating example is my experience with the pocket money .when I was a teenager , the red envelops which I got from family relatives at every spring festival were always been took away by my mom or dad. because they hold that child can’t help to spend all  the money once they got it. after several times, I did spend all the pocket money as soon as possible ,in case of being taking away .However the fact is that I used to save all the money and just buy few things I need indeed before my parents started to take my saving away. in this case, parts of people did have the ability to save and handle with the financial problem, even at young age .that’s what we need to cherish and protect to form a character.
         In a nutshell, it’s the best time for people to learn how to manage money when they at young ages .their ability of handling with financial need to be trust, and eventually ones can be grow-ups who are responsible with all the money issues.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2012-1-6 22:47:53 |只看该作者
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Rank: 2

发表于 2012-1-6 23:02:31 |只看该作者
1月6日100828NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The main purpose for people who have jobs is for money rather than social status

Parts of people hold that salary is more significant than social status when pursuing life career, also others view social status as the major goal on jobs, criteria is not easily to determine, but as I concerned ,ones do see social status not as important as salary, here is my reason as follow.
First and foremost, everyone need salary in terms of money to support their own life and their families. Most if not all the people come from prevalent family and thus have no some kind of founds to live with. when we grow up and graduate from university , it’s time for parents to retire and have a leisure life after years and years hard-working time. At this time, youth people become the only resource of family financial .An illustrating example is my sister, her father past away when she was in college, and her mother and she can’t afford their living. from then on she began to take part-time jobs. She had no opportunity to take her time to choose a decent job After graduated. In this case, salary is the most important factor when individuals consider a job.
On the other hand, a well-paid job does offer people a certain social status and it’s normally not bad at all. Wealth is one of the most significant aspects about social status . in a company, the higher the paid the higher the position is. person who get a well-paid job often get the relative high social status. for instance, the first year after graduated from college, I worked for a firm as an editor and got only 1200RMB a month. It’s a hard time for living. No one cares about me. The next year I got an offer of a famous elementary school and became a language teacher. At that time, my salary was about 4000RMB a month. and on many occasions people hear my job, they just envy me. my parents were proud of me too. Therefore, good salary is also one of the most important reason for people who pursue social status to take a job.
In a nutshell, a well-paid job not only provide people with family financial support and also assist ones to get a good social status as well . of course, there is exception .ones might just want a fame when they have got a great amount of wealth ,but that’s not for most common people.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2012-1-6 23:21:44 |只看该作者
Parts of people hold that salary is more significant than social status when pursuing life career, also others view social status as the major goal on jobs, the criteria is not (easily)easy to determine, but as I concerned ,ones do see social status not as important as salary, here is my reason as follow.# Z2 |" m, w% }; A

First and foremost, everyone need salary (in terms of money \in terms of 是在某方面的意思 ) to support their own (life)lives and their families. Most if not all the people come from (prevalent普遍的,广泛的,词义不对)mediocre (family)families  and thus have no (some kind of founds)foundation to live with.(普通家庭也不代表没基础吧?有点绝对了) when we grow up and graduate from university , it’s time for parents to retire and have a leisure life after years and years hard-working (time可以去掉). At this time, youths (people) become the only resource of family (financial这是形容词 应放到resource前面) .An illustrating example is my sister, her father (past) passed away when she was in college, and her mother and she can’t afford their livings. from then on she began to take part-time jobs. She had no opportunity to take her time to choose a decent job After graduated. In this case, salary is the most important factor when individuals consider a job例子和中心不是太搭配.( l$ O4 i$ C, S1 z& d/ G. v. j例子

On the other hand, a well-paid job does offer people a certain social status (and it’s normally not bad at all)(social status好想本来就表示比较高的社会地位了). Wealth is one of the most significant aspects about social status . in a company, the higher the paid the higher the position is. person who get a well-paid job often get the relative high social status. for instance, the first year after graduated from college, I worked for a firm as an editor and got only 1200RMB a month. It’s a hard time for living. No one cares about me. The next year I got an offer of a famous elementary school and became a language teacher. At that time, my salary was about 4000RMB a month. and on many occasions people hear my job, they just envy me. my parents were proud of me too. Therefore, good salary is also one of the most important reason for people who pursue social status to take a job(段内论证很好 就是好凄凉啊。。).

In a nutshell, a well-paid job not only provide people with family financial support (and)but also assist ones to get a good social status as well . of course, there is exception .ones might just want a fame when they have got a great amount of wealth ,but that’s not for most common peopleLZ注意要大写啊 考t的时候可没自动大写 论证整体挺流畅的 用词最好查准 要不印象分会降很多 加油~.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2012-1-7 22:44:34 |只看该作者
1月7日 101030NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are now easier to become educated than in the past.1

with the highly development of modern society, most if not all the parts of society in terms of technology and economy had been changed around the turn of last century, education which is the most important aspect all over the time is not a exception .some teacher may say student don’t want to study and are difficult to teach now. however, I believe the majority hold that it is easier that ones are be educated in rent years, because of some reasons as follow.
        First an foremost, with the advent of modern science, more and more education facilities and applications, like pc, I phone, and electronic dictionary appear to help individuals getting the information needed much easier. It’s undeniable that all kinds of tools are never as handy as they are at present. and people benefit from these education facilities and applications so much ,an illustrating example is my experience with studying English on my own. after graduation from college, I want to develop my skills to extend my vision by taking English course. At that time with a full time job ,I have no time to commute between workplace and school. so I bought an iPhone that I can study English whenever and wherever. iPhone have electronic dictionary for looking up words, voice device for recording my practical speaking , iPod for listening, and camera for taking picture of reading material etc. in this case, it’s the modern technology that make study easier .
        Besides, education opportunity is much easier for people who live in desolate areas to get, for the transportation condition is changed with the economy soaring .and thus all the kids can go to school and become educated. As we all know, students in lonely mountains have no school to go or have only remote school miles away which need hours of walk to get. In decades, a great number of road were built and every village have road to go outside, most of the territory are connected. the students have private school bus to go to school and can complete their education. Therefore, even the ones live in remote area can be educated by now.
        What’s more, financial aid from the government or private founds provide the poor with enough money to cover the education cost, and no more student will lose their opportunity to accomplish education because of poverty. for instance, all kinds of additional fees were canceled and the cost of going to elementrary school and high school decreased so much , and thus they can complete education before college in china. There is extra financial aids for the college student to support them .all of this happen in twenty years. That’s why I insist that people get easy to be educated.
        To summarize, result from the highly science development and economy soaring , education facilities and applications are no more handy as they are at present, and transportation change enable students to go to school ,and the financial aid assist them to cover the cost. so I have to say people are now easier to become educated than in the past.1

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2012-1-7 22:58:19 |只看该作者
11# danteksj


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2012-1-7 23:40:22 |只看该作者
13# kikyou_lr 啊。。原来是真的。。我还以为是编的呢。。还想说编的太世态炎凉了。。
还有感觉你in terms of 老用不太准 给你找了两个例句 你可以体会一下 然后百度搜搜更多的例句 就用准了 呵呵~
I don't know what to do in terms of John's problem.
Now, in terms of your proposal, don't you think you're asking for too much?

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2012-1-8 08:42:05 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 gtgtooo 于 2012-1-8 08:57 编辑

16100828NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The main purpose for people who have jobs is for money rather than social status

Parts of people hold that salary is more significant than social status when pursuing life career, also others view social status as the major goal on jobs, criteria is not easily to determine, but as I concerned ,ones do see social status not as important as salary, and here is my reason as follow.

First and foremost, everyone need salary in terms of money to support their own life and their families. Not all the people come from prevalent family and have no some kind of founds to live with. when we grow up and graduate from university , it’s time for parents to retire and have a leisure life after years and years hard-working time. At this time, youth people become the only resource of family financial .An illustrating example is my sister, her father past away when she was in college, and her mother and she can’t afford their living. from then on she began to take part-time jobs. Thus, she had no opportunities to take her time to choose a decent job After graduated. In this case, salary is the most important factor when individuals consider a job.

On the other hand, a well-paid job does offer people a certain social status and it’s normally not bad at all. Wealth is one of the most significant aspects about social status . in a company, the higher the paid the higher the position is. person who get a well-paid job often get the relative high social status.(写得好) for instance, the first year after graduated from college, I worked for a firm as an editor and got only 1200RMB a month. It’s a hard time for living and no one cares about me. The next year I got an offer from a famous elementary school and became a language teacher. At that time, my salary was
much higher(呵呵,强调一下), about 4000RMB a month. and on many occasions people hear my job, they just(just在这里用的有点奇怪) envy me. my parents were proud of me too. Therefore, good salary is also one of the most important reason for people who pursue social status to take a job.

# a0 L6 S8 q6 V9 U1 h, Q* qIn a nutshell, a well-paid job not only provides people with family financial support and also assists ones to get a good social status as well . of course, there is
one exception-ones might just want a fame when they have got a great amount of wealth However, that’s not for most common people.

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