TPO7 超时:10分钟
The professor claims that it is very possible that wood companies in the United States will also try to receive ecocertification like many other companies in the world. This claim is not in agreement with that of the passage, which suggests that American wood companies will not purse this certification.
According to the professor, American consumers are capabable of distinguishing the products certificated by an independent organization from those certificated by the companies themselves that produce these products. Also they are confident in the independent organization. So products with ecocertification will gain their trust. On the contrary, the passage contends that American consumers will not value the ecocertification label since they have been boring with so much unruly advertising.
The second difference between the lecture and the reading passage concerns the price of ecocertified wood. The lecturer states that price is not the only factor that determines the consuming choice of American consumers. She gives a example. If the price of certificated wood products is less than five percent higher than that of uncertificated ones, (不明白意思if the price of certificated wood products is slightly higher(less than 5percent) than that of uncertificated ones)American consumers will definitely buy those certificated wood since they are aware of the significance of environmental protection.
Finally, the professor believes that it is crucial for American wood companies to receive the ecocertification for the reason of taking up the American market. Due to fierce competition from wood companies from other countries, the companies of the United States may even lose their consumers in their own country. In contrast, the author simply suggests that since American wood companies sell most of their products in the United States rather than in abroad, there is no need for them to pursue this certification.
To sum up, the lecture convincingly casts doubts on the claim of the passage that American companies are barely likely to seek for the ecocertification.