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[i习作temp] issue11同心砥砺by sup1428 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-2-27 22:26:57 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world’s most persistent social problem.

Should all nations help to establish a global university to educate and specialize people to work on world’s most persistent social problem? Indeed, with development of technology human beings have made amazing progress in many fields, but bring out numerous social problems as well. I basically agree with the speaker that building such a global university is a wise idea as long as considering putting it into practice.

To begin with, I concede that to establish a university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world’s most persistent social problem seems necessary. It is true that we have faced and will face many pressing global issues and society problems which simply can not be solved apart from cooperative international efforts. All the countries in the world should cooperate with each other--probably in the form of a university--to settle the impediments which we are in face of.

An increasing number of international problems have become so serious that they have been threatening the evolution or even the survival of human beings and other innocent species, such as the deteriorating environment, the energy crisis, the warming up of the climate, the depletion of the atmospheric ozone, to name a few. Global university with its international faculty and students might bring diverse cultural and educational perspectives to the problems they seek to solve.
On the other hand, besides the environmental problems imperatively needs international academic cooperation. As to economic realm, international cooperation is necessary for coping with the challenges we confront today. At present, in order to achieve and maintain a place in furious competition, more and more business companies choose to take a global strategy. By taking advantage of labor force, skills, energies and techniques all over the world, they manage to enlarge the proportion of limited market and reduce the cost. Thus, consider a financial crisis, a disaster in one country can spell trouble for foreign countries. Whichever country will feel incompetent and feeble in face of these tough tasks.

As the problems are global, the solutions should also be taken globally. A global university might be able to provide a equally and open platform to solve mutual problem like mentioned above and help to find a common base or reach a consensus in the whole world. Also a global university would bring together excellent experts and academicians, the infinite funds from all countries, along with diverse ideology and methodology. What’s more, this university will promote the cooperation between different countries. With blurred borders of cultures, nationalities and races, the great advanced technology can be together and work together to for the good of the whole world. It would also bring us mutual tolerance and understanding to reduce the possibilities of such catastrophes coursed of different races. The university may be a good place to provide the environment for cultivating this international spirit from the young.

However, before it can serve its purpose functionally, the implement of such a program is suspicious. like a two-edged weapon, a global university can be used equally for good or evil, it has some risks that may aggravate some pressing international problems. Because of the imbalances in the distribution of power and wealth, some powerful countries might get more benefits than undeveloped countries through the abuse of authority.

A global university should absorb different sound and make nation possible to participate in the solution of the problems and make every nation possible to participate in the solution of problems together. However, there must be some principles in the university-no racism, no region discrimination, etc- to assure equality and liberty among students without negative political influence.

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issue11同心砥砺by sup1428
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