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[i习作temp] Issue 48 昨晚写,今早改 [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-3-5 11:09:12 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
本帖最后由 cathyhanye 于 2011-3-5 11:15 编辑

发现自己第一遍写的,超时10分钟不说,而且不堪入目,语法错误到处都是,而且逻辑不顺。虽然分论点都有,但段落内部的支撑却差了很多。尤其是第一个分论点的topic sentence总是要纠结一下才能写得出来。还有破题第一段,不是写的太绕,就是写的太浅,要么就是detailed。。。改了很久,其实都可以说是重写了。

48"The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."

The accurate account of the past of humankind features a series of significant events and trends, to which both critical individuals and the public contribute. Nevertheless, it is argued that historians overwhelmingly prioritize individuals over groups of ordinary people. While the shares of the latter should be acknowledged and accounted in some ways, historians have to, and also choose to, lay more emphasis on the former.

Due to limited resources and underdeveloped technologies in the past, history record is mostly concentrated on a few privileged or outstanding individuals, therefore leading historians to investigate on their lives in order to reconstruct the ancient society as a whole. Even a fundamental knowledge of the world literature can illustrate it. As components of history record, saga and folklores recorded the significant achievements of a people, usually featuring outstanding heroes, such as Beowulf and King Arthur. Although the accuracy of the literature may not be completely reliable, it indicates the fact that the history record, especially the ancient ones, tend to emphasize individuals, hence driving historians who gleaning the data to prioritize them. In contrast, records and evidence of the ordinary people are too scarce to allow large-scale and/or in-depth research.

If significance is defined as innovative, revolutionary, and influential, it is legitimate or even necessary to focus primarily on a few initiators, inventers, and reformers. While the support and advocacy from the majority is crucial in introducing and promoting a new idea, innovation, or politic system, it is the outstanding individuals who first generate and articulate the idea (sometimes also practical approaches to realize it). For instance, although dissatisfaction and criticism had existed before 1970s, without an effective leader with a clear and keen vision of the improvement of human rights, the negative situation remained constant for a long time. Thanks to Martin Luther King Jr.’s leadership which adopted the non-violent approach to America, functioning effectively together with his tremendous courage to initiate a widespread reform, the African American civil rights movement eventually came into such fruition. Having played a critical role in forming and impelling a historic trend, great individuals like King are worthy of in-depth research to identify the causes and effect the events and trends.

As aforementioned, the support and share from the public in promoting a historic event and trend should not be ignored, especially in gauging the influence of an event or trend in terms of time span and geographical scope. When an innovative trend appears, the ordinary people are those who firstly suspect, but gradually embrace it. In this process, they may have modified or even improved the original idea, and bring it to other places and the young generation. For instance, in the Yuan Dynasty, when the Mongolians were fond of the Middle Asian texture, it is the anonymous weavers from south China who moved to the north to study the exotic textures and finally improved the traditional weaving technology to produce the similar texture throughout China, which became popular in later dynasties. Such significant technological innovation should be attributed to a group of ordinary but skillful weavers, rather than a particular leader.

To conclude, given the limited record regarding to the public, as well as the determining effects of a few individuals in historic events and trends, the historians need to concentrate more intensely on some critical individuals over the public. Nevertheless, it would also be unwise if leaving the share of the public totally forgotten, as their support and practice lengthen the time span and geographical scope of a historic trend, hence strengthening the significance of an event.

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