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[i习作temp] issue130 欢迎提意见 [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-3-8 23:21:01 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
130. Because of television and worldwide computer connections, people can now become familiar with a great many places that they have never visited. As a result, tourism will soon become obsolete.”

"He that travels far knows much." said by John Ray, a British scientist. As everyone knows, tourism is one of the best ways to accumulate our lore by our own foot. However, with development of television and worldwide computer connections, the information and relevant lore of the unfamiliar place are placed in front of us, which can be achieved so convenient that some people claim that it is unnecessary that tourists travel around in person. There is an element of truth in this argument, but it ignores a deeper and more basic fact that the real purpose of tourism is not just to gain knowledge but also containing the mental and bodily satisfaction and promotion to the development of economy. So it is too superficial if people only consider one aim of tourism.

First and foremost, the primary purpose of tourism is to share of mental and bodily joyfulness. With development of science and technology, a great deal of landscape videos are uploaded on internet, though which maybe let you appreciate more fantastic sceneries you never and ever see in order to give you a perfect visual tourism, can not replace the real tourism because the feeling of body is not duplicated. Only you arrival in Hawaii, charming sea breeze containing several salts can be smelled; only you dive into sea, colorful tropical fish can be touched by you own hands; only you climb up into the Himalayas, the uncomfortable altitude stress can make you surrender. All above these can not be obtained except you arrival there in person.

What's more, the tourism relates to the development of economy. Nowadays, the development of economy is an essential determinant about fate of many countries, among which some countries only have the territory as big as an island, which can not develop their industries for the lack of necessary natural resource and troublesome environment pollution, and tourism is the only saver to them. Dibai, for example, as a famous tourism place, attracts thousands of tourists for shopping and spending their holidays. In Dibai, tourism is not only a main engine for promoting economy prosperity but also provides the best choice for tourists from all around the world. The tourism endows so huge profits for the city started from desert, and their governors will never let the tourism become obsolete thing.

Finally, the real result of television and worldwide computer connections does not make the tourism become obsolete, in return, raises concern and attracts the tourist to distinct places in the world. For example, most of people have a thought of traveling all around the world in the evening of their life when they chat with friends or colleagues on internet; people must vow silently, "someday, I will go there." when they have watch the video of a grand natural landscape or historical interest excitedly. Therefore, tourism can not become obsolete until the world becomes a place where everything is the same.

All in all, the tourism will not be obsolete, the thought of human being wants to go to different places is not altered.

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