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[i习作temp] issue 144 较之上篇,这篇更logic?issue 应该这样写?谢谢谢谢!!! [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-7-17 10:12:52 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
topic:It is the artist, not the critic, “who gives society something of lasting value”

I would like the notion to be expressed in this way:” it is artist who actually gives society something of lasting value, and it is critic who makes the value better known to public, at least to some extent.”

The whole career of an artist is an entire process in the pursuit of beauty, truth, mercy. And I think I am rather safe to get the conclusion that it is beauty, truth, and mercy possess the magic power of lasting value. Consider, for example, one of the greatest, if not the greatest composer, Beethoven. Best known for his compositions such as the fifth symphony, the final charter of the ninth symphony, and the moonlight, he was a prolific composer. His works, nine symphony, five concertos and several senates included, formed a transition form classical to romantic composition. The final charter of the ninth symphony, finished under the inspiration of Ode to Joy by Schiller, when played at the first time, filled the audience with unimaginable passion, strength and thus arouse acclaim for five times. It is beauty, truth and mercy contained in the chorus that strikes our spirit.
And arts have more function than this. In the 1960s the American congress chartered The National Endowments for The Arts and for The Humanities in order to protect arts for the conviction that arts were crucial to the preservation of a lively, thoughtful society. Obviously they knew the value of art. Artists employed their works as a medium to express their feelings and their vision about this universe, and more often than not they take an opposite position to official view. A society can be lively and health only if it can allow different voice to speak out. Photographer sherry Levine had used grotesque images of women to protest the offenses received by women from social custom, laws, also advertising. George Braque, French cubist painter in the early 20th century possessed the conviction that the most valuable art was the most deeply provocative art. “science reassure us”, he wrote.” arts disturb us”. Arts tend to reveal the ugly side exists in our society. And as Clarence Darrow said: as long as human exists, they should be wrongs, and if no man rebel, the wrongs would be last forever. Artists, more often than not, are the persons who overshadow their fellow citizens to recognize the wrongs.

And to find evidence to support the statement that” it is critics who make the value better known to the wide public, one need to look no further than the well known movie The Lord of The King. The movie, which is about the tale of a group of imagined alliance of good souls fight with frightful evils, would not proved to be a fantasy one that won all the 11 Oscar awards nominated if critics did not give it the interpretation that it revealed our struggle against industry and war, which I consider was the soul of this film. And in the United States the Endowment for The Humanities mentioned above was given the responsibility to provide the format of interpretation that was accessible to the ordinary people. Van Gogh’s painting “impression, sunrise” would be still beyond the understanding of ordinary people for the blue color it employed to depict the sunlight if it was not for critics’ interpretation; few could understood Kant’t great work The Critique of Pure Reason which was written in technical language if it was not interpreted by an master of psychology. So there are plenty of examples to prove the value of critics’ work. They build up the bridge between obscure artists and common readers, audience and museum goers.

Finally, for the reasons presented above, I consider that the concept of both artists and critics’ work is essential to give society something of value would be beyond challenge. And the metaphor that values of artists and critics are integrated into each other just like two parts of a circle joined together would aptly illustrate their relationship. Lack of either would not make the circle a whole.
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issue 144 较之上篇,这篇更logic?issue 应该这样写?谢谢谢谢!!!
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