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[未归类] hcp4715 Daily writing home work [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-2-28 19:07:35 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TPO5 综合写作

The instructor mainly tells us that thethree theory provided by the passage is not well-supported by evidence, thoughthey sould plausible.

the hypothesis that the Chaco structure were purely residential was lackof enough support. Even the Chaco house appear striking similiar to the"apartement buildings"at Taos, New Mexico, there is not evidence showthat there were many people lived in that big houses.There are only severalfire left in the Chaco house, but if these structures are used to resident,there should be hundreds of them. thus ,this theory is unconvincing.

The second theory that Chaco structureswere used for storing is lack of evidence too. If these houses are used tostore grain maize, there must be something related to maize left in the insideof the houses. However, historians did not find any clues about it. What'smore, storehouse of maize should be built near the farm, but there structuresare not so near.

Third, ceremonial-center-theory alsorefused by available evidences. the finding of many broken pots were used aseivdence to support this idea, nonotheless, these pots were find with manyother trashes discarded by people. It is also possible that the pots are onlyordinary trash, instead of from festive meals.

Do you agree or disagree followingstatement? it is better to make friends with intelligent people than withpeople who have a good sense of humor.

I personally disagree with the point thatit is better to make friends with intelligent people than with people who havea good sense of humor because being intelligent and humorous are not mutuallyexclusive and one person could be both intelligent and have a good sense ofhumor.

First, having a good sense of humor itselfis a indicator of intelligence. Humor is essentially using a easy or funny wayto express an otherwise obscure or difficult idea, thus to be humorous you needhave a different perspective to view things and use a words or sentence thatcould make people laugh, both of these ability are important component ofintelligence. Therefore, make friends with peopl have good sense of humor issuperior to make friends with those who are intelligent but boring.

In addition, with a friend who could makeyou laugh all the time will difinitely give you a lot of good time. When youare happy and share you archivement with him/her, by turnning it even morefunny s/he would implicit tell you never be too proud to ignore the details;While you have a bad time and complain to him/her, s/he could give you atotally different viewpoint from which you could see the positive side of thosethings, at same time s/he may also make you mood turn better and help you findsoluations through amusing words, that is both comforting and useful, at leastfor me. In contrast, if your friend is some who are smart but lack sense ofhumor, you will find that you can only discuss problem with s/he rationally butnever being comforted emotionally, thus you could not feel suppport from s/he.

In sum, I prefer make friend with peoplewho have a good sense of humor, for they are both smart and funny. Withhumorous friends around, I could be more positive and enjoyed life more.
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-3-1 16:47:40 |只看该作者
你没有按照作业要求写 TPO8 综合写作如果题目不一样,没法互改,可能我的题你没写过。这次帮你改了,希望以后跟大家统一啊
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-1 20:56:30 |只看该作者
2011-03-01 作文练习

TPO8 综合

In the passage, critics doubt the accuracy Chevalier's memoir because they thought that Chevalier distorted or even created many events to make his memoir more attractive. However, the speaker give more evidences to show that the memoir wrote by Chevalier is quit reliable.

First, Critics used the eivdence that Chevalier borrowed considerable amount of money to prove that Chevalier is not rich. However, the speaker demostrates that Chevalier could not be poor for he did spend a lot of money on parties and gambling. And he borrowed money because at that time you can't exchange your property for money immediately, so it was entirely possible that Chevalier borrow cash from others before the hishis own arrived.

When it comes to these conversations between Chevalier and Voltaire, the critics doubt that he can not possibly capture these conversations accurately after so many years. However, the speaker pointed out the Chevalier had taken notes every time he finished talk with Voltaire. And there are also proof that when he wrote his memoir, Chevalier often checked his notebooks. so we can trust the accuracy of this part of his Chevalier.

What more, Chevalier's claim that he escape from Venice prison is reliable as well. Critics argued that Chevalier had many politicians as friends who might have bribed the jailers to free him. However, there are many prisoners who have even more powerful friend did not get out of the prison. soSo it is unlikely that Chevalier was brought out by his friends. In addition, there are official document records that the prison's ceiling was repaired once, and the time was exactly after Chevalier escaped from there. itIt is entirely possible that they were to fix the hole made by Chevalier.

So, given these details and evidence, the speaker re-assurespeaker re-assures the reliability of Chevalier's memoir, and refused the critics' doubt.

Nowadays each group member get same grade(grade (mark), Isis it a good method to evaluate students to give the same grades to all the members of who do the same project together. What do you think of the way of evaluation?

It is a long debated problem that whether should wewe should give same grades to all the members who do the same project as a group. Some claim that credit all the members the same is the best way to bolster the efficencyefficiency of the group as whole; while others argue that this will riseraise the problem of freeridersfree riders. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the later point.

First and foremost, Givinggiving a same grade(grade (mark) to all group members produces aan unfair situation: those who contribute more than others were not being rewarded while free-riders get pay-off too.Intoo. In any circumstance, the contributions made by each membersmember could not be totally equal,equal; someone may do a larger part of the project while others do a smaller one. If we give them without difference, this will definitely disencouragediscourage the main contributor(s), makes them be less willing to work hard in future.

Second, reward all the group members would actually encourage free-riders. In other words, those who do nothing at all also get the same grade as those who have worked hard. Historically,oneHistorically, one of the most problems that affect the cooperation in a group is the free-rider dilemma. Once people find that they could possibllypossibly get reward without any cost, the selfishness instinct deep in our mind will drive us to decrease our contribution to the group, so would other people. Thus the cooperation level between the members will decline. In the end, the group will not be able to finish it project.

To solve this problem, I prefer to give the grade according to each and every one's contribtuioncontribution to the project. In other words, those who work harder and do more jobs will get higher grade, while those who make less contributions will get lower grade. In this way, we create a fair measurement of each member's performance. The differentiated grades would remind members that they should be more engaged in project and cooperation with others more often. And therefore improve the performance of the group as a whole.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-2 08:12:42 |只看该作者
1# hcp4715
你写的不是我们要求的题目吧? 那就晚上奉上吧

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-2 11:41:28 |只看该作者
In the passage, critics doubt the accuracy of Chevalier's memoir because they thought that Chevalier distorted or even created many events to make his memoir more attractive. However, the speaker give more evidences to show that the memoir wrote by Chevalier is quit reliable./ D4 V" e9 r& b  M, _, w第一段总结的挺好

- b) _2 q% A% r& ]8 XFirst, Critics used the eivdence that Chevalier borrowed considerable amount of money to prove that Chevalier is not rich. However, the speaker demostrates that Chevalier could not be poor for he did spend a lot of money on parties and gambling. And he borrowed money because at that time you can't exchange your property for money immediately, so it was entirely possible that Chevalier borrow cash from others before the hishis own arrived.
2 m" `' S! ~" B
1 y; ]# ?( |' g4 tWhen it comes to these conversations between Chevalier and Voltaire, the critics doubt that he can not possibly capture these conversations accurately after so many years. However, the speaker pointed(时态统一) out the Chevalier had taken notes every time he finished talk with Voltaire. And there are also proof that when he wrote his memoir, Chevalier often checked his notebooks. so we can trust the accuracy of this part of his Chevalier." y! B5 S7 k' M% X2 `& G0 i
, a' f( X. t% c  a8 Q
What more, Chevalier's claim that he escape from Venice prison is reliable as well. Critics argued that Chevalier had many politicians as friends who might have bribed the jailers to free him. However, there are many prisoners who have even more powerful friend(s) did not get out of the prison.So it is unlikely that Chevalier was brought out by his friends. In addition, there are official document records that the prison's ceiling was repaired once, and the time was exactly after Chevalier escaped from there. It is entirely possible that they were to fix the hole made by Chevalier.* Q  J9 N8 T+ A0 ?, L/ u$ X

; A: T% p- Q( ?- C" Z& |So, given these details and evidence, the speaker re-assures the reliability of Chevalier's memoir, and refused the critics' doubt.(细节都很准确,很好啊)

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-2 11:51:44 |只看该作者
Nowadays each group member get same grade(grade (mark), Isis it a good method to evaluate students to give the same grades to all the members of who do the same project together. What do you think of the way of evaluation?7 Q: R& a5 [/ P

) ^! P$ _: y; b" V$ BIt is a long debated problem that whether should we give same grades to all the members who do the same project as a group. Some claim that credit all the members the same is the best way to bolster the efficency of the group as whole(觉得怪怪的); while others argue that this will raise the problem of free riders. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the later point.) v7 T6 V- F2 s! }' a. w

+ n5 C: q* G6 E. J' `- v/ pFirst and foremost, Giving a same grade(grade (mark) to all group members produces an unfair situation: those who contribute more than others were not being rewarded while free-riders get pay-off too. In any circumstance, the contributions made by each member could not be exactly equal; someone may do a larger part of the project while others do a smaller one. If we give them without difference, this will definitely discourage the main contributor(s), makes them be less willing to work hard in future.7 U; C+ J# u+ @

' @) i4 F; k1 B* @7 D: L  USecond, reward (to ) all the group members would actually encourage free-riders. In other words, those who do nothing at all also get the same grade as those who have worked hard. Historically, one of the most (缺少形容词吧)problems that affect the cooperation in a group is the free-rider dilemma.(没有体现出两难啊) Once people find that they could possiblly get reward without any cost, the selfishness instinct deep in our mind will drive us to decrease our contribution to the group, so would other people. Thus the cooperation level between the members will decline.(不明白具体的意思) In the end, the group will not be able to finish its project.(感觉这一段是上面一段的极端情况,开头可以不用second,Moreover会好一些)
( o3 `$ ?; t: Y% f3 _% K3 a( ^
. M4 n4 k: |" J- j& h' b) zTo solve this problem, I prefer to give the grade according to each and every one's contribtuion to the project. In other words, those who work harder and do more jobs will get higher grade, while those who make less contributions will get lower grade. In this way, we create a fair measurement of each member's performance. The differentiated grades would remind members that they should be more engaged in project and cooperation with others more often. And therefore improve the performance of the group as a whole.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-2 12:17:55 |只看该作者
2.28 独立+综合 之前没看到分组 改晚了 不好意思啊
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-2 20:21:54 |只看该作者
TPO 10综合
The passage cites three evidences to provethat the decline of sea otter alone the western coast of North America iscaused by pollution. However, the speakerdoesn't agree with this statement and gives more convincingevidences to support the point that the real reason is predation.

To begin with, the speak says that there isno dead sea otter's body have been found along the beach, contradict with thenotion that pollution caused death of sea otter. If as the passage claims, thesea otter are affected by the polluted water and can not immune to infectionany more, then there must be a lot of them died and with their body foamedalong the beach.

In addition, the decrease of the amount ofother sea mammals gives no support to the notion the sea otter was killed bypollution indirectly. Because after humans’ hunting activities on the sea, theamount of whale declined. Thus the orca do nothave enough prey, as a result, it turns to smaller mammals such as sea sealsand sea lions for food. This change causes other sea mammals become less.

It is clearer when it come to the unevenpattern of otter decline. In contrast to the pollution theory states, thepredatory theory could illustrate it better. For the location where otterdecline is exactly where the orca could access. Because orca is very big, itcan only predate at location where the water is deep, at those shallow areathey can't access, otter's population is fairlystable.

Do you agree or disagreewith the following statement? A job with more vacation time but a low salary isbetter than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.

People always have different opinions whenit comes to how balance salary and vacation timein selecting job. Some may claim more vacation represents more degree offreedom and therefore is better, while others prefer high salary for it meansbetter living condition. From my point of view, high salary with less vacationis a better way to utilize my time.

First and foremost, higher salary means youhave spend more time to your work and contribute more to the society. As asocial animal, we human beings are never born to just for ourselves. Instead weshould consider the community, the society and the world we live in. OnlyThrough hard working could we contribute our own energy to a bigger group, of course, this is companied with higherpay-offs. So, if and only if I spend enough timeon working than that I used to leisure, I feel peace in my mind.

We also can not ignore another critical problem we should face as an adult: provide a better live condition to ourfamily and ourselves. In this highlycommercialized society, you have to pay more in order to higher return andother give more to your parents, kids and spouse. In thiscase, get a job with high salary but nonetheless with less vacation time is theoptimal choice.

Last but not least, Working is another kindof enjoying. As the mature of free market, we all could select a job based onour own passion and love. Thus we are actually not working but having fun ifour job is exactly the one we dreamed of. For example, If I become a cognitivepsychologist as I am dreaming in future, I would most likely work long time andhave high pay-offs, I don't care how much the vacation time will be, for I willbe have vacation everyday as I doing psychological studies.

Though vacation timeis an important factor in job selection,I personally prefer a highly paid job with less vacation time based on threereasons I listed above.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-2 20:28:50 |只看该作者
4# Ivan1989 当时不懂在哪儿找题目,所以自己写的

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-3 10:20:43 |只看该作者
The passage cites three evidences to prove that the decline of sea otter alone(along) the western coast of North America is caused by pollution. However, the speaker doesn't agree with this statement and gives more convincing evidences to support the point that the real reason is predation. (总结的很好)

To begin with, the speak says that there is no dead sea otter's body have been found along the beach, (which)contradict(s) with the notion that pollution caused death of sea otter. If as the passage claims, thesea otter are affected by the polluted water and can not immune to infection any more, then there must be a lot of them died and with their body foamed along(不明白这个词组) the beach.

In addition, the decrease of the amount ofother sea mammals gives no support to the notion the sea otter was killed bypollution indirectly.(开头很好) Because after humans’ hunting activities on the sea, the amount of whale declined. Thus the orca do not have enough prey, as a result, it turns to smaller mammals such as sea sealsand sea lions for food. This change causes other sea mammals become less.

It is clearer when it come to the unevenpattern of otter decline(有点突兀 what is clearer?). In contrast to the pollution theory states, thepredatory theory could illustrate it better. For the location where otterdecline is exactly where the orca could access. Because orca is very big, itcan only predate at location where the water is deep, at those shallow areathey can't access, otter's population is fairlystable.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-3 11:35:59 |只看该作者

People always have different opinions when it comes to how (to) balance salary and vacation time (when) selecting job. Some may claim more vacation represents more degree of freedom and therefore is better, while others prefer high salary, for it means better living condition. From my point of view, high salary with less vacationis a better way to utilize my time.(观点明确)

First and foremost, higher salary means you have spen(t) more time to your work and contribute more to the society. As a social animal,(animal这个形容不好) we human beings are never born to just for ourselves. Instead we should consider the community, the society and the world we live in. Only through hard work could we contribute our own energy to a bigger group, of course, this is companied with higherpay-offs. So, if and only if I spend enough time on working than that I used to leisure, I feel peace in my mind.

We also can not ignore another critical problem we should face as an adult: provide a better live condition to our family and ourselves. In this highlycommercialized society, you have to pay more in order to higher return and other give more to your parents, kids and spouse(这句话逻辑不是很理解). In thiscase, get a job with high salary but nonetheless with less vacation time is theoptimal choice.

Last but not least, Working is another kindof enjoying. As the mature of free market, we all could select a job based onour own passion and love(自由市场真的可以带来这样的效果吗?). Thus we are actually not working but having fun ifour job is exactly the one we dreamed of. For example, If I become a cognitivepsychologist as I am dreaming in future, I would most likely work long time andhave high pay-offs, I don't care how much the vacation time will be, for I willbe have vacation everyday as I doing psychological studies.

Though vacation timeis an important factor in job selection,I personally prefer a highly paid job with less vacation time based on threereasons I listed above.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-3 11:52:13 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 hcp4715 于 2011-3-3 17:34 编辑

3.3 号 作业 见 附件(已有红色为我的拼写错误部分,呵呵)
TPO 11 综合  (独立作文在后面贴着)
By citing data from a recent study, which demostrates that young people are reading less literature than before, the passage argues this trend is damage for culture in general. However, the speaker cast doubt on this negative conclusion by refusing all three reasons the passage uses.

First, the speaker points out that there are many other kinds of books that also are intellectual stimulation, thus disapproves the claim that nothing else provides the same benefits intellectually as literature does. For example, the scientific books, history books and so forth also provide good materials for people to exercise their imagination and enhance their logical thinking.

Further more, the speaker argues that reading other kinds of books and turning to other kinds of art form does not necessarily mean the decline of cultural standard of readers. This trend just represents the changing forms of arts. Through viewing great movies and listening to masterpieces of music, we can learn a lot, even more from purely reading literiture.

Last but not least, though the speaker admits that it is difficult for writers currently, she also pinpoint the key factor that makes people reluctant to read literiture: they are to obscure to understand. In addition, the writers before our time were not necessarily receiving much better treat as well.

In sum, the speaker states that the passage's claim is implausible as it seems given the reasons given above.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? ”"The best way to improve the quality of education is to increase teachers' salaries'.

There are always  debates on how to improve the quality of education given by teachers. Someone, from a purely economical view, argue that just inscrease salaries will make teachers do their best. However, others people, including me, strongly against this over-simplified solution. Instead, they proposed a comprehensive way to improve the educational quality.

First, the claim that rising salaries will improve teachers' performance over-estimates the importance of money. Numerous psychological and behavioral studies have shown that money, as a kind of external reward, is never the most powerful incentive for most of us. Once we have enough wealth to satisfy our basic demand, we begin to pursue other more meaningful goals, such as self-fulfillment, especially for those who have accepted higher education. When this principle is applied to teachers, we have no reason to doubt it won't, simply give more money to them in order to make them perform better seems ridiculous.

Even we assume that higher salaries will drive teachers to perform better, it is still open to question whether this kind of improvement is only performance-oriented or true improvement of education quality. In other words, it is probably that teachers might just teach that knowledge that would appear in future examination. In this case, the rising of salaries backfires and actually lower the quality of education.

Instead of simply increase salaries of teachers, we should take a coordinative approach to bolster quality of education. For instance, knowing that internal motivations are crucial, we should find way to associate the quality of education given by a teacher to his/her internal motives, such as feeling of achievement. Further, we could try to give teacher more opportunities to exert their own strong points in his class and thus increase his love of teaching. Together, these solutions may be better than simply adding salaries.

Improving the quality of education is a complex problem and many factor play a role in teacher's instruction. Accordingly, we should take all these factors into account and take a comprehensive approach instead of simply raising teachers' salaries.
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-3 16:39:27 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

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发表于 2011-3-3 17:29:21 |只看该作者
13# sEven_zh 在综合的下面

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-3 17:32:18 |只看该作者
11# Go2011Go
你说逻辑不理解的那句里里面打错了个词,“and other give more to your parents, kids and spouse.”
这里面的other 应该是thus

使用道具 举报

RE: hcp4715 Daily writing home work [修改]
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