本帖最后由 252132618 于 2013-8-31 11:47 编辑
Starting pre-school poses tests for[k1] any four-year-old, sitting still, the risk of a yucky lunch, missing home. The stakes are still higher for 700 small Texans due[k2] to enter pre-kindergarten centres being opened by the city of San Antonio on August 26th. They are pioneers who will be watched all the way to the White House.
Not sol ong ago there was broad, bipartisan support for government provision[k3] of pre-school, called "pre-K", since it precedes kindergarten, a year of classes and play designed to ensure that children are ready for the serious business of learning. Alas[k4] ,pre-K has joined the long list [k5] of issues capable of provoking partisan rage. Critics include shrink-the-government[k6] types growling about expensive"babysitting", joined by social conservatives arguing that young children are best off when cared for by married mothers, at home.[k7] [k8]
Cash-strapped states [k9] have cut pre-K funding in recent years. The education secretary, Arne Duncan, notes that when it comes to enrolling four-year-olds in early learning, America ranks 28th in the OECD club of rich nations. Barack Obama used this year'sstate-of-the-union message to unveil a 75-billion-dollar plan to use tobacco taxes to provide pre-K to all children from low- and middle-income families. Republicans in Congress have shown little interest. Mr Obama's government has begun channelling funds [k10] for early education directly to states. Some governors are keen. But the national debate rages on.
San Antonio's scheme has been crafted by the city's mayor, Julián Castro, to secure the broadest possible support.
[k1]pose a stern test 构成了严峻考验 [k2]表示“预定的”、“约定的”、“预定要到达或发生的”,也通常用作表语。后面加不定式。 [k3]可以用在政府类大作文上 [k4]嘿嘿,这个词,估计可以用在用语上,我也不知道哦O(∩_∩)O [k5]Join the list 我已经不止一次看到list的这个词组了,积累起来 [k6]这个词在网上有很多没有连字符的格式,但这边由于做形容词,所以用了连字符。请同学们用的时候注意,做动词用的时候,不需要连字符。 [k7]这句话太美了,我这一辈子都不会用type来代替people啊!!批评者中包含xxx类型的人 咆哮 about sxxx, xxx的人也参与进来。 [k8]这中结构可以当做开头,但是一开头就想观点会有点难,而且后面还有注意同义替换,有能力的可以试试,做不来的就算了。 [k9]用语政府类话题 [k10]政府应该为xxxchannel funds