句子 | 学生自评 | 内容点评 | 语言点评 |
The study recommended hiring people who need less sleep per night
in order to have higher profit margins and faster growth. | 概括结论和理由 | | |
A number of assumptions about the generalisability of the result, the universal
applicability of the surveys of executives, the causes of better development
in firms whose executives need less sleep and harmlessness of less sleep
have to be reexamined in order to evaluate the argument. | 主旨句 | | survey和前面的词搭配
harmlessness 选词 |
To begin with, it is assumed that the survey result of the advertising firms
can be applied to other industries. | 主题句1 | | |
This assumption has to be carefully examined as the advertising firms might
have more workloads everyday, while some other industries,such as
manufacturing, might have longer production cycle and don’t
need long-time working hours. | 提出某种可能性 | 这里提出的可能性和前面的假设
没有很明显的关联(衔接与连贯问题) | |
If the work in the advertsing films is related to drawing, tablet
designing or other time-consuming projects in advertisements,
the executives are more likely to devote more time to work. | 指出有其他可能性 | 问题同上 没有和主题句紧密结合 | |
Under this circumstance, the study results may not be suitable for
other businesses. | 这种可能性下的结果 | 问题同上 | |
In addition, the assumption about the universal applicability of
the surveys of executives may not hold true. | 主题句2 | | |
There are many factor that may affect the amout of sleep
of the executives in advertising business. | 指出有其他原因 | 也是和主题句的衔接有问题 | |
For example, facing more pressure, the executives
have a higher level of responsibility and workloads. | 举例说明 | 由于主题句没有解释清楚
读到这里也很模糊 |
Or some executives hold the shares in the company, hoping for
a better tomorrow, may try their best to make contributions to the advertising firms. | 另一种可能性 | 这个点不太合适 | hoping for
a better tomorrow
这是什么意思 |
But other employees in the company only need do their own job well and
will not spend so much time on work compared with the executives. | 对可能性的进一步解释 | (发现自己这一段
少了小结!!) 感觉你是说executives
are more motivated than ordinary employees
自己明白但是读者不明白啊 | |
| |
The third assumption implicitly made is that less sleep of the executives is
the main reason for better development in the advertsing films. | 主题句3 | 这个句子就比前面两个写得好
你能找到差别么 | |
Even if less sleep of executives can improve the management responsibility,
this rule may not guarantee the higher profit. | 对主题句的进一步解释 | 这句解释有点奇怪 其实你直接跳到下句还好些呢 | rule这里指代不明 |
There could other factors that may contribute to the faster growth of the firms. | 提出由其他可能性 | | |
Or the cutting-edge technology is applied to advertisements design and improve
production efficiengy. | 另一种可能性 | 感觉这个可能性不是很靠谱 突然
扯到technology让人有点摸不着头脑 | |
If the assumption that less sleep results in better development does not hold,
the recommendation should not be accepted. | 小结本段 | | |
Finally, it is also assumed that less sleep a day is harmless and this way is worth
promoting. | 主题句4 | | less sleep a day- requiring less sleep |
Maybe just a small part of people can tolerate less than six hours sleep at night. | 提出某种可能性 | 这个说法和题目是不相符的 题目说的是要请只需要少量睡眠的人 | |
It’s important for us to look into the negative impact of inadequte sleep on
employees in the long run. | 基于假设需要补充的信息 | 我的范文说的是这些人可能会迫使手下加班熬夜之类的 | |
If lack of sleep result in reduction of the production efficiency and increase of
on-the-job accidents, especially in manufacturing, it will not benefit the
normal operation of a company. | 这种可能性带来的后果 | | |
In conclusion, we need more information to strengthen the assumption, such as
the the generalisability of the result , factors account for faster growth and higher
profit in advertising firms and impact of less sleep on employees in the long
term in order to evaluate the soundness of the assumption. | 小结全文 | | |