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2024年University of Adelaide运营管理相关专业博士生招生 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2024-3-3 19:56:36 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
导师:Devika Kannan 副教授
联系电话: (08) 83133616                
邮: devika.kannan[at]adelaide.edu.au

1.        申请人应拥有运营和供应链管理相关的工业工程或制造工程相关专业或领域的学士与硕士学位;
2.        同时欢迎具有运筹学、应用数学、数据科学、计算机科学工程、人工智能和信息技术等相关专业的申请人报考,但须对运营与供应链管理具有浓厚的兴趣;
3.        优先考虑熟练掌握机器学习算法及其在Python中应用的申请人
4.        优先考虑熟练掌握定性和定量实证方法(如结构方程模型,SEM)的申请人
5.        优先考虑熟练掌握仿真与优化方法的申请人
6.        优先考虑熟练掌握多种方法融合(定量、定性和混合方法方法)的申请人

Topic 1: Industry 5.0-enabled smart logistics and supply chain management
The Ph.D. project explores the nexus of Industry 5.0 in the logistics and supply chain management domain by addressing one or more topics. AI-driven supply chain optimization, Digital Twin applications in multi-tier Supply Chain, Dynamic Supply Chain Network Modeling, Supply Chain resilience and Risk management, End-to-End supply chain visibility, traceability and Transparency, cybersecurity in smart supply chains, Human-Machine Interaction and Collaboration in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Sustainable Supply Chain Optimization, Sustainability and circular economy.

Topic 2: Developing Toolbox for Measuring and Reporting Scope 3 Supply Chain Emissions with ESG perspective
The Ph.D. project explores a critical area of research focused on measuring and reporting Scope 3 emissions within the context of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) perspectives with the aim of developing a toolbox by integrating the following topics: (1) Developing methodologies for accurately measuring scope 3 emissions by utilizing life cycle assessment (LCA) to comprehend the environmental impact of product and services, encompassing emissions throughout the entire supply chain. (2) Development of standardized protocols and frameworks for the assessment and reporting Scope 3 emissions by integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. Additionally, exploring effective methods to communicate Scope 3 emissions data to investors and other stakeholders, aligning with broader ESG reporting. (3) Exploring strategies to engage and collaborate with suppliers for enhanced data sharing and joint efforts in reducing emissions and evaluating the role of technologies such as blockchain, AI, and IoT in tracking and managing Scope 3 emissions. Furthermore, developing benchmarks and performance tracking methods for companies to assess their progress in managing Scope 3 emissions. (4) Examining how Scope 3 emissions reporting can be integrated into broader supply chain risk management strategies.

Topic 3: Managing Supply Chain Resilience and Sustainability
The Ph.D. project explores a critical area of research focusing the redesign the supply chain to effectively manage disruptions, thereby fostering supply chain resilience and sustainability by integrating the following topics: (1) Developing strategies for enhancing Supply chain Resilience by drawing lessons from various disruptions such as Brexit, the US-China trade war, the COVID-19 pandemic, the Suez Canal Blockage,  the Russia- Ukraine conflicts, the Israel- Gaza conflicts, and Red sea attacks  (2) Exploring the influence of digitalization in enhancing supply chain resilience, viability, sustainability, and adaptability (3) Analyzing supply chain resilience within the context of multi-tier supply chain and addressing the mitigation of various supply chain tensions.

Topic 4: Digital sustainable / Circular Procurement
The Ph.D. project explores a critical area of research focused on how digital and sustainable/circular transition influence the procurement decision within the context of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) perspectives by integrating the following topics: (1) Developing strategies for integrating digitalization and sustainability/circularity in procurement (2) Development of Digital platforms for sustainable/circular sourcing and procurement, aligning with broader ESG reporting. (3) Exploring strategies to engage and collaborate with suppliers for enhanced technology integration, data analytics, data sharing, and joint efforts in reducing emissions and evaluating the role of technologies such as blockchain, AI, IoT, etc., in procurement (4) Examining collaboration and information sharing platforms for sustainable/circular supplier relationships and governance (5) Exploring motivations, challenges, critical success factors, capabilities, business models, practices, and key performance indicators required for integrating digitalization and sustainability/circularity in procurement

Topic 5: Gender Equality in Procurement
The Ph.D. project explores a critical area of research focused on how gender equality principles and practices are embedded in procurement processes by integrating the following topics: (1) Developing strategies for integrating gender equality in procurement for promoting carbon neutrality, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable development, aligning with broader ESG reporting (2) Exploring motivations, challenges, critical success factors, capabilities, business models, practices, and key performance indicators required for integrating gender equality in procurement (3) Exploring gender diversity in procurement leadership for analysing the impacts on innovation and performance.
针对Topic 1和2的申请,请在2024年3月8日前向Devika Kannan副教授(devika.kannan@adelaide.edu.au)提交申请材料;针对Topic 3、4和5,请在 2024年3月31日提交申请材料。在主题标题中注明奖学金名称University of Adelaide Research Scholarship。具体申请英文材料包括:
1.        毕业和学位证书
2.        成绩单
3.        语言证明(雅思:总分7分,写作&口语7分,听力&阅读 6.5分。托福:总分94分,写作27分,口语23分,听力&阅读20分)
4.        简历,注明所有工作论文和发表论文
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依米姐 + 20 + 10 感谢分享

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2024年University of Adelaide运营管理相关专业博士生招生
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