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issue38 同题作文 [复制链接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2005-8-30 11:27:10 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
38"In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books." 38. 在电视机时代,阅读书籍已经没有原来那样重要了。人们从电视上学到的东西丝毫不比从书本中学来的少



With the development of technology, television plays a more and more important role in the process of study. The speaker asserts that reading books is less important in the age of television than it was in the past, and television serves as much as books. In my view, however, the method of reading books will not be replaced by television in a short time.

Admittedly, the use of television has shed a light on the attainment of knowledge, in that it has many good points which offer supplements to the traditional methods of studying. First, television with its video and audio gives deeper impression on people in a more direct way. For instance, the American soap opera ‘Friends’ provides a new, interesting and effective way for studying English, which forms an atmosphere just like in the USA. While only reading books can not serve. Second, many people who want to know much about the great places in the world can benefit a lot from TV, for they can get the information without going out to the places on their own. In addition, TV can tell you what is happening in other places and provides you with the newest information. For example, people in China can watch the NBA basketball games which are being played in America from live TV program. By contrast, books need time to be composed and published before people can read them.

On the other hand, television has some shortcomings which weaken its application. As is known, different television programs are played in different periods of time which can not be changes by the public. One has to sit in front of the television at the fixed time when the programs are shown on TV, which gives people some inconvenience. The next weakness is that television is not as convenient as books at some time, for it is not portable. It is not pragmatic to take a heavy television to other places. In the third place, it is more likely that TV will do more harm to people's eye sight, because the pictures on the screen are shiny. All of these weaknesses undermined the widely use of television in the learning process.

It is true that television provides a more convenient way of studying in many aspects, we can not ignore the merits of reading books. Books are cheaper and more portable, and people can take them to anywhere. Similarly, when and what to read is up to the readers. People can read from where they stopped last time as long as they are free instead of watching TV at the fixed time only to get the limited information, and also they can skip what they do not want to read. What is more, reading books dose less harm to people' eye sight if they form a good habit of reading, for books are not shiny as TV. Further, as we know, reading books is the principal way of formal education in schools, and some knowledge is better taught by books rather than television, such as the historic records, philosophy, etc.

In sum, the use of television in many aspects of study is an advanced step that deserves our recognitions, and it dose bring us more convenience in many cases. But reading books has its own merits which can not be replaced by television. By making a balance of the two means, one can take a more appreciable way to study.

                                                                       574 words

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-8-30 at 12:17 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-9-3 11:48:55 |只看该作者
With the development of technology, television plays a more and more important role in the process of study. The speaker asserts that reading books ---- reading 就够了is less important in the age of television than it was in the past, and television serves as much as books. In my view, however, the method of reading books will not be replaced by television in a short time.(怎么感觉有很浓厚的argu味道的开头)

Admittedly, the use of television has shed a light on the attainment---->precuremente of knowledge, in that it has many good points which offer supplements to the traditional methods of studying. First, television with its video and audio gives deeper impression on people in a more direct way. For instance, the American soap opera ‘Friends’ provides a new, interesting and effective way for studying English, which forms an atmosphere just like in the USA. While only reading books can not serve. Second, many people who want to know much about the great places in the world can benefit a lot from TV, for they can get the information without going out to the places on their own. In addition, TV can tell you what is happening in other places and provides you with the newest information. For example, people in China can watch the NBA basketball games which are being played in America from live TV program. By contrast, books need time to be composed and published before people can read them.

On the other hand, television has some shortcomings which weaken its application. As is known, different television programs are played in different periods of time which can not be changes by the public. One has to sit in front of the television at the fixed time when the programs are shown on TV, which gives people some inconvenience. The next weakness is that television is not as convenient as books at some time,---->第一个缺点就是不方便,第二个还继续说,怎么没话说了吗 for it is not portable. It is not pragmatic---->practical to take a heavy television to other places. In the third place, it is more likely that TV will do more harm to people's eye sight, because the pictures on the screen are shiny. All of these weaknesses undermined the widely use of television in the learning process.

It is true that television provides a more convenient way of studying in many aspects, we can not ignore the merits of reading books. Books are cheaper and more portable, and people can take them to--->去掉就完了 anywhere. Similarly--->怎么能是similarly,没有相似性啊, meanwhile, when and what to read is up to the readers. People can read from where they stopped last time as long as they are free instead of watching TV at the fixed time only to get the limited information, and also they can skip what they do not want to read. What is more, reading books dose less harm to people' eye sight if they form a good habit of reading, for books are not shiny as TV. Further, as we know, reading books is the principal way of formal education in schools, and some knowledge is better taught by books rather than television, such as the historic records, philosophy, etc.

In sum, the use of television in many aspects of study is an advanced step that deserves our recognitions, and it dose bring us more convenience in many cases. But reading books has its own merits which can not be replaced by television. ----->这句话不是打自己耳光吗By making a balance of the two means, one can take a more appreciable way to study

https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... type%26typeid%3D103请指教

[ Last edited by killowind on 2005-9-3 at 11:58 ]
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-9-10 19:40:34 |只看该作者
With the development of technology, television plays a more and more important role in the process of study. The speaker asserts that reading books is less important in the age of television than it was in the past, and television serves as much as books. In my view, however, the method of reading(role of) books will not be replaced by television in a short time(in the near future).

Admittedly, the use of television has shed a light on the attainment of knowledge, in that it has many good points which offer supplements to(its merits have modified) the traditional methods of studying. First, television, with its video and audio, gives deeper impression on people(is able to impress people more) in a more direct way. For instance, the American soap opera(sitcom)(WOW! I also like it!) ‘Friends’ provides (entertains the audience in)a new, interesting and effective way for studying English(This idea should not be presented to the general public, who are not all gters. ), which forms an atmosphere just like in the USA(DELETE)(The other TV shows like the 24 hours also can soak you with the American atmosphere. The innovation of Friends thus doesn’t lie on what you mentioned.). While only reading books can not serve(I don’t agree. I think Harry Porter can also serve me with the fun of magical adventure). Second, many people who want to know much about the great places in the world can benefit a lot from TV, for they can get the information without going out to the places on their own(in person)(on one’s own indicates that the person do it by himself, which is not what you mean, is it?). In addition, TV can tell you what is happening in other places and provides you with the newest information(The news report on TV is efficient in delivering the latest information all around the world). For example(although there is no mistake here, I still want to say: I hate the phrase ‘for example’!), people in China can watch the NBA basketball games which are being played in America from live TV program(with the noisy fans smultaneously by the TV broadcasting). By contrast, books need(take) time to be composed and published before people can read them.

On the other hand, television has some shortcomings which weaken its application. As is known, different television programs are played in different periods of time which can not be changes by the public(Tv programs are usually scheduled to be on air, without flexibility to be in the audience’s favor). One has to sit in front of the television at the fixed time when the programs are shown on TV, which gives people some inconvenience(is quite inconvenient). The next weakness is that television is not as convenient as books at some time, for it is not portable.(Moreover, the television is not as portable as the books) It is not pragmatic to take a heavy television to other places(DELETE). In the third place(Finally), it is more(Redundant!) likely that TV will do more(You already suggest it here) harm to people's eye sight, because the pictures on the screen are shiny(due to the much too shiny picture on the screen)(Try to avoid ‘because’ hereafter). All of these weaknesses undermined the widely use of television in the learning process.

It is true that television provides a more convenient way of studying(study) in many aspects(ways), we can not ignore the merits(good)(don’t use the same word again and again!) of reading books. Books are cheaper and more portable, and people can take them to anywhere(DELETE). Similarly, when and what to read is up to the readers. People can read from where they stopped last time as long as they are free instead of watching TV at the fixed time only to get the limited information, and also they can skip what they do not want to read.(These sentences are exactly the same as ‘when and where to read is up to the readers’)(This is extremely useful in the modern society, when people are short in the time for reading.) What is more, reading books dose less harm to people' eye sight if they form a good habit of reading, for books are not shiny as TV(The books are no less harmful for the sight, which is why I turn from a tadpole to a glassfrog instead of a handsome frog.:) ). Further, as we know, reading books is the principal way of formal education in schools(Disagree, the formal way is through the interaction between instructor and students.), and some knowledge is better taught by books rather than television, such as the historic records, philosophy, etc.

In sum, the use of television in many aspects of study is an advanced step that deserves our recognitions, and it dose bring us more conveniences in many cases. But reading books has its own merits which can not be replaced by television. By making a balance of the two means, one can take a more appreciable way to study.

This is a good essay, to be frank. I was just trying to make it better with the replacement of some more sophisticated words and phrases. My issue writing is some where below your thread, and I am looking forward to your fierce revenge. 

issue38 电视和书本

issue48 也是同主题,不过过期了一点

[ Last edited by glassfrog on 2005-9-10 at 20:22 ]

使用道具 举报

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