
标题: 0510G同主题写作第六期--Issue207 [打印本页]

作者: 鬼谷子    时间: 2005-7-18 23:25:37     标题: 0510G同主题写作第六期--Issue207


Issue207 :
Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture. Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of who they are.



首先解释关键词,ritual和ceremony都有仪式典礼的意思,区别在于,ritual更偏于宗教意味的活动,e.g. ritual murder,ritual dance 。而ceremony则偏向于正规严肃的典礼礼仪。


1 : the established form for a ceremony;  specifically   : the order of words prescribed for a religious ceremony
2 a : ritual observance;  specifically   : a system of rites  b : a ceremonial act or action  c : a customarily repeated often formal act or series of acts


1 : a formal act or series of acts prescribed by ritual, protocol, or convention *the marriage ceremony*
2 a : a conventional act of politeness or etiquette *the ceremony of introduction*  b : an action performed only formally with no deep significance  c : a routine action performed with elaborate pomp
3 a : prescribed procedures : USAGES *the ceremony attending an inauguration*  b : observance of an established code of civility or politeness *opened the door without ceremony and strode in*




通过两个关键词来研究第一句话的意思,Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture.仪式和典礼有助于定义文化。那么首先这个仪式和典礼的范围是什么呢?这个需要我们按照有利于自己思路结构的方向来定义限制一下,比如,把rituals and ceremonies仅仅定义在宗教活动的范围内,那么,这句话的意思就是通过宗教来区别不同的文化,文化之不同在于不同的宗教。或者,你可以将rituals and ceremonies定义为更广泛的内容,包括习俗,节日等等,可以论述的角度更广了一些。实际上,通过这样的限定就会出现不同的写法。另外,要注意help一词,这个help就限定了仪式和典礼对于文化的作用,只是有助于定义而已,而并不是只是由仪式和典礼定义。这样委婉的语言就造成了这个句子不容易去反驳,所以我的建议是,如果写反对的观点,还是最好选择反驳后句。

第二句。Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of who they are.
要注意两个地方,一是societies or groups of people,似乎并不是同一个范畴的两种,而是某种程度上的递进,比如说,你可以证明某个团体,某个民族失去了自我,那么是否就等于整个社会都同样如此呢,不见得,所以,对于这点,一定要保持清醒。如果你不能证明整个society的情况的话,还是把group作为你的讨论对象,而且,也要注意限定范围-多大程度的group。

第二个是diminished sense的问题,这个表达实际上说的是一种趋势,隐含的意思是这种sense在逐渐的减少。所以,千万不能将这个问题绝对化,写成完全丧失自我之类的情况。另一方面,这样的表达实际给了我们好处,我们写同意的观点的话,只需要证明出来与过去相比较有减少的情况,证明出一个diminish的趋势就ok了。













另外,还可以通过对于ritual ceremony group等关键词不同范围程度的限定来写出不同的风格来。

作者: staralways    时间: 2005-7-18 23:33:39

作者: will4you    时间: 2005-7-18 23:38:58

作者: 蝴蝶结    时间: 2005-7-18 23:46:17

作者: 11yvette    时间: 2005-7-18 23:48:34

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[ Last edited by 11yvette on 2005-8-13 at 22:52 ]
作者: bridgewalker    时间: 2005-7-19 00:36:29


Position: I agree with the speaker to the extent/degree that ritual and ceremony can be helpful in cultural defining. Yet, it is too bold to assert that societies or social groups would diminish their sense of selfness. In fact, when it comes to defining cultural identity, ritual and ceremoney are far from being the only means, or even the greatest.

B1: I agree with the speaker insofar as R&C are helpful in preserving cultural identity.

B2: Nor are R&C the only means to retain cultural identity.

B3: The most powerful force in defining cultural identity is the history of certain societies or groups.

Conclusion: In order to strength the self identity, education, especially the formal system, should be applied to fulfill/carry out this task.



[ Last edited by bridgewalker on 2005-7-29 at 00:15 ]
作者: ahqing008    时间: 2005-7-19 01:03:05     标题: 这篇一定交

作者: hustzwj    时间: 2005-7-19 01:24:00

先占个座,今晚要休息了!身体是革命的本钱嘛!明天一定交!motive myself!hehe!
作者: hustzwj    时间: 2005-7-19 01:27:26

这几天的狂写真正让偶感到critical thinking的重要性!没有了这个,其它的都白搭!
作者: myown5891    时间: 2005-7-19 07:01:58     标题: 占座

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[ Last edited by myown5891 on 2005-7-22 at 13:42 ]
作者: kobestrong    时间: 2005-7-19 07:40:55

作者: alcestis    时间: 2005-7-19 07:55:52


1 仪式可协助定义文化
2 艺术可协助定义文化
3 科技可协助定义文化

另外,我把difine culture和sense of self 处理为同义不知妥否

【点评:总体思路上面不够全面,忽略了题目后半句的问题。论证中对于文化分类概念不清楚。-by 鬼谷子】

[ Last edited by 鬼谷子 on 2005-7-19 at 21:13 ]
作者: xiaonawang    时间: 2005-7-19 08:25:00

the same.
作者: 大门牙    时间: 2005-7-19 08:26:53

作者: zhiheng    时间: 2005-7-19 08:40:07

作者: edgarlu    时间: 2005-7-19 09:13:06

https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... ge=1&highlight=


【点评:思路展开的不够,目前的结构有问题。B1同意仪式和典礼可以reflect文化,而又反对它们能够帮助定义文化,有些矛盾。B2的主要问题是脱离了文化这个重要的内容,而且,没有很好的证明出你的论点。B3作用不大。-by 鬼谷子


[ Last edited by 鬼谷子 on 2005-7-19 at 21:40 ]
作者: ahqiu    时间: 2005-7-19 09:19:40

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[ Last edited by ahqiu on 2005-7-20 at 21:51 ]
作者: xiaonawang    时间: 2005-7-19 09:27:00     标题: 看看我的, 字数是不是太少了。抽象的题目如何凑字数?

https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... p;page=1#pid1630283


[ Last edited by 鬼谷子 on 2005-7-19 at 21:57 ]
作者: Alcoray    时间: 2005-7-19 09:31:45     标题: 呀~~

作者: armstrong    时间: 2005-7-19 09:36:21

1, 仪式在我们的日场生活中扮演了一个重要的角色and 丰富我们的生活, 婚礼, 毕业典礼, 葬礼, child-brith             tie among people,        festival  Obsequiesl                             
2, 随着人类的进步,一些 古老的仪式已经不使用于今天,      pray 来年丰收, 今天随着科学的发展, 人们已经不需要了, 应为有更发达的技术可以anti-pest 和恶劣的天气, 人们将用这些时间
3, 一些新的取代·了旧的的ritual 今天, 有些仪式表达了人们的精神寄托,             对将来的憧憬,毕业典礼,           马刺的夺冠庆典!
作者: ahqiu    时间: 2005-7-19 09:59:57

作者: clayman    时间: 2005-7-19 10:01:55



[ Last edited by clayman on 2005-7-20 at 19:39 ]
作者: ahqiu    时间: 2005-7-19 10:03:55

Originally posted by armstrong at 2005-7-19 09:36
1, 仪式在我们的日场生活中扮演了一个重要的角色and 丰富我们的生活, 婚礼, 毕业典礼, 葬礼, child-brith             tie among people,        festival  Obsequiesl                        ...

作者: 斜阳阡陌    时间: 2005-7-19 10:23:18


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[ Last edited by 斜阳阡陌 on 2005-7-20 at 01:00 ]
作者: frankwx    时间: 2005-7-19 10:58:03     标题: 我来也

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[ Last edited by 鬼谷子 on 2005-7-19 at 21:59 ]
作者: armstrong    时间: 2005-7-19 11:02:35

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【点评:虽然观点还可以,但是文章没有写完整,语言和论述以及写作速度上需要加强-by 鬼谷子】

[ Last edited by 鬼谷子 on 2005-7-19 at 22:17 ]
作者: beckhangong    时间: 2005-7-19 11:23:26

作者: fircatty    时间: 2005-7-19 11:58:19

作者: tangjihede    时间: 2005-7-19 12:13:17     标题: 交作业



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[ Last edited by tangjihede on 2005-7-20 at 10:12 ]
作者: dd_dog    时间: 2005-7-19 12:58:38

作者: wjlillian    时间: 2005-7-19 13:03:44

作者: Craighere    时间: 2005-7-19 16:34:09


作者: chenda8201    时间: 2005-7-19 16:57:51     标题: The Sacred Drama of Ritual and Ceremony

较为 professional 的说。。。

The Sacred Drama of Ritual and Ceremony

"Sacred drama has a long and universal history." —Normandi Ellis, Author

Ceremony has been a part of human life since humans have been on Earth. Evidence contained within human evolution shows that there is an innate need within human beings to believe in a Power greater than his or her self, and to seek ways to pay homage to that Power. The result has been the development of sacred rites down through time. Ancient peoples worldwide were profoundly religious, though not in the sense by which we understand "religious" today. Religion and spirituality were so intricately entwined in everyday reality that they were intrinsic in everything the people did. For most, this was taken for granted, as it was believed that everything possessed some degree of spiritual and religious significance. This has been seen in cultures from the Sumerians to the ancient Egyptians, to the Maya, to the Native American tribes of North America. The gods and the "sacred" were everywhere, permeating all things—including human body, mind, and spirit—and influencing every aspect of life.

Ritual and ceremony empower human beings. Each provides a forum within which initiation can occur. Sacred rites unify people, offering momentary escape from the mundane. Rites satisfy the inner human longing for contact with the sacred, and provide an opportunity for contemplation of the cosmos and its mysteries. Furthermore, religion and spirituality constitute what has generally been called magic, which may be defined as a spiritual "force" that exists throughout the universe—simply put, a divine principle. The practice of magic is then, in essence, the "acting out," physically, of what one believes. Following a religious or spiritual path that engages the practice of ceremony is nothing new. Getting the most out of the practice is the primary aim, and is the focus of this writing.


Although the words ceremony and ritual are generally accepted to mean the same thing, in my mind there are differences. Ritual is a formal rite that has been practiced the same way down through time—no changes, no exceptions. Ceremony, on the other hand, is much less formal, and allows the practitioner more spontaneity, creativity, and freedom in terms of how and when the ceremony is performed and for what purpose. Rituals represent tradition, whether religious, cultural, or even familial in origin. From this perspective, it could be said that ritual(s) is an "inheritance" that is passed down from generation to generation. Ritual preserves tradition, as well as belief systems, and religious principles and tenets.

Compared to ritual, ceremony is rather whimsical in nature. I view ceremony as a celebration. The ceremonialist uses his or her ceremony to celebrate life, events, the gods and goddesses, and nature, as well as to mark extraordinary times in one's life such as those celebrated in Rites of Passage. The ceremonialist is free to write and perform the ceremony from the heart. Ceremony is not a slave to proper timing nearly as rigidly as is ritual; nor is the ceremomialist bound to specific dogma regarding the way the ceremony must be done.

There are, however, some similarities between ritual and ceremony that deserve mention, the most important of which involves the ethics of spiritual/religious practice in general. Because ethics represents a moral code and embodies one's moral values and principles, both ceremony and ritual must be an honest expression of the same. This leads to the necessity of a clear, conscious evaluation of one's motivation for performing a ritual or ceremony in the first place. It is unethical to break tradition when performing a ritual, for example, or to engage one's self or others in activities of a religious or spiritual nature for which you and/or they are unprepared, or for which you/they lack the knowledge necessary to be engaging in acts that could possibly result in harm on some level. Another similarity between ritual and ceremony involves the fact that both are "tools" by and through which one can get in touch with the Sacred in whatever form one desires.

Ritual and ceremony are cathartic. Both can serve to bring one into a closer, more intimate relationship with the Divine. In doing so, rites become therapeutic by liberating one from the ties that bind one to the earth and the physical world. Performing sacred rites can facilitate healing, abundance, and many other benefits that nurture and educate us.


Preparing for the performance of a ritual or ceremony is a matter that involves the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of one's being. Prior to the sacred rite, the physical body should be properly cleansed. This can take the form of a literal bath or a symbolic one, depending upon the need and desire of the practitioner. One should also enter into a sacred rite emotionally balanced with one's own self and others. We must leave anger, prejudices, doubt, fear, and other negative feelings behind, if only for the duration of the rite. (Hopefully longer!) Mentally, the mind must be focused on the matter at hand, on the reasons for the rite, and on the energy that one will be dealing with as a result of the rite. Keep in mind that neither ritual nor ceremony is for the purpose of theatrics. They are, rather, acts that are based upon conscious realization of the proper code of conduct in order to achieve the proper consciousness-raising results. The mind must be clear and free of negative thoughts and ideas. Finally, on the spiritual level, one must be consciously aware of the divine within one's self and within all that exists. This brings about a sense of "at-one-ment" with all else—the state that is needed to experience the rite to its fullest potential. In other words, the soul is the greatest contributor to the success of a sacred rite, and retains the purest energy the rite generates so that the body and mind might continue to be nourished long after the rite is over.


Ancient esoteric teachings speak to us in the language of symbolism. Of all known symbols, the oldest is the circle. The circle has no visible, detectable beginning or end and, in that way, speaks to us of the nature of immortality, eternity, and unity. The motion of the circle is unceasing; its form unchangeable. No members of the ancient (or modern, for that matter) priesthoods would have performed their sacred rites outside of a magic circle. The circle forms a boundary around the ground upon which the ritual or ceremony takes place, essentially making it sacred ground. The circle also provides the practitioner with protection by keeping negative energies and entities outside its parameters. In addition, the magic circle assures that the energies generated by the magician is contained within its boundaries, thus guaranteeing that the energies will build up and intensify.

A ceremonial circle may be cast literally by drawing a circle on the ground, or perhaps using stones, crystals or some other minerals, or even shells. It may also be drawn symbolically through visualization techniques. Visualizing the circle as white or blue flames, as a halo of white light, or as a psychic shield is common. The circle encloses the participant(s) in a sphere of energy that is much more pure than that which lies outside the ring. Any magical tools such as a balefire, candles, incense, musical instruments, feathers, or other sacred paraphernalia should be placed within the circle prior to and during the rite.

In every sacred rite, be it a ritual or ceremony, the gods and goddesses (or other entities and forces) are invoked. The leader of the rite, usually a priest or priestess, fulfills the role of assuming the power and form(s) of the deities being called upon. In some rites, the other participants also have the opportunity to take on the same, and thus experience a condition and power equal to that of the leaders. The magical circle should be taken up when the rite is completed if it is comprised of physical objects, or allowed to fade away in the mind's eye if it is a product of visualization.


As a rule, every sacred rite begins with an Invocation to the deities in the form of the gods and goddesses of a particular culture, as totem animals, or simply as "forces" that manifest themselves in energy patterns. As the invocation is being voiced, participants should sit or stand quietly with eyes closed, so as to allow their minds to be free of mundane or negative thoughts. Ideas and/or images stimulated by the invocation will begin to rise within the mind if one has made sure that the mind is tranquil and free. During this quiet time, the deities can communicate with the ceremonialists. At times that "communication" takes the form of ideas, visions, and images that come to mind and serve to focus participants on the higher forces and entities that have been called. It can also manifest as a "voice" heard intuitively. Many beginning practitioners have doubts as to the validity of these types of visions or sounds, fearing that they may be nothing more than the product of an overactive imagination. Well, in truth, that is precisely what they are! Imagination. All seasoned ceremonialists and religious practitioners are well aware that the imagination is the most valuable and powerful "tool" we have at our disposal. Over time and with practice, the results of spirit communication and awareness of the Sacred will greatly improve, moving from fleeting impressions to solid, reliable communication experiences.


In my opinion, there is no better way than through the practice of ritual and ceremony to open or awaken one's psychic ability. For all the reasons discussed thus far, it must be added that the performance of sacred rites carries one into an altered state of consciousness. That altered state, in turn, exposes one to forces and entities that cannot be experienced in the normal state of human awareness. It introduces one to the invisible realms of reality, and brings about a "shift" from an ordinary perspective of things into an extraordinary one by comparison. Ritual and ceremony make the world come alive. What was invisible becomes visible. What was dark becomes light. What was mundane becomes sacred. What was commonplace becomes profound. Ritual and ceremony provide a forum within which we can develop a deeper understanding of our environment, both physically and universally, and help us gain a greater knowledge of the role we play in the scheme of things. They help us fuse ourselves with the Whole; and fusion assists us, at the same time, with our understanding of our own uniqueness as well as our "sameness" with all else. This acts, ultimately, as a stimulus to one becoming more adept at hearing, seeing, thinking, and feeling with the intuition instead of the intellect.


Without the frequent practice of ritual and ceremony, the higher planes of reality, the essence of the gods and goddesses, and the power of the body, mind, and spirit may never be known by the individual or by collective humanity. If we insist on filling our lives with mundane issues and activities and leave no time or room for sacred rites, we surely cheat ourselves. If we do not recognize and understand the importance of ritual and ceremony, we lose, or never even gain, the larger degree of upliftment and inspiration that they provide. We may never experience unification with all that exists, or feel a true sense of closeness with that which, though we cannot see it, we know exists. We know intuitively. Sacred days, sacred events, sacred places, and sacred powers may escape us. Left merely to our own human devices, we may forget the importance of making contact with the Divine, and we may forget the joy that comes from celebrating the benefits that come from regular spiritual practice and religious worship. Be it a ritual that honors a religious tradition such as that honored by the Catholic Mass, the Native American Sweat Lodge, or the Sundance, or a ceremony designed to celebrate the beginning of a season, the Full Moon, a birth or death of a fellow human, or the annual sowing and harvest, these sacred dramas can and should become an integral part of life on Mother Earth.

作者: 翦瞳    时间: 2005-7-19 17:09:51

作者: ardorous    时间: 2005-7-19 17:35:17     标题: 这个好难啊,今中午写了一篇,跑题了,晚上再来一次

作者: 傻妞    时间: 2005-7-19 19:22:52

来交作业咯, 不知道算不算跑题了?

https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... &extra=page%3D2
作者: armstrong    时间: 2005-7-19 19:38:01

打算重写, 早上写的太垃圾
作者: jason0926    时间: 2005-7-19 19:58:55


[ Last edited by jason0926 on 2005-7-19 at 23:11 ]
作者: jason0926    时间: 2005-7-19 20:03:38

Originally posted by edgarlu at 2005-7-19 09:13

2、同主题版人气比较低,如果能以 ...

作者: esmeiras    时间: 2005-7-19 20:26:14


贴一下自己的观点: 开始没有想到美国是移民国家,里面有很多的文化冲突. 文化冲突导致很严重的社会问题。 一方面, 不少保守的美国人认为移民应该美国化;另一方面, 不少移民不愿意放弃自己的语言及民族特点,不愿意被美国化。这样,如果 把 "diminished sense of who they are" 放到美国国内重点论述,就比较好解释了.就是移民在逐渐放弃一些自己的文化. 个人觉得在世界范围内有点难说透. 

提纲: 因果 + 是非   (issue 5.5 归为 事实题, 有道理,但我那样挤不出牙膏) 

同意: Rituals and ceremonies 确实是文化组成的一部分, 他们大多是传统文化的一部分,有利于让人们民族感增强,更有社会归属感, 也让本民族文化更有吸引力。

反对: 1  (由原因不能推出结果)  除了 Rituals and ceremonies, 还有各式各样的传统节日,服装,食物; 很多节日尽管没有仪式, 也能使人们感到强烈的民族色彩。 另外,文化是由传统文化和现代文化组成的,不仅仅是 仪式,节日这些有代表性的传统文化使人们有自我意识, 而现代文化中的很多元素也在提醒着人们的自我意识; 抛开文化来看, 不同的民族有不同的肤色, 面部特征, 语言等都提醒着人们本民族的独特性。

       2  人们自我意识的减少也不见得是因为少了仪式;  移民国家的民族融合. 互联网,媒体等.

总结:  在像美国这样的移民国家,各个 groups of people 的民族自我意识不见得是坏事。但是,一些传统的  Rituals and ceremonies也是可以 pass down

水平不高,犹豫了一天还是发上来了,请大家指点指点吧. 请留键接,回拍


[ Last edited by esmeiras on 2005-7-21 at 11:20 ]
作者: dan1201    时间: 2005-7-19 21:37:03     标题: 偶首次来, 占个位先

偶首次来, 占个位先
作者: dan1201    时间: 2005-7-19 21:38:02     标题: 偶首次来, 占个位先

作者: 大门牙    时间: 2005-7-19 22:03:01


作者: edgarlu    时间: 2005-7-19 22:11:24

【点评:思路展开的不够,目前的结构有问题。B1同意仪式和典礼可以reflect文化,而又反对它们能够帮助定义文化,有些矛盾。B2的主要问题是脱离了文化这个重要的内容,而且,没有很好的证明出你的论点。B3作用不大。-by 鬼谷子


作者: skater    时间: 2005-7-19 22:20:02

第二次参加同主题 站位~
我的第一篇ARGUE 贴在这 互拍
https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... type%26typeid%3D103
作者: Gladysry    时间: 2005-7-19 22:25:57


感觉鬼鬼有些理由好像不是太能说服的样子。:confused:而且提到diminished 表明一个趋势,这让我觉得很难去反驳,因为即使仪式典礼不是唯一的决定因素,甚至不是主要的因素,但是他们的丧失,多少会削弱这种文化身份的定位。那么驳论中几乎没有一句是站得住脚的。(不过查了字典后,发现他的确是这么一个趋势的词:()


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[ Last edited by Gladysry on 2005-7-22 at 21:51 ]
作者: vprzhs    时间: 2005-7-19 22:34:32

作者: nowhere    时间: 2005-7-19 23:58:48







但是,对于P2、P3,我有这样的疑问,无论是旧的习俗(仪式),还是产生的新的习俗(仪式),还是在民族融合中所发展出的自己的特色,都可以定位文化。这两个论点的前提都是:通过这些习俗(仪式)或者说因为有这些习俗(即with them,与题中without them相反)从而可以improve the sense of who they are.

也就是说,with them(包括旧习俗、新习俗、民族融合中的特色,无论是什么样的习俗,产生于什么时间和背景,它的本质都属于ritual and ceremony),人们增强了自我意识。这恰是对题目的肯定。


作者: lilian1904    时间: 2005-7-20 00:33:52     标题: 好抽象的题

https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... &extra=page%3D1

作者: linxiao1983    时间: 2005-7-20 10:30:42


作者: 硬柿子    时间: 2005-7-20 10:35:37     标题: 也把我的弱弱文章贴出来~~

https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... B%D3%B2%CA%C1%D7%D3
作者: 翦瞳    时间: 2005-7-20 13:51:18

作者: zhangleighost    时间: 2005-7-20 15:07:05

Seems like a little bit HARDER than all I have written.
Just Do It !!!
作者: Pluto13003780    时间: 2005-7-20 15:30:54     标题: 超时19秒,往死里砸吧

https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... &extra=page%3D1
作者: MIMOSARL    时间: 2005-7-20 17:25:25     标题: 第三篇了,可是没人看过 谁来帮我看看呀,不胜感谢

https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... p;page=1#pid1635632

[ Last edited by MIMOSARL on 2005-7-20 at 23:11 ]
作者: zjcq2002    时间: 2005-7-20 18:15:39

作者: lignumvitae    时间: 2005-7-20 21:36:09     标题: 作业交来,欢迎砖来!

https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... p;page=1#pid1635785
作者: 冰阳    时间: 2005-7-20 21:38:36

交作业https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... &extra=page%3D1
作者: liulin12369    时间: 2005-7-20 22:16:11     标题: 我不知死活来教作业了,很少借鉴,都自己想的

作者: 逗逗    时间: 2005-7-21 13:51:00

作者: flfeng    时间: 2005-7-21 14:18:46

虽然交晚了, 但还是请大家提提意见!! 这样的题目真不好写啊, 我写写吐吐, 吐吐写写, 实在快晕死了!!!


大家提点意见, 做点修改, 相互鼓励一下....
作者: dieforbeauty_97    时间: 2005-7-21 15:29:07     标题: issue第一篇,写了很长时间啊.欢迎拍我.留联结我一定回拍!

作者: chris_zh    时间: 2005-7-21 22:49:40

作者: myown5891    时间: 2005-7-22 13:40:16     标题: up!

作者: zhangleighost    时间: 2005-7-22 14:23:33     标题: 我的作业,就是不知道还能不能让鬼兄改上了啊?!!

作者: edgarlu    时间: 2005-7-23 15:07:03


https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... type%26typeid%3D101
作者: vickiguo    时间: 2005-7-23 15:18:37

https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... &extra=page%3D1
作者: Archer1123    时间: 2005-7-24 12:31:46

Issue 207.敬请各位赐教,请留下链接,方便回拍
作者: guesser198414    时间: 2005-7-24 20:43:58     标题: 挤牙膏一样,反复改了几遍还是不理想


作者: mreal    时间: 2005-7-25 10:38:52     标题: 我总这么晚交,sigh~~~

作者: xiliustream    时间: 2005-7-26 01:17:48

作者: 阿择菜    时间: 2005-8-10 02:00:50

seat taken
作者: wenshi    时间: 2005-8-10 11:47:48     标题: Issue207 第一次限时写issue,沮丧


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