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[感想日志] 1006G 备考日记 by Ru-------------be there to be back [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-1-29 16:40:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

AW时间:Mar. 16th,2010

1.27 ISSUE 36、51
1.28 ISSUE 7、87、185
1.29 ISSUE 154、138 晚上准备把41写了。


使用道具 举报

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发表于 2010-1-29 22:33:54 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-1-29 22:54:14 |只看该作者

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发表于 2010-1-29 23:07:37 |只看该作者
3# Deveyphinn

莫急,我基础不好。。。要知道那天让小R同学给我改作文,她问我 affection是什么意思。。。我说影响。。。她就郁闷了。。。还教导我effect和affect的区别。。。明显的高中基础就不好嘛。。。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-1-31 22:31:05 |只看该作者
周末和某只出去了。。。周六上午写了一篇Issue 10。本来打算晚上写两篇的。结果144,艺术类。我想论述艺术能反映历史变迁这么大的一个题,对西方艺术和历史完全不熟的我抽住了。。。(在没百度前,我只知道似乎欧洲有个文艺复兴,至于英文是啥,不晓得。。。)。于是一狠心要把欧洲历史和艺术的关系搞个大概出来。。。额。。。好吧,以下就是不怎么样的结果。。。


文学三杰:但丁(Dante)彼特拉克(Petrarch)乔万尼•薄伽丘(Giovanni Boccaccio) 
*但丁(Dante)(1265-1321)。文艺复兴的先驱,文艺复兴运动起源于意大利北部,一般认为第一个代表人物是但丁,其代表作为《神曲》,他的作品首先以含蓄的手法批评和揭露中世纪宗教统治的腐败和愚蠢,以地方方言而不是作为中世纪欧洲正式文学语言的拉丁文进行创作。 他认为古希腊、罗马时代是人性最完善的时代,中世纪将人性压制是违背自然的。
美术三杰:列奥纳多•达•芬奇(Leonardo Da Vinci)、拉斐尔•桑西(Raphael Cenci)、米开朗基罗•博那罗蒂(Michelangelo Bo that Rorty)

*古典主义(Le Classicisme)是(17世纪末---1660)流行在西欧、特别是法国的一种文学思潮。因为它在文艺理论和创作实践上以古希腊、罗马文学为典范,而被称为“古典主义”。 古典主义是十七世纪君主政体民族国家开始建立,资本主义渐趋发展的历史阶段产生的一种文艺思期。古典主义用宫廷与贵族阶层的用语,摒弃平民大众的口语,制订正规法语的规范。古典主义的文学语言,就是这种正规法语,而不是平民的语言。要求:理性、人性化、逼真且得体、道德说教,在于劝善、体裁要有严格的界限与规律、简洁、洗练、明朗、精确。古典主义音乐:理智和情感的高度统一;深刻的思想内容与完美的艺术形式的高度统一。创作技法上,继承欧洲传统的复调与主调音乐的成就,并确立了近代奏鸣曲曲式的结构以及交响曲、协奏曲、各类室内乐的体裁和形式,对西洋音乐的发展有深远影响。(贝多芬、莫扎特、海顿)
*浪漫主义:(启蒙运动之后)虽然浪漫主义精神有着悠久的的历史,但浪漫主义的兴起,却发生在法国大革命、欧洲民主运动和民族解放运动高涨时期。它反映了资产阶级上升时期对个性解放的要求,是政治上对封建领主和基督教会联合统治的反抗,也是文艺上对法国新古典主义的反抗。 欧洲的浪漫主义思潮,是在人们对启蒙运动“理性王国”的失望,对资产阶级革命中的“自由、平等、博爱”口号的幻灭和对资本主义社会秩序的不满的历史条件下产生的。(李斯特,舒曼,雨果)


使用道具 举报

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发表于 2010-2-1 23:51:49 |只看该作者
上午写了Issue 48 下午 103 晚上17, 4(提纲)
至于历史,积累了几个大俗例子,比如Civil War。。。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-2-2 23:26:57 |只看该作者

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发表于 2010-3-3 22:52:12 |只看该作者
3.1开始模考。每天模考2--3次。6点起床,6点15一次模考,到7点半去上课(这个学期的课的教室都奇远无比。。。)每次模考都是RADOM。。。谁说的,多RADOM, Radom有益身心健康。


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-3-3 22:57:14 |只看该作者
4. No fields of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study.
2.其他领域的知识或经验帮助发现发明:列文虎克 光学原理 生物界
3.其他领域和本领域共同作用才能促进发现发明:DNA结构,watson crick专业为物理,为生物界打开新窗户。

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
was a Dutch tradesman and scientist from Delft, Netherlands. He is commonly known as "the Father of Microbiology", and considered to be the first microbiologist. He is best known for his work on the improvement of the microscope and for his contributions towards the establishment of microbiology. Using his handcrafted microscopes he was the first to observe and describe single celled organisms, which he originally referred to as animalcules, and which we now refer to as microorganisms. He was also the first to record microscopic observations of muscle fibers, bacteria, spermatozoa and blood flow in capillaries (small blood vessels).
Principal in light refraction
History of DNA research
DNA was first isolated by the Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher who, in 1869, discovered a microscopic substance in the pus of discarded surgical bandages. As it resided in the nuclei of cells, he called it "nuclein". In 1919, Phoebus Levene identified the base, sugar and phosphate nucleotide unit. Levene suggested that DNA consisted of a string of nucleotide units linked together through the phosphate groups. However, Levene thought the chain was short and the bases repeated in a fixed order. In 1937 William Astbury produced the first X-ray diffraction patterns that showed that DNA had a regular structure.
In 1928, Frederick Griffith discovered that traits of the "smooth" form of the Pneumococcus could be transferred to the "rough" form of the same bacteria by mixing killed "smooth" bacteria with the live "rough" form. This system provided the first clear suggestion that DNA carried genetic information—the Avery-MacLeod-McCarty experiment—when Oswald Avery, along with coworkers Colin MacLeod and Maclyn McCarty, identified DNA as the transforming principle in 1943. DNA's role in heredity was confirmed in 1952, when Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase in the Hershey-Chase experiment showed that DNA is the genetic material of the T2 phage.
In 1953 James D. Watson and Francis Crick suggested what is now accepted as the first correct double-helix model of DNA structure in the journal Nature.

25. Anyone can make things bigger and more complex. What requires real effort and courage is to move in the opposite direction-in other words, to make things as simple as possible.
1.how to define simple and complex. EX: scientist and student
2.make things simple is difficult. 太多信息,科技使生活和思想复杂。把本质找出困难==细节过多。EX:find gold in sands.
3.not any one can make things bigger and more complex. 也需要努力和勇气。从表入里的探索。牛顿 苹果 现象==本质。

Isaac Newton
was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian who is considered by many scholars and members of the general public to be one of the most influential men in human history
Newton himself often told the story that he was inspired to formulate his theory of gravitation by watching the fall of an apple from a tree.
Cartoons have gone further to suggest the apple actually hit Newton's head, and that its impact somehow made him aware of the force of gravity. It is known from his notebooks that Newton was grappling in the late 1660s with the idea that terrestrial gravity extends, in an inverse-square proportion, to the Moon; however it took him two decades to develop the full-fledged theory.

31. Money spent on research is almost always a good investment, even when the results of that research are controversial.
1.The development of modern technology needs the financial support. 1).the advantages of research: help people to conquer disease, improve living quality, solve long-term global problem. 2).research needs money: example, make a vaccine
2.Some people may have question: the advantages of research as above are obvious, however should we spent money on controversial research either? Let us make clear where the controversy comes from first.
3.On one hand, whether the result of research will help or harm human beings let the research become controversial. 1. How people using the results of research is the main point. EX: the invention of explosives 2.when the results go against the ethics, the research will become controversy. EX: clone.
4.On the other hand, controversy also comes from whether the research will have results or whether the results are useful. 1. no result is one of the results.2.some useless results might be useful years later. EX:Gregor Mendel Mendel's Laws.

Alfred Nobel
was a Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator, armaments manufacturer and the inventor of dynamite. He owned Bofors, a major armaments manufacturer, which he had redirected from its previous role as an iron and steel mill.
Nobel found that when nitroglycerin was incorporated in an absorbent inert substance like [kieselguhr] (diatomaceous earth) it became safer and more convenient to handle, and this mixture he patented in 1867 as 'dynamite'. Nobel demonstrated his explosive for the first time that year, at a quarry in Redhill, Surrey, England. In order to help reestablish his name and improve the image of his business from the earlier controversies associated with the dangerous explosives, Nobel had also considered naming the highly powerful substance "Nobels Safety Powder", but settled with Dynamite instead, referring to the Greek word for 'power'.
Nobel later on combined nitroglycerin with various nitrocellulose compounds, similar to collodion, but settled on a more efficient recipe combining another nitrate explosive, and obtained a transparent, jelly-like substance, which was a more powerful explosive than dynamite. 'Gelignite', or blasting gelatin, as it was named, was patented in 1876; and was followed by a host of similar combinations, modified by the addition of potassium nitrate and various other substances. Gelignite was more stable, transportable and conveniently formed to fit into bored holes, like those used in drilling and mining, than the previously used compounds and was adopted as the standard technology for mining in the Age of Engineering bringing Nobel a great amount of financial success, though at a significant cost to his health.
Mendel’ s Law
The laws of inheritance were derived by Johann Gregor Mendel, a 19th century [1] monk conducting hybridization experiments in garden peas (Pisum sativum). Between 1856 and 1863, he cultivated and tested some 29,000 pea plants. From these experiments he deduced two generalizations which later became known as Mendel's Laws of Heredity or Mendelian inheritance. He described these laws in a two part paper, Experiments on Plant Hybridization that he read to the Natural History Society of Brno on February 8 and March 8, 1865, and which was published in 1866.[2]
Mendel's conclusions were largely ignored. Although they were not completely unknown to biologists of the time, they were not seen as generally applicable, even by Mendel himself, who thought they only applied to certain categories of species or traits. A major block to understanding their significance was the importance attached by 19th Century biologists to the apparent blending of inherited traits in the overall appearance of the progeny, now known to be due to multigene interactions, in contrast to the organ-specific binary characters studied by Mendel.[1] In 1900, however, his work was "re-discovered" by three European scientists, Hugo de Vries, Carl Correns, and Erich von Tschermak. The exact nature of the "re-discovery" has been somewhat debated: De Vries published first on the subject, mentioning Mendel in a footnote, while Correns pointed out Mendel's priority after having read De Vries's paper and realizing that he himself did not have priority. De Vries may not have acknowledged truthfully how much of his knowledge of the laws came from his own work, or came only after reading Mendel's paper. Later scholars have accused Von Tschermak of not truly understanding the results at all.[1]
Regardless, the "re-discovery" made Mendelism an important but controversial theory. Its most vigorous promoter in Europe was William Bateson, who coined the term "genetics", "gene", and "allele" to describe many of its tenets. The model of heredity was highly contested by other biologists because it implied that heredity was discontinuous, in opposition to the apparently continuous variation observable for many traits. Many biologists also dismissed the theory because they were not sure it would apply to all species, and there seemed to be very few true Mendelian characters in nature. However later work by biologists and statisticians such as R.A. Fisher showed that if multiple Mendelian factors were involved in the expression of an individual trait, they could produce the diverse results observed. Thomas Hunt Morgan and his assistants later integrated the theoretical model of Mendel with the chromosome theory of inheritance, in which the chromosomes of cells were thought to hold the actual hereditary material, and create what is now known as classical genetics, which was extremely successful and cemented Mendel's place in history.
Mendel's findings allowed other scientists to predict the expression of traits on the basis of mathematical probabilities. A large contribution to Mendel's success can be traced to his decision to start his crosses only with plants he demonstrated were true-breeding. He also only measured absolute (binary) characteristics, such as color, shape, and position of the offspring, rather than quantitative characteristics. He expressed his results numerically and subjected them to statistical analysis. His method of data analysis and his large sample size gave credibility to his data. He also had the foresight to follow several successive generations (f2, f3) of his pea plants and record their variations. Finally, he performed "test crosses" (back-crossing descendants of the initial hybridization to the initial true-breeding lines) to reveal the presence and proportion of recessive characters. Without his hard work and careful attention to procedure and detail, Mendel's work could not have had the impact it made on the world of genetics.

40. Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncriatic those interests may seem.
1.contribution cannot be consider. 1.当时觉得没用 Medel's Law 2.当时觉得危害社会 哥白尼====however, big contribution===hard to define contribution to society.
2.interests imoprtant==results are pushed by interests==通常来说研究结果总是有用的。错误的结果可能变正确,如果不正确也为别人缩小范围。no mention what impact on society their discoveries will have.
3.nowadays, contribution 往往由government or enterprises decide===scholars and researches won't concern contribution too much. they can choose favorite study through interests.

Nicolaus Copernicus
Copernicus' epochal book, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), published just before his death in 1543, is often regarded as the starting point of modern astronomy and the defining epiphany that began the scientific revolution. His heliocentric model, with the Sun at the center of the universe, demonstrated that the observed motions of celestial objects can be explained without putting Earth at rest in the center of the universe. His work stimulated further scientific investigations, becoming a landmark in the history of science that is often referred to as the Copernican Revolution.
Among the great polymaths of the Renaissance, Copernicus was a mathematician, astronomer, physician, quadrilingual polyglot, classical scholar, translator, artist,[2] Catholic cleric, jurist, governor, military leader, diplomat and economist. Among his many responsibilities, astronomy figured as little more than an avocation — yet it was in that field that he made his mark upon the world.

41. Such non-mainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranomal prusuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science.
3.对非主流学科态度:伪科学:无定义 无原理, 概念模糊,误导

59. Too much emphasis is placed on role models. Instead of copying others, people should learn to think and act independently and thus make the choices that are best for them.
1.role models do give a way lead to success. A lot spirits we should learn from them.EX: Marie Curie==focus on her research.
2.However, career life cannot be copied. 1. individual different. EX: Mozart==musical genius. even we teach child when he is 4 years old, he cannot arrive the level of Mozart. 2.enviroment different. EX: Bill Gates give up college education become a millionaer cannot ==== we can give up our college education to focus on computer. time doesn't allow that.
3.we should learn from other's experience and think and act independently to make te best choice. the spirit, why some one success, what they take, what they give up. deep thinking but not copy the model shallow

Marie Skłodowska Curie (7 November 1867 – 4 July 1934)
was a physicist and chemist of Polish upbringing and, subsequently, French citizenship. She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity, the first person honored with two Nobel Prizes,[1] receiving one in physics and later, one in chemistry. She was the first woman to serve as professor at the University of Paris.
She was born Maria Skłodowska in Warsaw (then Vistula Land, Russian Empire; now Poland) and lived there until she was twenty-four years old. In 1891 she followed her elder sister, Bronisława, to study in Paris, where she obtained her higher degrees and conducted her subsequent scientific work. She founded the Curie Institutes in Paris and Warsaw. Her husband, Pierre Curie, was a Nobel co-laureate of hers, being awarded a Nobel prize in physics at the same time. Her daughter, Irène Joliot-Curie, and son-in-law, Frédéric Joliot-Curie, also received Nobel prizes.
Her achievements include the creation of a theory of radioactivity (a term she coined [2]), techniques for isolating radioactive isotopes, and the discovery of two new elements, polonium and radium. Under her direction, the world's first studies were conducted into the treatment of neoplasms (cancers), using radioactive isotopes.
While an actively loyal French citizen, she never lost her sense of Polish identity. She named the first new chemical element that she discovered (1898) polonium for her native country,[3] and in 1932 she founded a Radium Institute (now the Maria Skłodowska–Curie Institute of Oncology) in her home town, Warsaw, which was headed by her sister, Bronisława, who was a physician.
If the work of Maria Skłodowska–Curie helped overturn established ideas in physics and chemistry, it has had an equally profound effect in the societal sphere. In order to attain her scientific achievements, she had to overcome barriers that were placed in her way because she was a woman, in both her native and her adoptive country. This aspect of her life and career is highlighted in Françoise Giroud's Marie Curie: A Life, which emphasizes Skłodowska's role as a feminist precursor. She was ahead of her time, emancipated, independent, and in addition uncorrupted. Albert Einstein is reported to have remarked that she was probably the only person who was not corrupted by the fame that she had won.[31]

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical era. He composed over 600 works, many acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concertante, chamber, piano, operatic, and choral music. He is among the most enduringly popular of classical composers.
Mozart showed prodigious ability from his earliest childhood in Salzburg. Already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from the age of five and performed before European royalty; at 17 he was engaged as a court musician in Salzburg, but grew restless and traveled in search of a better position, always composing abundantly. While visiting Vienna in 1781, he was dismissed from his Salzburg position. He chose to stay in the capital, where he achieved fame but little financial security. During his final years in Vienna, he composed many of his best-known symphonies, concertos, and operas, and the Requiem. The circumstances of his early death have been much mythologized. He was survived by his wife Constanze and two sons.
Mozart learned voraciously from others, and developed a brilliance and maturity of style that encompassed the light and graceful along with the dark and passionate—the whole informed by a vision of humanity "redeemed through art, forgiven, and reconciled with nature and the absolute."[2] His influence on subsequent Western art music is profound. Beethoven wrote his own early compositions in the shadow of Mozart, of whom Joseph Haydn wrote that "posterity will not see such a talent again in 100 years."[3]
Family and early years
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born to Leopold and Anna Maria Pertl Mozart at 9 Getreidegasse in Salzburg, capital of the sovereign Archbishopric of Salzburg, in what is now Austria. Then it was part of the Holy Roman Empire. His only sibling to survive past birth was Maria Anna (1751–1829), called "Nannerl". Wolfgang was baptized the day after his birth at St. Rupert's Cathedral. The baptismal record gives his name in Latinized form as Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart. He generally called himself "Wolfgang Amadè Mozart"[4] as an adult, but there were many variants.
His father Leopold (1719–1787) was deputy Kapellmeister to the court orchestra of the Archbishop of Salzburg, and a minor composer. He was also an experienced teacher. In the year of Mozart's birth, his father published a violin textbook, Versuch einer gründlichen Violinschule, which achieved some success.
Anonymous portrait of the child Mozart, possibly by Pietro Antonio Lorenzoni; painted in 1763 on commission from Leopold
When Nannerl was seven she began keyboard lessons with her father, and her three-year-old brother would look on, evidently fascinated. Years later, after his death, she reminisced:
He often spent much time at the clavier, picking out thirds, which he was always striking, and his pleasure showed that it sounded good. [...] In the fourth year of his age his father, for a game as it were, began to teach him a few minuets and pieces at the clavier. [...] He could play it faultlessly and with the greatest delicacy, and keeping exactly in time. [...] At the age of five he was already composing little pieces, which he played to his father who wrote them down.[5]
These early pieces, K. 1–5, were recorded in the Nannerl Notenbuch.
Biographer Maynard Solomon[6] notes that while Leopold was a devoted teacher to his children, there is evidence that Wolfgang was keen to make progress beyond what he was being taught. His first ink-spattered composition and his precocious efforts with the violin were on his own initiative, and came as a great surprise to Leopold. Father and son were so close that these childhood accomplishments brought tears to Leopold's eyes.[7]
Leopold eventually gave up composing when his son's outstanding musical talents became evident.[8] He was Wolfgang's only teacher in his earliest years, and taught his children languages and academic subjects as well as music.[6]

87. In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important discoveries.
从对未知好奇:新手:好奇心强烈 用于尝试新事物(leeowenhoek)
            老手有(波粒二象性,托马斯杨 爱因斯坦)
结论:   新老手结合。新手可以提供更多新鲜的想法和创意,老手经过考虑筛选。

138. Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress.
2.失败直接导致成功  青霉素发现   主要因为LUCK
4.主观努力但客观不构成条件(苹果树年产800kg 实际只能产150-200kg 无论Hard与否推论至研究)
6.失败是成功之母仅仅在幸运的前提下发生。真正的母亲是在客观条件允许的情况下有正确的态度和行动。客观错误:勇于放弃。 主观错误:制定计划和努力。

The discovery of penicillin is attributed to Scottish scientist and Nobel laureate Alexander Fleming in 1928.[12] He showed that, if Penicillium notatum was grown in the appropriate substrate, it would exude a substance with antibiotic properties, which he dubbed penicillin. This serendipitous observation began the modern era of antibiotic discovery. The development of penicillin for use as a medicine is attributed to the Australian Nobel laureate Howard Walter Florey together with the German Nobel laureate Ernst Chain and the English biochemist Norman Heatley.
However, several others reported the bacteriostatic effects of Penicillium earlier than Fleming. The use of bread with a blue mould (presumably penicillium) as a means of treating suppurating wounds was a staple of folk medicine in Europe since the Middle Ages. The first published reference appears in the publication of the Royal Society in 1875, by John Tyndall.[13] Ernest Duchesne documented it in an 1897 paper, which was not accepted by the Institut Pasteur because of his youth. In March 2000, doctors at the San Juan de Dios Hospital in San José, Costa Rica published the manuscripts of the Costa Rican scientist and medical doctor Clodomiro (Clorito) Picado Twight (1887–1944). They reported Picado's observations on the inhibitory actions of fungi of the genus Penicillium between 1915 and 1927. Picado reported his discovery to the Paris Academy of Sciences, yet did not patent it, even though his investigations started years before Fleming's.
Fleming recounted that the date of his breakthrough was on the morning of Friday, September 28, 1928.[14] It was a fortuitous accident: in his laboratory in the basement of St. Mary's Hospital in London (now part of Imperial College), Fleming noticed a petri dish containing Staphylococcus plate culture he had mistakenly left open, which was contaminated by blue-green mould, which had formed a visible growth. There was a halo of inhibited bacterial growth around the mould. Fleming concluded that the mould was releasing a substance that was repressing the growth and lysing the bacteria. He grew a pure culture and discovered that it was a Penicillium mould, now known to be Penicillium notatum. Charles Thom, an American specialist working at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, was the acknowledged expert, and Fleming referred the matter to him. Fleming coined the term "penicillin" to describe the filtrate of a broth culture of the Penicillium mould. Even in these early stages, penicillin was found to be most effective against Gram-positive bacteria, and ineffective against Gram-negative organisms and fungi. He expressed initial optimism that penicillin would be a useful disinfectant, being highly potent with minimal toxicity compared to antiseptics of the day, and noted its laboratory value in the isolation of "Bacillus influenzae" (now Haemophilus influenzae).[15] After further experiments, Fleming was convinced that penicillin could not last long enough in the human body to kill pathogenic bacteria, and stopped studying it after 1931. He restarted clinical trials in 1934, and continued to try to get someone to purify it until 1940.[

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发表于 2010-3-3 22:59:00 |只看该作者
5.A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer.
1.impossible. economic, culture, custom different==hard to unify courses.
2.even if possible, not reasonable. diversity of talents serve to a nation well. not everyone adapt to 18-year education. some job doesn't require such high educated requiement. Cooker or hairdresser.
3.however, fundamental knowledge, social skills and moral education should be educated for every one.===keep society steady and development.

47. Society does not place enough emphasis on the intellect-that is, on reasoning and other cognitive skills.

50. In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.

51. Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student.
1.Admittedly, an educational system that concerns students' interests is scientific, effective and reasonable, which can help students develop their own potential and talent.
2.if education is designed too specific and concret to meet every students' needs, it is impossible.
3.Regardless of the educational resources, what is the aim of education? Our society needs all-around talent, and the aim of education is to teach students to fit themselves to the society.
4.Besides general education, some electives are necerssarily to the students which can adjust them physically and mentally. On the premise of good study general education, schools should do their best to offer more choices for students.

130. How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.
现在孩子的社会化程度决定了社会的命运。可惜的是,我们还没有学会如何教孩子去 建设一个更好的社会。
  得出:      社会化与好社会关系:互相影响
4。培养孩子由专业教育者 家长 社会共同负责:分别论述

The term socialization is used by sociologists, social psychologists, anthropologists, politicians and educationalists to refer to the process of inheriting norms, customs and ideologies. It may provide the individual with the skills and habits necessary for participating within their own society; a society itself is formed through a plurality of shared norms, customs, values, traditions, social roles, symbols and languages. Socialization is thus ‘the means by which social and cultural continuity are attained’.[1]
Socialization, however, is not a normative term: it describes a process which may or may not affect the reflexive agent, and which may or may not lead to desirable, or 'moral', outcomes. Individual views on certain issues, such as race or economics, may be socialized (and to that extent normalized) within a society. Many socio-political theories postulate that socialization provides only a partial explanation for human beliefs and behaviours; that agents are not 'blank slates' predetermined by their environment.[2] Scientific research provides strong evidence that people are shaped by both social influences and their hard-wired biological makeup.[3][4][5][6][7] Genetic studies have shown that a person's environment (socialization) interacts with their genotype to influence behavioural outcomes[8], whilst the linguistic theory of generative grammar demonstrates how something such as the capacity for learning changes throughout one's lifetime. (See also: Nature vs. Nurture; Structure and agency)
To "socialise" may also mean simply to associate or mingle with people socially. In American English, "socialized" has come to refer, usually in a pejorative sense, to the principles of socialism or the expansion of the welfare state.
Agents of socialization are the people and groups that influence our self-concept, emotions, attitudes, and behavior.
The Family. Family is responsible for the youth and, among other things, determining one's attitudes toward religion and establishing career goals.
Education. Education is the agency responsible for socializing groups of young people in particular skills and values in society.
Religion. Religions play a major role in socialization, in that context often synonymous with 'indoctrination'.
Peer groups. Peers refer to people who are roughly the same age and/or who share other social characteristics (e.g., students in a college class).
The Mass Media.
Other Agents: Work Place, Public institutions.

154. Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators.
家长:      从出生到进入社会影响
社会:      生活环境,信息社会
结论:      三者缺一不可。

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发表于 2010-3-3 22:59:35 |只看该作者
7. The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.
remember:keep easy cheap easy check
spread:easy view copy
create: accrute and objective
      inner world

38. In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much as watching television as they can by reading books.
在电视时代, 阅读已没有原来那样重要了。人们可以通过看电视学到和看书一样多的东西。
The issue above claims that watching TV can instead of reading books to let people learn things. At the first glance, this opinion seems to be some what appealing, but further reflection tells me that I cannot agree with it for the following reasons.
1.Admittedly, television gives us a visual feeling for the real things. It makes abstract feeling into concrete.
2.However, the shows on television are plentiful. Children have not the ability to recognize them. They may watch the shows with eroticism and violent.
Most books sold from nomal book-store are healthy. Parents can buy books selectivly which have intrduction to their children.
3.Books can be read wherever and whenever you want.
4.Some abstract scene in books will be described very specific, but in the television there will be only a scene to show it.
In a nutshell, television does have its own advantages in visual, but for further thinking books have more advantages that television doesn't have. Books can be choose to read and can be read wherever and whenever. Last but not least words have the ability to make abstract things specific. So, in my piont of view, reading books cannot be instead of watching television, no matter what era it is.

74.The most effective way to communicate an idea or value to large groups of people is through the use of images, not language.
1.idea and value==abstract==images:vivd and easy understanding.
2.However, understanding of images are different===mistake===language:exact and objective.
3.Therefore, combine==effective==EX:college course, slide show with explain==best

88. Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics.
First of all, technologies do change our lives.
Despite the effects for the material living from the modern technologies, technologies also change some traditional customs.
With the promotion of the technologies, the definition of ethics has also been influenced.
However, technologies only influence the customs and ethics, but don't determine them.(clone)

147. Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them.
3.现代和传统能完美融合。巴黎圣母院歌剧表现经典,经典的传播需要现代手段(The famous opera, Notre Dame de Paris, which is adapted by Victor Hugo's novel is a good example to support this point. The modern dance and singing is passionate and unchained which interpret the characters of gypsies. This opera express the tradition through the modern methods.)

151.High-speed electronic communication media, such as electronic mail and television, tend to prevent meaningful and thoughtful communication.
too assertive
high-speed life==cannot think deep==mass media develop fast==lack meaningful and thoughtful communication.
however, deep think is depend on individuals. mail can contain meaningful and thoughtful communication=EX: friend on internet. television play movies with deep meaning==vivid and easy understanding especially for children.==effective and thoughtful
moreover, electronic communication media help the meaningful and thoughtful communication. long-distance business, news spread help politicy.

159.The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds.
it is human beings who made first machine to help working. industrial revelution.EX: cars and train==trade; computer and television==long-distance news.
human being will not be controlled by machine. 1.without human, no machine will be exsit 2. todays' techonolgy==machine has no mind, but only human have. what machine do is the reflect of human beings.
future, even if the machine has mind, like cartoon shows, from my point of view, it is only a program which can not creat new mind. and the mind that machine have is the program written by human self to meet the emotion needs of human.

8. It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public.

1.propose of hiding the truth usually 1.keep the society steady EX:SARS in China 2. authority==doubt to the truth. 引出下文
2.propose is good, result is not well===1. internet==information booming
                               2. residents slander the truth==unsteady
====everyone has right to know the truth.
3.some privicy have to be hided.===protect other's safty and right of privacy.

10.Governments must ensure that therir major cities receive the finacial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated.
  从文化定义:物质文化 精神文化

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发表于 2010-3-3 23:00:10 |只看该作者
11.All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems.

13. Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer peoople speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct.
1.mordern techonolgy let the earth become a villiage. people use English, French, and other language which pupulation is large more often. 例举语言消失的事实。
2.one reason for protecting lesser-known languages every folk has right to use their own language and it is their most important character. EX: Shanghai dialect.
3.another reason is that language is the carrier of culture.(语言是人们交流的工具,同时也是文化的载体、文化的积淀,是文化的一部分) 保护语言就是保护文化==文化多样性是人类社会的基本特征,也是人类文明进步的重要动力。===原因:尊重文化多样性

29.Public figures such as actors, politicians, and athletes should expect people to be interested in their private lives. When they seek a public role, they should expect that they will lose at least some of their privacy.
1.public figures sometimes are the idols or even standards to ordinary people. It is nromal for them to know the privacy life of the public figures.===1. 崇拜心理 2.窥伺心理。
2.public figures have right to protect their private. Human beings==need individual space to relax. Journalist==nerves; protect private life===protect family==unsafe.
3.Blance between privacy and liberty of speech. Both of them are protected by laws. Conflics between them==judgement..

46. While some leaders in government, sports, industry and other areas attribute their successto a well-developed sense of competition, a society can better prepare its young people for leadership by instilling in them a sense of cooperation.
call the balance between cooperation and competition.
1.competition is the law in both nature and society. facts==competition choose the best to stay and eliminate the weak.==developing individuals.
2.individuals are the constituent parts of the groups or societies. good competition can promote group and socity. Great scientists do great discoveries promote the nation strength.
3.However, 因为个人是群体的组成部分,就不得不学会有合作意识。失去合作意识==散沙==失败。EX:篮球。

竞争和合作结合的方式才能创造良好的GROUPS AND SOCIETIES。提升个人==个人进步==在合作前提下==将进步波及群体==群体进步。

56. Governments should focus more on solving the immediate problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future.
Call for balance
1.immediate problems need to be sovled. EX:unempolyment, war, famine.
2.though the immediat problems need to be sovled, we cannot ignore the long-term problem. EX golbal warming, water shortage, resource shortage.
3.Both important. government should give the balance to the immediate problems of today and anticipated problems of the futrue.

70. In any profession-business, policitics, education, government-those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership.
Too assertive. case-to-case.
1.political, applicable.1.leader needs competition to improve their work.2.times changing, new leader can give new energy to people.
2.business, not necessary. EX:Donald Trump is the leader from his career beginning till now.
3.education, not suitable. 1.education need experience and knowledge.2.it is a system.

Donald John Trump
is an American business magnate, socialite, author and television personality. He is the Chairman and CEO of the Trump Organization, a US-based real-estate developer. Trump is also the founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts, which operates numerous casinos and hotels across the world. Trump's extravagant lifestyle and outspoken manner have made him a celebrity for years, a status amplified by the success of his NBC reality show, The Apprentice (where he serves as host and executive producer).
Donald was the fourth of five children of Fred Trump, a wealthy real estate developer based in New York City. Donald was strongly influenced by his father in his eventual goals to make a career in real estate development,[3] and upon his graduation from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1968, Donald Trump joined his father's company, The Trump Organization.
Starting with the renovation of the Commodore Hotel into the Grand Hyatt with the Pritzker family, he continued with Trump Tower in New York City and several other residential projects. Trump would later expand into the airline industry (buying the Eastern Shuttle routes),[4] and Atlantic City casino business, including buying the Taj Mahal Casino from the Crosby family, then taking it into bankruptcy. This expansion, both personal and business, led to mounting debt.[5] Much of the news about him in the early 1990s involved his much publicized financial problems, creditor-led bailout, extramarital affair with Marla Maples, and the resulting divorce from his first wife, Ivana Trump.
The late 1990s saw a resurgence in his financial situation and fame. In 2001, he completed Trump World Tower, a 72-story residential tower across from the United Nations Headquarters.[6] Also, he began construction on Trump Place, a multi-building development along the Hudson River. Trump owns commercial space in Trump International Hotel and Tower, a 44-story mixed-use (hotel and condominium) tower on Columbus Circle. Trump currently owns several million square feet of prime Manhattan real estate,[7] and remains a major figure in the field of real estate in the United States and a celebrity for his prominent media exposures.

83. Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people.
Firstly, protect wilderness area can help protecting living enviroment.
Secondly, it is essential to keep the diversity of spieces and preserve wilderness area will provide conditions for animals and plants.
Furthermore, preserving the wilderness areas may help scientific studies and inquiries.

103. The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives.
3.历史研究完全和日常生活无关 也有价值:DNA发现过程。用了近100年的时间。

121. At various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct as a result of natural, rather than human, processes. Thus, there is no justification for society to make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species.
A: 历史上,确实动物的灭绝是非人类的原因造成的,恐龙但是人类的活动大大加速了生物灭绝的速度,人类活动是当前生物灭绝的主因,Amazon, Tibet gazelle hunting, fur trade, 但也有其他愿因,prey and predator,evolution。
B:因为人类造成灭绝,有义务保护。另一方面,从人的自身利益出发保护其他物种,一,多样性,二,森林是地球的肺, 从自然界找到治疗疾病的办法。

136.The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare.
1.no choice is exist,but rare. born, getting old, sick and dead==nature rules==no choice. compare to everyday life, this kind of circumstance is rare.
2.live in this era, both politic and technology developing fast==rights to choose.言论自由,大到选择人生之路比如上学和就业,小到每日买东西。
3.some people say they are no choice because they don't or haven't willing to chooce. 1.lazy==waiting for opportunity 2.narrow line for himself ======complain too much. creative to create choice and choose his own way.

160. The most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little.
call for balance between particular principles and objectives and popular opinion.
remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives is essential quality for a leader. 无论在BUSINESS或者政治上,some goals are long-term which need to be consistent. Leader should try to serve to give to achieve togeter.
A leader is one whom others consistently follow. people follow because they have brief in the direcction, integrity and competence of the one leading. leader leads people and leader loves people==leader's opinion represents popular opinion==no confilice exist.
if there is conflicts between leader and people, leader should to think and make desicion whether to consistent or shifts. 1.If want to consist, leader should persuade people to follow with strong reasons, and it is the better way to keep society or company work well. 2. there is no evidence shows shifts will cause the failure. shifts with time is wise choice in some cases.

185. Scandals-whether in politics, academia, or other areas-can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.
2.我们对丑闻关注的原因:心理因素,常人窥伺心理,爱慕者希望知道一切抵制丑闻,        厌恶者利用丑闻攻击名人。引出丑闻的作用
3.丑闻带来的好处:名声(paris) 经济利益(记者和传媒)
5.因为以上的影响,我们对待丑闻要做到:确认真实性 宽容心 平常心

A scandal is a widely publicized allegation or set of allegations that damages the reputation of an institution, individual or creed.[dubious – discuss] A scandal may be based on true or false allegations or a mixture of both.

Paris Whitney Hilton (born February 17, 1981) is an American socialite, heiress, media personality, model, singer, author, fashion designer and actress. She is a great-granddaughter of Conrad Hilton (founder of Hilton Hotels).
Hilton is best known for her appearance on the television series The Simple Life, her several minor film roles (most notably her role in the horror film House of Wax in 2005), her 2004 tongue-in-cheek autobiography,[2] her 2006 music album Paris, and her work in modeling. As a result of several legal incidents, Hilton also served a widely publicized sentence in a Los Angeles County jail in 2007. She is also known for her controversial appearance in a sex tape in 2003.

208. The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. you can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people.
1.穿着一定程度能反应出态度和爱好:PUNK  哥特
2.行为举止等外表也一定程度反映出价值观:日本人 鞠躬 穿着整洁 礼貌由于儒家思想(Confucian ideals)的指导(儒家思想:长幼、贵贱、尊卑、亲疏各有规范 重道德)

Confucianism (Chinese: 儒家; pinyin: Rújiā) is a Chinese ethical and philosophical system developed from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius (Kǒng Fūzǐ, or K'ung-fu-tzu, lit. "Master Kong", 551–478 BC). It is a complex system of moral, social, political, philosophical, and quasi-religious thought that has had tremendous influence on the culture and history of East Asia. It might be considered a state religion of some East Asian countries, because of governmental promotion of Confucian philosophies.
Cultures and countries strongly influenced by Confucianism include China (mainland), Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam, as well as various territories settled predominantly by Chinese people, such as Singapore. Japan was influenced by Confucianism in a different way.
In Confucianism, human beings are teachable, improvable and perfectible through personal and communal endeavour especially including self-cultivation and self-creation. A main idea of Confucianism is the cultivation of virtue and the development of moral perfection.

Stephen William Hawking, CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA (born 8 January 1942[1]) is a British theoretical physicist, whose world-renowned scientific career spans over 40 years. His books and public appearances have made him an academic celebrity and he is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts,[2] a lifetime member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences,[3] and in 2009 was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States.[4]
Hawking was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge for thirty years, taking up the post in 1979 and retiring on 1 October 2009.[5][6] He is also a Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge and a Distinguished Research Chair at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario.[7] He is known for his contributions to the fields of cosmology and quantum gravity, especially in the context of black holes. He has also achieved success with works of popular science in which he discusses his own theories and cosmology in general; these include the runaway best seller A Brief History of Time, which stayed on the British Sunday Times bestsellers list for a record-breaking 237 weeks.[8][9]
Hawking's key scientific works to date have included providing, with Roger Penrose, theorems regarding singularities in the framework of general relativity, and the theoretical prediction that black holes should emit radiation, which is today known as Hawking radiation (or sometimes as Bekenstein-Hawking radiation).[10]
Hawking has a neuro-muscular dystrophy that is related to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a condition that has progressed over the years and has left him almost completely paralysed.

212. If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable.
disagree. too assertive.
there are a lot of valuable goals have been achieved through hard work on study. EX: sicence, medicine, clone
how to define the worthy. to someone is worthy but harm to others EX: fell trees to make profit===harm to the earth.
any means is justifiable===too assertive. EX: decrease pollution==close factory, forbid using cars==pullution will be decreased but the life of mordern cities will be stopped and people will be into other bigger problems.
conclusion: how worth it is, will it harm to others, should consider all-around.

226. People are mistaken when they assume that the prblems they confront are more complex and challenging than the problems faced by their predecessors. This illusion is eventually dispelled with increased knowledge and experience.
every period have difficulties.EX:problems in ancient times. compare to today's crisis seems easy, however in that age without knowledge and techinique it is as big as today's problem
with increased knowledge and experience, there are still quite a lot of problems today. 1. extend or left by the problems from predecessors EX: explor universe, solar system ..2.new problems appeared. resourse shortage, global warming.
Although the problems are difficult, they will be solved finally with increased knowledge and experience. EX:solution of resourse shortage and global warming.

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发表于 2010-3-3 23:05:07 |只看该作者
17. There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws.
1.法律公正性:法律由立法机关颁布、法院判决、执法机关执行---公正?不由个人价值观判            定(阉猫?人性化角度不好,公共卫生角度好)

Justice concerns itself with the proper ordering of things and people within a society. As a concept it has been subject to philosophical, legal, and theological reflection and debate throughout our history. A number of important questions surrounding justice have been fiercely debated over the course of western history: What is justice? What does it demand of individuals and societies? What is the proper distribution of wealth and resources in society: equal, meritocratic, according to status, or some other arrangement? There are myriad possible answers to these questions from divergent perspectives on the political and philosophical spectrum.
Law[4] is a system of rules, usually enforced through a set of institutions.[5] It shapes politics, economics and society in numerous ways and serves as a primary social mediator of relations between people. Contract law regulates everything from buying a bus ticket to trading on derivatives markets. Property law defines rights and obligations related to the transfer and title of personal (often referred to as chattel) and real property. Trust law applies to assets held for investment and financial security, while tort law allows claims for compensation if a person's rights or property are harmed. If the harm is criminalised in a statute, criminal law offers means by which the state can prosecute the perpetrator. Constitutional law provides a framework for the creation of law, the protection of human rights and the election of political representatives. Administrative law is used to review the decisions of government agencies, while international law governs affairs between sovereign nation states in activities ranging from trade to environmental regulation or military action. Writing in 350 BC, the Greek philosopher Aristotle declared, "The rule of law is better than the rule of any individual."[6]
Legal systems elaborate rights and responsibilities in a variety of ways. A general distinction can be made between civil law jurisdictions, which codify their laws, and common law systems, where judge-made law is not consolidated. In some countries, religion still informs the law. Law provides a rich source of scholarly inquiry, into legal history, philosophy, economic analysis or sociology. Law also raises important and complex issues concerning equality, fairness and justice. "In its majestic equality", said the author Anatole France in 1894, "the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread."[7] In a typical democracy, the central institutions for interpreting and creating law are the three main branches of government, namely an impartial judiciary, a democratic legislature, and an accountable executive. To implement and enforce the law and provide services to the public, a government's bureaucracy, the military and police are vital. While all these organs of the state are creatures created and bound by law, an independent legal profession and a vibrant civil society inform and support their progress.

48. The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose indentities have long been forgotten.
2.伟人代表群众,有影响力。(南北战争 林肯)
结论:相辅相成 无群众,不成为潮流


The American Civil War (1861–1865), also known as the War Between the States as well as several other names, was a civil war in the United States of America. Eleven Southern slave states declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America (the Confederacy). Led by Jefferson Davis, they fought against the United States (the Union), which was supported by all the free states and the five border slave states.
In the presidential election of 1860, the Republican Party, led by Abraham Lincoln, had campaigned against the expansion of slavery beyond the states in which it already existed. The Republican victory in that election resulted in seven Southern states declaring their secession from the Union even before Lincoln took office on March 4, 1861. Both the outgoing and incoming US administrations rejected the legality of secession, considering it rebellion.
Hostilities began on April 12, 1861, when Confederate forces attacked a US military installation at Fort Sumter in South Carolina. Lincoln responded by calling for a volunteer army from each state, leading to declarations of secession by four more Southern slave states. Both sides raised armies as the Union assumed control of the border states early in the war and established a naval blockade. In September 1862, Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation made ending slavery in the South a war goal,[1] and dissuaded the British from intervening.[2]
Confederate commander Robert E. Lee won battles in the east, but in 1863 his northward advance was turned back after the Battle of Gettysburg and, in the west, the Union gained control of the Mississippi River at the Battle of Vicksburg, thereby splitting the Confederacy. Long-term Union advantages in men and materiel were realized in 1864 when Ulysses S. Grant fought battles of attrition against Lee, while Union general William Sherman captured Atlanta, Georgia, and marched to the sea. Confederate resistance collapsed after Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865.
The American Civil War was one of the earliest true industrial wars in human history. Railroads, steamships, mass-produced weapons, and various other military devices were employed extensively. The practices of total war, developed by Sherman in Georgia, and of trench warfare around Petersburg foreshadowed World War I. It remains the deadliest war in American history, resulting in the deaths of 620,000 soldiers and an undetermined number of civilian casualties. Victory for the North meant the end of the Confederacy and of slavery in the United States, and strengthened the role of the federal government. The social, political, economic and racial issues of the war decisively shaped the reconstruction era that lasted to 1877.

120. So much is new and complex today that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present.
First of all, understanding past is the foundation of learning new knowledge.(DNA)
Secondly, understanding of the past gives suggestions of the future trend.(RECORD TREND)
Furthermore, history can reflect the culture and moral development.

221. The chief benefit of the study of history is to break down the illusion that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history.
1.Human beings have some same characters in every period. 欲望??==solve today's problems
2.difference between ppls of different time periods. cultural morals customs values ideals.(art, critics, value.)
3.not the chief benefit. holding the trend of society development. 更好地适应社会。

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发表于 2010-3-3 23:05:52 |只看该作者
144. It is the artist, not the critic, who gives society something of lasting value.
                     不同时代的不同:通过评论反映社会的变迁包括审美,历史,政治等                    (查泰来夫人的情人)

Lady Chatterley's Lover is a novel by D. H. Lawrence, first published in 1928. The first edition was printed in Florence, Italy; it could not be published openly in the United Kingdom until 1960. (A private edition was issued by Inky Stephensen's Mandrake Press in 1929).[1] The book soon became notorious for its story of the physical relationship between a working-class man and an aristocratic woman, its explicit descriptions of sex, and its use of (at the time) unprintable words.
D. H. Lawrence
was an English author, poet, playwright, essayist and literary critic. His collected works represent an extended reflection upon the dehumanising effects of modernity and industrialisation. In them, Lawrence confronts issues relating to emotional health and vitality, spontaneity, human sexuality and instinct.
Lawrence's opinions earned him many enemies and he endured official persecution, censorship, and misrepresentation of his creative work throughout the second half of his life, much of which he spent in a voluntary exile he called his "savage pilgrimage."[1] At the time of his death, his public reputation was that of a pornographer who had wasted his considerable talents. E. M. Forster, in an obituary notice, challenged this widely held view, describing him as, "The greatest imaginative novelist of our generation."[2] Later, the influential Cambridge critic F. R. Leavis championed both his artistic integrity and his moral seriousness, placing much of Lawrence's fiction within the canonical "great tradition" of the English novel. Lawrence is now valued by many as a visionary thinker and significant representative of modernism in English literature, although some feminists object to the attitudes toward women and sexuality found in his works.[

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发表于 2010-3-3 23:06:58 |只看该作者

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