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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-8-19 20:59:27 |只看该作者
My favorite motto is the slogan of Olympics: Faster, Higher, Stronger. It not only encourages athlets of generations to perform better in the sportsground, but also has a deep realistic meaning for normal people??正常人??还是common people??.  As to me, sports helps me build up a healthy body and also teaches lessons about life., W7 z7 L% H  N

First of all, I learnt the importance of persistence from sports. I can still recall the hardship when doing the 1500-meters test in the high school. I could even scent blood from my throat. But I kneww clearly that all my efforts would go to drain if I gave it up. Life is also like a long race and nobody can not withdraw halfway好!!. The fruit of success will be much sweeter with wheat, which may be the charm of both life and sports.
Secondly, the spirit of self-challenge of sportsmen always moves me. It's extremly impressive that Bolt fixed the 100-meter record at 9.69 seconds in 2008 Olympics.  There is no limitation in both sports and life.  We can make our own breakthrough if we are willing to challenge ourselves. Take myself for example. I am fond of Italian Opera but it's not easy to understand what singers express without transcript. Last year, I decided to study Italian by myself. To tell the truth, it was really a tough time. It was too complex to distinguish masculine and feminine of the Italian words. What's more, a single verbe has incredibly six froms forms, ranging according to distinct persons. But now I can speak fluently Italian and have already pass an official exam. More important, I know if I want t do something,just try it!3 K3 I- `+ R' Q9 [7 ]4 h

In a word, sports encouraging us not to be a quitter and to challenge ourselves. These precious lessons of life will lead us to be those who pursue “ faster, higher, stronger".


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发表于 2010-8-19 21:07:36 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the statement that telefone has greater influence than tv?

Science has been bringing great changes to our society for centuries, leading us a myriad and convinent life. Among numerous inventions since the 20th century, television and telephone are two significant triumphs, which are widely used nowadays. Wacthing TV programs is the most common family entertainment and the majority of us contact with others by cellphones. It's hard to judge which one has greater influence. Personally, I am in favor of tv.

First of all, to some degree, television has also the communicational funcition in the broad definition. We talk with a certain group of people  over the phone,but how can we communicate with the outside world in which we play a role as strangers?  We turn to tv. On the screen, we know what is going on in a country thousands miles away, we get acquainted with distinct customs of other nations, and we even  are fond of  various species of living creatures like sharks and dolphins through programs like Discovery. What' more, people who are at first two paralles can make friends with each others through tv. Last year, I saw the terrible earthquake in Sichuan province through TV news and donated part of my pocket money to the stricken area. Therefore, I made the acquaintance  with a little girl,Mei. She is an orphan survived the catastrophe. Now we always write to each other, exchanging our recent lives. I encourage her to hold the hope for a better tomorrow and her strong spirits also moves me. Without TV, I think I will never have the chance to meet this girl 1000 miles from my city and make such a special and precious friend.

Secondly, television makes our life much more colorful and interesting. It's imaginable that our progenitors could only go to sleep early for the simple reason that they had not much entertainment. Some writers preferred drawing inspiration from the gorgeous moonlight. But not everyone could be Kneats or Shakespear. Television lightens our night. The whole family can sit together,laughing for comedy and analizing the mysterious plots of detectives, or enjoying a live concert at home. I can still remember the days in which several families shared one TV in 1980s in China. After supper, adults and kids gathered in a small dinning room, watching a funny TV series with laughters burst now and then. What's more, they often talked about different chacaters in their spare time. The small TV offered great topics of conservation, making the simple life more beautiful.

To sum up, compared with telephone, television influences our life much more. It helps us communicate with the outside world, building up a bridge with  people even we haven't seen before. We get rid of the boring and dark night by enjoying TV programs of all kinds. We experienced more surprising mutations since television stepped into our life.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-8-19 22:46:22 |只看该作者
In the lecture, the speaker proves the authenticity of a Rembrandt's painting by explaining the three questions cast from the lecture.

First of all, the reasearchers on the issue find the original painting is modified by others, covering extra colores. That's why the women in the painting  seems a little strange, wearing a white linen cap which sevants wore at that time and  an luxurious fur collar. In fact, the latter one was added by someone else one hundred years ago and the faker just wanted to make the painting more formal and precious.

Secondly,after removing the additional colors, we can enjoy the great art of light and shadow in Rembrandt's painting. For example, the error mentioned int the reading passage is not made by the painter. In fact, the woman's face is partially illuminated as the woman wore only a light dress, not like the description in the reading passage.

At last, the ogirinal painting on a single panel was enlarged to make it grand and more valuable. That's why  the reading passage says it is made by  several pieces of wood glued together now. There is also another strong evidence to show the truth of this painting. Researchers found the same wood in another painting of Rembradt " Self-portrait with a hat".

To conlusion, the doubts of this Rembrandt's painting turn out to be wrong.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-8-20 08:25:05 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-8-20 13:10:31 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the statement that telefone has greater influence than tv?
Science has been
bringing great changes to our society for centuries, leading us a myriad and convinent life. Among numerous inventions since the 20th century, television and telephone are two significant triumphs, which are widely used nowadays. Wacthing TV programs is the most common family entertainment and the majority of us contact with others by cell phones. It's hard to judge which one has greater influence. Personally, I am in favor of tv.
First of all, to some degree, television has also the communicational function in the broad definition. We talk with a certain group of people over the phone, but how can we communicate with the outside world in which we play a role as strangers?  We turn to tv.
【这句话有点短 建议加长】
On the screen, we know what is going on in a country thousands miles away, we get acquainted with distinct customs of other nations, and we even are fond of various species of living creatures like sharks and dolphins through programs like Discovery. What' more, people who are at first two parallels can make friends with each others through tv. Last year, I saw the terrible earthquake in Sichuan province through TV news and donated part of my pocket money to the stricken area. Therefore, I made the acquaintance  with a little girl, Mei. She is an orphan survived the catastrophe. Now we always write to each other, exchanging our recent lives. I encourage her to hold the hope for a better tomorrow and her strong spirits also moves me. Without TV, I think I will never have the chance to meet this girl 1000 miles from my city and make such a special and precious friend.
Secondly, television makes our life much more colorful and interesting. It's imaginable that our progenitors could only go to sleep early for the simple reason that they had not much entertainment. Some writers preferred drawing inspiration from the gorgeous moonlight. But not everyone could be Keats or Shakespeare. Television lightens our night. The whole family can sit together, laughing for comedy and analyzing the mysterious plots of detectives, or enjoying a live concert at home. I can still remember the days in which several families shared one TV in 1980s in China. After supper, adults and kids gathered in a small dinning room, watching a funny TV series with laughers burst now and then. What's more, they often talked about different characters in their spare time. The small TV offered great topics of conservation, making the simple life more beautiful.
【不少拼写错误 是手误还是背单词过程中的遗漏呢】

To sum up, compared with telephone, television influences our life much more. It helps us communicate with the outside world, building up a bridge with people even we haven't seen before. We get rid of the boring and dark night by enjoying TV programs of all kinds. We experienced more surprising mutations
【这个用词有点怪 mutate是变异的意思】】since television stepped into our life. 【可以扣题还有联系自己的上文 不错】

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-8-20 15:01:05 |只看该作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-8-20 21:34:54 |只看该作者
Science has been bringing我觉得这句话用的是对的,完成进行时。 great changes to our society for centuries, leading us to a myriad and convinent life. Among numerous inventions since the 20th century, television and telephone are two significant triumphs, which are widely used nowadays. Wacthing TV programs is the most common family'sentertainment and the majority of us contact with others by cellphones. It's hard to judge which one has greater influence. Personally, I am in favor of tv., M6 \" I! i, i, V, G
: i5 @4 k$ l0 O3 W% x) Z
First of all, to some degree, television has also the communicational funcition in the broad definition. We talk with a certain group of people  over the phone,but how can we communicate with the outside world in which we play a role as strangers?  We turn to tv. On the screen, we know what is going on in a country thousands miles away, we get acquainted with distinct customs of other nations, and we even  are fond of  various species of living creatures like sharks and dolphins through programs like Discovery. What' more, people who are at first two paralles can make friends with each others through tv. Last year, I saw the terrible earthquake in Sichuan province through TV news and donated part of my pocket money to the stricken area. Therefore, I made the acquaintance  with a little girl,Mei. She is an orphan survived the catastrophe. Now we always write to each other, exchanging our recent lives?交换生活?. I encourage her to hold the hope for a better tomorrow and her strong spirits also moves me. Without TV, I think I will never have the chance to meet this girl 1000 miles from my city and make such a special and precious friend.8 p" l: ^2 N' W* a2 r% B4 X5 N& }
6 J  m5 [- m. l7 G. z; j7 G
Secondly, television makes our life much more colorful and interesting. It's imaginable that our progenitors could only go to sleep early for the simple reason that they had not much entertainment. Some writers preferred drawing inspiration from the gorgeous moonlight. But not everyone could be Kneats or Shakespear. Television lightens our night. 好!The whole family can sit together,laughing for comedy and analizing the mysterious plots of detectives, or enjoying a live concert at home. I can still remember the days in which several families shared one TV in 1980s in China. After supper, adults and kids gathered in a small dinning room, watching a funny TV series with laughters burst now and then. What's more, they often talked about different chacaters in their spare time. The small TV offered great topics of conservation, making the simple life more beautiful.
To sum up, compared with telephone, television influences our life much more. It helps us communicate with the outside world, building up a bridge with  people even we haven't seen before. We get rid of the boring and dark night by enjoying TV programs of all kinds. We experienced more surprising mutations since television stepped into our life.总结又点题,不错

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-8-20 21:44:40 |只看该作者
In the lecture, the speaker proves the authenticity of a Rembrandt's painting by explaining the three questions cast from the lecture.

First of all, the reasearchers on the issue find the original painting is modified by others, covering extra colores. That's why the women in the painting  seems a little strange, wearing a white linen cap which sevants wore at that time and a luxurious fur collar. In fact, the latter one was added by someone else one hundred years ago and the faker just wanted to make the painting more formal and precious.

Secondly,after removing the additional colors, we can enjoy the great art of light and shadow in Rembrandt's painting. For example, the error mentioned int the reading passage is not made by the painter. In fact, the woman's face is partially illuminated as the woman wore only a light dress, not like the description in the reading passage.是不是这段没听懂哦?没有展开写听力的内容,比如error要稍微解释下是什么

At last, the ogirinal painting on a single panel was enlarged to make it grand and more valuable. That's why  the reading passage says it is made by  several pieces of wood glued together now. There is also another strong evidence to show the truth of this painting. Researchers found the same wood in another painting of Rembradt " Self-portrait with a hat".

To conlusion, the doubts of this Rembrandt's painting turn out to be wrong.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-8-20 23:51:13 |只看该作者
In the lecture, the speaker proves the authenticity of a Rembrandt's painting by explaining the three questions cast from the lecture.4 c' q1 ?5 W( C. l3 C8 `% [
4 j% I2 ]1 }  R* e7 ~2 U
First of all, the reasearchers(researchers) on the issue find the original painting is modified by others, covering extra colores. That's why the women in the painting  seems a little strange, wearing a white line cap which sevants(servants) wore at that time and  an luxurious fur collar. In fact, the latter one was added by someone else one hundred years ago and the faker just wanted to make the painting more formal and precious.( H( y3 b1 W$ p0 r4 L$ `

Secondly,after removing the additional colors, we can enjoy the great art of light and shadow in Rembrandt's painting. For example, the error mentioned in the reading passage is not made by the painter. In fact, the woman's face is partially illuminated as the woman wore only a light dress, not like the description in the reading passage.' }" O# ~* v' i* I
$ s% V( y; r/ F+ r' h1 d  D
At last, the ogirinal(original) painting on a single panel was enlarged to make it grand and more valuable. That's why  the reading passage says it is made by  several pieces of wood glued together now. There is also another strong evidence to show the truth of this painting. Researchers found the same wood in another painting of Rembradt " Self-portrait with a hat". 3 i" A$ K! ]+ x

To conlusion, the doubts of this Rembrandt's painting turn out to be wrong.

第二部分,感觉写得没有写出L的点子,就是light cloth-face

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-8-21 09:33:13 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 serena-blue 于 2010-8-21 12:44 编辑

advertising is the most importance cause of unhealthy eating habit

Considering various kinds of effects along with the distinct unhealthy eating habits, many blame all those on ads which flood in the present-day screen, claiming that the ads lead them consume too much meat and sugar, obey an unregular meal time-table, etc and consequensely they confront  sever situations,like being fat, suffering stomache,etc. However, taking it into deeper consideration, I disagree with the statement above.

First of all, ads transmit both passive and negtive imformation . In addition, most people have  the abilty to distinguish them, which is attributed to wide-spread knowlege from the media and they have self control to refuse the temptation. It's quite common that by presenting how fresh and clean their materials are and how careful the producers are during the making process, ads attempt to attract protential costumers. Maybe someone will oppose me, saying the fast-food really brings about adverse effect on us. But I am convinced that many people are competent to resist the delicious junk food. Take Mcdonal's for example. Even though, its ads widely distributes in the shopping mall, along the highway, on the cellphone,etc, the conclusion that fried beef dose harm to our bodies,especially the saturated fat produced in the hot-oil is known to all. I admit that I am fond of the Big-Mc but I go there at most once a week.  As to me, I can make a right choice .

Speaking of the real " criminal" , I think we should not ignore other essential factors, for instance, high speed life, great pressure following intense competetition, bad mood  influenced by failure in the study or life, blind chase of beauty, etc. We get used to ordering take-away when we are stuck in the office or feel too tired to step into the kitchen. We search for comfort, chewing numerous sticks of chocolate  or getting drunk if we are disappointed in love or miss the opportunity of promostion. There is also a great tend to keep slim by going on a strict diete, not eating any meat or sugar. My friend Mei is afirm following. Her daily eating list concludes only an apple, several pieces of bread and a banana!  Quate what she says:" The thinner, the better."  I feel upset about her, having no ways to stop her crazy behaviour. Obvioiusly ,all the factors mentioned above have bad influence on unhealthy eating habits.

In a conclusion, ads, to some degree, motivate us to cultivate some unhealthy eating habits but other factors like high speed life, great pressure in morden society, unhappy experience of life and have also immesurable  power. It's better to treat ads in a sensible way and take most advantages of ads to make better choice on food.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-8-21 11:05:11 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 serena-blue 于 2010-8-21 11:36 编辑

In the lecture, the speaker revises the hypothesis in the reading passage that dinosaurs are endotherms which mantain body temperatura in a stable degree, presenting mainly three explanations for the evidence the author mentioned.

Firstly, the passage claims  dinosaurs as endotherms based on the discovery of dinosaur fossils in polar area for the simple reason that only those animals which can keep a temperature well have the ability to survive in chilly climate. However, the polar regions were much warmer
in the past, even in the cooler months, not mention the possibility of migration and hibernation.

Secondly, the strong point presented in the reading passage that dinosaurs had legs underneath the body like modern
endotherms, is refuted by the fact that this kind of position guarantee that dinosaurs mantain large size and are able to support their

At last,researchers found that dinosaurs would grow slowly in the cooler period, even though they have Haeversian canals like endotherms as the reading passage revealed. But,the important characteristic of endotherm is that the speed of growth will not be affected by the climatic conditions. Obviously, dinosaurs do not accord with this condition.

In a conclusion, the speaker retorted the assumption of the reading passage with reasonable words.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-8-22 11:47:42 |只看该作者
The best way to improve education quality is to raise teachers’ salaries

There is no doubt that education plays an imperative role in the development of society, cultivating numerous talents of all fields. Speaking of improving education quality, we may come up with many ideas like building up schools, setting laws to ensure the high admission of students, promote the importance of education among citizens, etc. I am firmly in favor that the best way is to raise teachers’ salaries.

First of all, teachers’ enthusiasm will be strongly enhanced by increasing their income. Being more willing to act as the guides in students’ trip to truth, teachers can offer as much help as possible. I think it is the most important pace in the whole education chain. Only those who do education with heart can cultivate the best students for our society. If teachers have to accomplish heavy work but meanwhile they are badly treated, which parents will be confident that their children be well-educated?

Secondly, the high pay will attract more and more talents from distinct areas to devote themselves in teaching. It’s a disaster to see those totally incompetent men to educate our children, the hope of our country. With the help of professional ones, I am convinced that my child can study further and even learn more beyond books. My cousin who graduated as PHD from UIUC, has already found a position in our local college. He tells me that he will make every effort to teach every student and he hopes one day he can fell proud of them.

At last, the raised salary is sort of recognition of teachers’ great effort, which may inspire the public of the importance of education. As a saying goes: it takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred years to rear people. They deserve the understanding and respect from the whole society. And the public will get to realize the necessity of sending children to schools.

In a word, teachers will be greatly motivated to work with passion and a large mount of talents will step into schools if teachers’ salaries are increased. With enough recognition, they will also win respect from the public ant thus encourages them to send their children to receive education. In consequence, we won’t feel surprised to witness the improvement of education quality.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-8-22 12:21:53 |只看该作者

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-8-22 12:51:28 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 serena-blue 于 2010-8-22 13:54 编辑

Actually, the professore contrasts all the assumptions made in the reading passage. His point is that the settlements of Chaco Canyon are not residential or for storage,neither cremonial centers.

First of all, the professore thinks it unconvincing to judge the settlements as houses just from their outside apperance. If the hypothesis made by the author was right, there would be many fire places for daily cooking. However, even in one of the largest settlements, exist fire places for only 10 family. But according to the estimate of excavators, there should be more than 100 families.

Secondly, there is no strong evidence to show that the Chaco Canyon was used to store food like maize in the past. From findings,researchers didn'see any traces of maize on the floor, not to mention its containers.

At last, the third theory is also reputed by the professore as the excavators found much more materials for buildings like sands, stone and contructure tools besides the broken pots mentioned in the reading passage. It may only a place to keep trash and have regular meals for construction workers

Thus, it can be inferred that the professore challenges the passage by casting strong reasons.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-8-22 16:29:53 |只看该作者
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