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[i习作temp] **茶叶蛋炒饭** 第十一次作业 ISSUE136 请组员跟帖 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-1-30 21:58:03 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
As the speaker’s claim that the absence of choice is a rare circumstance, I basically agree with it. In fact, unless one is in unconsciousness circumstance or be forced to do something (perhaps illegalor the nature disaster), you have already made your choice whatever do or not to. However, no action is still a choice.

Our lives are full of choices, both mentally and physically, indeed. When a loving couple have dating, they can choose to have a meal or nourish their sense to see a movie together; while decide to eat, they can choose to have a meal at home or go to the restaurant; while go out, they also can choose a cheaper one or not; while in restaurant, more and more food can be chosen for them. Not to mention our daily lives filled with thousands of actions and thoughts. Any previous chooses can lead to countless follow-ups. In today’s freedom world, unless we go against something illegal or unlucky to meet a nature disaster as well as other irresistible things, how could we meet a circumstance of no choice?

What we must acknowledge is that a no choice circumstance happens subjectively. People say they have no choice is not because they have no chance to choose but actually they don’t want to make choices for the reason of lacking dynamic, or even, the condition to support their decision is too poor so that they feel hopeless to choose. Consider a student graduated from university full of ambition, unfortunately, the competition is so stiff that the gap between ideal and reality seems unbridgeable. Neither the graduated student be willing to be mediocrity nor could he realize his ambition. Thus, the situation of no choice happens. This graduated student loses his target full of depression and sadness. Another good example is that a normal boy falls in love with a beautiful girl, or rather, falls in deep, one-sided love with this girl regardless of own condition. It is a normal phenomenon of youth, nevertheless, the bad thing is that this boy neither wants to marry a normal girl nor does he dare to express himself for the reason of fear of rejection. Thus, the circumstance of absence of choice happens. Secret love seems to be a huge rock block this normal boy’s inner mind and deny his other choices.

In fact, these “no choice” circumstances is not really no choice subjectively. While facing several frustrated ways in people’s lives, we already have choices. The key of making these choices is to keep our faith. Besides, how can you know the result since you even don’t want to have a try? Perhaps the graduated students could finally stand out from the crowd through his hard-working. Perhaps the normal boy could finally gain that beautiful girl’s heart because of his genuineness. Abraham Lincoln can be regarded as one of the greatest American presidents, not just because of his leading talent but also his spirits of keep on fighting and never give up his choice, as well as Ludwig van Beethoven, a musician who could still keep on creating the greatest music project regardless of his deafness. Every great man is sure to be a determined people. Admittedly, choices are always around us.

To sum up, unless we meet the irresistible situation, we always have many choices in our lives. Of course, the more effort we pay, the more gains we will have. Choices are always there, the key is whether we can discover it or not.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-1-31 16:28:24 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 yzl_1988 于 2011-1-31 16:59 编辑

Whether the absence of choice is a very rare circumstance is a very complex issue. In the first glance, we would certainly support the author’s statement on the dearth of only choice. However, after throughout consideration, I shell argue that the one choice situation is such abundant in our everyday life as everyone are accustomed to it.

It is apparent that there will be difinatly more than one choice, when we put no restrictions around. When we can chose to do something, it is also reasonable to chose not to do it; when we can affirm a statement from others, we can also deny it; also, when we can obey one rule and live within its restrictions, we can also resist to fight our freedom. In whatever circumstances, we shell have a reserved chose opposite from what we use to do. Thus, the absence of choice is a very rare circumstance, even we shell question the very existance of such situation. Because the conclusion is so obvious to conduce a discussion, we will talk over a more realistic situation below.

As we are living on a planet called earth, we have many more restrictions, such as the gravity of the earth, the 24 hours of a day, and many other facts we accept. In our everyday life, when we are infront of making a choice, we are also facing many restrictions, such as moral rules, laws of government, our consciences, and so on. In this more realistic situation, we shell say that the absence of choice is not rare but abundant. Take a 9 year old pupils for example. As they are students who should obey the rules of schools, they can never chose to lay in bed till 8 o’clock in the morning except weekends; their choice on clothing is also limited, for many primary schools ask its students to wear in uniforms in the schoolyard, they shell not be in other cloth when they goto school. The absence of choice is also accustomed for company personnels. As an executive unit for their boss, he or she should listen to the commend from the leader. If not, they will face the future of the terrible unemployed poor life. The absence of choice is also familiar with government officials of a country. The officials in the United States is such a fine example. When facing the great financial crisis in the late 2008, these officials have nothing but to help the greedy financial systems. Evenif they are fully aware that this crisis is caused by these greedy financial faculties who created innumerable tricks to fraud both the public and its supervisers, their absence of feasible dicision doom their assitance to help greedy trick makers.

To put nuts in a shell, we fully affirm that the absence of choice is a very rare circumstance in the ideal situation. However, we must admit that the absence of choice is also a familier situation in the real life to both individuals and groups.


As the speaker’s claim that the absence of choice is a rare circumstance, I basically agree with it. In fact, unless one is in unconsciousness circumstance or be forced to do something (perhaps illegal or the nature disaster), you have already made your choice whatever do or not to. However, no action is still a choice.

Our lives are full of choices, both mentally and physically, indeed. When a loving couple have (plan a 是不是更好) dating, they can choose to have a meal or nourish their sense to see(by watching) a movie together; while decide to eat, they can choose to have a meal at home or go to the restaurant; while go out, they also can choose a cheaper one or not; while in restaurant, more and more food can be chosen for them.(好多while 略感重复) Not to mention our daily lives filled with thousands of actions and thoughts. Any previous chooses can lead to countless follow-ups. In today’s freedom world, unless we go against something illegal or unlucky to meet a nature disaster as well as other irresistible things(这种情况是不是很多?), how could we meet a circumstance of no choice?

What we must acknowledge is that a no choice circumstance (often 上面都讲到有可能客观的没有选择)happens subjectively. People say they have no choice is not because they have no chance to choose but actually they don’t want to make choices for the reason of lacking dynamic, or even, the condition to support their decision is too poor so that they feel hopeless to choose. Consider a student graduated from university full of ambition, unfortunately, the competition is so stiff that the gap between ideal and reality seems unbridgeable. Neither the graduated student be willing to be mediocrity nor could he realize his ambition. Thus, the situation of no choice happens.(就是说只能选择什么都不做?只说了那个选择都很难,但是没有讲到底是不是觉得没得选) This graduated student loses his target full of depression and sadness. Another good example is that a normal boy falls in love with a beautiful girl, or rather, falls in deep, one-sided love with this girl regardless of own condition. It is a normal phenomenon of youth, nevertheless, the bad thing is that this boy neither wants to marry a normal girl nor does he dare to express himself for the reason of fear of rejection. Thus, the circumstance of absence of choice happens. Secret love seems to be a huge rock block this normal boy’s inner mind and deny his other choices.

In fact, these “no choice” circumstances is not really no choice subjectively. While facing several frustrated ways in people’s lives, we already have choices.(这句话也没看懂
) The key of making these choices is to keep our faith. Besides, how can you know the result since you even don’t want to have a try? Perhaps the graduated students could finally stand out from the crowd through his hard-working. Perhaps the normal boy could finally gain that beautiful girl’s heart because of his genuineness. Abraham Lincoln can be regarded as one of the greatest American presidents, not just because of his leading talent but also his spirits of keep on fighting and never give up his choice, as well as Ludwig van Beethoven, a musician who could still keep on creating the greatest music project regardless of his deafness. Every great man is sure to be a determined people. Admittedly, choices are always around us.

To sum up, unless we meet the irresistible situation, we always have many choices in our lives. Of course, the more effort we pay, the more gains we will have. Choices are always there, the key is whether we can discover it or not.

这个题目就是好难,引申到主观上不愿意选择,然后教育大家一定要克服也很好。我理解the absence of choice应该就是说只有唯一的选择,没有alternative choice。你在第三段是不是应该着重讲只有一种选择(其他的都很难),而不是所有选择都很难。同时,第一段的部分只讲了各种有选择的情况,并没有分析是不是那些客观原因造成的情况非常少见。有些句子看不明白,都在文中标出来了。这个题目就是难写啊。

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-1-31 17:54:22 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 saybia1993 于 2011-1-31 17:55 编辑

第一段:  排除那些违法,超自然地行为,生活中总是有选择。 (我觉得这个题目不能太钻,按照你说的就是违法也能算一种选择,那么这就没得写了)

第二段:  基于第一段,很多情况下,我们通常生活中所说的没选择,实际上是不愿意去做出选择,因为没有动力,或者是其他原因

第三段:  克服所谓的“没选择”,就需要加强自我的信念,坚持一定会成功。


anyway。。 你说说你的思路

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-1-31 20:13:02 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 yzl_1988 于 2011-1-31 20:25 编辑

3# saybia1993




第三段举大家容易认为的情况,然后第四段再完全反驳的这个想法很好,但是,我觉得你的例子里如果给出的都是只有唯一出路的比较好,不像你的例子都写得好像没有出路,就是没有选择,而不是只有唯一的选择。所以我会说我对the absence of choice的理解是没有alternative,而不是真正的no choic。这一点可能也是我的理解比较偏僻,所以你可以选择不采纳。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-1-31 22:22:20 |只看该作者
4# yzl_1988


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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-1 13:49:23 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 greoge007 于 2011-2-7 16:18 编辑

We face the choice every day in our lives. In this issue the author alleges that the absence of choice is very rare in daily lives. However, I fundamentally disagree with the author's opinion. In my point of view, the situation which has limited choice or even without choice does exist.

Common sense tells us that humans have free will and therefore the absence of choice is very rare. With the advancement of technology, the public people have a lot of choices when going somewhere, by airplane, by ship or by car. And we no longer satisfied just write mails to others. So we chose e-mail or instant chatting programs to connect the tie with our friends. Also, we do not choose to only read the newspaper nowadays, for we have other access to the information such as internet, radio, television. What is more, in our daily lives we encounter with the opportunities and we have to choice between which is the best among them.  That is to say, we live in a world full of choices and we might have to make the best choice among them.

There is no denying that the choice sometimes is based on myriads of conditions. Under a different and specific circumstance, we make different choices. That is to say, something limits our choices. Personally speaking, the choice of food, clothes, houses, means of transportation largely depends on the income of a person, how much money he has. As for cultural traditions, we really should do as Romes do, in order to show our respect to their customs. Additionally, in politician world, the politicians have limited choice to not always tell the truth. Because, they are afraid of the chaos consequence after they publishing the real truth.  As for us common people, we should watch our deeds under the supervision of the laws, we have to hew to the law and to limit the choices which are illegal. Simply put, our choices are limited by the humanity, and social ethics, laws and so forth.

However, sometimes we do not even have a choice. For it is predetermined by the destiny or the nature. A person cannot choice who their parents are, what gene he carries, what color of skin and, when and where to be born. We have no choice that a person cannot escape the fate to die someday. Let us bring our discussion to the animal world, to see whether animals have choices or not. British scientist Darwin, who creates the modern evolution theory. He maintains that survival for the fittest. That is the cruelty of the nature. The nature determines which animal is the fittest and then give it the right to survive and reproduce.

A poet once said" Two roads diverged in the wood and I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference." We definitely face with many choices nowadays and the right choice can make the difference. Although sometimes we have much freedom to choose or we have limited choices or even no other choices, the best choice is the one you won't regret latter on.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2011-2-5 22:25:25 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 口含太阳 于 2011-2-5 22:26 编辑

A person’s life is largely shaped by the choices they make. This world of individuality cannot be made possible without the different choices available to every person. The I-have-no-choice complaints are common because some people turn down possible choices by deceiving themselves with excuses. In my opinion, people always have a choice, to create their own lifestyle and pursue their own happiness. The absence of choice is a really rare circumstance.

People always have a choice because they can act upon life. Choice is not something independent from every individual. One’s efforts are closely in proportion to the available choices offered to them. Only the prepared have a choice. One needs to be industrious to have a choice. Without working hard, one cannot furnish themselves with ample knowledge and skills to take advantage of any opportunity. Besides, one should be open to information so that they will not miss any choice. Well-informed people are always interested in what is going on. Their attention to everything happening around always brings them more choices than others.

Moreover, people can create a choice. Many current Chinese university students can serve as good examples. Life in China is tougher than before when a university diploma would avail a graduate with a very stable and highly-paid job. Nowadays, graduates complaint about their salaries slightly higher than migrant workers even after they have invested a huge sum of money in college education. The worse condition is that many graduates cannot even find a job. It seems that they have no choice but to wait for their luck. However, some start their own business, taking advantage of the venture-friendly policy. They actually create jobs for themselves. Therefore, when people seemingly have no choice, they sometimes can find some room for a change. People are not always forced to one end.

The reason why a choice seems impossible for many people is that they are inclined to make excuses. People make excuses for their laziness, for their lack of courage, for their inertia to stay comfortable. However, it should be acknowledged that in some extreme conditions, people indeed do not have a choice. In west China, Some people are scattered in some remote rural areas a where transportation is not available. They live a very primitive life because they have no access to modern technology. They have no choice but to live within that area until capable people outside come to lead them to modern society.

The extreme conditions cannot erase the fact that for the general society, people always have a choice. The absence of choice is always a façade to excuses. Rather, being diligent and proactive, people can always command the direction of their life, giving it diverse meanings.
Such lofty thoughts require a moment's pause to reflect on their value.

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