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[未归类] 伶女 Daily Writing Homework [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-2-23 20:54:12 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 伶女 于 2011-2-23 22:26 编辑

The professor in the lecture disagrees with the notion in the passage that dinosaurs are not endotherms and she dispute all the three arguments demonstrated in the passage one by one.

First, the passage proposes that dinosaur fossils have been found in polar region where only endotherms animals could subsist. In the professor’s opinion, this assertion fails to account for the weather in that era which might be much warmer than today. Besides, dinosaurs probably migrated to warm areas when winter came or hibernated as modern reptiles do.

The second stance concerns on the position and movement of legs. Although the legs of dinosaurs are underneath the body like endotherms animals which the passage conducts that this is an evidence for being endotherms, the professor concretes thins kind of leg position is efficient to support the large and heavy body of dinosaurs, which makes more sense.

The last argument has to do with bone structures. As a characteristic of endotherms, Haversian canals exist in dinosaurs’ bone. But the professor think there is another significant aspect that should be taken into consideration: dinosaurs’ bone have growth rings, which formed from different growth speed in warm and cold climate, a typical feature for none endotherms animals.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students are more influenced from their teacher rather than their friends.

Teacher and friend are both important persons in one’s life. Who, however, influence more is a complex issue that has no easy or certain answer. Some people believe teachers play more significant role to students for the reason that they are initiators and directors. Both the knowledge they pass on and the orientation they guide are essential for a student’s future. As I see it, nevertheless, friends have more impact on students in terms of my personal experience.

First, there is more than the knowledge in the class students should learn. For example, how to get along with others, a life-long useful interpersonal skill, can be only learn by making friends. Besides, friendship teaches student sharing and listening. Speaking out your feelings is always the best way to release pressure and mitigate anxiety. And friend is the best choice to talk to because, unlike teachers, friends are much closer and more comfortable to talk to. It is a scientific factor that the happiness level is higher on the people who have more friends. The existence of friends therefore change people’s attitude towards life to be more positive. As the saying goes, an attitude is everything. Thus friends do influence much to the extent which teacher can’t.

Admittedly, teachers give students valid and experienced guides most of the time. But from the aspect of students, guides equal to being asked to action without thinking. But with friends, students must decide on their own because friends are not as experienced as teachers, which forces student to think about problems independently. Even if the ultimately decision was wrong, they would know how to deal with it the next time.

Finally, excellent friends stimulate students to be better, closer or even transcend the excellent ones. Healthy competition among friends is common, especially when they are in the same situation, which inspired everyone to reevaluate and then improve themselves. This healthy competition also couldn’t be provided by teachers.

As a whole, I don’t agree with the notion that teacher influence more than friends on students because friendship teaches students lessons out of class, encourages independent thinking and provides healthy competition that stimulates self-improvement.
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-2-24 09:07:33 |只看该作者

Teacher and friend are both important persons (people) in one’s life. Who, however, influence more is a complex issue that has no easy or certain answer. Some people believe teachers play more significant role to students for the reason that they are initiators and directors. Both the knowledge they pass on and the orientation they guide are essential for a student’s future. As I see it, nevertheless, friends have more impact on students in terms of my personal experience.0 ~# C9 \- V$ D3 [
$ }* B$ J5 l5 D, h6 i
First, there is more than the knowledge in the class students should learn. For example, how to get along with others, a life-long useful interpersonal skill, can be only learn by making friends. Besides, friendship teaches student sharing and listening. Speaking out your feelings is always the best way to release pressure and mitigate anxiety. And friend is the best choice to talk to because, unlike teachers, friends are much closer and more comfortable to talk to. It is a scientific factor
(result) that the happiness level is higher on the people who have more friends. The existence of friends therefore change people’s attitude towards life to be more positive. As the saying goes, an attitude is everything. Thus friends do influence much to the extent which teacher can’t.
, Z- R8 v1 W" @

; X$ t2 X# M' X7 Q$ s/ eAdmittedly, teachers give students valid and experienced guides most of the time. But from the aspect of students, guides(guidance) equal to being asked to action without thinking. But with friends, students must decide on their own because friends are not as experienced as teachers, which forces student to think about problems independently. Even if the ultimately (ultimate) decision was wrong, they would know how to deal with it the next time.
3 ^& R) i9 ^1 u4 Q1 ?" c; ^! \5 U9 x5 C
& S5 a* p7 C' y2 Q% ~% Z
Finally, excellent friends stimulate students to be better, closer or even transcend the excellent ones. Healthy competition among friends is common, especially when they are in the same situation, which inspired everyone to reevaluate and then improve themselves. This healthy competition also couldn’t be provided by teachers.
6 L5 g( m$ K* |) f2 l9 h7 p

0 V+ ]% }; z' T9 N2 J( V, mAs a whole, I don’t agree with the notion that teacher influence more than friends on students because friendship teaches students lessons out of class, encourages independent thinking and provides healthy competition that stimulates self-improvement.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2011-2-24 15:00:19 |只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-2-24 15:15:57 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 伶女 于 2011-2-24 22:55 编辑

2.24 独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In the busy and crowded world, we should not expect people to be polite to others.

In a busy and crowded world, should we be polite to others? Some people claims that politeness should be expected so much because everyone obligate to engage in their own livelihood, with no time to pay attention to other trivial stuff such as being polite. As I see it, however, politeness is an essential quality to a person regardless of where we are and how the surround is like. People should always be polite to others even in a busy and crowded world for several reasons as follows.

First of all, as the saying goes, force is mutual and the relationships among people are the same as it, which also make sense in etiquette in our life. Politeness is able to set into a motion of series reaction in society, while one person will become polite if you express your friendliness then other people that this person contacts will also become polite. As a result of this chain reaction, politeness is probably expended to a fairy huge scope in the long run. On the contrary, impoliteness also conducts a certain chain reaction, leading to common anger, anxiety, impatience in our life, which is definitely another reason for people’s bad emotion in such busy and crowded world.

On the other hand, being polite is profound. Admittedly, today people regard efficiency as paramount, especially when the world is busy and crowded. No one would deny that good emotion contributes to efficiency, while the key to good emotion sometimes lies in trivial stuff like the issue of politeness. As we discussed in the last paragraph, the atmosphere produced by politeness is able to reduce anger, anxiety and impatience, the emotion that is easily triggered by busy lives, which means politeness helps efficient works and that will result in good emotion for work and life in return. Consequently, we shouldn’t ignore politeness when the world is busy and crowded, instead, it will help people live a better life disregard of the bad emotion brought by the world.

To sum up, politeness from one person will conduct a chain reaction that results in a good, harmonious atmosphere, which reduces bad emotion brought by the busy and crowded world, while impoliteness will have adverse effects. Therefore I disagree with the statement and believe that everyone should be polite even in such busy and crowded world.

The passage discusses on the way that “ great house” in Chaco were used and proposes three explanations. The lecture focuses on the same issue but the professor in the lecture disagree with those explanations for the reasons as follows.

First, from the outside the “great house” does like an “apartment buildings” as demonstrated in the passage. But Inside the building, according to the professor it has been found that there are only a few fire places for cooking, probably for ten families at the same time. And here comes the question: how did these limited fire places support such large amount of people living in this building, hundreds of people in terms of the reading. The “apartment building” assumption is therefore incorrect from the aspect of function.

The second assumption in the passage tends to storage of food supplies such as grain maize. But evidence shows that no maize containers were found and no maize at all, either. So this assumption is not persuasive as well.

The last one stands on using for ceremonies. The discovery of Pueblo Alto, a near place that compiles a lot of old materials, is supposed to support this. However, the professor claims that those piles of materials are made up by building trashes so that this place is very possible to be only for concentrate the waste, which apparently cannot convince for the ceremony theory.

附件里面只有独立哦~~ 大家辛苦啦~
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-2-24 16:23:02 |只看该作者
2.23  独立修改
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students are more influenced from their teacher rather than their friends.

Teacher and friend are both important persons in one’s life. Who, however, influence more is a complex issue that has no easy or certain answer. Some people believe teachers play more significant role to students for the reason that they are initiators and directors. Both the knowledge they pass on and the orientation they guide are essential for a student’s future. As I see it, nevertheless, friends have more impact on students in terms of my personal experience.

First, there is more than the knowledge in the class students should learn. For example, how to get along with others, a life-long useful interpersonal skill, can be only learn by making friends. Besides, friendship teaches student sharing and listening. Speaking out your feelings is always the best way to release pressure and mitigate anxiety. And friend is the best choice to talk to because, unlike teachers, friends are much closer and more comfortable to talk to. It is a scientific factor that the happiness level is higher on the people who have more friends. The existence of friends therefore change people’s attitude towards life to be more positive. As the saying goes, an attitude is everything. Thus friends do influence much to the extent which teacher can’t.

Admittedly, teachers give students valid and experienced guides most of the time. But from the aspect of students, guides equal to being asked to action without thinking. But with friends, students must decide on their own because friends are not as experienced as teachers, which forces student to think about problems independently. Even if the ultimately decision was wrong, they would know how to deal with it the next time.

Finally, excellent friends stimulate students to be better, closer or even transcend the excellent ones. Healthy competition among friends is common, especially when they are in the same situation, which inspired everyone to reevaluate and then improve themselves. This healthy competition also couldn’t be provided by teachers.

As a whole, I don’t agree with the notion that teacher influence more than friends on students because friendship teaches students lessons out of class, encourages independent thinking and provides healthy competition that stimulates self-improvement.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-2-24 20:53:40 |只看该作者
professor in the lecture disagrees with the notion in the passage that dinosaurs are not endotherms and she dispute all the three arguments demonstrated in the passage one by one.
  ]5 l8 v% w2 b/ G9 o$ C. w, @8 X) ^: c7 g+ T- R* R( o
First, the passage proposes that dinosaur fossils have been found in polar region where only endotherms animals could subsist. In the professor’s opinion, this assertion fails to account for the weather in that era which might be much warmer than today. Besides, dinosaurs probably migrated to warm areas when winter came or hibernated as modern reptiles do.- x4 s. p& ~8 e9 [- ~) v
+ T0 ~/ {! e+ K1 O
The second stance concerns on the position and movement of legs. Although the legs of dinosaurs are underneath the body like endotherms animals which the passage conducts that this is an evidence for being endotherms, the professor concretes thins kind of leg position is efficient to support the large and heavy body of dinosaurs, which makes more sense.
' ~! T1 {' ^2 H6 f7 V8 i) x/ ]- M1 i& m7 `* A
The last argument has to do with bone structures. As a characteristic of endotherms, Haversian canals exist in dinosaurs’ bone. But the professor think there is another significant aspect that should be taken into consideration: dinosaurs’ bone have growth rings, which formed from different growth speed in warm and cold climate, a typical feature for none endotherms animals.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-2-25 09:29:12 |只看该作者
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No pains, no gains.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-25 11:01:33 |只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-2-25 16:55:36 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 伶女 于 2011-2-25 23:28 编辑

Do you agree with the following statement? Government should more support art museum and music performance than recreational facilities, such as swimming pool or play ground.

Does art museum and music performance theatre deserve more support from the governments than the recreational facilities like swimming pool or plan ground? This statement raises a variety of issue about city identification, citizens’ need, government investment and economics. On balance, although the erection of more facilities such as swimming pool and play ground seems to stimulate citizen’s enthusiasm on sports, I concrete that art museum and theatres will be more profound to the citizens and the whole city.

First, art and music represents the spirit of a city and those museums and theatres are probably going to stand for the entire city. Nowadays, along with the improvement of living standard, citizens are no longer to worry about the basic problems of livelihood so that they have paid attention towards the quality of life, not only materially, but also spiritually. Art museum and music performance allow them to appreciate immortal works which results in the releasing and relaxing in their spirit. And this kind of tranquil and comfort enjoyment has become prevailing which is impossible to be brought about by sport.

Besides, as this elegant entertainment demonstrated above become common among citizens, the museums and theatres can be regarded as the “spirit” centre of the city, the architectures of museum and theatre itself will represent the spiritual civilization of the area. When they become the identification of the whole city, the more attention and investment paid on those places, the better city image and status the government will receive. What’s more, a known museum and theatre will attract masters’ works to exhibit in museums and performed in the theatre, which is fairy appealing to visitors. And finally the single support in art and music turns to a resource for development of tourism and economic growth, in which the beneficiary is the government and local citizens themselves. In addition, the government will also take advantage of this profit as more disposal fund to invest other recreational facilities like swimming pools or play ground. In this way, either of the two aspects wouldn’t be ignored.

As a consequence, I strongly agree with the claim that it’d be better to support the art museum and music performance for the reason that modern people need relaxing and enjoyment spiritually and the investment will contribute to the city development.


The passage and the lecture both discuss the latest resources on the Internet called communal online encyclopedias. There are three arguments that demonstrated in the passage that this communal online encyclopedias have important problems so that traditional, printed encyclopedias is still better, while the professor disputes those arguments one by one.

First, the professor claims that we shouldn’t blame on the error in those articles because there is hardly a perfect article in the world, even a traditional one that is written by a known scholar. But more importantly, online the errors can be corrected while the error in a traditional printed article is probably remained for decades.

Second, according to the professor, people have realized those dangers of vandals and hackers and have taken two affirmative measures on it. The one is transforming all documents into reading-only format, which is reliable because other people are not able to change anything; the other measure is to eliminate the clearly changing, which served as a job so that there are professional staffs focusing on this.

The last stance concerns on the choice of what category of the articles should be remained in the passage. The professor points out that, however, the origin printing version of those document is limited by the space for storage so that we have to judge which ones are more important by a group of academics, while the space problem doesn’t seems to be a real problem for communal online encyclopedias. All articles therefore can be remained and now they are divided in different category, in which people can search for their favor articles conveniently. And this is a huge advantage for communal online encyclopedias compared with the traditional encyclopedias.
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-2-26 11:28:39 |只看该作者

The passage and the lecture both discuss the latest resources on the Internet called communal online encyclopedias. There are three arguments that demonstrated in the passage that this communal online encyclopedias have important problems so that traditional, printed encyclopedias is still better, while the professor disputes those arguments one by one.
# |* l5 Y3 o- v8 L; z

3 b5 r) d5 P+ \: Y. _6 i- mFirst, the professor claims that we shouldn’t blame on the error in those articles because there is hardly a perfect article in the world, even a traditional one that is written by a known scholar. But more importantly, online the errors can be corrected while the error in a traditional printed article is probably remained for decades.
+ w" w( p7 M  a. O4 C0 H0 M* k
" U; j2 I1 I4 N% b+ x: d
Second, according to the professor, people have realized those dangers of vandals and hackers and have taken two affirmative (
这个词是听力里的么?) measures on it. The one is transforming all documents into reading-only format, which is reliable because other people are not able to change anything; the other measure is to eliminate the clearly changing, which served as a job so that there are professional staffs focusing on this.; }1 h9 A3 _. ^+ l8 W. u/ g
6 K3 y' s7 d1 v$ l
The last stance concerns on the choice of what category of the articles should be remained in the passage. The professor points out that, however, the origin printing version of those document is limited by the space for storage so that we have to judge which ones are more important by a group of academics, while the space problem doesn’t seems (seem) to be a real problem for communal online encyclopedias. All articles therefore can be remained and now they are divided in different category, in which people can search for their favor articles conveniently. And this is a huge advantage for communal online encyclopedias compared with the traditional encyclopedias.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-2-26 13:31:26 |只看该作者
D3 f! z3 P' Y8 {4 L( ?0 v! BDDddoes (Do) art museum and music performance theatre deserve more support from the governments than the recreational facilities like swimming pool or plan ground? This statement raises a variety of issues about city identification, citizens’ need, government investment and economics. On balance, although the erection (establishment) of more facilities such as swimming pool and play ground seems to stimulate citizen’s enthusiasm on sports, I concrete (deem) that art museum and theatres will be more profound to the citizens and the whole city.' @% D! {% L) _! V! h- @

0 \8 ^! h6 ^) V7 g/ s7 {First, art and music represents the spirit of a city and those museums and theatres are probably going to stand for the entire city. Nowadays, along with the improvement of living standard, citizens are no longer to worrying about the basic problems of livelihood so that they have paid attention towards the quality of life, not only materially, but also spiritually. Art museum and music performance allow them to appreciate immortal works which results in the releasing and relaxing in their spirit. And this kind of tranquil and comfort enjoyment has become prevailing which is impossible to be brought about by sport.
6 D7 @! z0 i4 Y1 @
9 ]& R8 g7 F% {& u
Besides, as this elegant entertainment demonstrated above become common among citizens, the museums and theatres can be regarded as the “spirit” centre of the city, the architectures of museum and theatre itself will represent the spiritual civilization of the area. When they become the identification of the whole city, the more attention and investment paid on those places, the better city image and status the government will receive. What’s more, a known museum and theatre will attract masters’ works to be exhibited in museums and performed in the theatre, which is fairly appealing to visitors. And finally the single support in art and music turns to a resource for development of tourism and economic growth, in which the beneficiary is the government and local citizens themselves. In addition, the government will also take advantage of this profit as more disposal fund to invest other recreational facilities like swimming pools or play ground. In this way, either of the two aspects wouldn’t be ignored.
2 Z5 u. s, s, ^

7 J7 T! N* w9 a5 Y4 LAs a consequence, I strongly agree with the claim that it’d be better to support the art museum and music performance for the reason that modern people need relaxing and enjoyment spiritually and the investment will contribute to the city development.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-2-26 15:09:55 |只看该作者
Do you agree with the following statement? It is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life.

Today, movie industrial has been developed rapidly along with the improvement of living standard, the accelerating pace of life and increasing pressure of livelihood, for the reason that people owns more disposal income and more demand for efficient relaxing and releasing. The movie industrial, thus, has become a mainstream of entertainment regardless of ages, sex and occupation. Some people assert that movies are not worth watching, but the one that can teach people lesson is the only exempt. As I see it, however, not all movies teach people lesson doesn’t equal to other ones are all meaningless.

First, movies are basically regarded as an entertainment today. We have to admit that in this busy world, people are enduring much more pressure in work and study and most of the time they are occupied by high pace of work for efficiency so that in the left limited time, they need relaxing, which also has to be efficient. Sitting in the cinema and watching a story to experience a novel life is a pretty good choice, which won’t take too much time and also easily drag you outside your real life. And that is exactly where the booming of movie industrial results from.

Besides, after the booming, various kinds of movies emerged, mostly to cater to public demand for releasing and relaxing, which includes comedy, adventure, affection, kung fu, ancient costume, science fiction and so on. Movie makers pay most of their attention and money on novel costume, scenery, narration method or even advertisement to attract public attention, which also makes more sense to audience because they experience an utterly different life by such kind of movie, as a way to reduce their fatigue and stress. Both film makers and audience, therefore, take the entertainment part precedence over a certain lesson from a movie.

Notwithstanding, some people may argue that watching those kind of profound films that teach lesson for real life is also relaxing at least spiritually. To this extent, the argument is correct if we define the entertainment narrowly in spirit. However, the truth is there are plenty kinds of movie styles for entertainment, this “spiritual” one couldn’t be the most efficient and distinguishing.

To sum up, from the perspective of entertainment which both movie makers and audience cares the most, the movie that teaching lessons about real life couldn’t be the only one worth watching.
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-2-27 16:56:11 |只看该作者
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No pains, no gains.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-2-28 18:13:39 |只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-2-28 19:48:27 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 伶女 于 2011-2-28 21:32 编辑

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the lose of old friends?
Friendship is undeniable a significant part in every people’s life. Some assert that people will lose their old friends if they move to another city or country, in other words, they believe distance is an essential issue that have impact on relationship between friends. As I see it, although sometimes alienation may emerge between friends for the reason of route distance, friendship will still be there no matter what city you live in or what country you migrate to.

To begin with, unlike families, friends are not the ones that people must stay together with always. In fact, there is always distance between friends for the reason that people is not possible to stay in one place only. While people fly to another country as a tourist, go to a city nearby for work, enjoy shopping at the other side of their own city or even go to a market in the neighborhood, they will unavoidable meet an spend some time with some people. And this is exactly how friendship comes. But the only distinction lies in how much distance from each friend. So it is exaggerated to say merely moving aboard or to another city will result in the loss of friendship, while this only influence the distant between friends.

Besides, technological innovations have enable people to keep close touch with friends in remote distance. Admittedly, modern transportation instrument and computer revolution brought human a plethora of convenience such as the fastest train of the world developed in China, which allows people in Guangzhou to arrive in Wuhan in hours compared to a whole night before. And Internet provides an excellent platform for remote conversation and video call. Thus, the world becomes smaller and the distance is much shorter than before. In this case, distance shouldn’t be such an issue and keep your friends in contact, your friendship will still be there.

To sum up, there is always distance between friends more or less. Based on the discussion above, we can safely make the conclusion that with the help of modern technologies, friendship can be remained even though you move to another country or city.

The reading passage and the lecture both discuss on the accuracy of Chevalier de Seingalt’s memoir. The passage claims that the memoir exaggerates his life to attract attention, while the professor in the lecture hold the opinion that it is pretty accurate and she disputes the three points demonstrated in the passage one by one.

The first point is about Chevalier de Seingalt’s wealth when he lived in Switzerland. Although Chevalier de Seingalt held parties and gambling, the passage claims that he borrowed large amount of money from a merchant, as the evidence that Chevalier de Seingalt was not wealthy as he said. But the professor proposes other assumption that Chevalier de Seingalt must sell his property to get money and when he run out of cash and wait for the arrival of money that transformed by his property, he could only borrow money from others.

The second one stands on the conversation between Chevalier de Seingalt and Chevalier de Seingalt and Voltaire. According to the passage, Chevalier de Seingalt couldn’t remember the exact phrases in their conversation, while the professor argues that Chevalier de Seingalt had wrote down the notes the night after the conversation and kept them for years so that the accuracy of the conversation is beyond doubt.

The last stance in the passage is the doubt about the escape from Venetian prison for the reason that Chevalier de Seingalt had many political friends who could offer him a favor and let him free. But there were people who had more power than Chevalier de Seingalt but were not able to escape, as the professor shows. However, a significant evidence for the record of seal repairing right after the Chevalier de Seingalt ‘s escape could indicate how he managed it.
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伶女 Daily Writing Homework
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