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[未归类] 伶女 Daily Writing Homework [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-3-1 16:30:03 |只看该作者
2.28 TPO8 修改
The reading passage and the lecture both discuss on the accuracy of Chevalier de Seingalt’s memoir. The passage claims that the memoir exaggerates his life to attract attention 概括的很好, while the professor in the lecture hold the opinion that it is pretty accurate and she disputes the three points demonstrated in the passage one by one.

The first point is about Chevalier de Seingalt’s wealth when he lived in Switzerland. Although Chevalier de Seingalt held parties and gambling, the passage claims that he borrowed large amount of money from a merchant, as the evidence that Chevalier de Seingalt was not wealthy as he said. But the professor proposes other assumption that Chevalier de Seingalt must sell his property to get money and when he run out of cash and wait for the arrival of money that transformed by his property这句有些繁琐,建议适当简化, he could only borrow money from others.

The second one stands on the conversation between Chevalier de Seingalt 重复 and Chevalier de Seingalt and Voltaire. According to the passage, Chevalier de Seingalt couldn’t remember the exact phrases in their conversation, while the professor argues that Chevalier de Seingalt had wrote down the notes the night after the conversation and kept them for years so that the accuracy of the conversation is beyond doubt.

The last stance in the passage is the doubt about the escape from Venetian prison for the reason that Chevalier de Seingalt had many political friends who could offer him a favor and let him free. But there were people who had more power than Chevalier de Seingalt but were not able to escape, as the professor shows. However,这句跟上一句支持的是同一个观点,建议换掉however a significant evidence for the record of seal ceiling repairing right after the Chevalier de Seingalt ‘s escape could indicate how he managed it.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-1 18:28:22 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 hcp4715 于 2011-3-1 18:46 编辑

45# 伶女
2011-02-28 TPO8修改
The readingpassage and the lecture both discuss on the accuracy of Chevalier de Seingalt’smemoir. The passage claims that the memoir exaggerates his life to attractattention, while the professor in the lecture hold the opinion that it ispretty accurate and she disputes the three points demonstrated in the passageone by one.

The first point isabout Chevalier de Seingalt’s wealth when he lived in Switzerland. AlthoughChevalier de Seingalt held parties and gambling, the passage claims that heborrowed large amount of money from a merchant, as the evidence that Chevalierde Seingalt was not wealthy as he said. But the professor proposes otherassumption that Chevalier de Seingalt must sell his property to get money (此处删除and)whenhe run out of cash and wait for the arrival of money that transformed by hisproperty, he could only borrow money from others.

The second onestands on the conversation between (原文这里重复了Chevalier de Seingalt and)Chevalier de Seingalt and Voltaire. Accordingto the passage, Chevalier de Seingalt couldn’t remember the exact phrases intheir conversation, while the professor argues that Chevalier de Seingalt hadwrote down the notes at the night after the conversation and kept them foryears so that the accuracy of the conversation is beyond doubt.

The last stance inthe passage is the doubt about the escape from Venetian prison for the reasonthat Chevalier de Seingalt had many political friends who could offer him afavor and let him free. But there were people who had more power friend thanChevalier de Seingalt had but were not able to escape, as the professor shows. However,a significant evidence that(原文是for)
the officialrecord of seal(ceiling?阅读材料中说:he claimed to have escaped form V... prison by using a piece of mental to make a hole in the ceiling and climbing through the roof) repairing right after the Chevalier de Seingalt ‘sescape could indicate how he managed it to get out of the prison by himself(感觉没有说完似的,补充这半句会不会好点?).


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-1 18:31:15 |只看该作者
45# 伶女
2011-02-28 独立作文修改
Friendship isundeniable a significant part in every people’s life. Some assert that peoplewill lose their old friends if they move to another city or country, in otherwords, they believe distance is an essential issue that have impact onrelationship between friends. As I see it, although sometimes alienationmayemerge between friends for the reason of route distance, friendship will stillbe there no matter what city you live in or what country you migrate to.

To begin with, unlikefamilies, friends are not the ones that people must stay together with always. Infact, there is always distance between friends for the reason that people isnot possible to stay in one place only. While people fly to another country asa tourist, go to a city nearby for work, enjoy shopping at the other side oftheir own city or even go to a market in the neighborhood, they will unavoidablemeet an(是and? spend some time with some people. And thisis exactly how friendship comes. But the only distinction lies in how muchdistance from each friend(这句话是什么意思?在这里想表示什么?感觉前面说朋友是如何结交的并不能有效地说明朋友之间不需要经常到一起). So it is exaggerated to say merely movingaboard or to another city will result in the loss of friendship, while thisonly influence the distant between friends.

Besides, technologicalinnovations have enable people to keep close touch with friends in remotedistance. Admittedly,(这个表示让步的词放这里似乎有点不合适) modern transportation instrument andcomputer revolution brought human a plethora of convenience such as the fastesttrain of the world developed in China, which allows people in Guangzhou toarrive in Wuhan in hours compared to a whole night before. And Internetprovides an excellent platform for remote conversation and video call. Thus,the world becomes smaller and the distance is much shorter than before. In thiscase, distance shouldn’t be such an issue and keep your friends in contact,your friendship will still be there.

To sum up, thereis always distance between friends more or less. Based on the discussion above,we can safely make the conclusion that with the help of modern technologies,friendship can be remained even though you move to another country or city.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-1 22:08:19 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? the government should spend more money on education of very young children than the education of universities

Who should be paid more attention and invested by government, young children or university students? Although education is a significant issue beyond any doubt, the policy for education is always controversial. As far as I concern, education for young children outweighs the universities education for the following reasons.

To begin with, few would disagree that best education to the children who just start their study career is important, which has impact on their whole life, no mention to their future study in universities. Consider, for instance, good study habit determines the efficient of study, result of the exams and even the influence on the further study. People will definitely benefit from good study habits in their childhood such as neat writing and hard-working, which will be even brought to their university studies.

The second argument lies in the essence of education. All polities on education are based on enhancing the overall quality of the residents, meanwhile some pretty excellent ones might contribute to the development of the country. Not every person can enter the university, taking the primary education precedence over the higher one which results in the better education larger people can receive will make more sense in the improvement of overall nation quality.

The last stance concerns on the expense. Study and research in universities are always based on sophisticated equipments, large laboratories, multifunctional classrooms and large amounts of research funds, while facilities for young children’s education are simple and affordable. Huge sum of money spent in one university is able to aid for numerous schools for young children, especially when there are fairy plenty of children in the remote areas that are eager for knowledge in China. Unlike the extremely expensive cost on unpredictable outcomes of the research in university, merely the purchase on renewing some desks and blackboards might be profound to children. On the contrary, the ignorance of primary education will ultimately lead to the reductive population going to the universities, while the investment on universities will become more and more meaningless.

To sum up, according to the discuss above, we can safely draw the conclusion that it is more appropriate to spend money on young children for the cultivation of good study habit at the beginning, the improvement of overall quality of nation and the beneficiary of larger portion of children that are eager for knowledge.

The passage asserts the advanced hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine as a replacement for the internal-combustion engine, the former power source of automobile, while the professor claims that hydrogen is not a good solution for power source and she dispute the three view points demonstrated in the passage one by one.

First of all, according to the professor, it is not easy to attain available hydrogen for the reason that only pure liquid hydrogen can be used as fuel while there is not available hydrogen to use directly in the nature world. Moreover, it is also very hard to provide suitable condition to produce and store the hydrogen, which require extremely cold temperature and high pressure.

Besides, providing suitable condition to produce pure hydrogen requires the support by burning coal and oil as the professor points out, which might be equals to the consumption that internal-combustion take. The by-product of carbon dioxide mentioned in the passage thus still exists, too.

The last point stands on the expense. Although fuel-cell engine is twice efficient as the former one as the reading passage contents, it is much more expensive to make it for the reason that we must use a rare and expensive material to contain the pure hydrogen to avoid the chemical interaction.
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发表于 2011-3-2 09:04:00 |只看该作者
20110228 独立写作(改后)
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-2 15:16:33 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.

People have different life styles nowadays, some prefers the jobs with more vacation even though the cost lies in the low salary, while others pursue high salaries for their careers regardless of the vacation time they have left. As I see it, although I fundamentally agree with the comfort part of our lives that high salary might bring about, work shouldn’t occupy most of our times. There are two compelling arguments that support my point of view.

The first argument has to do with the essence of life. In my opinion, life is about experience. People are not able to take their property away by the end of their life but experience and memory is something that remains in their mind which would not fade away. Meanwhile, as various experience aggregates, people grow up and learn to think about their life and themselves. But the high salary job with no free time just put people in a chamber in which their life is monochrome and stressful, leaving no space for them to experience the world outside. Thus, life becomes dull and meaningless when people have no time for their own.

The second argument lies in the fact that more vacation contributes to people’s health mentally and physically, which few would disagree. Those high salary jobs are always accompanied by huge pressure that results in a certain tension to people both physically and mentally. Admittedly, the large sum of the money those jobs brings enhances the overall standard of life and comfort level but little vacation time hardly allows people to enjoy it. Some might argue that ultimately they can live a free life when they are retired, while the truth is stressful work damage to people’s health in the long run and the disease as the by-product of the high pressure work for decades will consume your money that supposed to spend on other entertainment aspect of life.

As a whole, high salary jobs with few vacation won’t bring a happy life- at the expense of our health and our time to experience various lives, which more vacation job allows us to, even though with low salary. Consequently, I agree that the lower salary job with more vacation time will be better for human.

综合: TPO10
The passage and the lecture both discuss on the explanation for the declination of the population of sea otters. The passage asserts that it is because of the pollution along the coast, while the professor in the lecture proposes that the declining results from orca, as the predator of the sea otter.

First, as there is no dead sea otter body that is found near the coast, the reduction can’t be led by pollution, the professor argues. On the contrary, this evidence supports the professor’s opinion for the reason that if the otters are eaten by orca, there shouldn’t be any bodies.

Second, another explanation for the declining of other sea mammals along the coast, according to the professor, lies in the changed diet of whales. The reduction of sea otters pushes whales to search for other small sea animals for food, such as seals and sea lions, that’s why other species also declined.

The last point stands on the location or the concentration where the sea otter declines which is probably the active area for orca, as the professor demonstrates. Another evidence shows that all the concentration points are not located in the shallow water where orca can’t get access to, but in which pollution is more possible to occur because the source the chemical pollution exists on band.
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-3-2 21:51:17 |只看该作者
The passage asserts the advanced hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine as a replacement for the internal-combustion engine, the former power source of automobile, while the professor claims that hydrogen is not a good solution for power source and she dispute the three view points demonstrated in the passage one by one., R1 T5 o, l6 L
6 q- I1 G' s9 u; x) e! u3 z3 ~" g
First of all, according to the professor, it is not easy to attain available hydrogen for the reason that only pure liquid hydrogen can be used as fuel while there is not available hydrogen to use directly in the nature world. Moreover, it is also very hard to provide suitable condition to produce and store the hydrogen, which require extremely cold temperature and high pressure.) K" [$ d) i* K6 N  k
" J0 Z6 U& K( v9 b
Besides, providing suitable condition to produce pure hydrogen requires the support by burning coal and oil as the professor points out, which might be equals to(小细节要注意检查) the consumption that internal-combustion takes. The by-product of carbon dioxide mentioned in the passage thus still exists, too.3 f) d9 b" e' l/ V

$ {& b% l$ m. r, ~" k0 C
The last point stands on the expense. Although fuel-cell engine is twice efficient as the former one as the reading passage contents, it is much more expensive to make it for the reason that we must use a rare and expensive material to contain the pure hydrogen to avoid the chemical interaction.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-3 00:04:03 |只看该作者
People have different life styles nowadays, some prefers the jobs with more vacation even though the cost lies in the low salary, while others pursue high salaries for their careers regardless of the vacation time they have left. As I see it, although I fundamentally agree with the comfort part of our lives that high salary might bring about, work shouldn’t occupy most of our times. There are two compelling arguments that support my point of view.
The first argument has to do with the essence of life. In my opinion, life is about experience. People are not able to take their property away by the end of their life but experience and memory is something that remains in their mind which would not fade away. Meanwhile, as various experience aggregates, people grow up and learn to think about their life (lives)and themselves. But the high salary job with no free time just put people in a chamber in which their life is monochrome and stressful, leaving no space for them to experience the world outside. Thus, life becomes dull and meaningless when people have no time for their own.(句式使用得不错,但是感觉这一段阐述得不是很切题意,low salary 对应的是long vacation,但是并没有把long vacation带来的experience和memory阐述出来)The second argument lies in the fact that more vacation contributes to people’s health mentally and physically, which few would disagree. Those high salary jobs are always accompanied by huge pressure that results in a certain tension to people both physically and mentally. Admittedly, the large sum of the money those jobs brings enhances (两个谓语动词了,而且前面job是复数,主谓不一致)the overall standard of life and comfort level but little vacation time hardly allows people to enjoy it. Some might argue that ultimately they can live a free life when they are retired, while the truth is stressful work damage to people’s health in the long run and the disease as the by-product of the high pressure work for decades will consume your money that supposed to spend on other entertainment aspect of life.
As a whole, high salary jobs with few vacation won’t bring a happy life- at the expense of our health and our time to experience various lives, which more vacation job allows us to, even though with low salary. Consequently, I agree that the lower salary job with more vacation time will be better for human


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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-3-3 17:31:17 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 笑会计 于 2011-3-3 17:38 编辑

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.
2 B5 Y1 q5 b0 L& ^* W

People have different life styles nowadays, some prefers(prefer) the jobs with more vacation even though the cost lies in the low salary, while others pursue high salaries for their careers regardless of the vacation time they have left. As I see it, although I fundamentally agree with the comfort part of our lives that high salary might bring about, work shouldn’t occupy most of our times. There are two compelling arguments that support my point of view.

The first argument has to do with the essence of life. In my opinion, life is about experience.(哈哈,喜欢这两句) People are not able to take their property away by the end of their life but experience and memory is something that remains in their mind which would not fade away(吓了一跳。。自然而然的以为那个memory也是说的死后的事情。。。). Meanwhile, as various experience aggregates, people grow up(grow up比较侧重于生理成长,不如用become mature) and learn to think about their life and themselves. But the high salary job with no free time just put people in a chamber in which their life is monochrome and stressful, leaving no space for them to experience the world outside. Thus, life becomes dull and meaningless when people have no time for their own.

The second argument lies in the fact that more vacation contributes to people’s health mentally and physically, which few would disagree. Those high salary jobs are always accompanied by huge pressure that results in a certain tension to people both physically and mentally. Admittedly, the large sum of the money those jobs brings enhances the overall standard of life and comfort level but little vacation time hardly allows people to enjoy it. Some might argue that ultimately they can live a free life when they are retired, while the truth is stressful work damage to people’s health in the long run and the disease as the by-product of the high pressure work for decades will consume your money that supposed to spend on other entertainment aspect of life.

As a whole, high salary jobs with few vacation won’t bring a happy life- at the expense of our health and our time to experience various lives, which more vacation job allows us to, even though with low salary. Consequently, I agree that the lower salary job with more vacation time will be better for human.


TPO 10
YThe passage and the lecture both discuss on the explanation for the declination(declination是“倾斜;偏差;衰微”,应该用decline) of the population of sea otters. The passage asserts that it is because of the pollution along the coast, while the professor in the lecture proposes that the declining results from orca, as(as可以去掉) the predator of the sea otter.
/ O1 a8 i7 F  I- Z/ G
3 k7 z. P8 k+ T0 W. k# P1 [. eFirst, as there is no dead sea otter body that is found near the coast, the reduction can’t be led by pollution, the professor argues. On the contrary, this evidence supports the professor’s opinion for the reason that if the otters are eaten by orca, there shouldn’t be any bodies.
$ U+ r9 X/ O5 N7 X. \* W - ~4 p1 g; M; w, }
Second, another explanation for the declining of other sea mammals along the coast, according to the professor, lies in the changed diet of whales. The reduction of sea otters(+due to human hunting) pushes whales to search for other small sea animals for food, such as seals and sea lions, that’s why other species also declined.
6 q* v0 t( T2 U: Z/ [% @ / i% q" _& @, I; h
The last point stands on the location or the concentration where the sea otter declines which is probably the active area for orca, as the professor demonstrates. Another evidence shows that all the concentration points are not located in the shallow water where orca can’t get access to, but in which pollution is more possible to occur because the source the chemical pollution exists on band.(这句是写反了吧?应该是:不是因为pollution而是因为orca)

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-3 20:25:55 |只看该作者
201133 周四:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? ”"The best way to improve the quality of education is to increase teachers' salaries'.

There is no way around the fact that education always attracts public attention because next generation is the key to human future. Thus, how to improve the education quality is the focus. Some people assert that increase teachers’ salary is an efficient solution for the reason that it appeals more energy and time that teacher would spend on their work and education quality improves as a result. However, as I see it, general increasing of teachers’ salary has no direct connection with the quality of education.

To begin with, regardless of external conditions, the essence of the education quality lies in the responsibility and love of teachers. Take my own experience for example. I used to be a volunteer for a remote primary school with only 216 pupils and insufficient staff and facilities. Many of the teachers there were the honor receivers of excellent teachers retired in my city who now teach almost all the students here with hardly any salaries. Lots of people like me are touched by their enthusiasm for the career and love for those enduring children. In fact, there are many teachers like them who knows their duties and willing to devote into their education careers, which definitely guarantee the quality of our education no matter their salaries would be increased or not.

On the contrary, salary increasing might bring about adverse impact. For some teachers, higher salary probably stands for a ratification of their work and that’s the reason they work hard and try to elevate their teaching qualities. When their salaries increase, however, without any effort, it is possible to result in a stagnant atmosphere in schools and universities because of teachers’ negative attitude towards making progress. Thus, salary increasing doesn’t help contribute to the quality of education as we expect. On the other hand, setting some awards for profound progress made by teachers instead of overall salary increasing might work well to inspire teachers pay more attention on their jobs and students.

In sum, increasing teachers’ salary is not a efficient solution to improve the quality of education for the reason that many teachers works upon their enthusiasm of their career, love for those children and responsibility as a teacher instead of the amount of salary and salary increasing might lead to a decline of education quality because teachers would not work hard as before.

Both the passage and the professor in the lecture discuss about the decline in readers for literature. The passage asserts that this trend is an unfortunate fact to the reading public while the professor claims that opposite point and she disputes the three arguments demonstrated in the passage one by one.

First, the professor propose that not to be a literature doesn’t equal to not to be a good book as the passage contends. Because other book are often written in high quality with creative contents which stimulate people’s imagine as well.

Second, movies and music is the modern media for today’s culture, according to the professor, while in the reading passage it is supposed to be a waste to spend time on them. Besides, those new forms express information more directly compared with the form before.

The last point in the passage lies in the insufficient support from audience that results in the decreasing investment in literature. But the professor claims that it is the author’s fault because their writings are too difficult to understand so that they can’t compete with others.
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-3-4 12:32:42 |只看该作者

Both the passage and the professor in the lecture discuss about the decline in readers for literature. The passage asserts that this trend is an unfortunate fact to the reading public while the professor claims that opposite point and she disputes the three arguments demonstrated in the passage one by one.
" V# j) `% b5 r3 _7 Z
; y9 m0 F# C" W
First, the professor proposes that not to be a literature doesn’t equal to not to be a good book as the passage contends. Because other book are often written in high quality with creative contents which stimulate people’s imagine as well.
- [: Q- G$ e  A; S2 d( }: ^

) o+ L& _0 O- M6 `3 VSecond, movies and music is the modern media for today’s culture, according to the professor, while in the reading passage it is supposed to be a waste to spend time on them. Besides, those new forms express information more directly compared with the form before.
5 J1 o% Q. u4 N; n, {6 Z. M

. l! I) m; R1 n, {4 v) t2 FThe last point in the passage lies in the insufficient support from audience that results in the decreasing investment in literature. But the professor claims that it is the author’s fault because their writings are too difficult to understand so that they can’t compete with others.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-3-4 14:43:41 |只看该作者
There is no way around the fact that education always attracts public attention because next generation is the key to human future. Thus, how to improve the education quality is the focus. Some people assert that increase(increasing) teachers’ salary is an efficient solution for(to) the reason that it appeals more energy and time that teacher would spend on their work and education quality improves as a result. However, as I see it, general increasing of teachers’ salary has no direct connection with the quality of education. 8 \$ S2 C& o0 u. Y 2 W- f9 x6 m# o+ f+ w& TTo begin with, regardless of external conditions, the essence of the education quality lies in the responsibility and love of teachers. Take my own experience for example. I used to be a volunteer for a remote primary school with only 216 pupils and insufficient staff and facilities. Many of the teachers there were the honor receivers of excellent teachers retired in my city who now teach almost all the students here with hardly any salaries. Lots of people like me are touched by their enthusiasm for the career and love for those enduring children. In fact, there are many teachers like them who knows their duties and willing to devote into their education careers, which definitely guarantee the quality of our education no matter their salaries would be increased or not. 5 h1 k* z3 f4 r# W9 _ 7 R2 O( V& N* |! E On the contrary, salary increasing might bring about adverse impact. For some teachers, higher salary probably stands for a ratification of their work and that’s the reason they work hard and try to elevate their teaching qualities. When their salaries increase, however, without any effort, it is possible to result in a stagnant atmosphere in schools and universities because of teachers’ negative attitude towards making progress. Thus, salary increasing doesn’t help contribute to the quality of education as we expect. On the other hand, setting some awards for profound progress made by teachers instead of overall salary increasing might work well to inspire teachers pay more attention on their jobs and students. / M2 U/ Y4 L! ^. x/ g; O4 e r * H0 e- I& K8 D5 m( M3 A- N# H$ ]& LIn sum, increasing teachers’ salary is not a(an) efficient solution to improve the quality of education for the reason that many teachers works upon their enthusiasm of their career, love for those children and responsibility as a teacher instead of the amount of salary and salary increasing might lead to a decline of education quality because teachers would not work hard as before. + B1 x% {7 L9 Q5 C ?3 M


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-3-4 22:13:24 |只看该作者
201134 周五:- w5 x0 U% m( S' b% b# I
9 q9 n) W+ f! ], U" q. FDo you agree with the following statement? For future career success, is relate well to other people more important than studying hard at school?

When it comes to the key to future success, a hot controversy emerges between hard-working at school and interpersonal relationship. Some people believe that success for a career is mostly based on people’s interpersonal skill for the reason that what kind opportunity you can attain to get access to success is based on human network. As I see it, however, studying hard at school can’t be ignored and the teo are not mutually exclusive.

To begin with, there is no way around the fact that individual ability is always the essence to success. Without basic technical skills, all other effort will ultimately go down the drain. It is the first thing to be an export in your field, because only being skilled can people best know how to get access to achievement. Besides, opportunity to success is rare which always offer to the most excellent person. Transcending others by hardworking is an authentic way which get people closer to the success.

What we should also notice is that mostly classmates are a basic resource for human network, especially the ones in your university who share the same field with you in school buy also in the working world. It is a real possible that the most important partner is one of your old classmates. In school, hardworking students always receive respects and trust no matter how well one’s personal skill is. Few would disagree that people will be definitely trust a person that they admired since a student, which help establish a good relationship between partners. Also, if the partner is introduced by the old classmate, hardworking person will receive trust as well. Thus, studying hard in school contribute to the reputation which results in more excellent partners and more rare opportunities for people’s career success.

In sum, admittedly, good relationship is important for a success career, but hardworking at school brings essential skills and respect and trust in your field which shouldn’t be ignored.

% @* k& v& e4 x* t; Q7 G/ i
综合: TPO12

The passage and the lecture both discuss whether a full-length portrait of a teenage girl is Jane Austen, the most famous of all English novelists, is original. The reading passage believes the subject of the portrait is Austen, while the professor in the lecture refuses to support that the portrait is original.

First, even though Austen’s family claims that the girl in the portrait is her according to the passage, the professor doesn’t think it is convincing for the reason that it has been 17 years after Austen died, no one could be sure about every details of Austen.

Second, the professor proposes that it probably resembles Cassandra’s sketch and one of the Austen’s relatives for Austen is a large family with many female teenage and children. Some of Jane’s distance neeth looks really like her.

Third, the style of the portrait might be the only feature that supports the viewpoint demonstrated in the passage, as the professor contends. But the stamp behind the canvas convinces that it was sold by William Leg, who hadn’t sold any canvas at Jane’s teenage age but had sold some when Jane was 27. Therefore, the conflict of the time reveals that the subject in the portrait is not Jane.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-3-5 08:04:51 |只看该作者
综合: TPO127 [- W& H( M8 p9 o9 C
& h" A3 h( R; K3 o0 g  C/ b
The passage and the lecture both discuss whether a full-length portrait of a teenage girl is Jane Austen, the most famous of all English novelists, is original. The reading passage believes the subject of the portrait is Austen, while the professor in the lecture refuses to support that the portrait is original.
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First, even though Austen’s family claims that the girl in the portrait is her according to the passage, the professor doesn’t think it is convincing for the reason that it has been 17 years after Austen died, no one could be sure about every details of Austen.
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Second, the professor proposes that it probably resembles Cassandra’s sketch and one of the Austen’s relatives for Austen is a large family with many female teenage(teenagers) and children. Some of Jane’s distance neeth(nieces) looks(some怎么还用第三人称单数呢?) really like her.  ?! [, k0 Y
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Third, the style of the portrait might be the only feature that supports the viewpoint demonstrated in the passage, as the professor contends. But the stamp behind the canvas convinces that it was sold by William Leg, who hadn’t sold any canvas at Jane’s teenage age but had sold some when Jane was 27. Therefore, the conflict of the time reveals that the subject in the portrait is not Jane.


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