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[作文] 【Daily Writing作文特训小组】idealguai作业帖 [复制链接]

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发表于 2012-3-29 22:12:42 |只看该作者
【2012年3月29日 星期四  TPO 22独立写作】

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Teachers should not make their social or political views known to students in the classroom
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Recently, it is often discussed that which kind of contents should be involved in the classroom, some people say that teacher are entitled to impart any information as they wish, including various professional knowledge, practical skills, and even personal views about society and politics. However, I would argue instead that only a certain limited field of issues can be mentioned in the classroom, and teachers' social opinion and political view are not included.

In my view, the most important role teachers play in the classroom is to impart knowledge. Since students have paid the tuition fees and the teaching material, it is obligatory for teachers to teach all kinds of specialized knowledge. In the case of acquiring second language, when studying in the classroom, students are supposed to learn about the spelling and pronunciation of new words, reading and listening skills and so on. The purpose of the teaching process is to enable students to speak in the second language and use it. How can it be if teachers share with students which candidates for president they support or their criticism towards current government in the classroom!

Another kind of knowledge should be taught in the classroom can be classified as useful skills, and I am convinced that the most important ones are the ability of critical thinking and self-learning skill. On one hand, critical thinking help students to think on their own rather than accept all the information given by teachers and books, which should be obtained and then applied in the classroom; on the other hand, self-learning skill are essentially needed because it ensures students can learn independently after the classes. Therefore, relevant skills should be referred   as well as scientific knowledge. As teachers' personal views about society and politics can by no means offer any useful skills, they have no reason to be the topics that raised up in the classroom.

What's more important, teachers' personal social and political views represent their own attitude only which can possibly be misleading, it is fundamentally unacceptable for teachers to share irrelevant stuffs in the classroom, not to mention those misguiding ideas and opinions. Nevertheless, I do not deny the communication outside the classroom, that is to say, teachers and students can talk about their viewpoints toward the society and politics; after class time, they can even become friends and discuss any topics they are interested in.  

Based on the points discussed above, I support the idea that teachers have better not to mention their personal ideas about society and politics during class time, leaving the precious time for students to accumulate useful knowledge and practical skills that means pretty much for them.

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AUandNZ Award 烤鸭大厨 Golden Apple 美版守护者 寄托之心勋章 寄托与我 Aquarius水瓶座 寄托优秀版主 AW作文修改奖 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance GRE斩浪之魂 GRE守护之星 分享之阳 德意志之心 新加坡SG ADVISOR 新加坡SG ASSISTANT 新加坡SG APPLICANT 寄托兑换店纪念章 2015 US-applicant 寄托16周年纪念勋章 荣誉版主

发表于 2012-3-29 23:18:08 |只看该作者
改好了 106# idealibt
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Rank: 4

发表于 2012-3-30 21:23:49 |只看该作者
【2012年3月29日 星期四  TPO 22独立写作】

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Teachers should not make their social or political views known to students in the classroom
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
7 J5 i: n5 k" l3 n- {
棕色是困惑  紫色是精彩  红色是添加修改删除
Recently, it is often discussed that which kind of contents should be involved in 用得好用得好 the classroom, some people say that teacher are entitled to impart any information as they wish, including various professional knowledge, practical skills, and even personal views about society and politics. However, I would argue instead that only a certain limited field of issues can be mentioned in the classroom, and teachers' social opinion and political view are 我觉得你想表达的是should not included.

In my view, the most important role teachers play in the classroom is to impart knowledge. Since students have paid the tuition and fees tuition fees不是一个词哦 中间加一个and才是固定搭配 and the teaching material 前面的动词是paid 这里怪怪的 学生paid教材?, it is obligatory for teachers to teach all kinds of specialized knowledge. In the case of acquiring second language, when studying in the classroom, students are supposed to learn about the spelling and pronunciation of new words, reading and listening skills and so on. The purpose of the teaching process is to enable students to speak in the second language and use it. How can it be if teachers share with students which candidates for president they support or their criticism towards current government in the classroom!

Another kind of knowledge should be taught in the classroom can be classified as useful skills, and I am convinced that the most important ones are the ability of critical thinking and self-learning skill. On one hand, critical thinking help students to think on their own rather than accept all the information given by teachers and books 私心觉得这里可以省去了, which should be obtained and then applied in the classroom; on the other hand, self-learning skill are essentially needed because it ensures students can learn independently after the classes .ideal行文越来越有自己的方法了 思路什么的都好好哇 Therefore, relevant skills should be referred   as well as scientific knowledge. As teachers' personal views about society and politics can by no means offer any useful skills, they have no reason to be the topics that raised up in the classroom.
& s- V/ z$ ?# {; M( \
What's more important, teachers' personal social and political views represent their own attitude only 用Only会不会太绝对?which can possibly be misleading, it is fundamentally unacceptable for teachers to share irrelevant stuffs in the classroom, not to mention those misguiding ideas and opinions. Nevertheless, I do not deny the communication outside the classroom, that is to say, teachers and students can talk about their viewpoints toward the society and politics; after class time, they can even become friends and discuss any topics they are interested in.
  7 a7 `& h; r, S: k+ A  T: Z$ ~3 T5 M" r
  j, Q, T+ P, y8 v
Based on the points discussed above, I support the idea that teachers have better not to mention their personal ideas about society and politics during class time, leaving the precious time for students to accumulate useful knowledge and practical skills that means pretty much 意味着全部?for them.

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发表于 2012-3-30 22:51:36 |只看该作者
【2012年3月29日 星期四  TPO 22综合写作】

Some people worried about the new substitute energy-ethanol fuel -would not play so much important role compared with gasoline.

First, according to the essay, since it is also true for gasoline, ethanol fuel cannot improve the situation of global warming caused by excessive carbon dioxide. However, it is ignored that the growing process of relevant plants consumes carbon dioxide all the time, counteracting the effect of releasing greenhouse gas.

Second, there is no need to worry about the reducing of plants as forage for animals because the residue of the animal food can be used for ethanol producing, that is to say, the ethanol fuel would have no effect on the plants that are supposed to be the food for animals, not to mention endanger the animals.

Finally, the price of ethanol fuel is actually not attractive at all even with the government's financial assistance. But once more people begin to use this fuel, increasing demand would surely lead to lower price which has been estimated by research. In the foreseeable future, the price of this new energy will be much acceptable promisingly.

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发表于 2012-3-31 11:08:47 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-3-31 11:10 编辑

【2012年3月30日 星期五  TPO 21独立写作】

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
For success in future job, the ability to relate well to people is more important than studying hard in school.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Many factors contribute to success among which are most two important ones: academic achievement and sociability. Some people argue that striving for academic performance is of greater importance, hence students should virtually study hard in school which is, in the main, beneficial to future career. Such people believe sociability is less influential compared with accumulating knowledge. However, I strongly support the idea that sociability, the ability to get along well with people, should be regarded as the primary skill to be obtained in school in order to gain future success.

To begin with, in most cases, people need to work in a team after obtaining a certain position. That is to say, they basically meet with their workmates and bosses every workday. Handling the relationship with them well is essential for several reasons. First, as a good team player, an individual need to acquire the acceptance and nice impression from their co-workers, resulting in a good cooperation relation which is a prerequisite for career success, since the outcome of teamwork certainly weigh more than personal performances. In addition, getting on well with team leaders or bosses can help win more opportunities such as promotion, standing closer to success. Therefore, if one possess numerous certificates but cannot win the acceptance from workmates and leaders, how can he or she achieve success in the job?

Moreover, beyond those people we need to work with, it is also unavoidable to meet with clients and customers when work for a corporation. For example, in the sales industry, it is not an exaggeration to say that how many products or service a salesman sale depends on how well he or she can get along with the clients. When competing with other companies, salesman plays a considerably critical role in the selling process. It is because he or she is skillful at convincing the customers to pay for the goods or service even when the price is higher, but not because he or she performed pretty well in answering professors' academic questions or how many of his or her paper has been published.

Finally but not the least, if one wants to be successful in the work place, the support from friends and families can never be ignored. They support us not only though accompanying us all the time but also by providing useful advices and even criticism which is helpful. People need to get on well with those who stay around them all the time. Without the support of his wife, Steve Jobs may have not achieved so much in the world.

Studying hard is necessary, but to get achievement in the work place, one need to pay more attention to learn the skill of dealing with people, especially those who can help us, teach us, and gives us opportunities.

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发表于 2012-3-31 13:42:09 |只看该作者
【2012年3月30日 星期五  TPO 21综合写作】

The benefits of genetic modified trees which are supposed to be improved genetically has been discussed.

First, since genetic modified trees are scientifically designed, they are more likely to survive in sever circumstances such as ring spot problems, but it is challenged by another opinion. As it is true for each and every species, certain proportion of the overall population survive in the end to ensure continuation because they are diversified. However, the genetic modified trees are virtually the same which means once they are threatened or attacked, they might become extinct due to the uniformity.

Secondly, genetic modified trees are capable of bringing out decent outcome leading to the improvement of farmer's profit. But the planting of the trees are not free at all. Even planting the new seeds are illegal according to seed companies, that is to say, every time farmers plant the trees, they have to pay for it.

Finally, genetic modified trees can be cut down to meet the demand for wood though which they protect the native trees. Yet it ignores the fact that the growing of genetic modified trees are competing with native trees for essential sources like water and sunshine, and because they are designed to be stronger, they can be outcompete native trees which endanger the existence of native trees rather than protect them.

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发表于 2012-3-31 15:30:51 |只看该作者
【2012年3月31日 星期六  TPO 20独立写作】

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Successful people try new things and take risks rather than only doing what they already know how to do well.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

People view successful people from various perspectives. Some say that they achieve success because they can keep everything operating well whatever they have already known. However, such people ignore such an important fact that the success people achieve this considerably due to their previous creative minds and spirit of adventure. The characteristic of persisting in innovation and risk taking significantly contribute to their achievement for several reasons.

First, trying new thing is an essential approach for the success to gain profit, especially in the fast-paced competing world today. For example, since almost every businessman chases for profit, once a certain field is profitable, an increasing number of companies would enter the market leading to an intense competition. As more merchants come in, the less profit of the business can make, resulting in a dramatically drop of profit until some of them begin to lose money. If people keep on doing what they can do well, they would certainly be outcompeted. On the contrary, the spirit of trying something new would help them survive and keep making profit, like diversified products, humanized service and so on. Meanwhile, in cases like this, if people only care about risks the change may bring about, they would definitely fail in the end.

What's more, the ability to try new things is crucial for one's success, and sometimes it is those who begins to innovate first becomes successful. For example, in the ages without computers and the internet, most people did business though letters to confirm orders which cost a long period of time, for those oversea transactions, it may even took weeks. However, after the advent of computers and the internet, people can finish all those processes by simply clicking the mouse in few minutes which seems incredible for their counterparts living decades ago. What will happen if people still use letters to communicate business issues rather than advanced tools? The answer is quite obvious.

At last, making changes enable people to keep creative by developing their own minds. It is true that human brain is surprisingly potential, even Einstein has developed only a small portion of his brain. It is also true that the more people use their head, the more brilliant they are. Therefore, the habit of keeping thinking and trying new things, in the main, benefits people's brain which can create excellent ideas about making progress and gain more profit in business or scientific field. That is to say, creativity largely contributes to people's success.

In all, when people can do what they already know well, they are supposed to try something new and take risks which can help them make profits, maintain leading position in certain fields and keep creative.

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Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


AUandNZ Award 烤鸭大厨 Golden Apple 美版守护者 寄托之心勋章 寄托与我 Aquarius水瓶座 寄托优秀版主 AW作文修改奖 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance GRE斩浪之魂 GRE守护之星 分享之阳 德意志之心 新加坡SG ADVISOR 新加坡SG ASSISTANT 新加坡SG APPLICANT 寄托兑换店纪念章 2015 US-applicant 寄托16周年纪念勋章 荣誉版主

发表于 2012-3-31 17:06:45 |只看该作者
112# idealibt
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Rank: 4

发表于 2012-3-31 22:28:02 |只看该作者
【2012年3月30日 星期五  TPO 21综合写作】
不知道为什么 咱俩写的不是同一篇。。。

The benefits of genetic modified trees which are supposed to be improved genetically has been discussed.
  Q1 `& X) M3 U; }

First, since genetic modified trees are scientifically designed, they are more likely to survive in sever circumstances such as ring spot problems, but it is challenged by another opinion.我觉得你应该突出表达一下被听力观点挑战   而不是by another opinion 曾经我研究OG上的范文发现 满分综合写作基本上都是提一句阅读观点 然后其他都是听力观点了 As it is true for each and every species, certain proportion of the overall population survive in the end to ensure continuation because they are diversified. However, the genetic modified trees are virtually the same 介个,,介个语法上通顺咩?which means once they are threatened or attacked, they might become extinct due to the character of 貌似应该加这个 uniformity.

8 j- @1 i1 M3 \2 r5 k8 B( O+ V, `, W
Secondly, genetic modified trees are capable of bringing out decent outcome leading to the improvement of farmer's profit. But the planting of the trees are not free at all. Even planting the new seeds are illegal according to seed companies, that is to say, every time farmers plant the trees, they have to pay for it.神解释~!干干净净的句子说的明明白白 喜欢啊
8 f% M5 J& [, a! S, K/ a

Finally, genetic modified trees can be cut down to meet the demand for wood though which they protect the native trees. Yet it ignores the fact that the growing of genetic modified trees are competing with native trees for essential sources like water and sunshine, and because they are designed to be stronger, they can be outcompete native trees which endanger the existence of native trees rather than protect them.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2012-4-1 00:08:58 |只看该作者
【2012年3月31日 星期六  TPO 20独立写作】; R# r8 F. p# Y# S( V* h

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?9 k, @' ~: K- R. Z
Successful people try new things and take risks rather than only doing what they already know how to do well.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

0 L, y/ m3 }; }6 M3 ^  N- M/ d

People view传神的动词啊传神 successful people from various perspectives又一个没有背过的单词。。。. Some say that they achieve success because they can keep everything operating well whatever they have already known. However, such people这个连用的意思是?? ignore such an important fact that the success people achieve this considerably due to their previous creative minds and spirit of adventure感觉这句的话 似乎可以直接说advanture spirit. The characteristic of persisting in innovation and risk taking significantly contribute to their achievement for several reasons.

( m+ `) o( ?9 k6 ]* f' Y: B
First, trying new thing is an essential approach for the success to gain profit, especially in the fast-paced competing world today. For example, since almost every businessman chases for profit, once a certain field is profitable, an increasing number of companies would enter the market leading to an intense competition.好喜欢这样干净有条理的句子哇啊啊  As more merchants come in, the less profit of the business can make, resulting in a dramatically drop of profit until some of them begin to lose money. If people keep on doing what they can do well, they would certainly be outcompeted. On the contrary, the spirit of trying something new would help them survive and keep making profit, like diversified products, humanized service and so on. Meanwhile, in cases like this, if people only care about risks the change may bring about, they would definitely fail in the end., W# u6 z2 {- b$ ~% Q

What's more, the ability to try new things is crucial for one's success, and sometimes it is those who begins 到底是单数还是负数捏? to innovate first becomes successful. For example, in the ages without computers and the internet, most people did business though letters to confirm orders which cost a long period of time, for those oversea transactions, it may even took weeks. However, after the advent of computers and the internet, people can finish all those processes by simply clicking the mouse in few minutes which seems incredible for their counterparts living decades ago. What will happen if people still use letters to communicate business issues rather than advanced tools? The answer is quite obvious.好句子好句子  我真心觉得我无法对IDEAL的独立提出神马建议了/ V7 t+ {; p1 [: `4 B9 l
6 W. Z( X- z) v) T* D

At last, making changes enable people to keep creative by developing their own minds. It is true that human brain is surprisingly potential, even Einstein has developed only a small portion of his brain. It is also true that the more people use their head, the more brilliant they are. Therefore, the habit of keeping thinking and trying new things, in the main, benefits people's brain which can create excellent ideas about making progress and gain more profit in business or scientific field. That is to say, creativity largely contributes to people's success.

3 T+ T" T5 e' [+ S' {1 d
5 t, R- N7 {# I6 M% }1 m
( ~+ v5 f4 D/ A. X. t: h" I
In all, when people can do what they already know well, they are supposed to try something new and take risks which can help them make profits, maintain leading position in certain fields and keep creative.


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Rank: 1

发表于 2012-4-1 01:09:38 |只看该作者
【2012年3月29日 星期四  TPO 22独立写作】

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Teachers should not make their social or political views known to students in the classroom
Use spe ...
idealibt 发表于 2012-3-29 22:12

       你用make their social or political views没有达到教knowledge and skill的优点和效果来论证它在课堂不应该谈论貌似不太严谨。因为每件事都有自己的缺点优点,不能有它没有别人的优点证明它就不好吧。比如讨论勤劳好不好,你不能有勤劳没有聪明、漂亮、幽默的优点,所以它不好吧。而且即使想用反正法,你应该用少量笔墨说明课题时间是宝贵的,大家公认knowledge and skill比social or political views重要的多,然后用大量笔墨是课题讨论social or political views带来的不好影响吧。而你用第二段和第三段花了太多笔墨写老师可以教的东西的有点,却只用了很少笔墨老师make their social or political views 达不到的这种好处,有点主次颠倒的感觉……

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发表于 2012-4-1 23:08:18 |只看该作者
【2012年4月1日 星期日  TPO 19独立写作】

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
In order to be well-informed, a person must get information from many different news sources.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Obviously, an increasing number of people tend to keep informed through the internet. Typically, most office workers are accustomed to be facing with computers, when the computers are unavailable like commuter time, they switch to other electron devices such as smart phones. It seems plausible that the internet has become the only source for people to get informed, especially for the young. However, since each approach has its drawbacks, if people want to be well-informed anytime and anywhere, they had better make use of diversified instruments.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the advent of the internet has dramatically changed the way of people's live. Almost all the information can be checked out in the computer. For example, when you want to find a decent restaurant nearby, when you are wondering whether it is true after being told by your neighborhood, what should I do if I have not enough time to go to the library and so on. Thanks to the internet all these can be solved by searching engine or online encyclopedia. However, is it really so magic? What to do if there's no network signal, if the computer is running out of power and the charging is unavailable by coincidence, like in the airplane. Hence, people cannot depend solely on the progressed technology for various information.

What about mass media, like television and publications? Many people, especially the contemporaries of my parents, prefer to watch TV or read books to know what are happening all over the world. Can people get whatever message they want from mass media? Absolutely not. First, unlike the internet, the contents shown on TV and books are beyond control, which means it is hard for them to choose what kind of information to receive, but only accept them passively. In addition, people can seldom send out their feedbacks conveniently in a short period of time, not to mention discuss with others who are watching the same program or reading the same books. Relying on mass media can bring out lots of benefit but people can still hardly choose it as the only information resource.

Besides all the tools that are invented by human beings, another kind of medium are often ignored, which is, human being themselves. What should people do if they want to know the news that are accessible neither through the internet or the mass media? For example, when the board of the company releases new policies and rules, the most efficient way to study the new stuffs is to learn from workmates or leaders. Still, this does not mean that people can receive any information by communication with others. As what people are being told by others might be wrong, sometimes they even need to recheck the news through other methods after deep consideration.

In all, as every approach is limited by certain conditions and the shortages cannot be solved in the foreseeable future, only by a combination of various ways can people be well-informed anytime and anywhere.

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AUandNZ Award 烤鸭大厨 Golden Apple 美版守护者 寄托之心勋章 寄托与我 Aquarius水瓶座 寄托优秀版主 AW作文修改奖 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance GRE斩浪之魂 GRE守护之星 分享之阳 德意志之心 新加坡SG ADVISOR 新加坡SG ASSISTANT 新加坡SG APPLICANT 寄托兑换店纪念章 2015 US-applicant 寄托16周年纪念勋章 荣誉版主

发表于 2012-4-2 00:32:49 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 秋雨荆州 于 2012-4-2 00:37 编辑

117# idealibt
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发表于 2012-4-4 22:38:07 |只看该作者
【2012年4月4日 星期三  TPO 18独立写作】

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Students are more influenced by their teachers than by their friends.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I still remember the conversation between me and my father when I went to school for the first day. I asked my father: " Why do I have to go to school? I want to stay with my friends and play with them." What my father told me changed my life, he said I needed to learn from teachers who can guide me to a bright future and help me chase all my dreams. Until now, I still believe that teachers play a predominant role in people's lives and certainly are more influential than friends, because they impart the most important knowledge we need in our lives, making them irreplaceable.

In general, students go to school for acquiring knowledge, they learn from teachers, not their classmates or friends. To be specific, pupils gain rudimentary knowledge in primary schools and senior high schools, after growing up, they go to colleges and universities to specialize. People accumulate knowledge to so much a degree that it is not an exaggeration to say that during the learning processes the effect of teachers is greater than all other factors combined, including the influence of friends, since individuals cannot learn so much from any of their friend or even all of their friends which is obviously true.

Apart from academic knowledge students can learn from teachers, they also gain practical skills while learning from the teachers. Teachers are professional at teaching that they can help to improve mental intelligence that is of equal importance with academic knowledge. For example, they can teach students how to think critically, how to improve self-learning ability, and how to develop career interest and so on. Meanwhile, students can hang out with friends all the time but can hardly obtain as valuable advices from them as those provided by their teachers.  

We cannot deny the impact that friends impose on students. People, especially students, spend a lot of time together with their friends, leading to the same habits or hobbies and interests. However, in most cases, the effect of teachers outweigh the influenced brought about by friends. For example, lots of juveniles begin to smoke or use drug just because they want to imitate what their friends do, without wondering the consequences. Once the teachers know what happened, they may schedule a face-to-face conference with the student, providing positive advices that help the student change their attitude, remake reasonable decisions and end up behaving better.

In all, students are influences by teachers and friends more or less, and they mean a lot for students' lives. Still, I believe that students, with their certain identity, can learn more from their teachers who are highly qualified and comparatively talented; Once students are not sure about what is the right thing to do, they had better resort to their teachers for sound advices since they are more influential.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2012-4-4 23:06:57 |只看该作者
【2012年4月1日 星期日  TPO 19独立写作】

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?7 w. q% i, k) O8 `9 u% @$ Y4 k
In order to be well-informed, a person must get information from many different news sources.- R+ U3 v3 L& A$ L1 u/ X# P7 h
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
: W, E* q0 F. Q/ ?/ u

Obviously, an increasing number of people tend to keep informed through the internet. Typically, most office workers are accustomed to be facing with computers, when the computers are unavailable like commuter time, they switch to other electron devices such as smart phones. It seems plausible that the internet has become the only source for people to get informed, especially for the young. However, since each approach has its drawbacks, if people want to be well-informed anytime and anywhere, they had better make use of diversified instruments.
开头段用了让步式,不过文章的观点用了must这个词,先说了一些关于互联网是唯一消息来源的事情然后再让步,表明观点的句子说  似乎XXX这样更好   这个写法会不会让老美考官混乱?$ g  ]8 l2 }% a/ ?( X0 m- t4 O6 k

It is not an exaggeration to say that the advent of the internet has dramatically changed the way of people's live. Almost all the information can be checked out in the computer. For example, when you want to find a decent restaurant nearby, when you are wondering whether it is true after being told by your neighborhood, what should I do if I have not enough time to go to the library and so on. Thanks to the internet all these can be solved by searching engine or online encyclopedia. However, is it really so magic? What to do if there's no network signal, if the computer is running out of power and the charging is unavailable by coincidence, like in the airplane. Hence, people cannot depend solely on the progressed technology for various information.
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What about mass media, like television and publications? Many people, especially the contemporaries of my parents, prefer to watch TV or read books to know what are happening all over the world. Can people get whatever message they want from mass media? Absolutely not. First, unlike the internet, the contents shown on TV and books are beyond control, which means it is hard for them to choose what kind of information to receive, but only accept them passively. In addition, people can seldom send out their feedbacks conveniently in a short period of time, not to mention discuss with others who are watching the same program or reading the same books. Relying on mass media can bring out lots of benefit but people can still hardly choose it as the only information resource.
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Besides all the tools that are invented by human beings, another kind of medium are often ignored, which is, human being themselves. 前面说了tools耶。。。后面用人类对它对应好吗 What should people do if they want to know the news that are accessible neither through the internet or the mass media? For example, when the board of the company releases new policies and rules, the most efficient way to study the new stuffs is to learn from workmates or leaders. Still, this 加个fact does not mean that people can receive any information by communication with others. As what people are being told by others might be wrong, sometimes they even need to recheck the news through other methods after deep consideration.$ V6 A" g. o0 g# H

In all, as every approach is limited by certain conditions and the shortages cannot be solved in the foreseeable future, only by a combination of various ways can people be well-informed anytime and anywhere.

ideal.我想说你文章我基本上挑不出语法错误= =   我要膜拜你了

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