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[作文] 【Daily Writing作文特训小组】idealguai作业帖 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-1-3 17:55:56 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-3-2 09:28 编辑


1. 参加作文互改活动,本着相互学习,共同提高的原则


2. 建议参加作文互改活动的同学,首先通过word文档自行检查和更正




1. 尝试替换某个词汇
2. 尝试替换某个句型
3. 尝试替换某个例子
4. 尝试换一种说法
5. 尝试表述对立的观点


【Remind】不确定的时候 一定要动手查词典,并记住/运用


2012.01.03 想乖作文贴
2012.01.11 昨天第一次想偷懒不写,经过思想一番思想斗争,还是决定要坚持交!一旦启程,就不要停下前进的脚步
2012.01.12 越难写的题目 就越要想办法写的自己能力范围内的最好!
2012.01.13 观察到一个现象,越难的题目,写的人越少;难道不应该是越难的题目越值得写么,一旦考场上遇到难的,平日没练习过,可怎么办;
2012.01.16 周末部门活动+公司年会 在职考托有时候真的会力不从心,停了三天,希望现在开始能接着写下去,ideal加油
2012.01.18 笑shi我啦,16/17号我没写,发现群主16/17也都没分组,今日下班进门就写18日作文,耗时1小时,大大低于预期,写high了,给自己做饭去!
2012.01.29 过年,连续十天没写了,现在开始继续写!给自己加油!
2012.01.31 每每看到别人写的好文,自愧不如,数数写过的文章,不过十来篇,自觉努力不够!刻苦不够!天道酬勤,每天都要更加努力一些才是!
2012.02.01 1月就这么过去了,还有100天。时不待我。。。继续默默奋斗!
2012.02.02 相比高手,差距还有很大,真心希望能收到各种批评和指正,越多越好!
2012.02.03 没有头绪,好纠结,先来被咖啡提提神,再难啃的骨头 也要坚持下去!(深深的被自己感动了,又坚持了一天)
2012.02.04 下午突然被封ID,还好管理员及时给解锁了,不然会很崩溃!!!随时能够被封ID的感觉太无助了!
2012.02.05  小马的听力训练营等了好久还是没能入营,阅读也找不到类似daily writing的活动,索性自己张罗先开了个阅读的帖子,希望能继续坚持!
2012.02.08  本周第三次写1月已经写过的题目了,虽然极其不想写,但还是要逼自己进行下去,写反面观点!!!有时候,需要对自己狠一点!
2012.02.09  在研读<紫梦于>同学的修改意见,很有意思,特别是那些自己没有想到的idea/角度/词组,复习的过程充满乐趣!
2012.02.11  数了一下写过的作文,20来篇,虽看不到自己的进步,但仍乐在其中。希望坚持下去会有好的结果。
2012.02.12  【请ideal注意】1.感谢<sillyds>同学修改意见,后续作业注意避免重复啰嗦,【写完的作文必须自行修改三遍以后再交】!
                                       3.明天作文争取使用到的词汇:lower/enable/ensure/over-emphasis (来自<sillyds>2/11日作业)
2012.02.13  上一篇被唾文章过于啰嗦,给自己起到了一个警醒作用,后面务必注意!
2012.02.14  突然意识到一件事情,那些英语比你好的,都在很努力地很认真的复习,成绩让人羡慕嫉妒恨;
                     那些英语没你好的,在比你加倍的努力学习,带着挣扎在奋战 ---试问:你还有什么理由选择不努力?
2012.02.17  混沌的一周终于过去了,停了两天没写,手生的很,战神ideal,加油!
2012.02.19  刚看完<figuechen>同学的作文,视觉享受。。。与ideal见美文,如见养眼靓仔,心向往却无法及。。。何等悲痛!!!
2012.03.01  2月没有1月产量高,要反思!!!逃避的借口可以有很多个,但坚持的理由只有一个:时间真的不多了!
2012.03.02  在给别人改作文过程中,总结出来的批改方法对自己帮助很大:需要判断自己写的句子是否有用,在整段论述中起到什么作用,与整篇文章的论述/题目是否相关;如果起不到作用或者偏离原文,句子写的再精彩,在这篇习作中也无法发光!---好不容易有灵感能码出自认为还不错的句子,删的时候可真痛心啊!
已有 1 人评分声望 收起 理由
水果的夏天 + 2 加油

总评分: 声望 + 2   查看全部投币


使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-1-3 20:49:25 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-1-8 22:29 编辑


【个人观点】:when you choose a university, 选择就业好的,还是有famous professors的?

While attending a university that may help find a high salary job after graduation could be a nice choice, especially for those who majored in law and medical science. However, I believe that chosing a university full of famous professors would be a better decision. Universities with famous professor offer opportunities to gain guide and advice from well-know professors in person, more chances to get into cutting-edge research, as well as possibility of decent financial assistance.

Most people go to universities to further their education which can provide them oppotunities to specilize in subjects they are interested in. Famous professors in universities often give lessons on their own fields and offer free consult during office time which is good for students and help them chasing academic achievement. Students majored in information technology can go to professor's office after class and orgnize a disscussion about the topic with their classmates, it is both convinient and helpful, students can benifit a lot academically when they study in universities with well-know professors.

Another important advatage of going to universities full of famous professors is obtaining the opportunity to engage in all kinds of academic forums and seminars frequently held in universities. Students studying in the university can take part in the forums and seminars right after finishing lunch, they don't have to spent hours on their way to another city for a cutting-edge scientific discussion. What's more, there are more than 5 discussion meeting on different descipline every week, if you are not studying in this university, it is hard to imagine going to another university to attend seminars everyday.

Finally, as we all know that many successful people donate large amount of money to the school they graduated from, especially those universities with famous professor who helped them a lot when they were at universities, since many laboratories cost a lot for doing research and relavent investigation. The more famous professors the university own, the more donation it may get. How can a university be ranked at the top of scientific research institution if it cannot completely afford the expense of laboratories and other oporation cost.

2012年1月8日 第一次修改

Most people believe that attending a university which may help to find a high salary job after graduation could be a nice choice, especially for those who major in law and medical science. However, I insist that chosing a university with famous professors would be a better decision. Universities full of famous professors offer opportunities to gain helpful guide and advice from well-know professors in person, more chances to dig into cutting-edge research, as well as possibilities of massive financial aid.

Most people go to universities to further their education in aim of specilizing in subjects they are interested in. Famous professors in universities often give lessons on their own fields and offer free consult during office time which is beneficial for students' academic achievements. For example, students majored in information technology can stop by the well-know professor's office room directly after class, it is not only convinient but also helpful academically which is unavailable in other universities. Students benifit a lot when they study in universities with well-know professors.

Another important advatage of going to universities with famous professors is obtaining the opportunity to engage in all kinds of academic forums and seminars frequently held in universities. Students studying in the university can take part in the forums and seminars right after finishing lunch, they don't have to spent hours on their way to another city for a cutting-edge scientific discussion. What's more, normally there are more than 5 discussions on different subject every week in the university, if you are not studying there, it is hard to imagine the inconvenience of going to another university to attend seminars almost everyday.

Finally, as we all know that a great number of successful people always donate large amount of money to the schools they graduated from, especially those universities with famous professors who helped them a lot when they were at universities, since the tuition fees decreases remarkably recent years, the donation begin to account for a larger proportion of university expenses. The more famous professors the university own, the more donation it may get, and that may help the integral academic progress without worrying about the cost. How can a university be ranked at the top of scientific research institution if it cannot completely afford the expenses of laboratories and other oporation cost.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2012-1-4 01:51:15 |只看该作者
While attending a university that may help to find a high salary job after graduation could be a nice choice, especially for those who majored in law and medical science. However, I believe that choosing a university full of famous professors would be a better decision. Universities with famous professors offer opportunities to gain guide and advice from well-know professors in person, more chances to get into cutting-edge research, as well as possibility of decent financial assistance.
Most people go to universities to further their education which can provide them with(
) opportunities to specialize in subjects they are interested in. Famous professors in universities often give lessons on their own fields and offer free consulting during office time which is good for students and help them chasing academic achievement. Students majored in information technology can go to professor's office after class and organize a discussion about the topic with their classmates, it is both convenient and helpful, students can benefit a lot academically when they study in universities with well-know professors.0 D9 ^* |+ o# t7 ~( ?% A  s9 P' j
Another important advantage of going to universities full of famous professors is obtaining the opportunity to engage in all kinds of academic forums and seminars frequently held in universities. Students studying in the university can take part in the forums and seminars right after finishing lunch, they don't have to spent hours on their way to another city for a cutting-edge scientific discussion. What's more, there are more than 5 discussion meeting on different discipline every week, if you are not studying in this university, it is hard to imagine going to another university to attend seminars everyday.3 {+ f5 j' j$ ]- }5 U9 R
+ E) G, i( q9 z4 C% J' L  Q: f
Finally, as we all know that many successful people donate large amount of money to the school they graduated from, especially those universities with famous professor who helped them a lot when they were at universities, since many laboratories cost a lot for doing research and relevent investigation(这句话和上句的关系没看明白,请楼主明示哈). The more famous professors the university own, the more donation it may get. How can a university be ranked at the top of scientific research institution if it cannot completely afford the expense of laboratories and other operation cost.

优点:观点明确,句法娴熟,功底厚哈 ^_^

2# idealibt
口语帖https://bbs.gter.net/bbs/forum.ph ... =1390223&extra=

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-1-4 20:13:42 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-1-8 22:49 编辑


【A or B】:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can take care of their family members better when they livein big cities than in the countryside.

It is true that people can take good care of their family members if only they try the best and contribute to it no matter where they are, it is also true that people can achieve this better when they live in big cities rather than in the countryside. Living in big cities provides us better material and spiritual life, as well as infrastructures.

First of all, there are more job opportunities readily available in big cities than in small town, and the qualities of the position are better. Therefore, people working in big cities earn much more than their counterpart who live in the countryside. They can afford high kindergarten fee of the children, sent their parents to enjoy the massage when they feel uncomfortable physically, or take the family going abroad several times a year at will. Wonderful live in big cities allows people take good care of their family members materially.

Meanwhile, living in big cities also offers more opportunities to get in touch with various spiritual lives. For those who live in a small town, it would take hours for them to go to the theater, museum and art exhibition, also, there are fewer chances to join academic reports or seminars held by universities and scientific institutions. On the contrary, people can bring their family members plenty of opportunities to enjoy their spiritual lives.

Finally but not the least, big cities have better infrastructures which provide residents plenty of convenience. For example, the most important thing in every family member’s live is healthy. Medical facilities in the countryside in not advanced enough and it may waste precious time for saving lives especially when emergency surgery is needed. People living in big cities can send their children to famous schools of high education qualities; they take subway to the office which is environmentally friendly; the list goes on and on. In all, I support the idea that people can take care of the family better in big cities.

2012年1月8日  第一次修改

【A or B】:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People can take care of their family members better when they live in big cities than in the countryside.

It is true that people can take good care of their family members if only they try their best and contribute to it no matter where they are; it is also true that people can achieve this better when they live in big cities rather than in rural areas. Living in big cities provides us better material and spiritual life, as well as systematic infrastructures.+

First of all, there are more job opportunities readily available in metropolis than in small towns, and the qualities of the positions are much better. As a result, people working in big cities earn more money than their counterpart who live in the countryside. For example, they are capable of affording high kindergarten fee of the children, send their parents to enjoy the massage when they feel uncomfortable physically, or take the family going abroad for sightseeing several times every year at will. Thanks to the higher salary in the big cities, it allows people take good care of their family members materially.

Meanwhile, living in big cities also offers more opportunities to get in touch with various spiritual lives. For those who live in a small town, it may take them hours to go to the theater, museum or art exhibition, also, there are fewer chances to join academic reports or seminars held by universities and scientific institutions. On the contrary, living in the downtown brings people plenty of opportunities to enjoy their spiritual lives with family members.

Finally but not the least, big cities have better infrastructures which provide residents pretty much convenience. Take healthy, the most important thing for every family member, for example, medical facilities in the countryside in not advanced enough and it may waste precious time for saving lives when emergency surgery is needed. As far as education is concerned, people living in big cities can send their children to famous schools of high education qualities. Meanwhile, they could go to the office or dating location by subway which is environmentally friendly; the list goes on and on. In all, I support the idea that people can take care of the family better in urban areas.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-1-5 23:24:01 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-1-5 23:27 编辑


【个人观点】In order to be more financially responsible when we are adults, we should learn how to manage money at young ages.

Parents often disagree with each other in issues of their children's education, whether the children should learn the skill of managing money when at young ages is one of them. In most cases, parents worry that it is too early for the children to be in control of the money and manage money on their children's behalf. In reality, however, most adults regret for incapacity of money management when they meet financial troubles, since we are now living in a world full of credit cards and consuming in advance. People should learn to manage money since they are young for following reasons.

First of all, if teenagers can manage their own money well, they will have a higher standard of living and have the freedom to choose their path without worring about student loans, car payments, or credit card debt. On the contrary, young people without financial management skills may directly call home for cash or even fall into financial crisis due to previous improper expenditure driven by credit cards and all kinds of sales promotion. Good habit of managing money will benefit for life.

Another significant advantage for young people knowing how to manage assets is their ability to endure risks. Young enterpreneurs are more willing to take risks to invest to generate future wealth, even if they fail to make money or even loss some of the initial funding, they gain plenty of high valued experience from the failure and still stand a chance for future promising investments. Nevertheless, it is disastrous for adults who possess limited finacial skills to bear any unsuccessful investment.

At last, while holding the skill of managing money can help people avoid financial problems, indeed, it can also help to earn much more money. For example, young children with certain concept of financial management are prone to perform better on maths and there are more opportunities for them to attend universities majored in fainance or economics, after graduation, it is easy for them find a decent pay job relevant to the major, such as financial planers, security analysist, and famous bank manager.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-1-7 01:21:09 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-1-10 23:50 编辑


【A or B】工作的主要目的:赚钱 OR 社会地位

Among various factors that contribute to people's hard working nowadays are two obvious ones: money and social status. It is true that some social climbers strive for higher position and good reputation rather than anything else. However, for the majority, earning money is their primary purpose of working for satisfying basic needs, maintain living standard and making dreams come true.

It is undeniable that earning a living is the most important prerequsite for everything including chasing social position. People go to college and gain all kinds of professional certifications for better job opportunities,  accumulate working experience for higher salaries, some may even go abroad to further their education in order to be more competitive in the gradually stressful job market. They do all of these for the desire of a decent pay to afford expenditure of daily lives. Take living in Beijing for example, every month a young couple need to pay almost RMB3,500 yuan for ther rent or house loan and at least RMB5,000 for food and drink which means they have to earn with high pressure at least RMB 8,500 yuan per month, a huge number of money.

At the same time, through working people earn for savings used for unexpected expenditures. For example, a large amount of money is needed for children's tuition fees when they grow up. Additionally, it is hard to imagine how disastrous it would be if we are unavailable to afford the cost when family members fall sick and need money for emergency surgery. As the economy in our country develops at a high speed, people's living standards are rised to a unparalleled level, people have to pay much more on keeping their living standards than their counterpart living decades ago, such as buy a car, transact a gym card, and so on.

Moreover, everyone bears a dream or more than one dream in their minds, and in most cases, people need money to help us realize it or them. Some people may want to travel worldwide, some football fans yearn for tickets of Word Cup, parent wish for everything best for their children. Social status may be important for a certain number of people, but for the majority, earning enough money is of much more importance.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2012-1-7 03:06:22 |只看该作者
改好了 发到你的邮箱了。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-1-7 18:32:20 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-1-11 20:33 编辑


【Y or N】 People are now easier to become educated than in the past.

Obviously, education is one of the most important issue people recently discuss a lot. Regarding to the debate that whether people nowadays are easier to become educated than decades ago, I strongly support the idea that it is true for people being more available to be educated because of the advanced technology, talented parents and the competitive environment.

The development of computer and internet profoundly change people's lifestyle, as is true for the  field of education. In the past, people need to attend college to further their education, and if they want to be more specialized in a certain field, they have to dig useful information through various time wasting ways, such as searching in the libarary, consulting college professors and in some cases, if they live in the countryside which is miles away from the downtown, it costs them hours to achieve these. However, thanks to the internet, this kind of inconvenience no longer exsist becaue we can seek out any information we need in only a few seconds by typing key words on the keyboards staying at home. What's more, through computer, students can repeat the video of class to check the professor's argument as many times as they want. It is hard for people living decades ago to imagine the convenient today due to seach engine as google and encyclopaedia like wiki.

Moreover, with the development of economy, the averange education level keeps gradually increasing with the outcome of numorous high educated parents. During a long period in the past, for most children whoes parents are ordinary workers without any college degree ,can only go to school to learn from professors or tutored by private teacher at home who demands high payment, it becomes much different mow. Parents now facing high working pressure usually succeeded to gain their college degree when they were young. They grasp basic commonsense and knowlege of fundamental subjects which make them capable of an early education for their children. It becomes much easier for children who have already master certain kind of knowlege to further their education.

Nevertheless, while the economy progress brings people positive changes, it also exerts pressure on everyone at the same time. It cannot be ignored that people have largely changed their attitudes towards education. Under the stressful competitive environment, people become more ambitious and more willing to be educated to a higher degree. They try their best to get a higher degree from the subjective perspective which is of much difference when compared with people living decades ago.

In all, people nowadays, to a large extend, are readily available to become educated which is a critical impetus for the integral social development.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-1-9 23:14:16 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-1-9 23:18 编辑


【A OR B】每周 长时间工作3天 or 短时间工作5天

People seldom agree with each other even in such trival issues as preverence between three working days a week and five working days a week. As an office worker with 5 years working experience, enough of five-day weeks, I have been longing for the other work schedual of three working days a week for a long time which helps us to enjoy our lives better, improve work efficiency and is more environmently friendly.

It is undeniable that most individuals have to earn their living through work, the ultimate goal of which is to enjoy lives. After a tired five-day working week, all they want to do in the weekend might be a good rest rather than engaging in any other activites of personal hobbies, meanwhile, when a three-day week is available, people may have a whole weekend up to four intensive leisure days to be arranged, except for relaxation, they even possess time to be with their families or pursue personal interests which would be repalced by working under the condition of a five-day work schedual. For example, people can easily arrange a domestic tourism in any weekend which is impossible for those who have to work five days a week. In short, a three-day week allows people to enjoy lives of higher quality.

What's more, under a certain amount of workload, a three-day week may promote the improvement of productivity. To be specific, people have to work for an averange of 40 hours a week, that is, 5 days of 8 hours working, in other words, more than 13 hours a day when they have to finish all of the work in 3 days. It is definitely amazing for working such a long time everyday for consecutive 3 days, while it seems to be a mission impossible, it brings about higher working pressure and the sense of urgency in deed. With intelligent brains, human beings own much potential to be developed, they will certainly try their best to adjust working method through a variety of advanced technology which would lead to the drop of necessary working hours in the end. Admittedly, the three-day week is beneficial for a more efficient manner of working.

Finally but not the least, a three-day week work schedual might also give rise to a more environmently friendy life style. The fewer days people have to commute, the less air will be contaminated by modern communication, especially cars with gas engine. Moreover, money saved by the reduction of fuel consumption can be used to engaging in environmental protection activities.

写的还算有成就感,但看到高手修改后的稿子即刻 瞬间被秒杀

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2012-1-10 13:59:16 |只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2012-1-11 11:29:00 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-1-11 20:30:43 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-1-11 20:44 编辑


【A or B】 花钱旅游 VS 节约储蓄

Under various circumstances, people's attitudes towards money vary a lot. Some may choose to spend on travelling or vacation while others are more willing to save for the future. in my view, which is better depends on individuals as each choice has its own advantages.

The ultimate goal of people earning money is to enjoy their lives of higher qualities and the best way of which is travelling. Taking vacation is an effective way to relax after a period of working under pressure. Moreover, compared with reading books about history and culture, vacation offers the opportunity to experience the famous old cities and places of interests in person which is much more impressive and memorable. While expanding people's vision over the world, travelling also allows people to acquaint themselves with more friends and learn about interesting anecdotes on their way. Those who like travelling prefer to spend their money on travelling rather than saving.

On the other hand, some people save their money for future. They want to be well prepared for unexpected expenses. For example, a large amount of university tuition fee will be needed if the children do not directly enter the job market. Also, if any family member meets with a sudden accident unfortunately, an emergent surgery is needed immediately which is almost unaffordable for those who have few savings, in this case, money may play an unprecedentedly important role between death and life. Others who are infested in financial and business make the decision to save the money for future investment; they consider money as the representative of social status and have no interest on tourism.

In all, facing different ways of treating money, people keep their own rights to spend on vacation or saving and will make the most beneficial decision for the individual and people around them, which is better depends on each individual.



使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2012-1-11 23:52:33 |只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-1-12 22:47:35 |只看该作者

【A VS B】 Public recognition VS Money

Since people care public recognition more than money, they will work harder to obtain public recognition even though there is no more money given.

It is property that first comes into people's mind when famous people with a certain social status are mentioned. However, celebrities gain both money and respect from the public through their unceasing hardworking which is often ignored by ordinary civilians. Between money and public recognition, which is the initial motivation for people hardworking is a hot topic often discussed recently. In my view, people pursuing their careers industriously because they care about money at the very beginning, and in some cases, the recognition comes out as a result.  I insist that it is money rather than chasing public respect that drives people towards hardworking for following reasons:

For the majority of people, they have to earn their living through hard working because the harder they work, the higher salary they will be paid. First, they have to feed themselves and other family members, as well as affording a variety of daily expenses such as rent of department and gasoline. Also, most individuals want to be well prepared for unexpected expenses. For example, a large amount of university tuition fee will be needed if the children do not directly enter the job market after graduation from high school. Besides, if any family member meets with a sudden accident unfortunately, an emergent surgery is needed immediately which is almost unaffordable for those who have few savings, in this case, money may play an unprecedentedly important role between death and life. Others who are interested in finance and business make the decision to save the money for future investment which may bring them more money in the future. In all, money is an important prerequisite for people living in this world who have to devote themselves on careers.

In some cases, after obtaining money through hard work, people might receive respect from public at the same time. Take Steve Jobs for example, he set up Apple in the aim of making profits at first, it is reasonable that it was profit which made Jobs to struggle for the best at the very beginning. Because of the excellent user experiences of Apple products, they became gradually impressive for consumers all over the world, as it was true for Jobs himself. He obtained a good reputation not only because his hardworking but also for his brilliant intelligence.

In general, I believe that people care about money more compared with public recognition, and both money and respect from the public are both the impetus for hard working.

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发表于 2012-1-13 00:53:33 |只看该作者

【Y or N】 政府是否应支持科研:观点-YES

Major public financial expenditure by our government is to provide financial supports to various scientific researches. However, not all the scientific research can bring about practical application immediately, some people argue that the government should stop to support the scientific research which has no practical use. As far as I am concerned, I strongly insist that our government should spend on researches no matter how much useful they are, because scientific research can definitely promote scientific progress, potential advancement, as well as the development of human society.

It is undeniable that most scientific labs are set in the universities which are full of talented scholars and intelligent college students. As it is known to all, scientific research cost a huge amount of money which is unaffordable for universities, as a result, the government need to offer financial assistant. But, if only the study of useful research can be supported, researchers on the field of unpractical ones will feel frustrated and disappointed, followed by disadvantagous effect on college students who are just about to start chasing their academic achievements. In this case, the suspending of financial help will obstruct diversified creative ideas because lots of scholars have to abandon some of their research due to the inadequacy of research funds. That is to say, researches with no practical applications should also be supported to encourage more practitioners to pursue scientific research and make scientific progress in the end.

What's more, we are incapable of predicting the future precisely. Some of the scientific research are unpractical for now but not for the future. For example, the newest technology called SIRI applied in Iphone 4S, which is unimaginable for people living decades ago. Thanks to numerous scientists who have done researches about cutting edge technologies for smart phones which were unpractical in the past, without those previous scientific results, there might be no SIRI today. Likewise, what researchers do today may seem unrealistic, but we can not assert that it will be unpractical forever which might result in potential advancement in the field of science.

Besides, for the majority, there are a great many researches which means not practical at all, such as uranology and astronautics which are research about outer spaces and stars. We can barely use them to do something or practice relevant theories, but they do help human beings know more about the world we are living in, knowing about the world is a symbol of civilization and represents the progress of human society. The more researches are supported on these fields, the more we might know about the world, and the whole society will be developed in a brand new way.

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