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[i习作temp] issue083【0906G Fight 3月中~4月初队】第一周第五次作业 by Loutlook [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-2-27 10:42:28 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 Loutlook 于 2009-2-27 13:46 编辑

83"Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people."

I really appreciate the wise view above, ruling out to follow the mass voice of protecting the nature, which shows the spirit of a low or a rule. The most important respects of the spirit are to warn and to think about the future. I will demonstrate them below.

The best lows and rules are ones to protect people from doing wrong, not to punish after something unhappy happens. Take America itself as example. When the new country was just founded, the wisest and bravest leaders decided to build the power organization of America like it looks like today. Why the white horse, count and representative, three separated power? Though he could easily take the power, Lincoln chose to give the power back to the people, which can make every citizen being really free. More than this, the leaders and heroes of the civil war make the unique power organization for the US. The rules are written into the constitution, the most powerful of the whole United States, to protect the right of having freedom for the people from being destroyed by the government or other powerful organization. Imagine the rules can only punish, all the right of the American people may be in danger--once someone conquer all the power of the country, s/he does dare rewrite anything, certainly including the constitution.

Let's put our sight to the international society, the agreement of the decreasing of the releasing of the carbon dioxide is sign by most of the countries. It is a rule between countries to make the Green-house affect less by force the countries which over release the carbon dioxide. But once the rule cannot play the role to prevent the atmosphere from being polluted, even we let all the countries pay half of their money, what terrible things can be undone? So, to prevent rather than to punish is a better for all the lows and rules, also fitting for preserving publicly owned wilderness areas. We do not want to see someone pay all his money earned from the wilderness for the "former" wilderness areas.

Another principle for a low or a rule is to think about the future. That is so called "continuousness". I will not analyse the American power organization to substantiate my view, but some tiny things happen around us instead. When I was a child, I once asked my uncle a question, why we should stop in front of the Lights when it is red, even though there no traffics come across, especially at the place which is remote, which means there are rarely any cars. His answer shocked me a lot, "It is first for your own safety, and you don't know if there is a deadly car next second. And most importantly, continuous to walk will give a maybe witness, just like you, a sign which means the action is safe. This is terrible for the future," he said. This just for a kid, so I need not to explain the meaning of it. The possession definition before marriage is accepted more and more by the couples in my country, which is considered as a sign the two persons are not so loved by each other. I think this together with the preserving of publicly owned wilderness areas show the concern of the future. The two things both have some uncertainness. It just like divorce and possession parting once the wife or husband goes without any will for marriage,
and the booming of the population (if the wilderness areas are well preserved, this may happen early or late) for remote places of a state. And these can support my second point.

In sum, even this appears to be too certain, I believe the statement of some wise man is totally correct.

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