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[i习作temp] 0910G【try best】第一组 第二次作业 issue13 by GG86_Fly [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-6-1 23:29:27 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 GG86_Fly 于 2009-6-2 09:17 编辑

Language, which is the possession of only human, is a complex system of symbols for us to communicate with each other. We learn (inherit) it from our ancestors, and will pass on (transmit) it to our offspring (posterity). However, researches conducted by the United Nations indicate that more than half of the some 6,000 languages spoken in the world today are under threat. Thus we must appeal the governments to take efficient measures to save (safeguard) these endangered languages.

Local languages are in danger of dying out as the speakers have gradually turned to a more dominant language. There are many factors that speed the local languages loss. One is man-made factor such as colonialist government and big-nationality chauvinism.
The House of Hapsburg once forced thee Jewish people to speak german in order to make them get rid of their past, convention and language and become the loyal subjects of the ruler. European colonialism made English as the dominant language in North American and Africa, and the colonial ruler imposed their culture and value on the local residents thus made the local language disappear. The other reason is that we have put too much emphasis on globalization. When people communicate with other people of different nations, they find it is much easier if they use the dominant languages, such as English, Chinese, and Russian and so on. They rarely use their own language, and their children are not being educated to use the local language that is not widely used. As fewer and fewer people speak the native languages, they gradually die out. Except for the above reasons, public education, economic globalization, the mass media and the Internet are the other factors that speed the rate of languages loss.

It is difficult for such people who speak a dominant language to understand the feelings about the loss of a language. Such people would think it is a good trend that so many people are speaking the same language. In fact, it is the loss and a big threat to the whole world .First of all, language is representative of the behaviors and custom of a region. Different languages are on behalf of different cultures. For example, we have adventive words “Kung-fu” from China and “Yoga” from India, they introduce a brand new aspect of the magic world to us. So does some endangered languages, they have the same effect like a kaleidoscope that will enrich our feeling and knowledge of our society from different views. When a language dies it is a vision of the world that disappears. Another reason is that single language is always associated with repression and violence. An authoritarian government always requires its subjects speak an official language, and forbids some local languages as a form of rule. When theses languages are in danger of dying out, we are facing our own danger in losing diversity and survival adaptability.

From what is mentioned above, it is clearly that preventing such languages from becoming extinct is very important. As we have already admitted that a language is a product of the behaviors and custom of populations of people, it can not be achieved by only a small group of people, who speaks an endangered language but without other people communicating with them. So we need a nation that treats it as its own treasure to preserve it. Government is the main force to preserve these languages. Firstly, the government should educate its people that every language is equal, that is to say, every language is deserved to be spoken and learned. Secondly, the government should improve legislation, develop bilingual education in residential areas for ethnic minorities
and increase finaical investment. Moreover, the government should also support anthropological linguistics, which can sufficiently preserve endangered languages.

Facts have already proved that we are on our way to prevent endangered languages. It needs time to see the efforts. But it is an optimistic prospect that some languages would revive and show us different views and attitudes of the world.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4



发表于 2009-6-3 16:39:16 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 nlhust 于 2009-6-3 17:13 编辑

Language, which is the possession of only human(这里的which is 因该是可以去掉的), is a complex system of symbols for us to communicate with each other. We learn(inherit) it from our ancestors, and will pass on(transmit) it to our offspring(posterity). However, researches conducted by the United Nations indicate that more than half of the some 6,000 languages spoken in the world today are under threat. Thus we must appeal the governments to take efficient measures to save (safeguard) these endangered languages.

Local languages are in danger of dying out as the speakers have gradually turned to a more dominant language. There are many factors that speed the local languages loss.
One is man-made factor such as colonialist government and big-nationality chauvinism. The House of Hapsburg once forced thee Jewish people to speak german(German) in order to make them get rid of their past, convention and language and become the loyal subjects of the ruler. European colonialism made English as the dominant language in North American and Africa, and the colonial ruler imposed their culture and value on the local residents thus made the local language disappear.这段例子太攒了,我搜肠刮肚也没想到的东西啊!而且表达也很强悍学习。) The other reason is that we have put too much emphasis on globalization. When people communicate with other people of different nations, they find it is much easier if they use the dominant languages, such as English, Chinese, and Russian and so on(曾经看到过一种说法说是用了such as 就不用再加and so on 了,我也没去查找证据。这里提一下,以后可以留心看看native speaker是怎么用的。). They rarely use their own language, and their children are not being educated to use the local language that is not widely used(这个地方应该可以在简洁一点). As fewer and fewer people speak the native languages, they gradually die out. Except for the above reasons, public education, economic globalization, the mass media and the Internet are the other factors that speed the rate of languages loss.

It is difficult for such people who speak a dominant language to understand the feelings about the loss of a language. Such people would think it is a good trend that so many people are speaking the same language. In fact, it
(有指代不明的嫌疑) is the loss(是什么意思?为什么用特指?) and a big threat to the whole world .First of all, language is representative of the behaviors and custom of a region. Different languages are on behalf of different cultures. For example, we have adventive words “Kung-fu” from China and “Yoga” from India,改称句号或分号 they introduce a brand new aspect of the magic world to us. So does some endangered languages, (这个和后面的那句也应该是两个独立的句子了,缺连词或标点打错了)they have the same effect like a kaleidoscope that will enrich our feeling and knowledge of our society from different views. When a language dies it is a vision of the world that disappears(不明白这里为什么不直接说 a vision of the world disappears 呢?). Another reason is that single language is always associated with repression and violence. An authoritarian government always requires its subjects speak an official language, and forbids some local languages as a form of rule.(应该可以再加一点东西把前面那个概念解释得更清楚) When theses languages are in danger of dying out, we are facing our own danger in losing diversity and survival adaptability(survival是名词,可以这样说吗?而且这句话里的结论貌似并不能由前文推出).

From what is mentioned above, it is clearly that preventing such languages from becoming extinct is very important. As we have already admitted that a language is a product of the behaviors and custom of populations of people, it can not(it 指代不清,cannot) be achieved by only a small group of people, who speaks an endangered language but without other people communicating with them. So we need a nation that treats it as its own treasure to preserve it.(这个理由很好) Government is the main force to preserve these languages. Firstly, the government should educate its people that every language is equal, that is to say, every language is deserved to be spoken and learned. Secondly, the government should improve legislation, develop bilingual education in residential areas for ethnic minorities (双语教学,对吧。从这里又学到了一种表达)and increase finaical(financial) investment. Moreover, the government should also support anthropological linguistics, which can sufficiently preserve endangered languages.

Facts have already proved that we are on our way to prevent endangered languages. It needs time to see the efforts. But it is an optimistic prospect that some languages would revive and show us different views and attitudes of the world.




使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-6-4 04:44:19 |只看该作者
1# GG86_Fly
Language, which is the possession of only human, is a complex system of symbols for us to communicate with each other. We learn (inherit) it from our ancestors, and will pass on (transmit) it to our offspring (posterity). 用offspring更好一点吧However, researches conducted by the United Nations indicate that more than half of the some (去掉some好一点吧)6,000 languages spoken in the world today are under threat. Thus we must appeal the governments to take efficient measures to save (safeguard) these endangered languages.

Local languages are in danger of dying out as the speakers have gradually turned to a more dominant language. There are many factors that speed the local languages loss. One is man-made factor such as colonialist government and big-nationality chauvinism.
The House of Hapsburg once forced the Jewish people to speak German in order to make them get rid of their past, convention and language and become the loyal subjects of the ruler. European colonialism made English as the dominant language in North American and Africa, and the colonial ruler imposed their culture and value on the local residents thus made the local language disappear. The other reason is that we have put too much emphasis on globalization. When people communicate with other people of different nations, they find it is much easier if they use the dominant languages, such as English, Chinese, and Russian and so on. They rarely use their own language, and their children are not being educated to use the local language that is not widely used. As fewer and fewer people speak the native languages, they gradually die out. Except for the above reasons, public education, economic globalization, the mass media and the Internet are the other factors that speed the rate of languages loss.这段总结了两种致使小语种出于危险境地的因素。关于犹太人的那点换成别的例子会不会好一点呢?因为希伯来语并没有灭绝反而复活了。

It is difficult for such people who speak a dominant language to understand the feelings about the loss of a language. Such people would think it is a good trend that so many people are speaking the same language. In fact, it is the (a) loss and a big threat to the whole world .First of all, language is representative of the behaviors and custom of a region. Different languages are on behalf of different cultures. For example, we have adventive words “Kung-fu” from China and “Yoga” from India, they introduce a brand new aspect of the magic world to us.这个例子很妙   So does some endangered languages, they have the same effect (on our life, work) like a kaleidoscope that will enrich (have enriched)换成完成时更好点吧 our feeling and knowledge of our society from different views. When a language dies it is a vision of the world that disappears. Another reason is that single language is always associated with repression and violence. An authoritarian government always requires its subjects speak an official language, and forbids some local languages as a form of rule. When theses languages are in danger of dying out, we are facing our own danger in losing diversity and survival adaptability. 这原因应该放在上一段吧,或者干脆去掉,因为这一点和殖民统治很相似,都是胁迫别的文化归属于主流文化

From what is mentioned above, it is clearly that preventing such languages from becoming extinct is very important. As we have already admitted that a language is a product of the behaviors and custom of populations of people (a community), it (it?语言?,it’s revitalization?) cannot be achieved by only a small group of people, who speaks an endangered language but without other people communicating with them. So we need a nation that treats it as its own treasure to preserve it. Government is the main force to preserve these languages. 看到这里有种误解,就是征服为了制止小语种的灭绝,难道要强制全国其他民族的人去说他吗?Firstly, the government should educate its people that every language is equal, that is to say, every language is deserved to be spoken and learned. Secondly, the government should improve legislation, develop bilingual education in residential areas for ethnic minorities
and increase finical investment. Moreover, the government should also support anthropological linguistics,(the study in linguistics) which can sufficiently preserve endangered languages.

Facts have already proved that we are on our way to prevent endangered languages. It needs time to see the efforts. But it is an optimistic prospect that some languages would revive and show us different views and attitudes of the world.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-6-4 22:07:36 |只看该作者
Language, the possession of only human, is a complex system of symbols for us to communicate with each other. We inherit it from our ancestor and transmit it to our offspring. However, a research conducted by the Unite Nation shows that more and more languages are under threat.

Local language is of dying out as its speakers turning to a dominant language. There are many factors lead local language to disappear. One is man-made factor such as colonialist and big-nationality chauvinism. Many authoritarian governments in history required their subjects to speak the official language and forbid the languages of minorities as a form of rule. And another reason is that we have put too much emphasis on globalization. When people commerce and communicate with their companies, they find it is much easier to use a dominant language such as English, Chinese and Russian. Except for the above two reasons, public education, economic globalization, the mass media and the Internet also speed the rate of language loss.

It is difficult for such people who speak a dominant language to understand the feeling of losing mother tongue. Such people could think that the language loss is a nature process and it is a good trend to speak the same language in the world. In fact, the language loss is not only a loss to us, but also damage and a threat to the whole world.

As we all know, language is a culture's production. The life's style, rituals and historic stories and even some secrets are embodied in language. If this language is dying out, how could we study the culture it belongs to and understand the people living under this culture? To the native speakers, their language is representative of their identities. The loss of their mother tongue means more than a phenomenon that their posterity rarely speaks the same language with them, but a loss of their culture and identities.

It is dangerous to have only one language in a nation, because single language is always associated with repression and violence. The House of Hapsburg once forced the Jewish people to speak German in order to make them get rid of their language , tradition and past and to become the loyal subjects to the ruler. European colonialists made English as the dominant language in North American and Africa , thus imposed their values and culture on local residents by uniform the language. The language loss shows us a picture that the advanced community is aggressing another weaker community. It is an aggression of culture that is much worse than a material aggression.

What's more, different languages are behalf of different cultures. The diversity of languages could guarantee the diversity of our world. By learning a foreign language, we can better understand the world through a different aspect. For example, we have words "Kung-fu" from China and "Yoga" from India,they introduce a brand new aspect of the magic world to us. So does the endangered language, they have the same effect on our life like a kaleidoscope that will enrich our knowledge and feeling of the world and our society from different views. When a language dies it is a vision of the world that disappears.

From what is mentioned above, it is clearly that preventing such language from becoming extinct is very important. Since language is the product of the customs and behaviors of a community, the preservation of endangered language cannot be achieved only by a group of people who speak an endangered language but without other people communicating with them. So we need a nation that treat it as a treasure. Government is an efficient force to slow down the extinct process of these languages. What the government should do is: Firstly, the government should educate its citizens that every language is equal, that is to say, every language is deserved to be learned and spoken. The speakers should treat their language rightly, people of minorities should continue speak and educate with their dialects. Secondly, the government should improve legislation, develop bilingual education in the residential areas of ethnic minorities and increase the financial investment. Moreover, the government should also support the study in linguistic which can sufficiently preserve and study endangered languages.

In sum, as more and more languages are under threat, I think the government of countries in which these languages are spoken should take efficient measures to slow down the dying process of these languages. If we do nothing to prevent the language loss, what we loss is far more than a language in the future.

消亡的坏处:1. 文化的灭亡,人们没有身份定义了;2.文化侵略;3.没有多样性来看待这个社会

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0910G【try best】第一组 第二次作业 issue13 by GG86_Fly
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