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[习作点评] Horse 7月AW 练习 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-7-20 08:30:17 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 ILOVECHEMISTRY 于 2015-7-26 23:59 编辑

7月20日 issue 91 https://bbs.gter.net/thread-1862006-1-1.html

91) The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people's efficiency so that they have more leisure time.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.


Faced with the fast-wheeling world full of technological advances nowadays, we actually benefit a lot from such transformation ranging from economic boom to living standard improvement. It's obvious to probe the fruit of the technological advancement which benefit people in their daily life. I agree that the technological advances have increased people's efficiency in kinds of manners. Yet whether or not people will have more free time to enjoy depends on the roles people play and the goals they pursue.

For students and researchers in higher education,

For white-collar in high-tech companies,

For the retired people,

============补写了全文 7.23(感谢王老师的提醒,差点忘了!)==============

Faced with the fast-wheeling world full of technological advances nowadays, we actually benefit a lot from such transformation ranging from economic boom to living standard improvement. It's obvious to observe the fruit of the technological advancement which benefit people in their daily life. I agree that the technological advances have increased people's efficiency in kinds of manners. Yet whether or not people will have more free time to enjoy depends on the roles people play and the goals they pursue.

主旨句的一个问题就是没有提到goal 也没有回应should  
两个关键词都不回应 这个主旨句就废掉了   
建议你看下我修改后的示范 再改写一下

For students and researchers in higher education, technological advances do give them more tools to increase the efficiency of studying or research. Just take the literature management software as an example. With software like EndNote available to students and researchers, they just need to click a link of interest to download the citation file as well as the pdf file together. Besides, they can even mark some labels for different kinds of literature to make the management more efficient. Such things would be very tedious for the old researchers when they can't enjoy the efficiency of such software. Yet the research competition nowadays is increasingly pushy among the similar research field, thus leading to more intense work load for the students and researchers to bear. Actually the efficiency offered by advanced technology was kind of offset by the pressing competition.


For white-collar in high-tech companies, jobs are now more integrated into the complex project requiring more workmates to respond to the same problem all together. Truth is that the working efficiency is increasingly optimized as new technologies are and will be introduced into the real workplaces. To match such a trend, the team need to work at the same pace, thus pushing some part of jobs especially hard-core part to move forward more quickly. Under such conditions, chances are that the employees will work at the deep night to meet the demands instead of enjoying more free time.

For the retired people, the advent of high-tech time does improve their life qualities and let them to enjoy more spare time. Smart wearable devices such as iband that circled around the wrist can monitor the blood flow rate, heart beat rate, sleeping state and other key factors related to the fitness of the device-taker. These monitoring data can be instantly updated to the smart phones or even to the health care center for doctors' information to afford more precise medical plans. In this process, the elder people don't need to go to the hospital to check out their health state frequently as before. They can enjoy the saved time with their family and do more things of interest.

To sum up, the technological advancement do improve people's efficiency in kinds of manners, yet the goal's benefits are not one-fits-all. People like students, researcher, white-collar employees may not enjoy more free time just because the enhanced efficiency; while it should be pleasant for people like retired workers to gain more advantages from the technological advancement.

(ca. 25min)

=================7.26 更新,有硬伤,稍后需要看王老师的范文,好好修改============

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-7-16 21:30:05 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 ILOVECHEMISTRY 于 2015-7-24 00:26 编辑

7月17日 反馈汇总 (https://bbs.gter.net/thread-1861343-1-1.html



内容方面,其实感觉没有太大的偏差,主要是有老师的范文做指导。所以就只提交 语言反馈。

觉得段落发展方面,例子回应challenge不够,写着写着就跑偏了,key word 没有反复强调。
今天花了两个小时把 Issue 13 好好学习了一下,重新按照王老师的提纲和思路写了一篇,然后加进了自己比较熟悉的化学方面的例子,感觉像是自己写的,其实是抄写王老师的。

下周开始,会重点学习思路和全文发展,可能更多的是写提纲,然后是仿写,用自己的例子置换王老师的例子,让自己更上手,先要保证思路是对的,没有跑题,challenge 要不停地回应,key word 要不断强化。避免一会students, 一会就chemists了。这种错误要有意识改正。
附件: 你需要登录才可以下载或查看附件。没有帐号?立即注册

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-7-14 22:36:46 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-7-14 22:28:59 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 ILOVECHEMISTRY 于 2015-7-21 01:08 编辑

7.16 Argument 87 (https://bbs.gter.net/thread-1859378-1-2.html

Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.

In a study of the reading habits of Waymarsh citizens conducted by the University of Waymarsh, most respondents said they preferred literary classics as reading material.

However, a second study conducted by the same researchers found that the type of book most frequently checked out of each of the public libraries in Waymarsh was the mystery novel.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the respondents in the first study had misrepresented their reading preferences.


The author of the argument concludes that the reading habits changed based on the library records, which suggest literary classics was less preferred than mystery novel. To evaluate the soundness of the argument, we need more information of the library records, the reading habits of the Waymarsh readers and the design of the first survey.

information about ...

To begin with, library records of the Waymarsh should be provided in a more detailed manner to rule out any bias leading to an unsound result. For example, if the literary classic books are far fewer for readers to borrow, the record of such reading materials will be underestimated. Also, reading literary classics requires more time, 断句 maybe the readers would like to enjoy a second or even third time while keeping the loaned books at hand; under such conditions, the library records based on the frequency of borrowing books can not reflect the real case.

the literary classic books are far fewer 表达 the size of collection of ...  
reflect the real case (of what)

What' more, it's important to know more about the reading habits among Waymarsh citizens before reaching any conclusion. To read in a public library is a kind of wonderful thing for some people, yet the experience may vary from people to people. Readers nowadays may prefer to read some literary classics in a coffee room while listening to some background music, such places may not be included into the survey. Or simply some hard-core readers may go to the bookstores to buy collective literary classics to read at any time,断句 they may not go to public libraries to read the same books they love the most, they may go to the libraries to scan some mystery books every now and then.

To read in a public library is a kind of wonderful thing for some people, yet the experience may vary from people to people 这句话要重写  尤其是后面半句  
这里的重点是other sources of the books 你后面说的coffee room什么的都没有抓住要害

Finally, we need to scrutinize the first study more carefully. How about the sample collection of the survey? How about the readers’ distribution? If the survey was based on some kind of readers such as drivers, the reading preferences will be different for sure. Drivers may like mystery novel after work just for fun, yet teachers may find literary classics more valuable and meaningful. Also the percentage of such different readers can lead to different weight of the final result.

这里两个how about都要重新写  要写完整一些   
汗 为什么要单挑driver出来 driver躺枪了  

To sum up, we need more information to evaluate the library record and more supporting details about the reader habits in Waymarsh. Also, the design of the first survey was open to questions, optimization of the design may be necessary to reach a sound argument.

(40 min)

(1) 感觉思路越来越好了,时间上也逐步在缩短。

(2) 对老师的范文和构思越来越熟悉了。继续加油中。



Rewrite (45 min or so)

In a study conducted by the researchers from University of Waymarsh, the first result reported that the local citizens preferred literary classics while the second turned out to be that the Waymarsh readers would like to read mystery novels based on the check-out record of the public libraries. The arguer then claims that the inconsistency between the two results is due to that the first survey misrepresented the readers’ preferences. However, there are kinds of hidden or stated assumptions to be reevaluated before reaching a sound argument; among such assumptions are the check-out record of library books, the reading habits of Waymarsh readers and the design of the first survey.

To begin with, it’s assumed that the check-out record of the public libraries can reveal that people do read more mystery novel hence love to read such books. However, chances are that there may be more mystery novels available to the readers than that of literary classics. Or people may enjoy reading literary books in the quite rooms of the literary especially if the library does not allow readers to borrow the valuable literary copies. Also, readers may want to read more than once of such literary books after checking out from the public libraries. In any of the cases above, people may read more of literary books than mystery novels; the check-out record just can’t reflect the real reading preference.

Another assumption is that people would only read books in the public libraries. However, large number of literary books may be available to the people from private libraries or small bookstores. People would read such literary classics from such comfortable private libraries, or they would simply buy the favorite ones and read them again and again at home. Another possibility is that, people may download the e-books of such literary classics form the Internet for free thanks to the open-source public domain. Under the above scenarios, people may read a lot of literary classics, yet the check-out record based on the public libraries may give anything but a convincing argument.

Finally, the arguer assumes that first survey was reliable enough to reflect the reading preference of different groups of Waymarsh readers. It’s possible that the survey was conducted in the campus of a college where readers may read more of literary classics than the average level of Waymarsh people. Or the survey may not include “mystery novel” as an independent type of the reading materials, thus underestimating the preference of mystery novels.

To sum up, the assumptions of the check-out record of public libraries, the reading habits of Waymarsh readers and the first survey were open to questions in part or full. Under some conditions mentioned above, the argument may not hold true.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-7-14 22:27:32 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 ILOVECHEMISTRY 于 2015-7-26 23:07 编辑

7.15 Issue 13 (https://bbs.gter.net/thread-1859369-1-2.html

13) Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.

Faced with the fast wheeling and intensified competition of the modern world, students these days may find themselves more and more urgent to be well-prepared and well-developed for the future job market. Some believe that universities should offer students more courses outside the required studying plan, holding that such extra studies can open the minds of future workforce. Others believe that students majoring in one field should focus only on what the course requires. In my opinion, students should take various courses beyond their specialties in order to better their academic studies, citizenship development and future career preparation. (8min)

urgent 选词 - under increasing pressure to be ...
required studying plan 表达 major field
what the course requires -美国英语里course是指课程不是program
better 选词

不过8分钟太长了 建议简化一些

To begin with, extra courses can better the understanding of students' major courses. Interchanges between different courses these days become stronger than any time, thus offering new platforms to understand some special knowledge from a different aspect. Take chemistry as an example, 断句studying chemistry focus more on molecular structures, reaction types and mechanisms, 断句 these knowledge actually is limited to a room full of chemists only; while by learning biology, chemists soon find themselves very powerful when dealing with the urgent problems which are nightmares for the pure biologists. By reaction of chemistry with biology, new knowledge can be developed to solve the pressing problems, during which students can learn and understand their own field of chemistry or biology better.

better 选词

Interchanges between different courses 不懂你的意思
aspect 选词 perspective?

these knowledge actually is limited to a room full of chemists only不懂你的意思
chemists soon find themselves very powerful when dealing with the urgent problems which are nightmares for the pure biologists不懂你的意思

By reaction of chemistry with biology不懂你的意思

你这里已经偏离的题目所说的选修课程 而在讲chemists biologists

Moreover, it's a good opportunity to develop the citizenship of students by taking some courses outside their scheduled studies. For art and humanities students, learning science and engineering can better their understanding of the high-technology world around us, 断句 they may apply their special knowledge to help design, regulate and optimize the development of science and engineering when policy-making was open to them. For science students, they can learn some economic, history, literature courses to enjoy the beauty of old wisdom precipitated for centuries, to spark some inspiration from such studies. Well-balanced studying can offer more well-developed citizens for the modern society.

For science students, they can learn some economic, history, literature courses to enjoy the beauty of old wisdom precipitated for centuries, to spark some inspiration from such studies这句话和主题句的citizenship有什么关联?

Also, well-prepared and well-developed candidates are more popular in the job market right now. By studying some extra courses outside the major one, students can find themselves better equipped with capacities to solve urgent problems. Studying one major in college is one thing, solving the real problem in workplace is another. The real problem is often harsh then the simplified one in college courses. Take designing an app in computer class as an example,断句 students are required to offer the outlined structure of data flow, the optimized running of the software. Students who can complete such tasks are the best ones, yet such skills are far below the requirement from the software industry, for more aspects beyond the basic functional ones are required to appeal to the customers' demands.

前面说的是找工作 到后面偏离了这个中心  也没有紧扣take courses outside the field 这个主题

建议你好好总结一下这周的4篇作文  下周先不急于写全文 可以考虑只写开头段和一个中间段 留时间做模仿和订正

To sum up, students taking some extra courses can be beneficial to their academic studies and citizenship development. While it's not the only reason and incentive to study such courses, learning more outside the majoring course can render the students more prepared for the upcoming personal career development.

(1) 40 min 写完的,思路是按照王老师的范文展开的。

(2) 感觉起承转合之间还是欠佳,还需要多参考,学习王老师的范文。



Faced with the fast wheeling and intensified competition of the modern world, students these days may find themselves under increasing pressure to be well-prepared and well-developed for the future job market. Some believe that universities should offer students more courses outside the major field, holding that such extra studies can open the minds of future workforce. Others believe that students majoring in one field should focus only on what the program requires. In my opinion, students should take various courses beyond their specialties in order to better their academic studies, citizenship development and future career preparation.

urgent 选词 - under increasing pressure to be ...
required studying plan 修改为 major field, 更加具体
what the course requires -美国英语里course是指课程不是program

To begin with, extra courses can help students to study their major courses more effectively by introducing the students different perspectives and methods from other disciplines. Take students majoring in chemistry as an example. By taking courses in computer science, chemistry students can learn the basic programming skills as well as state-of-the-art technologies in dynamic modelling which can help them to explore interesting issues in reaction mechanisms based on supercomputers. Through courses on biology, chemistry students can also learn how powerful the small molecules can turn out to be among the biological pathways and understand the structure-function relationship from the perspective of biology. As the examples clearly illuminate, taking courses from related disciplines can help students to study their own majors more effectively.


Courses in other fields can also forge students become more responsible citizens capable of making informed decisions on complicated social issues. Take global warming as an example, science and technology students can gain more insights into how ethical and political matters we have to deal with by taking some courses on laws and humanities; political science and law majors can also better understand how industries transformed the CO2 cycle at molecular, substance and climate levels taking course about chemistry and biology. Such complicated issues as global warming are calling for integrated ideas of well-educated and well-developed citizens, usually from an interdisciplinary perspective. The proposed requirement of cross-courses can contribute to cultivating better citizens for the society.


Some people may argue that no courses should be required unless such courses are beneficial for students’ future jobs. In fact, many courses outside one’s discipline can be helpful for students’ career development. Taking writing-intensive courses in history and philosophy, for example, can help chemistry students to sharpen their writing skills, which are essential for effective communication among scientists all over the world when writing research paper. Programming skills that chemistry students can develop through computer science courses will also enable the chemistry graduates to apply their chemical models to industrial cases in their workplace by developing appropriate computer programs. On the other hand, it is rather short-sighted to focus on the direct benefits for jobs that students may gain from courses. After all, universities are not merely vocational training schools. Students should be encouraged to pursue goals that are not career-oriented.
回应题目要求 关于挑战

To sum up, students taking some extra courses can be beneficial to their academic studies and citizenship development. While it's not the only reason and incentive to study such courses, learning more outside the majoring course can render the students more prepared for the upcoming personal career development.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-7-14 20:23:03 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 ILOVECHEMISTRY 于 2015-7-17 13:17 编辑

7.14 Argument 32 (https://bbs.gter.net/thread-1859355-1-1.html

The following appeared in a memo from a vice president of Quiot Manufacturing.

During the past year, Quiot Manufacturing had 30 percent more on-the-job accidents than at the nearby Panoply Industries plant, where the work shifts are one hour shorter than ours. Experts say that significant contributing factors in many on-the-job accidents are fatigue and sleep deprivation among workers. Therefore, to reduce the number of on-the-job accidents at Quiot and thereby increase productivity, we should shorten each of our three work shifts by one hour so that employees will get adequate amounts of sleep.

Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.

The vice president recommended that by shortening the work shifts in Quiot Manufacturing the workers will get more sleep, hence reducing on-the-job accidents and increasing productivity. A number of assumptions about the causes of fewer accidents in Panoply, the relationship among work hours, fatigue, sleep deprivation and on-the-job accidents have to be reexamined in order to evaluate the argument.

ok 模仿得不错

To begin with, it is assumed that the shorter work shifts for workers are the direct reason leading to 30% fewer on-the-job accidents in Panoply. Yet this assumption has to be carefully examined by ruling out other alternative reasons why fewer accidents struck in Panoply. For example, workers in Panoply may be fewer than that of Quiot, under such condition on-the-job accident rate in Panoply may be equivalent to or less than that of Quiot. Or the working conditions in Panoply are more comfortable and less dangerous than that of Quiot, thus leading to few accidents in Panoply. All these cases can account for the gap in the number of accidents, under such conditions the recommendation can’t reduce the gap.

direct cause leading to ... 选词
accidents struck 选词 搭配
workers in Panoply may be fewer 搭配 there are fewer ...

It’s also assumed that by shortening the shifts, the workers in Quiot would necessarily get more sleep and not feel tired during the work. Yet other factors may disturb the sleep hours hence the working condition in the day. Changes are that some workers may develop a lifestyle of singing to the deep night at KTV, watching TV, conducting video chatting with friends. By offering one more hour to such worker, they may not enjoy a good sleep but to further develop their lifestyles, 断句they will get little sleep and feel tired during the work as before. Or some other workers want to make extra money to support their family owing to the low salary in Quiot, which will shorten the sleeping time and increase the tiredness of the workers. If lack of sleep and fatigue are caused by factors other than long working hours, then the recommendation based on shortening the shifts will not achieve the desired goal.

do not feel ...
disturb the sleep hours 搭配问题

Changes are - chances are ...

The third assumption lie in that offering the workers more free time would necessarily reduce on-the-job accidents. Even if reducing the work shift can let the workers sleep well, the recommendation will not for sure to reduce the accidents. Maybe the working conditions in Panoply are friendlier, the protection gears are state-of-the-art, handles of the machines are automatically instead of depending on more manual workers to operate in a face-to-face manner,  断句such factors all contribute to the fewer accidents in Panoply. Under such scenarios, the recommendation will sound unconvincing by just offering workers more free time. Perhaps their machines should be updated, the operational trainings should be transferred to an automatic manner.

lie in that表达
will not for sure to  语法
protection gears are state-of-the-art搭配
handles of the machines are automatically搭配
operational trainings should be transferred to an automatic manner不知道你想说啥

Despite the warm-hearted intention of the recommendation by the vice president, we still need more supporting information about why Panoply had fewer on-the-job accidents than that of Quiot, how shortening work shifts would affect the sleep time and tiredness during work of the Quiot workers in order to examine to what extent the assumptions mentioned are justified.

(1)        有8处typo,时间稍微超了。
(2)        感觉王老师 1+ 3 构思的操作性很强,很容易把文章的结构给定下来。第一句写法需要继续练习。句型,句式多样性方面要加强,学习用一句话把不同点有逻辑,有章法地串起来!这方面给王老师点赞!


The vice president recommended that by shortening the work shifts in Quiot Manufacturing the workers will get more sleep, hence reducing on-the-job accidents and increasing productivity. A number of assumptions about the causes of fewer accidents in Panoply, the relationship among work hours, fatigue, sleep deprivation and on-the-job accidents have to be reexamined in order to evaluate the argument.

(完全按照王老师的思路,模仿的结果,自己也感觉比之前的好很多。就是一句话总结argument, 接下来一句给出分论点,为下文逐条回应做铺垫。)

To begin with, it is assumed that the shorter work shifts for workers are the key factor leading to 30% fewer on-the-job accidents in Panoply. Yet this assumption has to be carefully examined by ruling out other alternative reasons why fewer accidents occurred in Panoply. For example, there may be fewer workers in Panoply than that of Quiot, under such conditions on-the-job accident rate in Panoply may be equivalent to or less than that of Quiot. Or the working conditions in Panoply may be more comfortable and less dangerous than that of Quiot, thus leading to few accidents in Panoply. All these cases can account for the gap in the number of accidents, under such conditions the recommendation can’t reduce the gap.

It’s also assumed that by shortening the shifts, the workers in Quiot would necessarily get more sleep and do not feel tired during the work. Yet other factors may deteriorate the workers’ sleeping conditions hence the working status in the day. Chances are that some workers may develop a lifestyle of singing to the deep night at KTV, watching TV, conducting video chatting with friends. By offering one more hour to such worker, they may not enjoy a good sleep but to further develop their lifestyles, they will get little sleep and feel tired during the work as before. Or some other workers want to make extra money to support their family owing to the low salary in Quiot, which will shorten the sleeping time and increase the tiredness of the workers. If lack of sleep and fatigue are caused by factors other than long working hours, then the recommendation based on shortening the shifts will not achieve the desired goal.

(主谓一致;chances are that, typo 写成了changes are that)

The third assumption is that offering the workers more free time would necessarily reduce on-the-job accidents. Even if reducing the work shift can let the workers sleep well, the recommendation will not reduce the accidents exactly. Maybe the working conditions in Panoply are friendlier, the protection gears are more advanced, handles of the machines are automatically; workers in Panoply are more prepared for the working conditions, such factors mentioned above all contribute to the fewer accidents in Panoply. Under such scenarios, the recommendation will sound unconvincing by just offering workers more free time. Perhaps their machines should be updated, perhaps the operational trainings should be transferred to an automatic manner to reduce the possible accidents caused by machine-related problems.

Despite the warm-hearted intention of the recommendation by the vice president, we still need more supporting information about why Panoply had fewer on-the-job accidents than that of Quiot, how shortening work shifts would affect the sleep time and tiredness during work of the Quiot workers in order to examine to what extent the assumptions mentioned are justified.


(1)        “direct cause leading to ... 选词”
修改为“key factor leading to ”

(2)        accidents struck 选词 搭配 “”
修改为“accidents occurred”

(3)        workers in Panoply may be fewer 搭配 there are fewer ...
修改为“there may be fewer workers in Panoply than that of Quiot”

(4)        “not feel” 主谓一致问题
修改为“do not feel”

(5)        lie in that表达

(6)        will not for sure to  语法
修改为“reduce the accidents exactly”

(7)        protection gears are state-of-the-art搭配
修改为“the protection gears are more advanced,”

(8)        handles of the machines are automatically搭配 整句话的断句
修改为“handles of the machines are automatically;” 用分号断句。

(9)        operational trainings should be transferred to an automatic manner不知道你想说啥
修改为“, perhaps the operational trainings should be transferred to an automatic manner to reduce the possible accidents caused by machine-related problems.”

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-7-14 08:53:08 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 ILOVECHEMISTRY 于 2015-7-14 20:11 编辑

4楼    Sherry 同主题作文批改(见附件:)

(1)        红色标出来的是用词错误,有单复数错误,有搭配错误。
(2)        下划线的部分有问题,需要修改。比如“a lucrative careers (career) will ensue”可以这样说“It is ridiculous to say that if one chooses a specific major, hence ensuing a lucrative career” 或者“thus indicating a lucrative career for sure”; 再比如 “They would not study hard and their academic performance suffer accordingly” suffer一词,我个人感觉好像主语都是人,或者是拟人化的很具象的。“their academic performance suffer accordingly”这句很僵硬,应该改成“and suffer from poor academic performance accordingly”
(3)        跟着王老师的思路,继续加油!多琢磨自己的表达和用词!多看看其他人的习作。
附件: 你需要登录才可以下载或查看附件。没有帐号?立即注册

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-7-14 07:19:58 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 ILOVECHEMISTRY 于 2015-7-17 08:50 编辑

7.13 (https://bbs.gter.net/thread-1858712-1-1.html, 14号补写的)

issue 15

Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.

I strongly disagree that educational institutions should encourage their students to study in a lucrative field for the following obvious reasons. First, it's almost impossible to make sure which field will contribute a lucrative career to the students after four-year study, 断句other possible factors such as a promising job market, good social skills and qualified working styles also count a lot. Moreover, driven by the incentive to pursue a so called lucrative job presumably after graduation alone, the students may find it hard to engage fully into the study, if they don't have a strong passion towards the major that seems lucrative on the surface. Also, educational institutions may prefer to cultivate as many successful alumni as possible, 断句hopefully, such successful graduates will donate money later after they can enjoy the lucrative jobs. Yet this may be just a beautiful wish again, students lack of interest may not find such a well-paid job. Even if they can get a decent salary doing what they don't like,断句 they may not donate any money again considering that the mother school once made the choice for him or her against his or her wills. 注意题目是说encourage不是require

a lucrative field搭配

obvious reasons- two reasons
contribute a lucrative career to the students 搭配
你的开头段写得太长了 主旨句只需要概括后面的主要观点就行了   

To begin with, no field can exactly output lucrative jobs just because the title of that field. To get a decent job with decent salary, factors such as a booming market, excellent interpersonal skills, teamwork spirit and qualified working capabilities contribute equally. A job in the field of economy may get paid higher than that of chemistry, yet not all the cases share the same trend and same result. To get a good opportunity, the candidates themselves need to be qualified to the standards of the career, other factors mentioned above also counts a million. That is, the idea of so-called lucrative field was no more than a wishful thinking.

no field can exactly output lucrative jobs搭配
factors contribute equally  搭配
yet not all the cases share the same trend and same result.表达有问题
qualified to the standards of the career搭配 选词  
counts a million搭配 表达

What's more, students may find it hard to get involved into the advocated "lucrative" field of study. Without enough interest to engage themselves into the study materials, they may suffer from lack of passion and motivation. Under such scenario, they may not prepare themselves very well to the job market, especially if they failed the exams. For these unlucky students, to get a job is the hard part of their life, let alone to choose a lucrative job. Even some students do find a lucrative job after graduation, they may not enjoy the job; lack of working passion and routine run will make their career choices less meaningful. Their long-term career benefits will compromise with the living pressure.

get involved into 选词 搭配
Without enough interest 你不能直接跳到这里说没兴趣 需要先说对于这个领域可能没有兴趣
prepare themselves very well to the job market- for
benefits will compromise -搭配

It's understandable for educational institutions to cultivate more alumni, successful ones especially. Such graduates may donate a lot of money after enjoying the fruit of lucrative careers. Yet the cases are not always like that. To the majority, chances are that students may not donate a lot of money if they don't directly benefit from the career choice based on their mother school's recommendation. In some cases, the graduates may regard the once recommendation a waste of their valuable time and reject to donate even a penny to the school. It's hard to evaluate the benefits of such a practice just based on lucrative orientations on the surface.

if they don't directly benefit from the career choice based on their mother school's recommendation.不懂你的意思

To sum up, the starting points of such educational institutions to recommend students to major in lucrative field of study are warm-hearted, yet it's hard to tell which major is lucrative in the future practically. Moreover, students pushed into the superficial lucrative field may realize day after day that they totally don't like the field, such choices actually go against the will of education, let alone to mention the lucrative benefits of such choices.



3)考虑到,事先看来王老师的范文,构思都是有参考的。所以其实在真实考试环境下30min 写出满意的结果来,还需要大量的练习!



根据王老师的批改做修改 :

I strongly disagree that educational institutions should encourage their students to study in a lucrative field for the following two reasons. First, it's almost impossible to tell which field will guarantee a lucrative career to the students after four-year study; moreover, driven by the incentive to pursue a so called lucrative job alone, the students may find it hard to engage fully into the study owing to lack of interest, let alone to enjoy the future job. Also, educational institutions may prefer to cultivate as many successful alumni as possible to collect possible donation years later, yet this policy may let the graduates down.


“I strongly disagree that students should be encouraged to choose their study areas for future lucrative careers for two reasons. First, no studies in any given fields can guarantee the so-called lucrative careers in the future; moreover, students who choose the fields with the hope of lucrative careers may not enjoy their studies and their future works. While the educational institutions may be interested in cultivating future successful alumni, this policy may lead to dissatisfaction among the graduates.”

To begin with, no major can exactly ensure that lucrative jobs will be necessarily available to the graduates. To get a decent job with decent salary, it requires collective factors such as a booming market, excellent interpersonal skills, teamwork spirit, qualified working capabilities, and a good luck. A job in the field of economy may get paid higher than that of chemistry by chances, yet it not always the case. To get a good opportunity, the candidates themselves need to be equipped with qualified skills to cope with the problems in their daily work; besides, other factors mentioned above also counts a lot. Lucrative job never comes readily, the idea of so-called lucrative field was no more than a wishful thinking.

What's more, students may find it hard to commit themselves to the advocated "lucrative" field of study. They may not follow the study schedule, not understand the studying materials, and not show enough motivation to learn the course on their own. Under such scenario, they may not prepare themselves very well to the job market, especially if they failed the exams. For these unlucky students, to get a job is kind of a harsh business, let alone to choose a lucrative job. Even some students do find a lucrative job after graduation, they may not enjoy the job; lack of working passion and routine run will make their career choices less meaningful. Their long-term career benefits will compromise with the living pressure.

It's understandable for educational institutions to cultivate more alumni, successful ones especially. Such graduates may donate a lot of money after enjoying the fruit of lucrative careers. To the majority, chances are that students may not donate a lot of money if they don't directly benefit from the career choices guided by their school's recommendation. In some cases, the graduates may regard the once recommendation a waste of their valuable time, they may find their way to the fortune only after giving up the school’s recommendation. Under such conditions, they may reject to donate even a penny to the school, although they have a lot of money.

To sum up, the intentions of such educational institutions to recommend students to major in a lucrative field are warm-hearted, yet it's hard to tell which major is lucrative in the future practically. Moreover, students pushed into the superficial lucrative field may realize day after day that they totally don't like the field; such choices actually go against the will of education, let alone to mention the lucrative benefits of such choices.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2015-7-14 07:19:33 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 ILOVECHEMISTRY 于 2015-8-19 01:24 编辑

2015年暑期寄托GRE写作辅导小组(https://www.evernote.com/shard/s ... aa/521c872a4ffe5fb5

辅导老师:Simon Wang of City University of Hong Kong (http://www.english.cityu.edu.hk/ ... jsp?name=simon_wang)


3楼   7.13   Issue 15 (14号补写,王老师已批阅,自己已修改)

     4楼    Sherry 同主题作文批改(https://bbs.gter.net/thread-1856935-1-1.html
     8楼    tmdxlp 同主题作文学习反面立论 (https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... age=3#pid1779665806

5楼   7.14   Argument 32 (王老师已批阅,自己已修改)

6楼   7.15   Issue 13 (王老师已批阅,自己已修改,这篇文章可能是转折点,自己真正从思想上开始学习王老师的范文了,不仅仅是套路)

7楼   7.16   Argument 87 (王老师已批阅,太弱了不想修改了,直接重写)

    Kssandra 同主题作文学习: https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... age=6#pid1779674569

9楼   7.17   反馈汇总 (做成 Excel 表格,已经提交给王老师)

10楼   7.20   Issue 91 (补写了全文 7.23,王老师很负责任提醒,不然就真忘了! 王老师已批阅,待修改,有硬伤!)

11楼   7.21   Argument 54 (王老师已批阅,待修改)

12楼   7.22   Issue 78 (王老师已批阅,待修改)

13楼   7.23   Argument 62
   https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... age=1#pid1779696132

16楼   7.23   Argument 62 进一步研习
   https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... xtra=#pid1779703668

17楼   7.24   Argument 32/104/105/106/107 学习

     Kssandra 同主题作文学习:https://bbs.gter.net/thread-1834110-1-1.html

18楼   7.24    辨析假设的专项练习
   https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... age=2#pid1779703725

19楼   7.27   Issue 100 (补交作业)

20楼   7.28   Argument 100 (补交作业)

21楼   7.29   Issue 105

22楼   7.30   Argument 32








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