The rain falls on my window,and the sorrow runs trough my soul. How I wish I could photoshop those old memories. Cuz the flashback won't leave me alone. I wanna be indifferent and insensitive to what have happened and avoid the reality. Let me make up for current affairs;just indulge myself in the hassle and bustle of the city. Cuz that all I'm missing won't take it easy on me. To all appearances,forgetting is a task far more onerous and arduous than forgiving.我凝望着玻璃窗流泪的眼睛,雨滴打湿记忆彼端的干涩。如若回忆彷徨,我情愿将其以最唯美的姿态支离瓦解。往事不肯放人走,对残酷现实充耳不闻,我多想沉溺于喧嚣尘世中尽情放纵,粉饰自我太平。心里已然对尘封的旧事感到遥远而淡然。你可否还曾记得,雨水缠绵悱恻那洛阳城数十日的晨暮,化作了整个初秋的痴狂。嘘~~你听,窗外的滴答声是愫愫言语跌落到心底的回响。左岸流年花事里,我静静聆听守候的,是你路过时不动声色的匆忙。玉兰花瓣砸在青石阶的肩膀,落下被辜负誓言的重量。月光里独饮的马格丽特,是我对你最后的念想。有多少离别,是你我由不得的拒绝。你说,你不是归人,只是过客。