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[i习作temp] [TSUBASA] 第二次作业 issue56 by wildrose800331 [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2009-6-25 22:00:15 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

Topic 56
May, 16th, 11: 36- 12: 30

It is understandable that decision-makers may confront a dilemma at times about allocating money to solve urgent, immediate social problems or to carry on some researches which may benefit the following generations in a long term. Whatever decisions they finally make, in my opinion, however, these two aspects do not necessarily conflict with other. Instead, they may be compatible and sometimes facilitate each other.
It is absolutely reasonable to consider and take actions to deal with something already existing and emergent, for instance, typically, pollution and energy crisis. These two problems have affected and even threatened our living conditions of human beings. Pollution, on the one hand, has worsened our living environment and cause many related diseases. When breathing in polluted air, we are less likely to sustain our respiratory function. On the occasion of drinking polluted and even toxic water, human being easily get sick and even die. Without immediate and efficient solution to these severe facing matters, we, human beings have a risk of surviving any longer. Energy crises, on the other hand, have warned us that some of nature resources that have been used will never come back, while they are essential to run this industrialized world. It is advocated that each of the social members should have a strong sense of responsibility to protect the left resources, to recycle as much as possible, to consume them more reasonably and more scientifically, and more significantly, to seek for some alternative, new and regenerated energy to take the place of those traditional ones in crisis. Consequently, we need funds to work on researches about environmentally-friendly materials and usage and meanwhile explore sustainable energies, both of which we have already started but never know when to cease. This uncertainty proves, to some extent, that some decisions already made are for the sake of both of our existing and future generations.
Moreover, it is inhuman for us to enjoy every improvement and innovations left by our ancestors but leave nothing for our next generations. It is also humiliating for us to teach our kids to seize the day and prepare for the future while we only seize the day for us and don’t plan and prepare for their future. Perhaps, some people may remark that it is waste of money to do long-term research with infinite uncertainties about the result. Nevertheless, it is these uncertainties that enlighten us, inspire us, give us hope, fulfill our sense of duty, and most of all, define us as human beings. It is not to say, we have no possibility of failure; learning from failures can draw us back from a wrong direction and guide us a new potential way. Furthermore, every achievement brought about from the long-term research is an unexpected gift for our living generations and we already have enjoyed them to handle some emergent problems such as solar energy.
In summary, it is meaningless to argue which one is more important when locating money for solutions to nowadays existing problems or for long-term research. Alternatively, we need to shift our focus from the above-mentioned argument to striking and keeping a balance between these two, and the latter deserves more consideration and attempts.
宁愿相信世间的真善 这样才美

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Rank: 3Rank: 3



发表于 2009-7-2 14:33:53 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 qtangtangs 于 2009-7-2 16:18 编辑

绿的 看法
红的   语法错
黄的  好
56"Governments should focus more on solving the immediate problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future."

It is understandable that decision-makers may confront a dilemma at times about allocating money to solve urgent(我觉得immediateurgent是两个概念..H1N1那种就是urgent,你下面举的例子最最多就是immediate了,算不上urgent), immediate social problems or to carry on some researches which may benefit the following generations in a long term(这个是破题破出来的吗?不知道你的关键词是啥..但是我觉得哈,应该是immediatefuture的一个“矛盾”—66的矛盾破题法,但是我不明白你为什么细化成了beneficial research?). Whatever decisions they finally make, in my opinion, however, these two aspects do not necessarily conflict with other. Instead, they may be compatible and sometimes facilitate each other.

It is absolutely reasonable to consider and take actions to deal with something already existing and emergent, for instance, typically, pollution and energy crisis(我是觉得这两个例子的不算是很Immediate的例子,实际上,把他们归到你的第二个观点也是可行的,很明显这两个问题都要长期研究,而且对子孙后代有利的). These two problems have affected and even threatened our living conditions of human beings. Pollution, on the one hand, has worsened our living environment and cause many related diseases. When breathing in polluted air, we are less likely to sustain our respiratory function. On the occasion of drinking polluted and even toxic water, human being(s) easily get sick and even die. Without immediate and efficient solution to these severe facing matters, we, human beings have a risk of surviving any longer. (..首先,应该改用虚拟语气比较好,因为现在几乎全球都已经对污染问题开始着手处理了,而且,上面的说法是不是有点太过了??不是所有地方都这样的..指出某些区域比如xxx拉会不会好些?)Energy crises, on the other hand, have warned us that some of (the) nature resources that have been used will never come back, while they are essential to run this industrialized world. It is advocated that each of the social members should have a strong sense of responsibility to protect the left resources, to recycle as much as possible, to consume them more reasonably and more scientifically, and more significantly, to seek for some alternative, new and regenerated energy to take the place of those traditional ones in crisis. Consequently, we need funds(前面是要每个人都要有保护资源的意识,那怎么就consequently推出要钱了呢?) to work on researches about environmentally-friendly materials and usage and meanwhile explore sustainable energies, both of which we have already started but never know when to cease. This uncertainty(这儿宁愿另起一个小段,不然让我觉得你这段这两个例子到底是想证明写什么?是第一句的topic sentence呢?还是这句,现在跟research是有联系的?搞不懂..) proves, to some extent, that some decisions already made are for the sake of both of our existing and future generations.

Moreover, it is inhuman for us to enjoy every improvement and innovations left by our ancestors but leave nothing for our next generations(ok..你这段的TS又让我觉得丈二和尚了..这“我们只知道用,却不知道为我们后代留着”跟你的观点“两者是compatiblefacilitate”是不是有点跑题?很明显我觉得你是在强调保留的重要性...). It is also humiliating for us to teach our kids to seize the day and prepare for the future(这其实是一种生活态度吧?..) while we only seize the day for us and don’t plan and prepare for their future(老美会认为孩子的future应该是他自己走,大人们不应该干预的..一般老美应该都这么想,况且,我觉得你这儿跑题了). Perhaps, some people may remark that it is waste of money to do long-term research with infinite uncertainties about the result. Nevertheless, it is these uncertainties that enlighten us, inspire us, give us hope, fulfill our sense of duty, and most of all, define us as human beings. It is not to say, we have no possibility of failure; learning from failures can draw us back from a wrong direction and guide us a new potential way. Furthermore, every achievement brought about from the long-term research is an unexpected gift for our living generations and we already have enjoyed them to handle some emergent problems such as solar energy.(只有这句才是本段有价值的一句)

In summary, it is meaningless to argue which one is more important when locating money for solutions to nowadays existing problems or for long-term research. Alternatively, we need to shift our focus from the above-mentioned argument to striking and keeping a balance between these two, and the latter deserves more consideration and attempts.

说实话,我没有看出你的文章到底怎么论证了他们两个之间的balance的,第一段说当下的问题是很必要的,第二段又说不给后代留点东西是可耻的..而且,我不知道这算不算是破题的一种思路,但是我认为你把focus on细化为locating money,和把anticipated problems改成long-term research是不是有点不妥?? 特别是第二个..

Anyway, 我觉得你的句式和词用的都很不错~

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2009-7-3 21:58:45 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 wildrose800331 于 2009-7-5 16:02 编辑

绿的 看法
红的   语法错

黄的  好
56"Governments should focus more on solving the immediate problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future."

改好了 看行么?

It is understandable that decision-makers may confront a dilemma at times about allocating money to solve immediate social problems or to carry on some solutions to potential ones of the future. Whatever decisions they finally make, in my opinion, however, these two aspects do not necessarily conflict with other. Instead, they may be sometimes compatible.

It is absolutely reasonable to consider and take immediate actions to deal with something already existing today, for instance, typically, pollution and energy crisis. These two problems have affected and even threatened our living conditions of human beings. Pollution, on the one hand, has worsened our living environment and cause many related diseases. When breathing in polluted air, we are less likely to sustain our respiratory function. On the occasion of drinking polluted and even toxic water, human beings in some area of heavy industry with poor dainage system easily get sick and even die. Without immediate and efficient solution to these severe facing matters, we, human beings would have a risk of surviving any longer. Energy crises, on the other hand, have warned us that some of (the) nature resources that have been used will never come back, while they are essential to run this industrialized world. It is advocated that each of the social members should have a strong sense of responsibility to protect the left resources, to recycle as much as possible, to consume them more reasonably and more scientifically, and more significantly, to seek for some alternative, new and regenerated energy to take the place of those traditional ones in crisis. Correspondingly, funds should be allotted to work on researches about environmentally-friendly materials and usage and meanwhile explore sustainable energies, both of which we have already started but never know when to cease.

The uncertainty of the length of seeking solutions proves, to some extent, that some decisions already made are for the sake of both of today and the future. This compatibility has a double-win effect. Although some people may perhaps remark that it is waste of money to solve the predicted possible problems in the future, when inspecting, for instance, a long-term research dedicated to outer exploration. The program sounds too remote from us since our habitat Earth is still safe and suitable up to now. Nevertheless, it is these uncertainties that enlighten us, inspire us, give us hope, fulfill our sense of duty, and most of all, define us as human beings. It is not to say, the uncertainties of the occurence of these future problems justify our excuse to ignore or give up today, especially our effort is feasible and related resources are available and allowable. Furthermore, every achievement brought about from the long-term research is an unexpected gift for our living generations and we already have enjoyed them to handle some emergent problems such as solar energy.

In summary, it is meaningless to argue which one is more important when locating money for solutions to nowadays existing problems or for potential ones in the future, since they do not absolutely conflict with each other but sometimes be coherent and compatible. Therefore, both of these problems deserve the equal attention and devotion to seeking solution.

宁愿相信世间的真善 这样才美

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-7-14 20:05:59 |只看该作者
It is understandable that decision-makers may confront a dilemma at times about(when) allocating money to solve urgent, immediate social problems or to carry on some researches which may benefit the following generations in a long term. Whatever decisions they finally make, in my opinion, however, these two aspects do not necessarily conflict with other. Instead, they may be compatible and sometimes facilitate each other.

It is absolutely reasonable to consider and take actions to deal with something(problems) already existing and emergent, for instance, typically, pollution and energy crisis. These two problems have affected and even threatened our living conditions of human beings(能源问题威胁到人的生存了?). Pollution, on the one hand, has worsened our living environment and cause many related diseases.(这就是前一句的意思呀) When breathing in polluted air, we are less likely to sustain our respiratory function(维持呼吸功能?). On the occasion of drinking polluted and even toxic water, human being easily get sick and even die. Without immediate and efficient solution to these severe facing matters, we, human beings have a risk of surviving any longer上面不充分,应该说怎么威胁了,说点严重的,比如臭氧空洞,大气污染的,上面感觉就某个人不小心碰到了污染物,两个词看出来的,标了. Energy crises, on the other hand, have warned us that some of nature resources that have been used will never come back(exhausted), while they are essential to run this industrialized world. It is advocated that each of the social members should have a strong sense of responsibility to protect the left resources, to recycle as much as possible, to consume them more reasonably and more scientifically, and more significantly, to seek for some alternative, new and regenerated energy to take the place of those traditional ones in crisis. Consequently, we need funds to work on researches about environmentally-friendly materials and usage and meanwhile explore sustainable energies(这啥能源?), both of which we have already started but never know when to cease. This uncertainty proves, to some extent, that some decisions already made are for the sake of both of our existing and future generations.前半说污染,还能认为是当前问题,后边就不知所云,和政府貌似关系不大了。。

Moreover, it is inhuman for us to enjoy every improvement and innovations left by our ancestors but leave nothing for our next generations. It is also humiliating for us to teach our kids to seize the day and prepare for the future while we only seize the day for us and don’t plan and prepare for their future.看到这,突然想起来,这Issue说的可是领导者,不是每个人。 Perhaps, some people may remark that it is waste of money to do long-term research with infinite uncertainties about the result. Nevertheless, it is these uncertainties that enlighten us, inspire us, give us hope, fulfill our sense of duty, and most of all, define us as human beings. It is not to say, we have no possibility of failure; learning from failures can draw us back from a wrong direction and guide us a new potential way. Furthermore, every achievement brought about from the long-term research is an unexpected gift for our living generations and we already have enjoyed them to handle some emergent problems such as solar energy.

In summary, it is meaningless to argue which one is more important when locating money for solutions to nowadays existing problems or for long-term research. Alternatively, we need to shift our focus from the above-mentioned argument to striking and keeping a balance between these two, and the latter deserves more consideration and attempts.


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[TSUBASA] 第二次作业 issue56 by wildrose800331
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