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Rank: 1

发表于 2010-7-25 19:25:37 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE88 - "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."
WORDS: 868                   DATE: 2010/7/25 16:58:01

In an age when the internet is daily necessity, air-conditioning common practice, automobile another pair of shoes, it is really easy for any of us to ignore the existence of technology. Yet if deprived of all these, even for a single day or an hour, life becomes a catastrophe. Cities suffered from power cut are best examples of the significance of technology today. I fundamentally agree with the author that technology influence social customs and ethics, either subtly or significantly. But whether it determines these depends on the type and timing of a certain technology.

If we look through history, there were times when every new technology brought about great changes in people's actions and ideas. With fire, our forefathers learned to eat boiled foods and became civil; with paper and pen, our ancestors found ways to record history and became knowledgeable; with car and plane, they freed their feet and learned about their regions; with the internet, they freed their thoughts and learned about the globe. It is definitely hard for any of us to say that we are not affected by technology, either interior or exterior. Take plastic as an example: such invention-- after changing what we wear, use and eat-- exerted considerable influence on what we think and believe. People began to sense the power of human beings to reconstruct the world and took the belief that, not only god but us can create things as well.  In this way, along with technological breakthrough are new lifestyles and beneath that style are new customs and ethics.

But it is arbitrary to quickly say that technology influence customs and ethics simply by changing life styles. Close scrutiny reveals that technology works in an endless cycle like this: it was invented to satisfy people's needs; after such satiation it creates a lot more needs. In the light of this, technology, other than changing life style, is eventually making people more and more desirable and such desires drive the changes in man's own customs and ethics. We have all heard about the story: when train was first invented, experts commented that, not to say taking, even seeing a train, may leave someone mentally disordered since the train was so quick, quicker than people could stand. It sounds ridiculous for people today, for whom even super-sonic plane becomes not as quick as expected. The desire for speed is only a reflection of social life. People are now in want of fast restaurant, fast hotel, fast education and even fast marriage.  It is seemingly that technological breakthrough which leads to better physical speed, has now made people accept what they originally refused, such as one-night stand. Ethics and social conventions have been changed due to people’s unsatisfied desires.

If we get down to fundamentals and examine how many of these technologies are changing lifestyles and creating desires, we will sure find that it was not like yesterday when nearly all inventions had an impact. No one spares time to study how many patents are patented worldwide every day. We all know it must be an astonishing number. That is to say, with limited speed of adjusting customs and ethics, not all technology are having influences. Say, a new Macintosh software, no matter how powerful it is, cannot affect a PC user. People who are living diversified lives are less influenced by the even more diversified technologies, compared to their ancestors.

Today, the impact of a single technology is reduced to a limited extent, and the influence of it becomes more unconscious. However, as a whole, technology is exerting larger than ever influence on the way people socialize. The distance between countries and even continents has been diminished to be unrecognizable. The result of breaking geographical separation is profound. People contact each other regardless of ethnic, gender, occupation, region and anything we would consider decades before. It is safe to draw the conclusion that people today are more tolerant and willing to accept differences. And such tolerance changed people’s view of the world and of themselves, which is underlined in every social custom and ethic.

After all, no one can deny the influence of technology on social customs and ethics, yet determination is a one-way process, which cannot readily explain the impact of social customs and ethics on technologies. It is clear to all that Japanese cars are different from European ones, as is obvious that people there have different hair colors and complexions. Technology, although somewhat abstract, is a product, which is decided by the one who makes it and is influenced by the social conventions this certain one takes. Furthermore, beyond interactive influence, technologies and social customs and ethics, when contradicting each other, are actually readjusting themselves and making compromises from time to time. For example, hot issues like cloning are challenging both science and ethics. Therefore, it is not precise to say that technology determines social customs. It might be better to define an interactive relationship.

Here comes the conclusion: technology, by changing lifestyle and creating needs is surely influencing social customs and ethics. And its way of influencing people is now in a broader sense. Social customs and ethics, in turn, exert influence on technology as well.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2010-7-25 22:04:41 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 悦茗 于 2010-7-26 17:13 编辑

In an age when the internet is daily necessity, air-conditioning common practice, automobile another pair of shoes, it is really easy for any of us to ignore the existence of technology. Yet if deprived of all these, even for a single day or an hour, life becomes a catastrophe. Cities suffered from power cut are best examples of the significance of technology today. I fundamentally agree with the author that technology influence social customs and ethics, either subtly or significantly. But whether it determines these depends on the type and timing of a certain technology.

If we look through history, there were times when every new technology brought about great changes in people's actions (behaviors might be better) and ideas. With fire, our forefathers learned to eat boiled foods and became civil(I wondering if fire can be named technology); with paper and pen, our ancestors found ways to record history and became knowledgeable; with car and plane, they freed their feet and learned about their regions; with the internet, they freed their thoughts and learned about the globe. It is definitely hard for any of us to say that we are not affected by technology, either interior or exterior. Take plastic as an example: such invention-- after changing what we wear, use and eat-- exerted considerable influence on what we think and believe. People began to sense the power of human beings to reconstruct the world and took the belief that, not only god but us can create things as well. the invention of plastic makes us think of this? I feel the reasoning here is a little weird In this way, along with technological breakthrough are new lifestyles and beneath that style are new customs and ethics. (感觉有点牵强的说到了customs and ethics, 所能直接举关于customs and ethics的例子可能会好点)

But it is arbitrary to quickly say that technology influence customs and ethics simply by changing life styles. Close scrutiny reveals that technology works in an endless cycle like this: it was (is ) invented to satisfy people's needs; after such satiation (I haven’t seen such expression, maybe just say ”after that” or “consequently”) it creates a lot more needs. In the light of this, technology, other than changing life style, is eventually making people more and more desirable and such desires drive the changes in man's own customs and ethics. We have all heard about the story: when train was first invented, experts commented that, not to say taking, even seeing a train, may leave someone mentally disordered since the train was so quick, quicker than people could stand. It sounds ridiculous to people today, for whom even super-sonic plane becomes not as quick as expected. The desire for speed is only a reflection of social life. People are now in want of fast restaurant, fast hotel, fast education and even fast marriage.
It is seemingly that technological breakthrough which leads to better physical speed, has now made people accept what they originally refused, such as one-night stand. Ethics and social conventions have been changed due to people’s unsatisfied desires.

If we get down to fundamentals and examine how many of these technologies are changing lifestyles and creating desires, we will sure find that it was not like yesterday when nearly all inventions had an impact. No one spares time to study how many patents are patented worldwide every day. We all know it must be an astonishing number. That is to say, with limited speed of adjusting customs and ethics, not all technology is having (seems awkward to me) influences. Say, new Macintosh software, no matter how powerful it is, cannot affect a PC user. People who are living diversified lives are less influenced by the even more diversified technologies, compared to their ancestors.
The two sentences in blue seem to contradictory.

Today, the impact of a single technology is reduced to a limited extent, and the influence of it becomes more unconscious. However, as a whole, technology is exerting larger than ever influence on the way people socialize. The distance between countries and even continents has been diminished to be unrecognizable. The result of breaking geographical separation is profound. People contact each other regardless of ethnic, gender, occupation, region and anything we would consider decades before. It is safe to draw the conclusion that people today are more tolerant and willing to accept differences. And such tolerance changed people’s view of the world and of themselves, which is underlined in every social customs and ethics.

After all, no one can deny the influence of technology on social customs and ethics, yet determination is a one-way process, which cannot readily explain the impact of social customs and ethics on technologies. It is clear to all that Japanese cars are different from European ones, as is obvious that people there have different hair colors and complexions. Technology, although somewhat abstract, is a product, which is decided by the one who makes it and is influenced by the social conventions this certain one(kind of chiglish) takes. Furthermore, beyond interactive influence, technologies and social customs and ethics, when contradicting each other, are actually readjusting themselves and making compromises from time to time. For example, hot issues like cloning are challenging both science and ethics. Therefore, it is not precise to say that technology determines social customs. It might be better to define as an interactive relationship.

Here comes the conclusion: technology, by changing lifestyle and creating needs is surely influencing( I guess “to influence” might be better, ‘cause you’re expressing the effect the technology has)
social customs and ethics. And its way of influencing people is now in a broader sense.
Social customs and ethics, in turn, exert influence on technology as well (since you don’t talk about this in the article, it may be better not to raise a new idea in the conclusion part).

It seems to that the reason and examples are quite indirect. If there are some direct example of technology’s influence on customs and ethics, it will be more convincing.

Just for your reference…

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2010-7-25 22:06:25 |只看该作者
题目:ISSUE50 - "In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."
字数:543          用时:1:02:13          日期:2010/7/24    20:10

I strongly agree with the idea that spending some time working outside the academic world in professions related to the courses that college and university faculty teach can contribute to the improvement of their instruction quality. We need to consider, however, this practice' applications to different academic fields. Moreover, a balance between instruction and work outside should be taken into account.

To begin with, I am convinced that college and university faculty working outside of academia in relevant professions will bring benefits to the students. Firstly, faculty working in relevant professions often gains the latest information about how a certain subject is applied in the real world. How it is accepted by the public? According to its real application in practice, what's needed to further this field's development? What are the public's expectations of this subject? All these are not knowledge that one can get from the textbook and purely academic discussion.

Secondly, faculty working outside has more knowledge of the job market related to the field, which can offer help to those students who want to pursue a career in this field. In this aspect, faculty working outside may do a better and more specific job than the career counseling stuff because these faculty not only have theoretical knowledge of the certain field, but also gain practical and specific information by interaction with relevant professionals in the job market.

Thirdly, when it comes to the final goal of any subject, it is to serve the common benefit and welfare for the society. By working outside, the faculty can practically achieve this goal, which in turn helps improve the social status of the field he or she is studying. The improving status will increase the students' confidence and interest in that field. Psychology, for example, in China was not a subject that had wide recognition. However, the situation changed after the Sichuan earthquake, because the importance of this field was best demonstrated by those professors and volunteer students of psychology working in Sichuan, offering psychological counseling and hearing to the people in need. The experience in Sichuan also becomes valuable teaching example in these professors’ class.

Though working outside in relevant professors benefits both the faculty and students, the difference between fields should be considered. For some fields, the faculty's instruction work usually involves in their professional work. Examples of such fields are clinical medicine, clinical psychology, performing arts and so forth. Take the clinical medicine for example, faculty of clinical medicine usually have jobs in hospital. And they often instruct their students by showing how they treat their patients. Therefore, instruction and professional work are one for them actually.

Last but not least, the balance between working outside and instruction should be aware of since excessive working outside may lead the opposite. If a faculty spend too much time working outside, it is likely to decrease his or her time spending on preparation for the teaching, which definitely will leave the quality of instruction unwarranted.

In conclusion, there are several aspects to which requiring faculty to work in relevant professions will do good. But when applying this requirement, we should think of the different characteristics of various fields. And finally, the proper amount of time that faculty spend on outside work should be seriously considered.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-25 23:35:34 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 tyarel 于 2010-7-26 09:46 编辑

题目:ISSUE50 - "In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."
字数:543          用时:1:02:13          日期:2010/7/24    20

I strongly agree with the idea that spending some time working outside the academic world in professions related to the courses that college and university faculty teach can contribute to the improvement of their instruction quality. We need to consider, however, this practice' applications to different academic fields. Moreover, a balance between instruction and work outside should be taken into account.

To begin with, I am convinced that college and university faculty working outside of academia in relevant professions will bring benefits to the students. Firstly, faculty working in relevant professions often gains the latest information about how a certain subject is applied in the real world. How it is accepted by the public? According to its real application in practice, what's needed to further this field's development? What are the public's expectations of this subject? All these are not knowledge that one can get from the textbook and purely academic discussion.

Secondly, faculty working outside has more knowledge of the job market related to the field, which can offer help to those students who want to pursue a career in this field. In this aspect, faculty working outside may do a better and more specific job than the career counseling stuff because
these faculty(faculties) (
用代词替换掉)not only have theoretical knowledge of the certain field, but also gain practical and specific information by interaction with relevant professionals in the job market.

Thirdly, when it comes to the final goal of any subject, it is to serve the common benefit and welfare for the society. By working outside, the faculty can practically achieve this goal, which in turn helps improve the social status of the field he or she is studying. The improving status will increase the students' confidence and interest in that field. Psychology, for example, in China was not a subject that had wide recognition. However, the situation changed after the Sichuan earthquake, because the importance of this field was best demonstrated by those professors and volunteer students of psychology working in Sichuan, offering psychological counseling and hearing to the people in need. The experience in Sichuan also becomes valuable teaching example in these professors’ class.

Though working outside in relevant professors benefits both the faculty and students, the difference between fields should be considered. For some fields, the faculty's instruction work usually involves in their professional work. Examples of such fields are clinical medicine, clinical psychology, performing arts and so forth. Take the clinical medicine for example, faculty of clinical medicine usually have jobs in hospital. And they often instruct their students by showing how they treat their patients. Therefore, instruction and professional work are one for them actually.

Last but not least, the balance between working outside and instruction should be aware of since excessive working outside may lead the opposite. If a faculty spend too much time working outside, it is likely to decrease his or her time spending on preparation for the teaching, which definitely will leave the quality of instruction unwarranted.

In conclusion, there are several aspects to which requiring faculty to work in relevant professions will do good. But when applying this requirement, we should think of the different characteristics of various fields. And finally, the proper amount of time that faculty spend on outside work should be seriously considered.

总结下文章观点:1.working outside is beneficial 2.the variety of fields should be considered;
3.a balance is needed

这里我要提的意见就是感觉你文章观点太多了,什么都想说,结果什么都说的不深入。尤其是后亮点。第五段论述学科之间不同是要考虑的,但是,举例的时候也只是举了一个学科的情况,那,要怎么表现相互之间的不同?而且我不是很理解你这段的论述,instruction work involves professional work这个论点和学科之间不同之间是一个什么联系?然后第六点就更简单了,给了个论点,说明一下就结束了,这样完全没有说服力。与其如此还不如不要了,其实我觉得正面的观点给的很清楚了,再详细论述论述完全是可以的,太多太杂反而让文章失色了。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-25 23:35:54 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 tyarel 于 2010-7-25 23:38 编辑

TOPIC: ISSUE70 - "In any profession-business, politics, education, government-those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership."
WORDS: 384  -- 676        TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2010/7/24 22:28:24

Nowadays, duration of president is always limited in majority of enterprise in order to avoid monopoly. However, whether it is revitalization that is the surest path to success? In my opinion, it is though there also exist some advantages in keeping the former leader since revitalization eliminate the potential risks and is helpful to those unsatisfying the present state.

Foremost, keeping the former leader of course has its meaning. Unlike a new one, the former leader doesn't have to spend time familiarizing the surroundings. To corporations, time spent on adaptation means cost since it is wasted. In addition, the leader maintaining on the same position will know more about the subject and feature of products which might be useful to make a long-term plan. For instance, as the CEO, Steve Jobs has been operating Apple for far more than 5 years. According to his views, Apple America focuses more on design and distributes manufacture to factories in Asia. And success of Apple right now shows how sensible his decision is. Numerous younger are crazy for productions of Apple. From ipod to imac, iphone to ipad, Jobs's persistence to the policy is the major contributor to the result now. If Jobs left Apple after 5 years, it is highly likely that the person replacing him and the new idea he brought will enforce the company to make a change. Thus, the company will always adjust their project and cannot absorb a group of consumers for a long time.

However, the merits of keeping a leader do not mean it's a better method. Actually, huge risk accompanies that institution. Admittedly, Jobs is successful and as long as he still hold the position, it will be likely that Apple can gain more profits. However, what if the person holding the position is always making mistakes?  The only result to the firm may be bankruptcy. And that's what we called monopoly. Compared with success it may bring, risk is definitively larger. That's why it's common in politics, especially in that of western countries, that president will step-down after 4-year duration and cannot erect for the next president after 2 durations. George Washington is the first president of US, who is advocated as the founder of the country. After his 2 durations, Washington insisted to left the position and refused to modify the law to make it possible for him to particular in erection. Centralization of power caused by monopoly will amplify the bad influence any mistakes. Chairman Mao is a great leader. Yet, since his great power, some mistakes he committed nearly destroy China, like encourage children not go to school. Thus, avoidance of the possible problems resulting from monopoly may be the first merit to revitalization.

What's more, to the enterprise that is not successful, revitalization is also a good way to get rid of troubles. It's understandable that changing a leader may be effective owing that a newcomer will bring some new ideas and different plans. Barack Obama is the best example to that. One of the vital reason he was so popular before his declaration is that he promised to start an innovation. The whole country was under the shadow of wars and terrorism at that time. And that need a new leader with new perspectives and new ideas. Obama declared some plans that Bush did not offered, including the reformation in medical systems, and he really put his plans into effect. With different policy to Iraq and domestic economy, he and his staff are trying to regain American confidence and strengthen the American position in the world. All these changes are useful and essential to America. Suppose that Bush will continue to be the president, how can American reach the goals with those useless projects?

All in all, it can be dogged up same example that president for long duration run the companies quite well. But, since the feature that revitalization can reduce the risk of monopoly and may result in the necessary innovation, I agree the statement that revitalization is the surest path to success.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-26 00:27:25 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 清水风铃_nono 于 2010-7-26 13:49 编辑


TOPIC: ISSUE70 - "In any profession-business, politics, education, government-those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership."
WORDS: 384  -- 676        TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2010/7/24 22:28:24

Nowadays, duration of president is always limited in majority of enterprise in order to avoid monopoly. However, whether it is revitalization that is the surest
(这个比较级用法好~path to success? In my opinion, it is though(这个结构短语的意义不大,可以考虑去掉) there also exist some advantages in keeping the former leader since revitalization eliminate the potential risks and and要是连接两个句子的话,后面的is需要主语)is helpful to those unsatisfying the present state. (开篇名义,表明任期长也有好处,规避风险和 帮助对现状不满意的人?抱歉没看懂

Foremost, keeping the former leader of course has its meaning
(这个表达方法比较中文化,我一时也想不出替代的,最好能翻翻模板句,找一个更好的表示重要,有意义的句子. Unlike a new one, the former leader doesn't have to spend time familiarizing the surroundings. To corporations, time spent on adaptation means cost since it is wastedis undesirable cost. In addition, the leader maintaining on the same position will know more about the subject and feature of products which might be useful to make a long-term plan. For instance, as the CEO, Steve Jobs has been operating Apple for far more than 5 years. According to his views, Apple America focuses more on design and distributes manufacture to factories in Asia. And(可以去掉) success of Apple right now shows how sensible his decision is. Numerous younger(youth) are crazy for productions of Apple. From ipod to imac, iphone to ipad, Jobs's persistence to the policy is the major contributor to the result now. If Jobs left Apple after 5 years, it is highly likely that the person replacing him and the new idea he brought will enforce the company to make a change. (如果jobs5年就走,那么后面的人是否继续他的事业还是做转变其实不一定,说不上那个highly likely,但是,如果说明一个品牌的推广和一个公司的战略周期不是五年就能结束的,而是一个长期的过程,仅仅5年也许Jobs的英明决策还没有体现,这个时候,接替他的人转变战略方向的可能性才是真的highly likely) Thus, the company will always adjust their project and cannot absorb a group of consumers for a long time.

However, the merits of keeping a leader do not mean
(“意味着”是中文很喜欢用的词,英文中不要用的太多,这句话直接说成 the merits of keep a leader does not guarantee success或者类似的,用含义更丰富的动词会为文章增色不少) it's a better method. Actually, huge risk accompanies that (这个that 指代不明,下面看出来还是说apple,你看怎么调整一下institution. Admittedly, Jobs is successful and as long as he still hold the position, it will be likely that Apple can gain more profits. However, what if the person holding the position is always making mistakes? (既然这里是说在职的人有可能不行,那不妨在上一段埋一个伏笔,写“优秀的”人在职可以有很多好处云云)  The only result to the firmof keeping himmay be (result maybe 冲突,留一个)bankruptcy. And that's what we called monopoly(这句子里面的that结构上指代上文烂人统治会导致破产的事实,说这个“事实”是垄断不妥当,还是指代的问题,中国人能明白,老外看不懂). Compared with success it may bring, risk is definitively larger. That's why it's common in politics, especially in that of western countries, that president will step-down after 4-year duration and cannot erect for the next president after 2 durations. (文章的最开头说的那句话是说企业的,之前也一直在说企业,这里突然跳到政界,最好加一句“在其他的领域也是一样”使之衔接更自然)George Washington is the first president of US, who is advocated as the founder of the country. After his 2
second,这个不能偷懒,养成好习惯) durations, Washington insisted to left the position and refused to modify the law to make it possible for him to particular in erection. Centralization of power caused by monopoly will amplify the bad influence any mistakes. Chairman Mao is a great leader. Yet, since his great power, some mistakes he committed nearly destroy China, like encourage children not go to school. Thus, avoidance of the possible problems resulting from monopoly may be the first merit to revitalization.

What's more, to the enterprise that is not successful, revitalization is also a good way to get rid of troubles.
(又回到企业了。。。)It's understandable that changing a leader may be effective owing that a newcomer will bring some new ideas and different plans. Barack Obama(又跳到政府了。。。) is the best example to that. One of the vital reason he was so popular before his declaration is that he promised to start an innovation. The whole country was under the shadow of wars and terrorism at that time. And that need a new leader with new perspectives and new ideas. Obama declared some plans that Bush did not offered, including the reformation in medical systems, and he really put his plans into effect. With different policy to Iraq and domestic economy, he and his staff are trying to regain American confidence and strengthen the American position in the world. All these changes are useful and essential to America. Suppose that Bush will continue to be the president, how can American reach the goals with those useless projects?

All in all, it can be dogged up same example that president for long duration run the companies quite well. But, since the feature that revitalization can reduce the risk of monopoly and may result in the necessary innovation, I agree the statement that revitalization is the surest path to success.








S+V+O. it +V+O it指代上句的主语S


S+V+O. it +V+O… it+V+O 最后的it指代最前面的主语S


S is O, it+V+O it 指代S





使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-26 00:29:00 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE153 - "Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively."
WORDS: 335  (改后543)      TIME: 00:45:04          DATE: 2010/7/25 18:42:27

We are student. When acquiring basic knowledge, we should think twice before doubt, for the reason that we are student. We are here to learn the method of study, we should think twice before accept.

For fundamental education such as primary school and high school, it is inefficient to doubt the knowledge written on textbooks that stands the test of time. We are here to learn, not to doubt. If the knowledge we acquired from school are all wrong, than what are we here for? At primary school, we are taught the fundamental ways of analyzing the world such as basic math and physics in which the theories have already stand the test for hundreds even thousands of years. Students usually do not have the background knowledge to doubt the fundamental thesis, except a few geniuses that rarely occurs who may not be compatible with the following discussion. Our opinion tends to be wrong when it is different from what is written on the textbook. An effective practice of mine when encountered problems so sophisticated that I wondered if the book was wrong, was to make myself believe in the textbook, yet the curious remained. After a few practice, I suddenly saw the light and understood the thesis.

However, along with the further education comes the situation that the knowledge we gain are more complex and many areas actually remain uncertain even to the academic fields. This is the real time that requires our critical thinking and skepticism.

The precondition is related knowledge. A certain degree of understanding found the basis of skepticism. One should think twice before doubting the work of a house builder unless he or she is well informed with the house-building process. Without basic knowledge of the area, we are not qualified to criticize. If the one is doing a certain work, like house building, he is likely to process much more knowledge and experience then you because he does house constructing for a living while it is the first time that you have your house build. As an outsider, when we are intrigued by but unfamiliar with a certain field, it is wise of us to stand nearby, watch and learn. So the next time when your neighbor has her dormitory painted, you can teach her.

With enough knowledge of the field, we can cake the courage to doubt. Galileo criticize Aristotle’s wide accepted theory about gravity and the experiment on the Leaning Tower of Pisa proved that he was right. Whatever the reality about the tower, Galileo had the courage to challenge the authority which is the fortune of physics as well as the whole world. Yet, as student, we might still be wrong, and the hesitation may slow down the process of our study, but we should not be afraid. Since we are familiar with our research, skepticism is reasonable. Even though our worry is proved to be superfluous by further experiment, at least we make the best use of every opportunity to learn. Accustomed critical thinking and skepticism is a must-have quality of a well qualified future-scholar.

To summaries, listen to what we are not familiar with and accept with patience but build the courage to doubt what we do know makes an integrated student.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-26 22:28:30 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 tyarel 于 2010-7-27 10:48 编辑

TOPIC: ISSUE153 - "Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively."
WORDS: 335  (
543)      TIME: 00:45:04          DATE: 2010/7/25 18:42:27

We are student. When acquiring basic knowledge, we should think twice before doubt, for the reason that we are student. (
这个原因也不太明白,我们是学生所以我们不应该随便质疑?逻辑上有点问题吧…)We are here to learn the method of study, we should think twice before accept.


For fundamental education (basic education) such as primary school and high school, it is inefficient to doubt the knowledge written on textbooks that stands the test of time. We are here to learn, not to doubt. If the knowledge we acquired from school are all wrong, than what are we here for? At primary school, we are taught the fundamental ways of analyzing the world such as basic math and physics in which the theories have already stand the test for hundreds even thousands of years. Students usually do not have the background knowledge to doubt the fundamental thesis, except a few geniuses that rarely occurs who may not be compatible with the following discussion. Our opinion tends to be wrong when it is different from what is written on the textbook. An effective practice of mine when encountered problems so sophisticated that I wondered if the book was wrong, was to make myself believe in the textbook, yet the curious remained. After a few practice, I suddenly saw the light and understood the thesis.

However, along with the further education comes the situation that the knowledge we gain are more complex and many areas actually remain uncertain even to the academic fields. This is the real time that requires our critical thinking and skepticism.

The precondition is related knowledge.[1] A certain degree of understanding found the basis of skepticism. One should think twice before doubting the work of a house builder unless he or she is well informed with the house-building process. Without basic knowledge of the area, we are not qualified to criticize. If the one is doing a certain work, like house building, he is likely to process much more knowledge and experience then you because he does house constructing for a living while it is the first time that you have your house build. As an outsider (layman)
, when we are intrigued by but unfamiliar with a certain field, it is wise of us to stand nearby, watch and learn. So the next time when your neighbor has her dormitory painted, you can teach her.

With enough knowledge of the field, we can cake the courage to doubt. Galileo criticize Aristotle’s wide accepted theory about gravity and the experiment on the Leaning Tower of Pisa proved that he was right. Whatever the reality about the tower, Galileo had the courage to challenge the authority which is the fortune of physics as well as the whole world. Yet, as students, we might still be wrong, and the hesitation may slow down the process of our study, but we should not be afraid. Since we are familiar with our research, skepticism is reasonable. Even though our worry is proved to be superfluous by further experiment, at least we make the best use of every opportunity to learn. Accustomed critical thinking and skepticism is a must-have quality of a well qualified future-scholar.

To summaries, listen to what we are not familiar with and accept with patience but build the courage to doubt what we do know makes an integrated student.

文章语句没有大问题,有些地方中式的感觉比较重,尤其是首段,建议好好改改。上来一句We are student.这个读着真的很奇怪。

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-26 22:31:00 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE103 - "The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."
WORDS: 482          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2010/7/25 14:35:38

It is generally acknowledged that learning history is helpful and useful to students. In my opinion, whether it is relevant to our daily lives or not does not decline the value of studying history. Through the study, we can learn how to succeed, broad our horizon and have a deep understanding about our culture.

Foremost, history relevant to our daily lives does help us a lot. We read the stories of those famous. We analyze the contributors to their success or failure. And we apply those we obtaining from them to our lives. In short, history directs us the path to success. From Edison and his numerous inventions, we know what persistence can bring us. From Bill Gates, we understand the first step to success is finding the most suitable way. From Stephen Hawking, we recognize that any difficulties can be overcome as long as we have strong hearts. Stories of them enlighten us a lot and that is the meaning of studying history relevant to us.

However, those mentioned above doesn't imply study of events is worthless. At least, we become familiar with such incidents and all these knowledge will expand our perspectives and kens. Meanwhile, these knowledge is especially useful when we particular in debate or write articles. The more knowledge we reserve, the more examples we can utilize to support our opinion and make it plausible and potent. Supposing an argument with many events in history to bolster the opinion and another one merely listing views and owning no examples, which one will be more persuasive to you? Therefore, it is essential for us to learn history.

Last but not least, mastering history promotes our understanding about culture. It is obviously that culture is related to history. So, familiarizing history is a good way to command the background. For instance, harmony is viewed as one of indispensible part of Chinese culture. But, why it is closely linked with Chinese? If we know a lot about Chinese history, it will be effortless to point out that Confucius and his thoughts have played an irreplaceable role on this issue. Harmony is the core of his philosophy and owing to the empires' advocating in Han Dynasty, Confucius’s thoughts were regarded as the critical criteria to Chinese. That explains the connection between pursuit of harmony and Chinese culture. Hence, if they have a good command of history, it will be much effortless for people to understand the culture.

All in all, learning history is so good to people nowadays. When concentrating on the development of the world, we should also pay attention to study of history since it not only help us avoid mistakes but also is a good way to improve our knowledge. Moreover, it's also instrumental to those hoping for a true understand of our culture as well. That's why I hold the belief that study of history has value whenever.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-7-27 11:45:44 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 anniehal 于 2010-7-28 19:47 编辑

TOPIC: ISSUE103 - "The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."
WORDS: 482          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2010/7/25 14:35:38

It is generally acknowledged that learning history is helpful and useful to students. In my opinion, whether it is relevant to our daily lives or not does not decline the value of studying history. Through the study, we can learn how to
(become succeed), broad our horizon and have a deep understanding about our culture.

Foremost, history relevant to our daily lives does help us a lot. We read the stories of those famous. We analyze the contributors to their success or failure. And we apply
those we obtaining from them(the experience learned from the famous) to our lives. In short, history directs us the path to success. From Edison and his numerous inventions, we know what persistence can bring us. From Bill Gates, we understand the first step to success is finding the most suitable way. From Stephen Hawking, we recognize that any difficulties can be overcome as long as we have strong hearts. Stories of them enlighten us a lot and that is the meaning of studying history relevant to us.

those mentioned above doesn't imply study of events is worthless.(
所以学习events没用吗??这句话好奇怪啊) At least, we become familiar with such incidents and all these knowledge will expand our perspectives and kens. Meanwhile, these knowledge is especially useful when we particular in debate or write articles. The more knowledge we reserve, the more examples we can utilize to support our opinion and make it plausible and potent. Supposing an argument with many events in history to bolster the opinion and another one merely listing views and owning(performing) no examples, which one will be more persuasive to you? Therefore, it is essential for us to learn history.

Last but not least, mastering history promotes our understanding about culture. It is obviously that culture is related to history. So, familiarizing history is a good way to command the background. For instance, harmony is viewed as one of indispensible part of Chinese culture. But, why it is closely linked with Chinese? If we know a lot about Chinese history, it will be effortless to point out that Confucius and his thoughts have played an irreplaceable role on this issue. Harmony is the core of his philosophy and owing to the empires' advocating in Han Dynasty, Confucius’s thoughts were regarded as the critical criteria to Chinese. That explains the connection between pursuit of harmony and Chinese culture. Hence, if they have a good command of history, it will be much effortless for people to understand the culture.

All in all, learning history is so good to people nowadays. When concentrating on the development of the world, we should also pay attention to study of history since it not only help us avoid mistakes but also is a good way to improve our knowledge. Moreover, it's also instrumental to those hoping for a true understand of our culture as well. That's why I hold the belief that study of history has value

思路挺清楚的,就是B1提到history relevant to daily life对我们有帮助。



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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-7-27 11:46:13 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE103 - "The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."
WORDS: 359-515        TIME: 00:36:18          DATE: 2010-7-27 9:27:58

It is true that individuals could benefit a lot from the study of history, such as political events, art pieces, and successful celebrities. In my point of view, all kinds of history are relevant to our daily lives, directly or indirectly. Through the study of them, people could enrich their knowledge, broaden their view, and lift up their tastes.

In the process of studying political events, the contemporary individuals could become more aware of what we should do and what we should not, what will benefit the whole country and what will just leave an adverse effect on the economic development. Take the Culture Revolution of China as an example. This happened in the 1970s that Chairman Mao claimed that education is of no use, and all the scholars should be sent to the rural areas to work as farmers, which was called re-education. After the implement of this policy, there were just slightly citizens put an emphasis on the education. And without enough studying and research, there was no breakthrough in science and technology at that time. The whole country's economy was lagged long behind while the world's economy was booming at the same period. Learning this part of history, most Chinese nowadays are fully aware of the importance of education, and put a great emphasis on children's knowledge cultivation. Hence, the study of political events has a tight connection with the development of each individual.

Art is the product of artist's inner feeling and the manifestation of creativities, which incites the inspiration of individuals and enriches their spirits. The study of artifacts helps individuals to get closer to their soul, spirits and inner self, which let them know more about themselves and lift up their tastes at the same time. Appreciating the Sunrise of Monet is like an enjoyable and happy journey fully around by colorfulness, through which people could sense the wonderful beauty of nature and feel the great happiness of life. Meanwhile, the study of it also helps us to better understand the meaning of art and become a person with good taste. Therefore, the study of art serves to incite more inner feelings, which makes our lives more colorful and rich.

The study of celebrities, such as adventurers, scientists and educators, helps to perfect individuals’ personalities and encourages them to overcome their own failures and depression. People become more brave and courageous by telling the adventures of Columbus, who found the land of America after several months’ voyage; become more optimistic and confident by knowing the success of Helen Keller, who were deaf and blind, but finally obtained the great success as an educator; and become more determined and persistent by learning the story of Edison, who invented the tungsten bulb light after hundreds of failures. These kinds of study enable us to get through everyday business of living, no matter what kind of business might be, by emboldening us and lifting our spirits.

From the discussion above, we can easily find the conclusion that the study of history, whatever the field it is, could have a significant impact on the refinement of individual’s characteristic, enrich their knowledge, and help them to become a better person.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-27 13:15:35 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 tyarel 于 2010-7-27 17:25 编辑


TOPIC: ISSUE103 - "The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."
WORDS: 359-515        TIME: 00:36:18          DATE: 2010-7-27 9:27:58

It is true that individuals could benefit a lot from the study of history, such as political events, art pieces, and successful celebrities. In my point of view, all kinds of history are relevant to our daily lives, directly or indirectly. Through the study of them, people could
enrich their knowledge, broaden their view, and lift up their tastes.

In the process of studying political events, the contemporary individuals could become more aware of what we should do and what we should not, what will benefit the whole country and what will just leave an adverse effect on the economic development. Take the Culture Revolution of China as an example. This happened in the 1970s that Chairman Mao claimed that education is of no use, and all the scholars should be sent to the rural areas to work as farmers, which was called re-education. After the implement of this policy, there were just slightly citizens put an emphasis on the education. And without enough studying and research, there was no breakthrough in science and technology at that time. The whole country's economy was lagged long behind while the world's economy was booming at the same period. Learning this part of history, most Chinese nowadays are fully aware of the importance of education, and put a great emphasis on children's knowledge cultivation. Hence, the study of political events has a tight connection with the development of each individual.

Art is the product of artist's inner feeling and the manifestation of creativities, which incites the inspiration of individuals and enriches their spirits. The study of artifacts helps individuals to get closer to their soul, spirits and inner self, which let them know more about themselves and lift up their tastes at the same time. Appreciating the Sunrise of Monet is like an enjoyable and happy journey fully around by colorfulness, through which people could sense the wonderful beauty of nature and feel the great happiness of life.
Meanwhile, the study of it also helps us to better understand the meaning of art and become a person with good taste. [1]
Therefore, the study of art serves to incite more inner feelings, which makes our lives more colorful and rich.

The study of celebrities, such as adventurers, scientists and educators, helps to perfect individuals’ personalities and encourages them to overcome their own failures and depression. People become more brave and courageous by telling the adventures of Columbus,(by being told
?听了故事变得勇敢吧?) who found the land of America after several months’ voyage, become more optimistic and confident by knowing the success of Helen Keller, who were deaf and blind, but finally obtained the great success as an educator and become more determined and persistent by learning the story of Edison, who invented the tungsten bulb light after hundreds of failures. These kinds of study enable us to get through everyday business of living, no matter what kind of business might be, by emboldening us and lifting our spirits.

From the discussion above, we can easily find the conclusion that the study of history, whatever the field it is, could have a significant impact on the refinement of individual’s characteristic, enrich their knowledge, and help them to become a better person.

首段了引导下文暗示的作用,很好,political events, art pieces, and successful celebrities是后面的3个主要段落。本来我看到enrich their knowledge, broaden their view, and lift up their tastes的时候以为你这里又是一一对应的,可惜后来发现不是,如果可以的话这里也对应起来,应该会效果更完美的
然后提一个大一点的缺陷,文章题目,我觉得在于辩驳是否是要学习贴近生活的历史。关于这个的论述你有点一笔带过的意思。甚至抛出了一个各种历史都是与生活直接或简洁有关的,那么什么是直接的?什么是简洁的?为什么都是与生活有关的?这些基础没有明了,文章就直接在其之上讨论各种学习的好处了,就显得有点偏掉了。其实我觉得,这个问题很容易就修补掉了,首先就不应该有In my point of view, all kinds of history are relevant to our daily lives, directly or indirectly.这句话,特别还是“在我看来”,那么很容易就会把这句话看作你的观点以及论述重点了。可是偏偏你之后就再也没有提及这件事。于是这个论述就大打折扣了。我个人认为,研究名人事迹总结经验并应用到生活中,这就是relate to daily life。而注入开拓视野啦等等就可以看作和日常联系不那么紧密的。这样下来,你的文章总体论述不变的情况还是切题的。

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-27 13:15:51 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE50 - "In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."
WORDS: 597 -- 601        TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2010/7/26 14:26:40

People always think that professors should focus on their instruction in the ivory tower and not be disturbed by work outside. However, that is not my opinion. Indeed, I strongly agree that professors in college should be encouraged to participate in work outside the academic world not only because it is beneficial to their teaching and their students but also since it is a good way to promote the development and contribute to society.

Foremost, students may be the most obvious beneficiary to that. Since nowadays the technology is developing every day, knowledge from books cannot meet students' needs any more. Sometimes technology provided from books is far more backward. Hence, besides those gained through books, students call for more advanced and professors are the best source of that. So keeping contacting with fields outside the academic world can do teachers a favor to obtain the newest information and potential direction of the field. For instance, my professor in concrete and steel structure always provides the information about his items outside. In his lessons, we can know what exactly concrete is made now and what reinforcing steel is used in buildings recently as well as the possible material used in construction in the future. All of those are close to the fact and unlike those in books but actually not used in practice, these knowledge can help us to have a true understanding about what we will meet in the future after our graduation. Hence, information from professors' working outside is quite important and useful to students.

What's more, professors' working outside is also helpful to students because those students can put their knowledge into practice if they work with the professor. Currently, professors always receive work outside the academic world with some students as their assistants. These students sometimes will be required to handle some problems on their own. Inexperienced as they are, students can try to apply what they learned to the items. And that is instrumental to those students to have a deep command of their knowledge. Take the applied mechanics institute in which I study as an example. After Sichuan Earthquake, our professor in structure mechanics brought some us to Sichuan, observed the remains of the some cities and helped a lot of companies to analyze the reason why their buildings collapsed so easily. Through observation and working, we familiarize what exactly crack is and which structure is more stable when facing earthquake. This experience helps us a lot to master what we've learned from books and concretes those abstract information. Through working outside, professors can bring students to the practice and it can stand them in good stead. I can’t find another better instructional method.

Last but not least, working outside is also a good way for those professors to contribute to society. For instance, our professors in Structure work for the design of Expo in Shanghai this time. Several expocenters are designed by them and these works are critical to the activity. In additional, as far as I know, our professors always receive items to be the consulters of many private firms and help them to check the quality of factory avoiding many hidden troubles. With them, many problems were solved in advance and cost was escaped. It is obvious that professors' work outside can do a great favor to both the public and the private.

All in all, working outside the academic world can benefit other people as well as improving the quality of instruction at the college and university level. As mentioned above, I really can't find any reason not to support that.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-7-27 14:38:28 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 figuechen 于 2010-7-27 22:20 编辑


TOPIC: ISSUE50 - "In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."
WORDS: 597 -- 601        TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2010/7/26 14:26:40

People always think that professors should focus on their instruction in the ivory tower and not be disturbed by work outside. However, that is not my opinion. Indeed, I strongly agree that professors in college should be encouraged to participate in work outside the academic world not only because it is beneficial to their teaching and their students but also since it is a good way to promote the development and contribute to society.


Foremost, students may be the most obvious beneficiary to
that. [that
可以这样直接指代么?求教] Since nowadays the technology is [keeps好一点] developing every day, knowledge from books cannot meet students' needs any more. Sometimes technology provided from books is far more backward. Hence, besides those gained through books, students call for more advanced [call for后面应该加名词?] and professors are the best source of that. So keeping contacting with fields outside the academic world can do teachers a favor to obtain the newest information and potential direction of the field. For instance, my professor in concrete and steel structure always provides the information about his items outside. In his lessons, we can know what exactly concrete is made now and what reinforcing steel is used in buildings recently as well as the possible material used in construction in the future. All of those are close to the fact and unlike those in books but actually not used in practice [这个but后面的半句话的主语是哪个?all of those还是books?如果是后者的话不能这么用吧?], these [不可数名词不能用these修饰] knowledge can help us to have a true understanding about what we will meet in the future after our graduation. Hence, information from professors' working outside is quite important and useful to students.

What's more, professors' working outside is also helpful to students because those students can put their knowledge into practice if they work with the professor. Currently, professors always receive work outside the academic world with some students as their assistants. These students sometimes will be required to handle some problems on their own. Inexperienced as they are, students can try to apply what
they learned [
they have learned会更好一些吧] to the items. And that is instrumental to those students to have a deep command of their knowledge. Take the applied mechanics institute in which I study as an example. After Sichuan Earthquake, our professor in structure mechanics brought some us to Sichuan, observed the remains of the some cities and helped a lot of companies to analyze the reason why their buildings collapsed so easily. Through observation and working, we familiarize what exactly crack is and which structure is more stable when facing earthquake. This experience helps us a lot to master what we've learned from books and concretes those abstract information. Through working outside, professors can bring students to the practice and it can stand them in good stead. I can’t find another better instructional method.

Last but not least, working outside is also a good way for those professors to contribute to society. For instance, our professors in Structure work for the design of Expo in Shanghai this time. Several expocenters are designed by them and these works are critical to the activity. In additional, as far as I know, our professors always receive items to be the consulters of many private firms and help them to check the quality of factory
avoiding [
这里用动名词好像有问题?表目的应该用to avoid] many hidden troubles. With them, [with the help of them好一点] many problems were solved in advance and cost was escaped. It is obvious that professors' work outside can do a great favor to both the public and the private.

All in all, working outside the academic world can benefit other people as well as improving the quality of instruction at the college and university level. As mentioned above, I really can't find any reason not to support that.



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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-7-27 14:39:03 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE88 - "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."
WORDS: 631         TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2010-7-27 10:48:38


    While technologies do have a strong impact on social customs and ethics, we should not lose sight of the fact that both social customs and ethics lie in the human nature, which remains for centuries and cannot be affected by technologies. Therefore technologies do not determine social customs and ethics.
    On one hand, technologies serve as a factor in shaping the social customs and ethics. The development of technologies alters the way people live and eventually leads to the disparities in value judgment between now and then. For instance, Chinese people had the tradition to climb high on the mountain on the Double Ninth Festival to express their miss to the family members who do not live with them. Nowadays however, with the development of information technologies, it is easy for people to communicate with their family members through telephone or computer. Therefore people have abandoned this tradition. This change in social customs emerged from the improvement of technologies. The example about ethics is that positions that do not make high demand on physical strength emerged and enabled women to work in factories due to the development of technologies. This change greatly raises the status of women and speeds up the equality between the sexes, while in contrast people used to look down upon women for the reason that they contributed nothing to earn a living before the change took place. In this way, the development of technologies promotes the tendency to the change of ethics.
    On the other hand, this is nowhere more presumptuous than the assertion that technologies determine social customs and ethics. Technologies are merely certain factors rather than pillars in affecting the social customs and ethics.
For social customs, technologies have only changed the way customs are presented instead of the essence of the customs. For instance, electronic gift cards are popular among youngsters nowadays while handwriting ones are preferred in previous age. Although the customs have changed, the wishes conveyed by whatever kinds of cards never fade. Technologies could have changed the form of the customs but never the core of the customs, since the latter relies on human nature. For example the greetings among people such as handshaking represent the kindness and amity between individuals. The form of greetings may vary according to ages, but the kindness and amity which is involved in the greetings remain as the same.
Similarly, for ethics, the development of technologies cannot have a decisive effect on ethics since the essence of ethics depends on human nature. Take equality between sexes for example again, it is true that development of technologies push the equality forward faster. Technologies enable women to work, and men are no longer capable of turning a deaf ear to the demands of women. However, it is the pursuit for freedom and justice that results in the women rights movement and the role technologies play at this stage is no more than the catalyst. Without human nature to pursue equality, the development of technologies cannot lead to the movement alone. More important, the development of technologies may even be controlled and restricted by ethics, which indicate that technologies are not an important factor to determine ethics. Examples like human cloning can best illustrate the claim. While the technology of human cloning may have dramatic impact on moral issues, people enacted laws to prevent this technology from being developed for the sake of ethics.
After all, the social customs and ethics are rooted in human nature, which cannot be determined by technologies. An analogy can be drawn with the technologies and social customs as well as ethics: Social customs and ethics are the architectures and technologies are the merely the decorations and ornamentations on them while the human nature is the structure of the building. The glamour of architectures lies in the amazing structures and designs of the buildings rather than the outward modification. Thereby the technologies are of certain importance in the changing of social customs and moralities but they never act as indispensable as human nature.

1. 技术可以影响习俗和道德规范。
    1.1 技术可以影响习俗。
    1.2 技术可以影响规范。
2. 技术不能决定习俗。
3. 技术不能决定道德规范。
    3.1 道德根植于人性,不会被技术轻易改变。
    3.2 道德有时还能反过来决定技术。


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