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[主题活动] 1010G零散版友作文互改帖(Issue) [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-8-2 10:53:30 |只看该作者
不是改过 是自己写完 然后从txt到word有些单词有些句子自己先改过一次 193# hi_logi

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发表于 2010-8-2 10:55:18 |只看该作者
Z占座   然后发个我自己的提纲 有点小问题 是逻辑上的 欢迎牛人 非牛人指正
56.当务之急与长远之计 孰轻孰重
分析 当前的问题即迫在眉睫不解决不行的问题,例如 长远的问题指的是当期还不会造成hazard,但是不久之后会给我们的后代带来深重的灾
1)对老百姓——大多数人更关注今天,特别是还在温饱线上挣扎的人,能把当前的衣食住行根本问题housing feeding nationalsecurity job
以很多政府更致力于完成眼前的问题unemployment-poverty and hunger-rampant violence。因为那样更能打到人民的认可,它的工作同样也

(建议是否可行,论者是说更关注于眼前的问题,并没有说不关注未来的问题。那么它的度在哪里,如何体现这个more attention,99:1可以
是更,50:49也可以是更,它的weight 天平是如何测量的,不得而知。)
假设gov认为污染是未来的问题,因为地球不可能在短时间内走向灭亡。(lie into a coma and never wakes up)而投以少量的精力在这上面
。可能会加速恶化的过程。美国的卡列琳娜飓风,台湾的地震,中国的雪灾,无不预示着2012可能是触手可及at hands。相反,如果政府能够
conference,虽然结果被某些critiques 讽刺,但有这样一个国际occasion来讨论未来的问题总比没有好,说明人类对威胁有了深刻的认识。例
如 pollution,illegal genetic engineering, exploring the outside space..这些都是貌似未来但又immediate的问题。
华丽造价昂贵。所以多加一些救生艇对于维修人员来说可能是未来的工作。可谁又能想到它maiden vogue就沉了。这足以引起深思,吸取教训2

在gov执行过程中,应该50对50,高效的政府应该有安排有预算,年终也需要对所做的事进行总结,Obama 咨文演讲中那样。而且有识之士不仅
仅是关注当前的问题解决的如何,他仍然关注政府在未来问题上的投入,经费和成效。正如在总统election debate上,无论是英国首相还是美
my comment
逻辑算是成型,只是()部分不知道该放在哪 该不该放到文中去呢 放在哪合适呢 194# hi_logi

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发表于 2010-8-2 16:34:39 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE103 - "The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."

History, a common topic everywhere and at any time, but few have realize the significance of studying Homer EpicsChinese dynasties, the origin of America and etc, claiming they are too orthodox and irrelevant to daily life. Is it the truth, absolutely no.

There is no denying that historic studies, especially those concerned quotidian routines like housing, clothing, feeding and transportation, is more conducive to historical transformation. The reason is simple. Daily chores compose this molten society and boasts a large audience, holding people's attention every now and then. With more fixed eyes, more discussion, the specific history will bear in one's mind longer. It serves as a good way for historic preservation.

What's more, it is an enhancement of life quality when studying history in daily life. For instance, the history of Chinese culinary, emphasizing appearance, taste, aroma and health, best others and crowned the top. Without a deep understanding of it, Chinese people today can hardly satisfy their palate on the table. Another one is TCM( Traditional Chinese Medicine), also a unique treasure unearthed in Chinese history, with the Compendium of Material Medica as its masterpiece. It still plays a fundamental role in modern life, and many conundrums cannot be cured by Western medicine beat by TCM.

However, a host of historic bibliographies lies in the brink of daily life, whose influence and radiance cannot be neglected. First, studying history, especially those experiencing precipitation of times nourish mind and sluice soul. Just as Newton said, when standing on the shoulders of giant, we can avoid some zigzags. Second, have a sound knowledge in history can prevent mistakes from happening again. One example aptly illustrates this point involved < Three Kingdoms>, a famous Chinese novel recording the wars between three kingdoms in ancient China. From the strategies of war, business leaders come to learn how to get a lion's share of market, how to avoid mammoth loss and how to maximize the profit. In fact, many western business leaders consider it as a guidebook, which guarantees one’s survival in the sea of business.

Moreover, if one confine historic study in everyday life, avoids a penetration on historical events and other tremendous epics, it may impair the headway of both individuals and nations. And everyone is limited both physically and psychologically, to a small cage. Say, if one ignores the historic study of Chinese culture, the American civil war, the come of being of Japan, he or she may rasp between one another during the international communication just because of trivial cultural difference.

The omnipresent value of history study is admitted by everyone. Just as Nobel winners put it many times, " No past is dead, it is even not past", which, I think, means the vagary of everything. Thus, nothing can be confined to yesterday and doomed to be worthless. Have an exhaustive master of history in each field, can guarantee the welfare of today's life, and the same goes for our future.

My comment
问题  不记得名言可不可以rephrase 牛顿那句站在巨人的肩膀上
考试时——怎么弄 好像感觉有点奇怪
197# tracyrongyi

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发表于 2010-8-2 16:44:47 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 figuechen 于 2010-8-3 13:44 编辑

TOPIC: ISSUE103 - "The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."

History, a common topic everywhere and at any time,
but few have realize the significance of studying Homer Epics
Chinese dynasties, the origin of America and etc, claiming they are too orthodox and irrelevant to daily life. Is it the truth, absolutely no.

There is no denying that historic studies, especially those concerned quotidian routines like housing, clothing, feeding and transportation, is more conducive to historical transformation. The reason is simple. Daily chores compose this molten society and
boasts a large audience, holding people's attention every now and then. With more fixed eyes, more discussion, the specific history will bear in one's mind longer. It serves as a good way for historic preservation.

What's more, it is an enhancement of life quality when studying history in daily life. For instance, the history of Chinese culinary, emphasizing appearance, taste, aroma and health, best others and crowned the top. Without a deep understanding of it, Chinese people today can hardly satisfy their palate on the table. Another one is TCM( Traditional Chinese Medicine), also a unique treasure unearthed in Chinese history, with the Compendium of Material Medica as its masterpiece. It still plays a fundamental role in modern life, and many conundrums cannot be cured by Western medicine beat by TCM.

However, a host of historic bibliographies lies in the brink of daily life, whose influence and radiance cannot be neglected. First, studying history, especially those experiencing precipitation of times nourish mind and sluice soul. Just as Newton said, when standing on the shoulders of giant, we can avoid some zigzags. Second, have a sound knowledge in history can prevent mistakes from happening again. One example aptly illustrates this point involved < Three Kingdoms>, a famous Chinese novel recording the wars between three kingdoms in ancient China. From the strategies of war, business leaders come to learn how to get a lion's share of market, how to avoid mammoth loss and how to maximize the profit. In fact, many western business leaders consider it as a guidebook, which guarantees one’s survival in the sea of business.


Moreover, if one confine historic study in everyday life, avoids a penetration on historical events and other tremendous epics, it may impair the headway of both individuals and nations. And everyone is limited both physically and psychologically, to a small cage. Say, if one ignores the historic study of Chinese culture, the American civil war, the come of being of Japan, he or she may rasp between one another during the international communication just because of trivial cultural difference.

The omnipresent value of history study is admitted by everyone. Just as Nobel winners put it many times, " No past is dead, it is even not past", which, I think, means the vagary of everything. Thus, nothing can be confined to yesterday and doomed to be worthless. Have an exhaustive master of history in each field, can guarantee the welfare of today's life, and the same goes for our future.



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发表于 2010-8-2 16:45:24 |只看该作者
Issue 17——"There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."

It is obviously the duty that every individual in a society should obey just laws. At the same time, is it a responsibility for people to disobey and resist unjust laws? I believe that although the disobedience should be permitted and tolerated, it nevertheless should not be encouraged in a modern democratic society. In an autocratic society, however, the disobedience and resistance should on the contrary be encouraged.

How to distinguish unjust laws from just ones is a question that cannot be shifted off. The question is that it is not easy to define what a “just” law is and what an “unjust” one is. The law represents the will of the lawmakers, and the interest of lawmakers might be in contradictory with the interest of other hierarchic classes in a specific period of time, and thus the just law for some people might be unjust for some others. For example, the rich people are required to pay high taxes while the poor people hardly have this duty. This law protects the benefits of the poor and deprives the rich people of their assets, and therefore the rich people might consider it an unjust law while the poor people, on the contrary, might regard it as a just one.

Now that it is hard to distinguish one from another, the right for the non-lawmakers to express their will through this radical way should be reserved. It is because that disobedience, no matter civil or not, will arouse public attention and discussion, resulting in some possible changes in the law. As Martin Luther King said, “freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed”. It is the tyranny of Louis XVI that led to the outburst of the French Revolution; it is the “legitimate” oppression from the British Colonist that aroused the Non-violence Movement led by Gandhi in India. In such cases, non-lawmakers stood out for their rights and fought against the lawmakers and eventually protected their rights. These advances in human rights and ethnic emancipation are all started with the disobedience and resistance to the law of that time. In most situations, disobedience is the last way to call for public concerns for those who do not have a right to vote or speak.

Tolerated as it is, whether the disobedience and resistance against the laws should be encouraged varies according to the type of society. In a democratic society in which the chance of a certain group of people without franchise is rare, the disobedience and resistance which might bring huge economic loss and disorder to society should be replaced by other legal ways such as calling for the attention of media and going for a civil parade to show their will. Otherwise, the actions against the law at will may lead to anarchism, or even civil wars. Have we forgotten that the outbreak of the Civil War can be explained as the furious disobedience and resistance to the newly-enacted law that forces the southern planters to free their slaves? In an autocratic society, however, people should stand out and fight with the unjust laws, in any way, at any cost. Since most people cannot express their will through a legal way, it is their nature and duty to strive for their rights. There is no doubt that such kind of struggling should be encouraged and supported.

To sum up, the blurry definition for “just” and “unjust” law makes it difficult to assert that people should disobey and resist the laws they think are unjust. It is nevertheless clear that people have the right to do so, and whether they should be encouraged to do so differs from the type of society. They should be encouraged in an autocratic society, while they should not be in a democratic society.


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发表于 2010-8-2 17:22:45 |只看该作者
196# tracyrongyi


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发表于 2010-8-2 18:47:14 |只看该作者

51.The following appeared in a medical newsletter.

"Doctors have long suspected that secondary infections may keep some patients from healing quickly after severe muscle strain. This hypothesis has now been proved by preliminary results of a study of two groups of patients. The first group of patients, all being treated for muscle injuries by Dr. Newland, a doctor who specializes in sports medicine, took antibiotics regularly throughout their treatment. Their recuperation time was, on average, 40 percent quicker than typically expected. Patients in the second group, all being treated by Dr. Alton, a general physician, were given sugar pills, although the patients believed they were taking antibiotics. Their average recuperation time was not significantly reduced. Therefore, all patients who are diagnosed with muscle strain would be well advised to take antibiotics as part of their treatment."

     In this letter, the speaker recommended that all patients who suffer from muscle strain are advised to take antibiotics to avoid secondary infections. To support this recommendation, the speaker cited a study in which patients are separated in two groups to receive differed treatments. At first glance, the recommendation seems to be logically coherent and reasonable, however, a careful examination of this argument show that the recommendation is base on a series of unsubstantiated assumptions which largely declined the strength of it , and untimately made it unpersuasive.

     A threshold assumption is that the sample of the study is representative and randomly selected, however, the speaker failed to substantiated this assumption. It is entirely possible that the study is conducted on only a small amount of patients and that the patients are not evenly separated into two group. Without ruling out these scenarios, the speaker can not guarantee the representativeness of the study, and moreover, the authority of the recommendation.

     Even assuming that the sample is representative and randomly selected, the recommendation is based on additional assumption that the reduced recuperation time of first group results from the use of antibiotics. However, common sense inform me that it is not the case. A myriad of other factors may contributed to the phenomenon. For example, the average health condition of patients in group first may be better to those in group two, or in the first group patients' muscle injuries may not be as severe as those in group two, both of the two scenarios make it natural that it take shorter time for patients in group one to recuperate.

     What's more, the speaker failed to inform us whether the study is conducted under the same circumstance in both two groups. Noticing the fact that the treatments for two groups are given by two doctors who specialize in different medical fields, it is entirely possible that the patients in two  groups receive distinguished, and even totally different medical treatments except for the pills they take in. This potential possibility make the speaker could not safely draw the conclusion that it is the antibiotics resulted in the different effects in the study, and accordingly the recommendation to take antibiotics as part of treatment become unwarranted.

     To conclude, if the recommendation is to be a persuasive one, the speaker must provide clear evidences that the sample of the study is representative and randomly selected and that it is the antibiotics rather than other factors that have make patients recover sooner. What's more, the speaker also need to guarantee the circumstances of the two group is the same.

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发表于 2010-8-2 19:03:20 |只看该作者

51.The following appeared in a medical newsletter.

"Doctors have long suspected that secondary infections may keep some patients from healing quickly after severe muscle ...
henry_xjtu 发表于 2010-8-2 18:47


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发表于 2010-8-2 20:41:15 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 anniehal 于 2010-8-2 20:43 编辑

202# henry_xjtu 不好意思同学,你没给楼上的改,我直接忽略你接楼上的咯~公平点~赫赫

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发表于 2010-8-2 20:45:00 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 anniehal 于 2010-8-3 16:32 编辑

Issue 17——"There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."
It is obviously the duty that every individual in a society should obey just laws. At the same time, is it a responsibility for people to disobey and resist unjust laws? I believe that although the disobedience should be permitted and tolerated, it nevertheless should not be encouraged in a modern democratic society. In an autocratic society,(两个什么cratic society放一起很绕的。。) however, the disobedience and resistance should on the contrary be encouraged.
How to distinguish unjust laws from just ones is a question that cannot be shifted off. The question is that it is not easy to define what a “just” law is and what an “unjust” one is. (这句知识单纯的重复上句,有点罗嗦)The law represents the will of the lawmakers, and the interest of lawmakers might be in contradictory with the interest of other hierarchic classes in a specific period of time.(罗嗦了) And thus the just law for some people might be unjust for some others. For example, the rich people are required to pay high taxes while the poor people hardly have this duty. This law protects the benefits of the poor and deprives(剥夺?) the rich people of their assets, and therefore the rich people might consider it an unjust law while the poor people, on the contrary, might regard it as a just one.
这篇年代久远了吧,感觉上一段老罗嗦的,不停的重复just unjust,词组句型都没有么。。跟你现在的风格不大一样啊。。哈哈
Now that it is hard to distinguish one from another, the right for the non-lawmakers(??) to express their will through this radical way should be reserved. It is because that disobedience, no matter civil or not, will arouse public attention and discussion, resulting in some possible changes in the law. As Martin Luther King said, “freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed”. It is the tyranny of Louis XVI that led to the outburst of the French Revolution; it is the “legitimate” oppression from the British Colonist that aroused the Non-violence Movement led by Gandhi in India. In such cases, non-lawmakers stood out for their rights and fought against the lawmakers and eventually protected their rights. These advances in human rights and ethnic emancipation are all started with the disobedience and resistance to the law of that time. In most situations, disobedience is the last way to call for public concerns for those who do not have a right to vote or speak.(也觉得罗嗦)
觉得这段的问题在于你之前给我指出过的,例子太多,但展开的不够充分,反而显得没有说服力了。而且感觉只在强调disobedience,忽略了disobey unjust law,没有突出unjust

Tolerated as it is, whether the disobedience and resistance against the laws should be encouraged varies according to the type of society. In a democratic society in which the chance of a certain group of people without franchise(什么意思啊?没分支的组织??) is rare, the disobedience and resistance which might bring huge economic loss and disorder to society should be replaced by other legal ways such as calling for the attention of media and going for a civil parade to show their will.(需要另起一句,两个谓语了) Otherwise, the actions against the law at will(?)
may lead to anarchism, or even civil wars. Have we forgotten that the outbreak of the Civil War can be explained as the furious disobedience and resistance to the newly-enacted law that forces the southern planters to free their slaves? In an autocratic society, however, people should stand out and fight with the unjust laws, in any way, at any cost. Since most people cannot express their will through a legal way,(太绝对了) it is their nature and duty to strive for their rights. There is no doubt that such kind of struggling should be encouraged and supported.
这段观点不能苟同阿,每个人都会对社会有不满阿,都起义了不是乱套了。如果你想用cilvil war来证明起义要encourage的话,是不是应该在说一下civil war带来的改变和益处呢。我觉得是否要起义,是case by case的,这个观点有点太绝对了。
To sum up, the blurry definition for “just” and “unjust” law makes it difficult to assert that people should disobey and resist the laws they think are unjust. It is nevertheless clear that people have the right to do so, and whether they should be encouraged to do so differs from the type of society. They should be encouraged in an autocratic society, while they should not be in a democratic society.
这篇文章不是最近的吧。说下逻辑,B1说法律不可能对每个人都公平 B2在强调起义可以让人关注社会问题,需要起义 B3要支持起义。

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发表于 2010-8-2 20:46:11 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE25 - "Anyone can make things bigger and more complex. What requires real effort and courage is to move in the opposite direction-in other words, to make things as simple as possible."
WORDS: 521          TIME: 00:40:39          DATE: 2010-8-2 14:20:58

There is nowhere more true that no matter in the field of life, it needs effort and courage to make things as simple as possible. Meanwhile, from my point of view, to make things bigger and complex requires the same endeavor and work as well. And this comparison has to be drawn case by case.

To make things simpler and smaller calls for the ability to summarize the essence and the insightful view of the whole picture. Just liking editing the catalogue of a new book, not only require the author to get familiar with the whole story, but also the ability to sum up the main idea and highlight of each chapter. The combination of each title, formed with only few words, should enable readers to grasp the vague story, which is quite difficult and demanding. In our daily lives, whenever we want to conduct a project or task, we want a simple and clear step to follow. Otherwise the goal would become tough to realize. However, learning clear about what should be fulfilled and what should be abandon also need great courage, since we do not have the ability to foresee the future and each part we omitted is possible to be useful and helpful. While, in order to make task simpler and realistic to conduct, courage is needed to leave the possible useful elements. Hence, making things as simple as possible indeed requires the effort and courage.

However, I cannot deny that it also requires intelligence and effort to steer things develop to the opposite side--the bigger and more complex one. Take developing company as an example. Compared with establishing a small company with only few employers, it is much more challenging to expand the size of the company and hire more employers. Because the bigger the company is, the more details and problems the entrepreneur has to consider about. And the more employers the company hires, the bigger responsibility and more financial outcome the boss has to burden. Besides, courage is also required when individuals want to expand things bigger, since when things get more complicated, it equals to more possibilities and dangers would get involve and the also higher potential of things’ running out of control. Therefore, developing things to bigger and more complex requires effort and courage as well.

In my point of view, which would be easier, making things bigger or smaller, should be judged case by case. In the scientific world, it is both difficult to make a new type of giant airplane, being able to hold huge amounts of passengers, and the tiny helicopter demanding less fuel. When it comes to running a company, expanding the size of the company requires courage and effort, while summarizing the company's stage project also needs hard working and ability. When individuals want to realize his/her own project, whatever it is, the courage is need to abandon the possible useful part on the purpose of make the project simpler to conduct. While, it also need endeavor to make a long, complex program come true.

From the discussion above, we can easily come to the conclusion that making things simpler or more complex could be both challenging and difficult, which mostly depends on the subject we refer to.


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发表于 2010-8-3 14:23:23 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 figuechen 于 2010-8-3 19:36 编辑

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发表于 2010-8-3 14:23:56 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 figuechen 于 2010-8-3 16:30 编辑

TOPIC: ISSUE11 - "All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems."
WORDS: 578          TIME: 01:00:00          DATE: 2010-7-24 11:18:24

1. 并不能解决跨国难题等
2. 国内的社会问题难以靠这所大学解决,因为这些社会问题根植于文化之中。
3. 大学的运营有诸多难题。如管理问题,学生问题等。

This is nowhere more ideal than the idea of establishing a global university in order to solve social problems worldwide. The global university might be merely a dream like utopia.

Initially, the global university might not fulfill people’s expectations on its original function to solve social issues. Social issues are problems related to human society and some issues such as shortage of fuels, environmental protection and terrorists require cooperation between countries. However, the global university may fail to serve as a bridge to solve certain problems since the solution to such problems requires political cooperation. The key to political cooperation between countries lies in whether the solution to the problem will bring mutual benefits to these countries rather than other factors. Due to various interests of different countries, tighter cooperation derives from political negotiations which global university can hardly help. For example, global warming is an important global issue. In Copenhagen Summit, leaders from different countries gathered together to discuss the solution to the problem. However, countries have failed to reach an agreement and the conference turned out to be a failure because the probable solution may not accord with the interests of certain countries. Copenhagen Summit has provided a perfect stage for various countries to provide ideas to solve the problem, but it has failed at last. How can we guarantee that global university will serve as a bridge instead of encountering the same fate with Copenhagen Summit? After all, we cannot expect a university to deal with political affairs.

Moreover, we should be aware of the fact that some of the world's most persistent social problems deeply rooted in the native culture or complex political situations where global university is of no help. Take racial problems in the U.S. for example, it had strong correlation with American history and culture. Only those who have fully understood the culture and history of America can find the derivation and solution to the problem. Global university which consists of students from all over the world may fail to deal with such issues due to the lack of understanding of native culture and history. For another example, world trade has suffered a lot from pirates in Somalia. However, this problem was the result of anarchy in Somalia. The political struggle ruins the country. The students of global university come from various countries and may not have a clear view on the political situations in Somalia and therefore might not provide acceptable advice to Somalia.

In addition, the operation of the global university will face a series of questions. One problem is that the money endowed to build the global university might determine the percentage of administrators in the school board committee, whose members have crucial influence on the university. If so, the school will be easily manipulated by several wealthy countries and poor countries will definitely have no voice in choosing the projects. In this way, the university might be a tool for some countries for political use, such as justifying the military invasion. Or the university will focus on solving problems for the rich countries and eventually fail to accomplish its original goal in solving problems worldwide.

All in all, the idea of global university sounds good idea but many problems have impeded it from being realized. It will not perform its original function if not well designed and managed. Therefore, it is a pity that the global university will not come into reality in the near future.


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发表于 2010-8-3 16:34:32 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 anniehal 于 2010-8-4 12:26 编辑

TOPIC: ISSUE11 - "All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems."
WORDS: 578          TIME: 01:00:00          DATE: 2010-7-24 11:18:24



This is nowhere more ideal than the idea of establishing a global university in order to solve social problems worldwide. The global university might be merely a dream like utopia.

Initially, the global university might not fulfill people’s expectations on its original function to solve social issues. Social issues are problems related to human society and some issues such as shortage of fuels, environmental protection and terrorists require cooperation between countries. However, the global university may fail to serve as a bridge to solve certain problems since the solution to such problems requires political cooperation. The key to political cooperation between countries lies in whether the solution to the problem will bring mutual benefits to these countries
and win-win resultsrather than other factors. Due to various interests of different countries, tighter cooperation derives from political negotiations which global university can hardly help. For example, global warming is an important global issue. In Copenhagen Summit, leaders from different countries gathered together to discuss the solution to the problem, which original purpose was on the benefit of the whole world. However, countries have failed to reach an agreement and the conference turned out to be a failure because the probable(possible,怎么觉得probable不大对阿。。) solution may notdid not accord with the interests of certain countries. Copenhagen Summit has provided a perfect stage for various countries to provide ideas to solve the problem, but it has failed at last. How can we guarantee that global university will serve as a bridge instead of encountering the same fate with Copenhagen Summit? (这个说的有点主观阿,我觉得可以加一些说国际学校的学生只能培养出国际视野<想到凤姐了=_=>,但最终很有可能,在关键时刻,仍旧会代表自己国家利益,而不是从全球利益出发.)After all, we cannot expect a university to deal with political affairs.

Moreover, we should be aware of the fact that some of the world's most persistent social problems deeply rooted in the native culture or complex political situations where global university is of no help. Take racial problems in the U.S. for example, it had
a strong correlation with American history and culture. Only those who have fully understood the rooted culture and history of America of natives can find the derivation and solution to the problem. Global university which consists of students from all over the world may fail to deal with such issues due to the lack of understanding of native culture and history. For another example, world trade has suffered a lot from pirates in Somalia. However, this problem was the result of anarchy in Somalia. The political struggle ruins the country. (
这句在干嘛。。)The students of global university come from various countries and may not have a clear view on the political situations in Somalia and therefore might not able to provide acceptable and constructive advice to Somalia. 前面racial问题蛮好的,后面所马尼亚的问题体现不出rooted in culture阿,噢你想说的是political situation对伐,那讲例子之前提一下吧,不然有点不清楚。

In addition, the operation of the global university will face a series of questions. One problem is that the money endowed to build the global university of each country might determine the percentage of administrators in the school board committee, whose members have crucial influence on the university. (
这里指代不清楚)If so, the school will be easily manipulated by several wealthy countries who contribute a larger percentage of the global university’s foundation, and poor countries will definitely have no voice in choosing the projects. In this way, the university might be a tool for some countries for political use, such as justifying the military invasion. Or the university will focus on solving problems for the rich countries and eventually fail to accomplish its original goal in solving problems worldwide.这里和前面一段很矛盾啊,如果你的立足点是global university的学生是解决国际问题的,那本来某些国家的内部问题就不关他们的事了亚。

All in all, the idea of global university sounds good idea but many problems have impeded it from being realized. It will not perform its original function if not well designed and managed. Therefore, it is a pity that the global university will not come into reality in the near future.

感觉文章需要定义下global university的作用,不然B2B3有点矛盾。个人觉得第二段不是很恰当,因为感觉上国际学生就是应该解决国际问题,(这两天英语写太多了。。中文说不来了。。第一反应是it is more proper…俄。。)就是。。可以说说,在解决国家间纠纷的时候因为不了解那些国家的文化、宗教所以很难做出一个很好的觉得。例如那个谁阿。。是巴基斯坦和伊斯列,根源于宗教,是为了争个什么胜地阿。。这个。恩。。蛮教去看看。。

2。但有些问题涉及到文化就很难解决。Eg 巴基斯坦


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-8-3 18:18:56 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE208 - "The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people."
WORDS: 317-535          TIME: 00:30:21          DATE: 2010-8-2 11:29:19

This is nowhere truer than the assertion that the way people look, dress and act can more or less tell some about their attitudes and interests. However, with the process of globalization, the distinguished differences are fading. And now it has become difficult to grasp the society's values by observing the appearance, while the different ideas reflected by people’s behavior still remains.

In the past, the dress and behavior of people are able to reflect a lot of information about its society. Due to the undeveloped public transportation, it was quite difficult for individuals to communicate with others who live in other continent. And the culture and value of one society was isolated, which enable each country to develop its own unique clothes style and behavior customs according to their special ideas and values. Take ancient Chinese girls as an example. They mostly wore Qipao, a kind of dress which tightly covered almost all the body, while aptly showed their feminine figure at the same time. Besides, girls never dared to resist the willingness of their dad or husband. Therefore the way they act and dress clearly reveals the Chinese society's value at that time that girls should be conservative and subordinate to the men. Hence, the external look of individuals in the ancient time is able to reveal the main idea and value of a society.

However, with the development of globalization, the communication and information exchange has become more and more frequent. At the same time, the used to be distinguished dress style is not that obvious any longer. Most people around world, no matter in Asia or Europe, dress T-shirt in summer. Even people from some African tribes also dress like us. So what can we tell from the almost same appearance? I think the answer is nothing. Therefore, in my point of view, with the assimilation brought by the globalization, the ways we dress cannot tell much about the values of society any more.

Meanwhile, the difference of the behavior among each country still remains, which can provide certain information about one society. In Japan, people get used to bow when they apologize. This phenomenon is only unique in Japan, which somehow reveals the main value of the society that is being humble when you make mistakes and respecting others sincerely. In United States, most cars will stop for the walking pedestrian, which reflects the idea of American society that humane right is always the first priority. In China, we have the traditional value of respecting the olds. Even flooded with the western idea, we still burden the responsibility of rearing the elder family members. All these different behaviors can more or less infer the values and ideas about one society.

From the discussion above, we can easily come to the conclusion that in the ancient time, the distinguished appearance and behavior of people are able to reveals the unique values and ideas of their country. However, nowadays the difference of appearance is fading away; therefore it is difficult to tell society’s value merely by observing citizen’s appearances. Whilst, the way contemporary people act can still lend us a helping hand when we want to grasp the idea of one society.

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