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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-7-30 19:40:21 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 figuechen 于 2010-7-31 12:21 编辑


ISSUE88 - "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."

The writer claims that technologies have been the key opponent to decide social customs and ethics. However, a group's [group of] people's social customs and ethics are their unique identity. It is often decided by what the environment the people live, what the tradition they have and what religion they have faith in. Therefore, I don't agree with his allegation.

Admittedly, the development of technologies has great changed our living styles. For example, in the communication respect, people who are far away from each other can communicate via telephone immediately instead of waiting for the next chance to meet face to face. And people now are not willing to write letters in papers and long for the responses for weeks, but they prefer to send e-mails which is fast and reliable. Moreover, how people travel is greatly influenced by modern technology.
In the past how far people can reach usually depends on how long they can walk. Now it is only a matter of fact that when they want to go by the high-developed transportation. However, all above only changes the styles of how we are doing, but it doesn't change the idea of whether we will do.

People from different regions usually don't have the similar customs. It is always comes from the reason that they live in different environments and they do not share the same history. Take
people from China [Chinese people
即可] for example, in society, they feel like being modest, and this is what we called customs and it is determined by the principles their ancient imparted. It is their history. You cannot infer that they are changing the customs just from they are now writing a letter in the Internet. Additionally Indian people's main food is rice. Because that the climate in this country is suitable for planting rice. We cannot conclude from they cook rice in a more advanced way to say they are changing their customs. And my point is how we do things may be changing, but it has nothing to do with our tradition and environment. Therefore, it can't change our customs.

Then, it is the same case to social ethics, what we believe is right is always from the faith we have. Technology is like a more effective tool. Though it brings us convenience, it doesn't affect the core. For example, by the help of computer and good development of civilization engineering, we can rebuild the temple and the pictures which are related to the religion, but the religion itself doesn't change a little. The technology only makes it show better. Moreover, what human beings pursue in the moral level like freedom, goodness and beauty, will always be the same regardless of what the technology we will have.

[宗教没有改变?这个命题有问题。个人认为技术的进步会带来宗教的改变,请参见EinsteinReligion and Science一文。关于此类unwarranted claim,建议作者加以简略说明。]

In summary, it might be tempting to imply from the author' statement that all of us will share the same customs and ethics, since the globalization makes the same technologies spread all over the world. However, as we look around our world, people are still maintaining their different customs. Because that the customs prove who they are. People still have the same ethics like their grandparents. Because that the ethics support their mental powers. What technologies change is limited on the way to do things, but what matters most like customs and ethics, is always determined by the question that who they are.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-7-30 19:41:05 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE208 - "The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people."

WORDS: 667          TIME: 00:50:00          DATE: 2010-7-26 11:02:06

1. 外貌和举止能反映一些性格,也能反映一些社会的价值观。
2. 但外貌和举止不能完全反映一个人的性格。
3. 同样的,人们的外貌和举止也不能完全反映社会的价值观。

    This is nowhere more true than the assertion that the appearances and behaviors of people reflect part of their attitudes and interests, as well as a society's ideas and values. However, there remain hidden characters of a person or a society that cannot be indicated by appearance and behavior. To have a clear insight of a society, we have other paths to follow.
    Initially, the outward characteristics do reveal some of a person's attitudes and interests since appearance and behaviors are determined by his inner emotions and qualities, which have close correlation with one's attitudes towards society. For example, we are told that it will be necessary for us to wear a suit when having a job interview. The reason is that we would like the interviewer to regard us as a person who holds serious attitudes towards this job. Another example is that hip-hop singers, such as Jay-Z usually dress in baggy clothes and have tattoos on their body to show their specific attitudes that they are in pursuit of independent character and disobedience to the mainstream of society. Besides, the ideas and values of a society consist of the attitudes and interests of an individual, and therefore the appearances and behaviors of the people mirror a society's ideas. For instance, the people in Islamic countries wear robes in whatever season, which reveals their reverence to Islamic gods and their preference to traditional way of lives. On the contrary, people in the western countries are making efforts to wear fancy clothes to show his individual character, which illustrates that the idea of freedom is the pillar of western society.
    However, as the proverb goes, "Never judge a book by its cover". There are some inner feelings and attitudes which cannot be reflected by the outward looks of a person. For instance, Wang Anshi, the minister in Song Dynasty in China, once was dressed in common clothes and went on streets after he was retired. He listened carefully to what some people were talking about in a teahouse and nobody identified him as a wise former political leader because of the clothes he wore. This example demonstrates that the appearance and behavior could be disguised for certain purposes and therefore it is sometimes unreliable to judge a person from these aspects. Mark Twain has said and I paraphrased that "If you want to have a clear insight of a person, you have to stay with him for three days". The saying is used to point out that other approaches should be adopted to fully regard a person.
    In a not dissimilar way, some of the values and ideas of society cannot be identified by observing the outward characteristics of its people. Foremost, the ideas of some people may not be representative to all the others. We will be misguided if we believe they are the mainstream of society. For example, there are bunches of young people who are dressed in fashionable clothes in China. However, that does not illustrate that all the Chinese people prefer fashionable way of lives. In fact, most Chinese people incline to have traditional life styles. Those young people cannot truly reflect the catholic situations in China. What's more, the globalization has decreased the disparity of appearance between different groups of people, and it is more difficult to identify the ideas and values from the appearance. Most people in big cities are wearing T-shirt in summer and no one can tell what ideas and values are conveyed in such appearance.
    The ideas and values of a society involve various aspects including culture along with the stage of a society. It is presumptuous to judge a person or society completely according to its outward behavior. An analogy can be drawn with the appearances and the ideas: the appearances are like the packages and the ideas are the goods inside. The package may reflect some of the characters of the goods inside but you will never know what it really is until you open it.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-30 22:43:57 |只看该作者
Thisis nowhere more true than the assertion that the appearances and behaviors ofpeople reflect part of their attitudes and interests, as well as a society'sideas and values. However, there remain hidden characters of a person or asociety that cannot be indicated by appearance and behavior. (前两句话的转折有点太想冲了,如果重点是however 之后的话,前面或许应当弱一些,或者简单复述,Nowhere more true than….感觉强了)To have a clear insightof a society, we have other paths to follow.(首段观点出来了。)

Initially, the outward characteristics do reveal some of aperson's attitudes and interests since appearance and behaviors are determinedby his inner emotions and qualities, which have close correlation with one'sattitudes towards society. For example, we are told that it will be necessaryfor us to wear a suit when having a job interview. The reason is that we wouldlike the interviewer to regard us as a person who holds serious attitudestowards this job. (这个例子或许可以说完整点,就是说这种着装举止揭示了社会的什么理念和动力了Another example is thathip-hop singers, such as Jay-Z usually dress in baggy clothes and have tattooson their body to show their specific attitudes that they are in pursuit ofindependent character and disobedience to the mainstream of society. Besides,the ideas and values of a society consist of the attitudes and interests of anindividual, and therefore the appearances and behaviors of the people mirror asociety's ideas. (感觉这句话有点不太明白,如果说递进的话,又和前面的观点没有特别大的区别,只是换了个说法。)For instance, the peoplein Islamic countries wear robes in whatever season, which reveals theirreverence to Islamic gods and their preference to traditional way of lives. Onthe contrary, people in the western countries are making efforts to wear fancyclothes to show his individual character, which illustrates that the idea offreedom is the pillar of western society. (这段从中心句来看,就是想说人们的外在的确反映了他们内心的一些理念,和对社会的态度。从你的开头段来看,这段应该是个过渡,你的重点是放在后面however的部分,所以觉得这段的论述过于厚重,论据也挺重复的个人建议哈保留一个,好好论述一下就可以了。)

However, as the proverb goes, "Never judge a book by itscover". There are some inner feelings and attitudes which cannot bereflected by the outward looks of a person. For instance, Wang Anshi, theminister in Song Dynasty in China, once was dressed in common clothes and wenton streets after he was retired. He listened carefully to what some people weretalking about in a teahouse and nobody identified him as a wise formerpolitical leader because of the clothes he wore. This example demonstrates thatthe appearance and behaviorcould be disguised for certain purposes and therefore it is sometimesunreliable to judge a person from these aspects. Mark Twain has said and Iparaphrased that "If you want to have a clear insight of a person, youhave to stay with him for three days". The saying is used to point outthat other approaches should be adopted to fully regard a person.(这段是你驳论的第一段,尽管你有在强调appearance and behavior, 在你的论述里,但总是感觉你偏重论述了appearance, 这个问题在上一段也有。我个人感觉,两个分开来论能明确点。而且,王安石他做的事情其实能够反映他的理念坐在茶馆里喝茶,听人们的谈论,不就是体察民情阿,退休老干部最爱干这个例子有点弱不过在例子后面追加总结效果不错,强化了读者对观点的印象)

    In a not dissimilar way, some of the values and ideas of societycannot be identified by observing the outward characteristics of its people.Foremost, the ideas of some people may not be representative to all the others.We will be misguided if we believe they are the mainstream of society. Forexample, there are bunches of young people who are dressed in fashionableclothes in China. However, that does not illustrate that all the Chinese peopleprefer fashionable way of lives. In fact, most Chinese people incline to havetraditional life styles. Those young people cannot truly reflect the catholic (我个人觉得这个词会产生歧义,尽管他有广泛的意思,当然,这是个人的第一感觉)situations in China.What's more, the globalization has decreased the disparity of appearancebetween different groups of people, and it is more difficult to identify theideas and values from the appearance. (又是appearance, behavior到那里去了)Most people in big citiesare wearing T-shirt in summer and no one can tell what ideas and values areconveyed in such appearance.(这段就是说,一些小众的着衣品味不可代表大众,而且也没法揭露社会理念,又是基本偏向appearance

    The ideas and values of a society involve various aspectsincluding culture along with the stage of a society. It is presumptuous tojudge a person or society completely according to its outward behavior. Ananalogy can be drawn with the appearances and the ideas: the appearances arelike the packages and the ideas are the goods inside. The package may reflectsome of the characters of the goods inside but you will never know what itreally is until you open it.

感觉整篇的论述有点窄了,基本是围绕appearance在做文章,其实题眼的涵盖很广的,appearance and behavior,就是言行举止,穿着打扮我觉得两者都是应该有所兼顾的,ps: 论述第一段,有点喧宾夺主了,只是个引出段,例证太丰富也太长了些。


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-30 22:52:04 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 Milk1303 于 2010-7-30 22:53 编辑

TOPIC:ISSUE196 - "Technology creates more problems than it solves, and maythreaten or damage the quality of life."
TIME: 00:45:00
DATE: 2010/7/30 18:23:26

Didtechnology create more problems than it solves, and somehow threaten or damageour quality of life? The answer from me is yes. Indeed, technology revolutionbrings us the most convenient and efficient society ever, but they have createdserious problems, and most of them is difficult to fight with. Such as the overreliance on the oil energy, deep sea exploit problems and some controversialbiochemical genetic experiments. These urging problems have threatened ourliving habitat and damaged some of our ethnics and customs that we longcherished for.

Admittedly,technology did drive us to a comfortable life. Laptop and internet has madelong distance communication become economic and multimedia. People reliedheavily on the urban transportation system and home owned automobile to workand travel faster and freer. But those deep obsessed with technology products andheavy rely on the oil drive mobile has create a concerning image on both environmentand ethics.

Ouraddiction to the use of cars and consumption of oil has bring about severalconcerns to our beloved habitat and living condition.
In today's major city, traffic jam and carbondioxide released from the automobile car have been the common scene on theroad. We suffered from respiration disease and muscle pain due to the long timedriving. And more seriously, endless oil consumption has made countries developthe crude oil technology in deep sea, which contribute to the oil spill disaster.Like today's Mexico golf oil spill , millions of people has lost theirbeautiful coast line and promising fish business, unemployment rate has grown uphigher because of the disastrous explode. Don't mention the effect on the marshland and sea bird, thick oil has covered the bird’s feast and suffocate them,and it might take decades for those marsh land recovered from the oil sink.These damage and threaten to people's life and environment has no one to blame,but our avarice need for the oil energy and non-stop reliance on oil driveautomobile give rise to the scenario.

Inaddition, the technology like mass destructive weapons and human cloningtechnology has threatened the very life of us, and the social belief. Thenuclear weapons that drop at Hiroshima and Nagasaki have killed more than120,000 lives in two blasts. And those people who survived has sufferedlong-term radiation sickness. The wound to the civilian is bottomless both inheart and in body. Furthermore, the controversial experiment on embryonic cellfor human cloning can damage natural human reproduction and the fundamentalcustoms for birth right. Firstly, the cloning technology is way too prematureto insure its safety and success. The idea of experiment thousand time with embryonicbaby and failed is resemble with the idea of murder. And if we assume that a clonehuman is borne after all, his/her privacy as a human will surely be damaged bythe eager media and coverage. And this will sure bring damaged to human'sconcept of reproduction and marriage. Thousands of questions and threats can becaused by the human clone technology.

Insum, the advanced technology used in some controversial area and our deep relyon the technology has caused many problems. Despite the convenience thetechnology offered, we still experience many problems that caused by it.Corrupted environment , deceased living condition and extreme attack to socialnorms from the advanced technology. Technology is a two sided sword, and with adeep rely on it, it will bring us those problems that we can hardly solved,just like the today's concerning scenarios.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2010-7-30 23:44:37 |只看该作者
ISSUE 93 the concept of individual responsibility is a necessary fiction. Although societies must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people’s behaviors is largely determined by forces not of their own making

I fundamentally agree with the speaker’s first contention, for the ‘individual responsibility’ is not an objective exiting that we can touch or feel. However, the second half of his assertion is sure on the contrary side of mine. I strongly hold that our individual responsibility can be impacted by the external forces more or less from the society, but we do have the ability to control our behaviors. There are tons of illustrations from which we can abstract concept of the ‘individual responsibility’. Besides, we learn that people’s behaviors can be determined by ourselves.

Here comes the question why we should take responsibility? A person is an individual, meanwhile he or she has another role in the whole society which means we have double characters in the world, being one of the societies; everyone should take their respective responsibility in accordance with their roles in the organized structure, in this way, we can live in harmony.

Admittedly, people’s behaviors may be limited by the society. In the realm of business, industries can not operate in the cost of the environment, which would obviously do damage to the environment, that is to say, the business runners’ behaviors are determined by system of nature, their responsibilities are keeping the balance in making profit and protect the environment. Referring to the government, the officials can never calculate their own money on damaging fortune of the people. When it comes to the field of science, scientists as a whole also have their responsibility to satisfy the society. Take genetic area as an example, stem cells, multi-functional cells, when taking advantages of which, equality of the societies can never be avoided.

Although people or any apartment’s behaviors are limited by the society, the truth is that they are controlled mostly by themselves; namely, by morals or standards in their minds. There are daily experiences can aptly illustrate the restriction, we can always run into such dilemmas that we do not have enough choices, but in fact, we do have much choices, which may not be excellent enough, or we can say ‘they can not help us to get self actualization. In retrospect the past, there have had many modals who achieve highly reputation. Such as Diana, who had great responsibility of society, she never stop caring about patients carrying virus AIDS, and appealing to stop using torpedo. She created much spiritual contribution to the society, meanwhile she reached self actualization. It was the self actualization that encourages more and more individual to step forwards, not the external forces but the power in their minds.

In sum, the concept of ‘individual responsibility’ is not actually fiction, it is in our value system, although unseeing but real, without individual responsibility we are not an eligible person in the society., because we can not take social responsibility. Furthermore, we can never achieve self actualization, the highest demand of human beings. The most important is that no excuse for being an irresponsible person, because we are always determined by our own.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-7-31 12:30:54 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 anniehal 于 2010-7-31 13:05 编辑

TOPIC:ISSUE196 - "Technology creates more problems than it solves, and maythreaten or damage the quality of life."
TIME: 00:45:00
DATE: 2010/7/30 18:23:26

Did technology create more problems than it solves, and somehow threaten or damage our quality of life?
The answer from me
my answer is yes. Indeed, technology revolution brings us the most convenient and efficient society ever, but they have created serious problems, and most of them is(are) difficult to fight with. Such as the overreliance on the oil energy, deep sea exploit(exploration) problems and some controversial biochemical genetic experiments.(这句子的主语,谓语没有。。) These urging problems have threatened our living habitats and damaged some of our ethnics and customs that we long cherished for.

Admittedly, technology did drive us to a comfortable life. Laptop and internet has made long distance communication become economic and
multimedia(?). People relied heavily on the urban transportation system and home owned automobile to work and travel faster and freer. But those deep obsessed with technology products and heavy rely on the oil drive mobile has create a concerning image on both environmentand ethics.

Ouraddiction to the use of cars and consumption of oil has
bring(brought) about severalconcerns to our beloved habitat and living condition.
In today's major city,
traffic jam and carbondioxide released from the automobile car(and
的并列短语太不平衡了,有点awkward) have been the common scene on theroad.(has become a common phenomenon) We suffered from respiration disease and muscle pain due to the long timedriving. And more seriously, endless oil consumption has made countries developthe crude(?) oil technology in deep sea, which contribute to the oil spill(漏油和石油开采没有必然联系) disaster.Like today's Mexico golf oil spill , millions of people has lost theirbeautiful coast line(这本身就不属于任何人吧)
and promising fish business, unemployment rate has grown uphigher because of the disastrous explode. Don't mention the effect on the marshland and sea bird, thick oil has covered the bird’s feast and suffocate them,and it might take decades for those marsh land recovered from the oil sink.These damage and threaten to people's life and environment has no one to blame,but our avarice need for the oil energy and non-stop reliance on oil driveautomobile give rise to the scenario. (没看懂。。)

Inaddition, the technology like mass destructive weapons and human cloningtechnology has threatened the very life of us, and the social belief. Thenuclear weapons that drop at Hiroshima and Nagasaki have killed more than120,000 lives in two blasts. And those people who survived has sufferedlong-term radiation sickness. The wound to the civilian is bottomless both inheart and in body. Furthermore, the controversial experiment on embryonic cellfor human cloning can damage natural human reproduction and the fundamentalcustoms for birth right. Firstly, the cloning technology is way too prematureto insure its safety and success. The idea of experiment thousand time with embryonicbaby and failed is resemble with the idea of murder. And if we assume that a clonehuman is borne after all, his/her privacy as a human will surely be damaged bythe eager media and coverage. And this will sure bring damaged to human'sconcept of reproduction and marriage. Thousands of questions and threats can becaused by the human clone technology.

Insum, the advanced technology used in some controversial area and our deep relyon the technology has caused many problems. Despite the convenience thetechnology offered
brought by the technology, we still experience many problems that caused by it.Corrupted environment , deceased(degrogated,decrease只有number) living condition and extreme attack to socialnorms from the advanced technology. Technology is a two sided sword, and with adeep rely on it, it will bring us those problems that we can hardly solved,just like the today's concerning scenarios.

例证的时候感觉有点片面。首先科技绝对不只有oil, weapon, clone三方面。感觉取得点太小了。如何在例证的时候让他们更好的服务主旨,我认为这点很关键。写的时候,时不时得要带一下主旨,不然会觉得概括性不够。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-7-31 12:31:42 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE88 - "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."
WORDS: 553-564          TIME: 00:42:06          DATE: 2010-7-30 9:47:21

With the swiftly development of science and technology, it is true that people's lives have changed a lot. However, I cannot agree with the issue above that technologies determine the social customs and ethics, because from my point of view, technologies just put an impact on social customs, while ethics keep the same since it is rooted in our culture and history.

The customs of daily lives have influenced a lot by science and technology, which changed many patterns of our lives. Individuals now contact friends with phone or internet, instead of sending letters. More and more workers move their office to home since the convenience brought by computers, which had never been imagined in the past. Many labor-made products are now manufactured by machine, which save more time for individuals to relax and entertain. Hence, the customs of daily lives have been influence by technologies in many ways. While, it still cannot determine our customs of daily lives. People still contact their friends just with a different way; individuals still keep working just in different places; products are still made in factory just with different methods. The customs of keeping in touch with friends and working hard for a better life still remain the same as it was in the past. In this way, technologies just changed the outlook of customs of daily lives, but surely not determine the inside quality.

However, it is true that the traditional social customs, such as the way we hold ceremonies and festivals, have altered by the influential science and technology. However, they definitely do not determine or control people’s traditional customs. We Chinese used to celebrate Double-nine festival by climbing high mountains, which implies the meaning of missing other relatives in the family. However, now this event is hold rarely since with the help of technologies, we can call or chat with our relatives on the internet. The technologies indeed leave an impact on the way we celebrate our old customs, but it surely does not dominate us. Because we still contact our relatives on the festivals and the traditional meaning of them have not been changed. Therefore, the science and technologies does have a strong effect on the way we celebrate our traditional customs, but it certainly does not determine the inside meaning of them.

Besides, ethics is the criterion for what is right and what is wrong. This standard stays the same even the huge change happens in the scientific field. Loyalty, integrity, honesty are still regarded as good qualities for people, and the development of technologies definitely has nothing to do with the standard. According to the Chinese traditional ethics, the young have the responsibility to rear and take care of the elder’s lives. Even the technologies have greatly improved people's living quality in many ways, this old conception is still deeply rooted in each Chinese people, and we still stick to this old ethics. Thus, ethics are something deep in our heart and soul, which are not influenced, let alone determined, by anything, including the technologies.

From the discussion above, we can easily come to the conclusion that science and technology does influence the customs of our daily lives and the customs of our tradition, but it definitely does not determine them. Besides, no matter what happens in the technology field, the ethics of every nation still cling to its old criteria.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-7-31 14:50:52 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 figuechen 于 2010-8-1 12:08 编辑


TOPIC: ISSUE88 - "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."
WORDS: 553-564          TIME: 00:42:06          DATE: 2010-7-30 9:47:21

With the
swiftly [
这里怎么用adv.了?不应该用adj.修饰名词么]development of science and technology, it is true that people's lives have changed a lot. However, I cannot agree with the issue above that technologies determine the social customs and ethics, because from my point of view, technologies just put an impact on social customs, while ethics keep the same since it is rooted in our culture and history.

The customs of daily lives have influenced a lot by science and technology, which changed many patterns of our lives. Individuals now contact friends with phone or internet, instead of sending letters. More and more workers move their office to home since the convenience brought by computers, which had never been imagined in the past. Many labor-made products are now manufactured by machine, which save more time for individuals to relax and entertain. Hence, the customs of daily lives have been influence by technologies in many ways. While, it still cannot determine our customs of daily lives. People still contact their friends just with a different way; individuals still keep working just in different places; products are still made in factory just with different methods. The customs of keeping in touch with friends and working hard for a better life still remain the same as it was in the past. In this way, technologies just changed the
outlook [outlook
没有外表的意思吧?] of customs of daily lives, but surely not determine the inside quality.
[感觉缺少了对social customdetermine的定义,所以很难说到底有没有determine了。如果把social custom理解成文化的外在表现,而与内在无关,那么技术毫无疑问就determinesocial custom]

However, it is true that the traditional social customs, such as the way we hold ceremonies and festivals, have altered by the influential science and technology. However, they definitely do not determine or control people’s traditional customs. We Chinese used to celebrate Double-nine festival by climbing high mountains, which implies the meaning of missing other relatives in the family. However, now this event is hold rarely since with the help of technologies, we can call or chat with our relatives on the internet. The technologies indeed leave an impact on the way we celebrate our old customs, but it surely does not dominate us. Because we still contact our relatives on the festivals and the traditional meaning of them have not been changed. Therefore, the science and technologies does have a strong effect on the way we celebrate our traditional customs, but it certainly does not determine the inside meaning of them.

[custom分成traditionaldaily lives啊,很新颖的说法~不过最好之前说明一下,把custom分成了两个来讨论。否则粗看之下我还以为两段说的是一个东西呢。]

Besides, ethics is the criterion for what is right and what is wrong. This standard stays the same even the huge change happens in the scientific field. Loyalty, integrity, honesty are still regarded as good qualities for people, and the development of technologies definitely has nothing to do with the standard. According to the Chinese traditional ethics, the young have the responsibility to rear and take care of the elder’s lives. Even the technologies have greatly improved people's living quality in many ways, this old conception is still deeply rooted in each Chinese people, and we still stick to this old ethics. Thus, ethics are something deep in our heart and soul, which are not influenced, let alone determined, by anything, including the technologies.


From the discussion above, we can easily come to the conclusion that science and technology does influence the customs of our daily lives and the customs of our tradition, but it definitely does not determine them. Besides, no matter what happens in the technology field, the ethics of every nation still cling to its old criteria.

第一是需要说一下把custom分成daily livestraditional是不是合理。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-7-31 14:52:03 |只看该作者

TOPIC: ISSUE153 - "Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively."
WORDS: 657
TIME: 01:00:00
DATE: 2010-7-24 9:52:06

This is nowhere more true than the assertion that students should doubt part of what they have studied. However, questioning everything might cause some negative effects on the learning process. After all, it depends on the certain circumstances to decide whether skepticism should be performed.

On one hand, what is clear is that bringing skepticism towards the knowledge they are taught will benefit their studying. Questioning can enhance what they are taught and enable students to memorize those facts faster and easier. In answer to those questions, relevant information about what they doubt will be provided and eventually students will take a high command of the backgrounds knowledge. The background information lends a helping hand to the memorization of the knowledge, together with a deeper understanding of it. Besides, questioning can also improve the abilities such as critical thinking and analysis. With this method, students are encouraged to raise questions and will possess a critical mind to the world around us, as well as the ability to analyze whether the information is reliable or not. Such logical thinking abilities are just the faculties that make creative leaders and will have a crucial influence on the students' performance in the future.

In addition, if we cast a look back at human history, we will find that it is skepticism towards authorities that push the history forward. Following the path that has been walked on will not steer human society towards a promising future. It was the skepticism towards the "common sense" that the earth is flat that how Columbus found his way to the new continent. It was questioning the mercantilism that how David Ricardo established his theory of comparable advantages, along with his status in the history of classics economy. It was the question against racial segregation that how Martin Luther King stepped out and led the Civil Rights Movement which brought African Americans freedom and justice. It was the skeptical mind towards Newton Laws which had been believed as truth for centuries that how Einstein established the theory of relativity and turned over a new page in Physics. As Van Loon expressed in his book Tolerance and I paraphrased that "Be tolerant for those who question, because they are the forerunner of human society". The saying is used to point out that It is those who dare to question that call for the advancements in human society. In fact, it is skepticism towards learning that fosters this habit of questioning.

On the other hand, admitted that skepticism in studying has many advantages, we should not lose sight of the fact that skepticism towards everything might not always bring positive effects. Firstly, skepticism does not work in disciplines like language learning. In these subjects, the rules are created by human rather than nature. If we keep questioning the usage of the words and grammar rules instead of accepting them as facts, we will make little progress. Secondly, skepticism towards certain disciplines such as history and chemistry requires a full understanding of the knowledge before any question is raised. Otherwise the question will be senseless. The general rules of these disciplines are concluded by innumerable facts and the students will lose the whole picture of the subject if they do not grip those facts first. Finally, even if skepticism works on a certain discipline, such skeptical method of learning demands much time, and thus it is not feasible for students to question everything. Questions against the basis of certain information are the essence of the skepticism. Doubting the unimportant message is no more than a waste of time.

To sum up, skeptical method of learning enables students to view the world in a different perspective, which will result in the progress in human society. However, questioning everything will lower the efficiency of the studying and thereby students should decide what to ask and what to accept. A balance between skepticism and acceptance is the true essence of education.

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发表于 2010-8-1 13:38:50 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 anniehal 于 2010-8-1 20:06 编辑

TOPIC: ISSUE153 - "Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively."
WORDS: 657
TIME: 01:00:00
DATE: 2010-7-24 9:52:06

This is nowhere more true than the assertion that students should doubt part of what they have studied. However, questioning everything might cause some negative effects on the learning process. After all, it depends on the certain circumstances to decide whether skepticism should be performed.

On one hand, what is clear is that bringing skepticism towards the knowledge they are taught will benefit their studying. Questioning can enhance what they are taught and enable students to memorize those facts faster and easier. In answer to those questions, relevant information about what they doubt will be provided and eventually students will take a high command of the backgrounds knowledge. The background information lends a helping hand to the memorization of the knowledge, together with a deeper understanding of it. Besides, questioning can also improve the abilities such as critical thinking and analysis. With this method, students are encouraged to raise questions and will possess a critical mind to the world around us, as well as the ability to analyze whether the information is reliable or not. Such logical thinking abilities are just the faculties that make creative
and will have a crucial influence on the students' performance in the future.

In addition, if we cast a look back at human history, we will find that it is skepticism towards authorities that push the history forward. Following the path that has been walked on will not steer human society towards a promising future. It was the skepticism towards the "common sense" that the earth is flat that
how(helped) Columbus found(discover) his way to the new continent. It was questioning the mercantilism that how(guided) David Ricardo established his theory of comparable advantages, along with his status(这个theorystatus并列感觉有点怪) in the history of classics economy. It was the question against racial segregation that how Martin Luther Kinggave MLK a hint to stepped out and led the Civil Rights Movement which brought African Americans freedom and justice. It was the skeptical mind towards Newton Laws which had been believed as truth for centuries that how(enabled) Einstein to established the theory of relativity and turned over a new page in Physics. As Van Loon expressed in his book Tolerance and I paraphrased that "Be tolerant for those who question, because they are the forerunner of human society". The saying is used to point out that it is those who dare to question that call for(bring about) the advancements in human society. In fact, it is skepticism towards learning that fosters this habit of questioning.

On the other hand, admitted that skepticism in studying has many advantages, we should not lose sight of the fact that skepticism towards everything might not always bring positive effects. Firstly, skepticism does not work in disciplines like language learning. In these subjects, the rules are created by human rather than nature. If we keep questioning the usage of the words and grammar rules instead of accepting them as facts, we will make little progress. Secondly, skepticism towards certain disciplines such as history and chemistry requires a full understanding of the knowledge before any question is raised. Otherwise the question will be senseless. The general rules of these disciplines
concluded by innumerable facts and the students will lose the whole picture of the subject if they do not grip those facts first. Finally, even if skepticism works on a certain discipline, such skeptical method of learning demands much time, and thus it is not feasible for students to question everything. Questions against the basis of certain information are the essence of the skepticism. (怀疑基础知识不就是浪费时间了吗?怎么觉得这句和前面、后面都是矛盾的)Doubting the unimportant message is no more than a waste of time.
To sum up, skeptical method of learning enables students to view the world in a different perspective, which will result in the progress in human society. However, questioning everything will lower the efficiency of the studying and thereby students should decide what to ask and what to accept. A balance between skepticism and acceptance is the true essence of education


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发表于 2010-8-1 13:39:40 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE43 - "To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards."
WORDS: 537          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2010-7-31 10:15:28

Mostly, individuals are required to keep the proper ethical and moral standards, which is a basic criterion for being a good person. In my point of view, it is true that in order to work effectively, the public official, no matter in what field, should maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.

Making as much profits as possible is the priority of any business leaders. However, without the highest ethical standards, they are possible to make some improper or even illegal decisions, which will do harm to the entire company. Take TOYOTA as an example. Several months ago, the TOYOTA Company suffered a lot from the cars' problem of suddenly speeding up. While actually this problem had been discovered and complained many times before it was public. But the high level leaders of TOYOTA covered this intentionally for the purpose of making money. And now it turns out that the company has lost huge potential market now since customers do not trust TOYOTA any more by learning the immoral cheating. If the leader of TOYOTA had followed their highest ethical standard and solved the problem immediately after they first knew it, then this depressing situation were possible to be avoided. Hence, to be an effective business leader, the goal of making profits just for contemporary time is somehow improper and silly. The public official should keep strict to the ethical and moral standards, and concern to the healthy development of the company for the long run. That is the truly effective leader.

Besides, being the government leader should also maintain the highest ethical standards since the public will not trust or even despise on the government when they are aware of governor's immoral behavior. In that case, it would be difficult for governors to rebuild the trust between citizens and government, then many new policies will become hard to implement and realize. Corruption is a serious problem of the Chinese governors. And now it becomes a common sense that each government officials will more or less embezzle money. It is said that even the donation for SiChuan Earthquake was embezzled by some officials. Having heard too much of these kind of stories, citizens are now losing the trust and confidence of the Chinese government. Although the problems nowadays is not too serious to cause rebellion, in my point of view, if the government does not take it seriously and seek for a method to solve it, a big disaster is possible to take place in the near future. At that time, the whole country's economy will be influenced profoundly and the people's lives will become nightmares. If so, how could this kind of governors be regarded as effective? Therefore, it is a must for government leaders to withstand the highest ethical standards, and pay a close attention to their behaviors. Otherwise, no trust will be remained between citizens and governors, and it would be impossible for them to continue their works effectively.

To sum up, from the discussion above, it is obvious to illustrate that the highest ethical and moral standards are required for being an effective leader. Otherwise, the company could have less customers and the government would be difficult to be in office any longer.

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发表于 2010-8-1 14:15:53 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 figuechen 于 2010-8-1 17:27 编辑

TOPIC: ISSUE43 - "To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards."
WORDS: 537          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2010-7-31 10:15:28

Mostly, individuals are required to keep the proper ethical and moral standards, which is a basic criterion for being a good person. In my point of view, it is true that in order to work effectively, the public official, no matter in what field, should maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.


Making as much profits as possible is the priority of any business leaders. However, without the highest ethical standards, they are possible to [
我记得这个用法是不可以的,只能说it is possible for them to。或者they are likely to]make some improper or even illegal decisions, which will do harm to the entire company. Take TOYOTA as an example. Several months ago, the TOYOTA Company suffered a lot from the cars' problem of suddenly speeding up. While actually this problem had been discovered and complained many times before it was public. But the high level leaders of TOYOTA covered this intentionally for the purpose of making money. And now it turns out that the company has lost huge potential market now since customers do not trust TOYOTA any more by learning the immoral cheating. If the leader of TOYOTA had followed their highest ethical standard and solved the problem immediately after they first knew it, then this depressing situation were possible to be avoided. Hence, to be an effective business leader, the goal of making profits just for contemporary time is somehow improper and silly. The public official should keep strict to the ethical and moral standards, and concern to the healthy development of the company for the long run. That is the truly effective leader.
这段论述的是为什么business leader需要high ethical standard而非highest。这两者是有本质区别的。不做违法的事,做符合道德的事不代表就是highest ethical standard了,仅仅只是一般的ethical standard而已,连high也谈不上。

Besides, being the government leader should also maintain the highest ethical standards since the public will not trust or even despise on the government when they are aware of governor's immoral behavior. In that case, it would be difficult for governors to rebuild the trust between citizens and government, then many new policies will become hard to implement and realize. Corruption is a serious problem of the Chinese governors. And now it becomes a common sense that each government officials will more or less embezzle money. It is said that even the donation for SiChuan Earthquake was embezzled by some officials. Having heard too much of these kind of stories, citizens are now losing the trust and confidence of the Chinese government. Although the problems nowadays is not too serious to cause rebellion, in my point of view, if the government does not take it seriously and seek for a method to solve it, a big disaster is possible to take place in the near future. At that time, the whole country's economy will be influenced profoundly and the people's lives will become nightmares. If so, how could this kind of governors be regarded as effective? Therefore, it is a must for government leaders to withstand the highest ethical standards, and pay a close attention to their behaviors. Otherwise, no trust will be remained between citizens and governors, and it would be impossible for them to continue their works effectively.


To sum up, from the discussion above, it is obvious to illustrate that the highest ethical and moral standards are required for being an effective leader. Otherwise, the company could have less customers and the government would be difficult to be in office any longer.

该文采用了北美范文上的分类讨论的方法,这未尝不可,取决于作者是如何理解这个public official的。但论述中忽略了highest这个最高级,仅仅论述了high是肯定不够的。

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发表于 2010-8-1 14:16:38 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 figuechen 于 2010-8-1 14:19 编辑

TOPIC: ISSUE88 - "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."
WORDS: 639
TIME: 00:45:00
DATE: 2010-7-27 10:48:38


For social customs, it is true that technologies do have a strong impact on social customs and can determine parts of them. However, we should not lose sight of the fact that many traditional customs are determined by culture and history rather than technologies. When it comes to ethics, they root in human nature and technologies hardly exert any influence on them.

Let us focus on social customs first. Social customs are the common practice to many individuals. On one hand, technologies serve as a decisive factor in shaping the social customs, especially those closely related to our daily lives. The development of technologies completely alters the way people live and eventually leads to the disparities in social customs between now and then. For instance, we used to listen to radios or buy newspapers to be informed of the news; nowadays, we have accustomed to surf the Internet to acquire what we eager to know with the help of the information technology. In such cases, the way many people commit certain affairs has changed emerged from the advancements in technology. After all, the common daily practice to a large number of people has been determined by technology.

On the other hand however, it is presumptuous to judge that technologies determine every traditional custom. Technologies are merely certain factors rather than pillars in affecting the traditional customs. Traditional customs are inherited from our predecessors and root in culture and history, where technology can hardly exert any decisive influence on. In particular, some traditional customs have not been influenced by technologies. For example, it is the American tradition to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day in memory of those Indians who have helped their ancestors. Two hundred years have passed, the tradition remains without any influence from technology. In such circumstances, it is the American history and culture rather than technologies that determine those customs. Deep down, although some traditional customs mirror the development of technology, technologies can never change the essence of these traditional customs. For instance, Chinese people had the tradition of climbing high on the mountain on the Double Ninth Festival to express their miss to the family members who do not live with them. Nowadays however, with the development of information technologies, people have abandoned this tradition since it is easier for people to communicate with their family members through telephone or computer. In such circumstances, technologies changed the social customs, but what remains is the unity and harmony in a family, which is the essence of such traditional customs.

Turn our attention to ethics, which is defined as principles regarding rights and wrongs. In fact, ethics lie in value judgments, which may vary according to times. But unfortunately, we cannot find a direct correlation between technologies and the change of ethics if we cast a look back at history. For example, people are holding a more and more tolerant view towards induced abortion. At the same time, technologies concerning induced abortion have maintained for centuries. In this case, we have failed to find a causal relationship between the change of ethics and the advancements in technology. Therefore technologies have not exerted any influence on ethics.

More important, the development of technologies may even be controlled and restricted by ethics, which indicate that technologies are never a factor to determine ethics. Examples like human cloning can best illustrate the statement. While the technology of human cloning may have dramatic impact on moral issues, people enacted laws to prevent this technology from being developed for the sake of ethics.

After all, social customs related to daily lives can be determined by technologies while some traditional customs are too stubborn to be determined by them. Besides, the technologies have hardly had any impact on ethics. On the contrary, it is ethics that pose barriers to the free development of technologies.

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发表于 2010-8-1 17:19:55 |只看该作者
我的也传上 见链接https://bbs.gter.net/thread-1131674-1-1.html

使用道具 举报

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发表于 2010-8-1 17:35:14 |只看该作者
For social customs, it is true that technologies do have a strong impact on social customs 前面已经提到了,短时间的重复, not conciseand can determine parts of them. However, we should not lose sight of the fact that many traditional customs are determined可以换成decided 或其他 by culture and history rather than technologies. When it comes to ethics, they which比较好 一个句子中主语太多root in human nature and technologies hardly exert any influence on them.

Let us focus on social customs first. Social customs are the common practice大众行为吗 to many individuals. On theone hand, technologies serve as a decisive factor in shaping the social customs, especially those closely related to our daily lives. whose come into being completely alters the way people live and eventually leads to the disparities in social customs between now and then feeling wierd 多余了吧. For instance, we used to listen to radios or buy newspapers to be informed of the news; nowadays, we have accustomed to surfing the Internet to acquire what we eager to know with the help of the information technology (with the help of the information high way). In such cases, the way many people commit certain affairs has changed emerged from the advancements in technology(Chenglish). After all, the common daily practice to a large number of people has been determined by technology.

On the other hand however这两个在一起用好奇怪, it is presumptuous to judge that technologies determine every traditional custom. Technologies are merely certain factors rather than pillars in affecting the traditional customs. Traditional customs are inherited from our predecessors and root in culture and history, where technology can hardly exert any decisive influence on. In particular, some traditional customs have not been influenced by technologies. For example, it is the American tradition to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day in memory of those Indians who have helped their ancestors. Two hundred years have passed, the tradition remains without any influence from technology. In such circumstances, it is the American history and culture rather than technologies that determine those customs. Deep down, although some traditional customs mirror the development of technology, technologies can never change the essence of these traditional customs. For instance, Chinese people had the tradition of climbing high on the mountain on the Double Ninth Festival to express their miss to the family members who do not live with them. Nowadays however, with the development of information technologies, people have abandoned this tradition since it is easier for people to communicate with their family members through telephone or computer. In such circumstances, technologies changed the social customs, but what remains is the unity and harmony in a family, which is the essence of such traditional customs.

Turn our attention to ethics, which is defined as principles regarding rights and wrongs. In fact, ethics lie in value judgments, which may vary according to times. But unfortunately, we cannot find a direct correlation between technologies and the change of ethics if we cast a look back at history. For example, people are holding a more and more tolerant view towards induced abortion. At the same time, technologies concerning induced abortion have maintained for centuries. In this case, we have failed to find a causal relationship between the change of ethics and the advancements in technology. Therefore technologies have not exerted any influence on ethics.

More important, the development of technologies may even be controlled and restricted by ethics, which indicate that technologies are never a factor to determine ethics. Examples like human cloning can best illustrate the statement. While the technology of human cloning may have dramatic impact on moral issues, people enacted laws to prevent this technology from being developed for the sake of ethics.

After all, social customs related to daily lives can be determined by technologies while some traditional customs are too stubborn to be determined by them. Besides, the technologies have hardly had any impact on ethics. On the contrary, it is ethics that pose barriers to the free development of technologies
改了第一段的细节部分,后面的差不多,主要是technology 还有history重复太多遍了 可以适当的替换掉
感觉turkey 和·99 的例子很好 很适当,没有生硬的感觉。观点和结构也很羡慕。只是开头是不是要有个引入阶段,直接开始就谈是不是太开门见山了。个人意见,仅供参考。

ps可能我自己在寻找起 合的方式,所以觉得开头怪怪吧
178# figuechen

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