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[作文] Daily Writing by phoenix2011(四饼加油!) [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-5-16 02:40:10 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 phoenix2011 于 2011-5-16 03:00 编辑

5/16 Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? It isoften not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of thelosing of old friends?091031NA

There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes. When talking about the definition of friendship, someone may think friendship could fade with less communication and long distance. But for me, Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they are always there. So I think moving to a new city or newcountry will not affect true friendship.

Understandably, it's tough to move away from close friends after your lives have become intertwined. Moving is high on the list of stressors. You would feel lonely in an unfamiliar place, in the meanwhile, your friend may feel abandoned because you left him/her behind. And with the changes of what you deal with, your opinions could also change and cause differences between you and your friend. It’s not surprised that people say distance is always a test and proof to a true friendship.

It's true that distance matters, however, it is far less important as a role of ruining a relationship as you thought. What makes a good friend? Some people may say loyalty, while other people may say honest, but no one would say close location. Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. What's more, the advancement of technologies makes communication much easier today. You can pick up the phone and call your friends whenever you want. You can see them at anytime if you have internet and a video camera. You can fly to the old city in hours since our air transportation is so convenient today. If you're willing to put a little bit efforts, distance will not be a concern in your friendship any more.

In addition, moving to a new city or a new country definitely is not a bad thing. In a city of blank memories, although old friends can not be around you, sad memories were also left behind and you can move on with a new beginning. In a city where no oneknows you, you could remove your disguises and masks and just be yourself again.You even could make some new friends. I met my husband, who is also my best friend, in the similar situation. I just moved in town with a broken heart because my ex is seeing another women, so I dumped him and change my job to a new city. I was looking for a roommate at that moment and my husband just showed up. We found so much in common and got a happy ending at last as we all know. Change means new opportunities and a fresh start.

In conclusion, a real friend will be glad when you are happy. you can't stuck yourself just because the possibility of losing old friends. Just be sure that make decisions wisely.  
0 0

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-5-17 11:18:45 |只看该作者
There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes.(楼主我觉得一千个读者有一千个哈姆雷特放在这不合适,这句名言是讲每个人的文学欣赏品味不同) When talking about the definition of friendship, someone may think friendship could fade with less communication(lack of communication) and long distance. But for me, Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they are always there. So I think moving to a new city or newcountry( a new country) will not affect true friendship.
Understandably, it's tough to move away from close friends after your lives have become intertwined. Moving is high on the list of stressors. You would feel lonely in an unfamiliar place(environment), in the meanwhile, your friend may feel abandoned because you left him/her behind. And with the changes of what you deal with, your opinions could also change and cause differences between you and your friend. It’s not surprised that people say distance is always a test and proof to a true friendship.(第一段是讲离开朋友会产生距离感导致朋友之间不和,这个和你的观点:will not affect true friendship 背离。)
It's true that distance matters, however, it is far less important as a role of ruining a relationship as you thought. What makes a good friend? Some people may say loyalty, while other people may say honest, but no one would say close location. Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. What's more, the advancement of technologies makes communication much easier today. You can pick up the phone and call your friends whenever you want. You can see them at anytime if you have internet and a video camera. You can fly to the old city in hours since our air transportation is so convenient today. If you're willing to put a little bit efforts, distance will not be a concern in your friendship any more.
In addition, moving to a new city or a new country definitely is not a bad thing. In a city of blank memories, although old friends cannot be around you, sad memories were also left behind and you can move on with a new beginning. In a city where no one knows you, you could remove your disguises and masks and just be yourself again. You even could make some new friends. I met my husband, who is also my best friend, in the similar situation. I just moved in town with a broken heart because my ex(ex-boyfriend) is seeing another women,(这句话前面是过去时 这里又是正在进行时 。时态混乱) so I dumped him and change my job to a new city. I was looking for a roommate at that moment and my husband just showed up. We found so much in common and got a happy ending at last as we all know. Change means new opportunities and a fresh start.(觉得这一句放在段首比较合适,因为起到总领全段的作用)
In conclusion, a real friend will be glad when you are happy. You can't stuck yourself just because the possibility of losing old friends. Just be sure that make decisions wisely.  
1.        有些地方拼写大小写没注意, 建议下次放到帖子前用word查错。
2.        议论部分第一段不合适
3.        注意时态

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-5-17 13:18:10 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 phoenix2011 于 2011-5-17 13:30 编辑

Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? Movies and televisions should always show audience good peoplebeing rewarded and bad people being punished.091017NA

As the most common ways to spend time, Movies and TVs change people's value in an unnoticeable way and have a far-reaching impact on people's thoughts. What kind of values should media express to their audience, a cruel reality or a fairytale happy ending? Most movies and television programs exhibit people a wonderful world in which good people are rewarded and bad people are punished. In my opinion, it's the right direction for movies and television programs for the following reasons.

It's true that movies and TV shows are the reflection of the real world where is no absolute justice. Life is unfair as we all know. Some one was born wealthy while others have to fight for bread. Some one could escape from punishment because of lack of evidence while good guys may get no rewards even be misunderstood. That's why we always pursue justice and bring hope with us. However, movies are not recorders. It comes from life and goes beyond it. It is absurd to request that movies and TV shows are as serious as reality.

Moreover, movies and televisions will propagate the right values to people and society, especially for young people. As we all know, movies and television programs exert a considerable influence on children. They may imitate the roles played by actors in the movie. Children's mind is like blank paper. What appears is determined by what you draw on. If children always watch the violent scenes in movies, they may consider that violence is the usual way to solve problems. What's more, if a bad role in the movie isn't punished, children might think evil can disobey laws without punishment. That's definitely not a good sign for the society. Before teaching children to accept crucial unfair reality, we should teach them the right values which is good people will be rewarded finally and bad people will swallow the consequences caused by the wrong behaviors.

In addition, movies and televisions are designed to entertaining people. People relax their mind and maybe gain faith through the movies. If the good people were misunderstood and the bad people escaped from punishment in the end, the audience will feel indignant and depressed. Life is tough already, so why don't bring some light and hope in the fictitious world? What's more, the directors and editors usually use their products to express their own thoughts, so movies always have a perfect ending as people wish.

To sum up, It is clear that movies and televisions should show audience bright side of the world which people will gain what they deserve at the end. It will have a positive effect on our offspring and our society. Perhaps it will change the world.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-5-18 09:02:52 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 江左风华 于 2011-5-18 09:09 编辑

As the most common ways to spend time, Movies and TVs change people's value in an unnoticeable way and have a far-reaching impact on people's thoughts. What kind of values should media express(pass on) to their audience, a cruel reality or a fairytale happy ending? Most movies and television programs exhibit people a wonderful world in which good people are rewarded and bad people are punished. In my opinion, it's the right direction for movies and television programs for the following reasons.

It's true that movies and TV shows are the reflection of the real world where(where there) is no absolute justice(absolute true or false). Life is unfair as we all know. Some one was born wealthy while others have to fight for bread. Some one could escape from punishment because of lack of evidence while good guys may get no rewards even be misunderstood. That's why we always pursue justice and bring hope with us. However, movies are not recorders. It comes from life and goes beyond it. It is absurd to request that movies and TV shows are as serious as reality.

Moreover, movies and televisions will propagate the right values to people and society, especially for(to) young people. As we all know, movies and television programs exert a considerable influence on children. They may imitate the roles played by actors in the movie. Children's mind is like blank paper. What appears is determined by what you draw on. If children always watch the violent scenes in movies, they may consider that violence is the usual way to solve problems. What's more, if a bad role in the movie isn't punished, children might think(the) evil can disobey laws without punishment. That's definitely not a good sign for the society. Before teaching children to accept crucial unfair reality, we should teach them the right values which is(shows that) good people will be rewarded finally and bad people will swallow(这个词的意思用得不恰当,而且要用被动语态) the consequences caused by the wrong behaviors

In addition, movies and televisions are designed to entertaining(entertain) people. People relax their mind and maybe(may) gain faith(courage) through the movies. If the good people were misunderstood and the bad people escaped from punishment in the end, the audience will feel indignant and depressed. Life is tough already, so why don't bring some light and hope in the fictitious world? What's more, the directors and editors usually use their products to express their own thoughts, so movies always have a perfect ending as people wish(这个前因后果实在是很牵强).

To sum up, It is clear that movies and televisions should show audience bright side of the world (in) which people will gain what they deserve at the end. It will have a positive effect on our offspring and our society. Perhaps it will change the world.

楼主的语言和论述都挺好的,没什么大问题~  有些修改的地方并不是因为错误,只是我个人的一点小的建议吧

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2011-5-18 13:02:17 |只看该作者
As the most common ways to spend time, Movies and TVs change people's value 改变了人的的价值?价值观吧in an unnoticeable way and have a far-reaching impact on people's thoughts. What kind of values should media express to their audience, a cruel reality or a fairytale happy ending? Most movies and television programs exhibit people a wonderful world in which good people are rewarded and bad people are punished. In my opinion, it's the right direction for movies and television programs for the following reasons.3 {% i1 c' Q# C' x
4 B$ [. S3 X5 @( r. I' ?/ l* x
It's true that movies and TV shows are the reflection of the real world where is no absolute justice. Life is unfair as we all know. Some one was born wealthy while others have to fight for bread. Some one could escape from punishment because of lack of evidence while good guys may get no rewards even be misunderstood. That's why we always pursue justice and bring hope with us. However, movies are not recorders. It comes from life and goes beyond it. It is absurd to request that movies and TV shows are as serious as reality./ F+ O- `, h# G" b

& E. F' M* O  j3 s" s+ x/ HMoreover, movies and televisions will propagate the right values to people and society, especially for young people. As we all know, movies and television programs exert a considerable influence on children. They may imitate the roles played by actors in the movie. Children's mind is like blank paper. What appears is determined by what you draw on. If children always watch the violent scenes in movies, they may consider that violence is the usual way to solve problems. What's more, if a bad role in the movie isn't punished, children might think evil can disobey laws without punishment. That's definitely not a good sign for the society. Before teaching children to accept crucial unfair reality, we should teach them the right values which is good people will be rewarded finally and bad people will swallow the consequences caused by the wrong behaviors.3 q; Z9 Y: c4 K5 i" ?

' H# _% c( E3 k$ y6 B( {  |In addition, movies and televisions are designed to entertaining people. People relax their mind and maybe gain faith through the movies. If the good people were misunderstood and the bad people escaped from punishment in the end, the audience will feel indignant and depressed. Life is tough already, so why don't bring some light and hope in the fictitious world? What's more, the directors and editors usually use their products to express their own thoughts, so movies always have a perfect ending as people wish.( x. c3 c, U8 y/ Z3 |! \
% D( n- h! X! D
To sum up, It is clear that movies and televisions should show audience bright side of the world which people will gain what they deserve at the end. It will have a positive effect on our offspring and our society. Perhaps it will change the world.

第一段是不是有点小跑?在讲 电影电视与现实的关系?

提点建议 作者给出观点后 在各段理由陈述上 要鲜明 要知道 他们批改的时间有没有一分钟很难讲
         在具体的给出一些 实际生活中的例子 他们不是喜欢 例子和细节吗 投其所好

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-5-18 14:38:16 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 phoenix2011 于 2011-5-18 14:49 编辑

5,18 Do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement? Only movies that can teach us something about real lifeworth watching

With the booming offilm industry, people have more and more options when they are in the cinema.What kind of movies are worth watching? What kind of movies are waste of time? Different people hold vary opinions. From my point of view, the movies that can teach us something is not the only one that worth watching. There are so many elements that could attract audience's eyeballs in a movie such as music, scenes, plot setting and even costumes.

I admit that every movie has its soul and topic. By telling a story, the director put certain thoughts and values in the movie. So no matter what kind of movie it is, comedy, action or cartoons,it is a perspective which can reflect the real world . Even although it is not a real plot and fake scene in the movie, the emotions, such as love and courage etc., really exist in the movie and our world. From those movies, we receive what the director tries to express and learn something about real life somehow.

However, the essential factors of a good movie are not just its meaning but also somethingelse. Plot is one of the key elements. The most classic movies with fascinating plot should be the movies directed by Alfred Hitchcock. In the field of suspense film, Hitchcock is a legend. He framed shots to maximize anxiety, fear, or empathy, and used innovative film editing. Many of Hitchcock's films have twist endings and thrilling plots featuring depictions of violence, murder, and crime. You will never know what happened next. These kind of movies are definitely on the list of worth watching.

Another factor which makes a movie vivid is the background music in the movie. Sometimes perhaps we can't remember the story of a movie, but we still remember the music. Take the movie The Legend of 1900 for example. This film was nominated for a variety of awards worldwide, winning several for its soundtrack. Although the hero in the movie is so mysterious that we can't get in his inside world, his music attracts everyone. Another movie I should recommend is The Chorus. I was deeply moved by the melody when I was watching this movie. The songs performed in this moviesounds like voice in heaven.

To sum up, a good movie is like a human body. The meaning is its soul, the plot is its bones and the scenes are its flesh and blood. It is true that movies with deep thoughts are worth watching, but we can't ignore the other factors which makes a movie remarkable.


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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-5-19 21:53:00 |只看该作者
2——虚构的场景也能反映现实(在某种程度上) 我想到一个句子楼主也许用得上“film is a mirror of the ral life"
在结构上,我觉得这一段不如后面两段清晰明白, 以even though为分割点表达了两层观点,但这两个意思并没有太大的区别,显得有些夹缠

另外,结尾提到了deep thought,对应的应该是第一段的论述,实际上,在这一段里并没有提到real life 和deep thought的关系,其实这本来也是反方的一个主要论点——思想深刻的电影大多与揭示人生、社会有关,我认为这应该作为一个主要论点放在第一段里


啊~~~虽然我说了大段的不足,但这真的是一篇很好的文章啊,语法错误基本没有~~~  只不过扯逻辑这件事情实在是太费字数了

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发表于 2011-5-20 12:05:39 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 phoenix2011 于 2011-5-20 12:11 编辑

5.20 The best way to improve the quality ofeducation is to increase teachers' salaries

Perhaps nothing is more vital than education to a country. It makes people civilized, imports numerous professionals and passes culture to next generation. Considering teacher's significant role in education, some people proposed increasing teachers' salaries as the best way to improve the quality of education. However, I disagree with this statement for the following reasons.

First of all, It is true that education system could attract more people to join in with higher salaries, but it does not mean the quality of teachers would be better.Teaching is a skill. As we all know, experienced teachers are more valuable than teachers who hold a decent degree. Even though a teacher have a lot of knowledge himself, he is still not qualified as a good teacher if he can not make the students to understand. Higher salary makes a teacher happier, but it can't make them teach better. To improve the quality of education, it is wiser to use the money to train teachers than increase the salaries. For example, if a teacher learn Psychology class in the training program, he may understand students' mind better. Then he will know how to deal with the students who are not willing to study. The quality of education would improved by this kind of training program.

Second, besides training teachers, there are also other ways to improve the quality of education such as improving the facilities and resources in schools. Lab equipments, libraries and dormitories could be improved in order to provide a suitable environment for students to study in. Take the library of my school for example, they buy more database recently. It is much more convenient to search scientific literatures than before. I could know the latest progress of the subject which I am interested in. I could also prepare better before I do my own project.

In addition, the purpose of education is to increase the quality of the whole generation. there are still a lot of students who can not afford tuitions. They have to drop the admissions due to the economic reason. The government could also develop the quality of education by adding funds and providing loans for students' stipend.

To sum up, I do not think the best way to improve the quality of education is to increase teachers’ salaries. It is better to spend money on training teachers, schools’ equipment and student aid grants.

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发表于 2011-5-20 20:06:33 |只看该作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-5-21 13:36:01 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 phoenix2011 于 2011-5-21 13:42 编辑

5.21 Do youagree or disagree? A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.

A job with decent salaries and satisfied vacation time is a target for every one in job hunting. However, most jobs are impossible to have both of them. If I have to choose one from more vacations and high salaries, I would like the job with more vacation time for the following reasons.

First of all, more vacation time means more flexible working schedule. For me, working is just a tool for living. Instead of making money, I would rather spend more time with my family. A job with more vacation exactly fits my request. It was reported that more and more children were left home alone because working parents have no time to take care of them. Working parents can't make time to watch football games with their kids or go camping together. How sorry the parents are if they can not share the wonderful moments of life with their children due to the job with less vacation time. What's worse, with the situation goes on, the relationship between parents and children may be damaged and leave bad memories to both parents and kids. The memories with my family members are more valuable for me than pay checks. That's one reason I want to choose a job with more vacation.

Another reason that more vacation time works for me is healthy concerns. As we all know, too much stress and pressure are harmful to human body. Tight working schedule makes people barely relax. When stress accumulates and break out, it could cause kinds of mental diseases such as depression. The news about employees in Foxconn China who jumped down the company building one by one can confirm mypoint. Too strict management makes the employee lose the passion to live and suicide. Physical function could also affected. It is not rare that some one die in their working place due to stroke or myocardial infarction induced by high pressure. Therefore even you are a billionaire, if you are sick and dying, money can not help anything.

Some people may concerned that low salaries are not sufficient to support a family. As far as I concerned, that's not even a problem. You can use part of your vacation time to take some part-time jobs to earn extra money. The key point is don’t let money rule your life. Money is a good servant but a demon dominator.

Considering all the factors above, we can safely draw the conclusion that a job with more vacation time but a low salary is better. Such jobs can give people health, happiness and good relationship with family and friends.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-5-21 21:58:52 |只看该作者
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发表于 2011-5-22 13:02:54 |只看该作者
8# phoenix2011
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-5-22 17:05:29 |只看该作者
5.21 Do you agree or disagree? A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.

A job with decent salaries and satisfied vacation time is a target for every one(everyone) in job hunting. However, most jobs are impossible to have both of them. If I have to choose one from more vacations and high salaries, I would like the job with more vacation time for the following reasons.

First of all, more vacation time means more flexible working schedule. For me, working is just a tool(tool 用的不合适,不如改成 I work just for living) for living. Instead of making money, I would rather spend more time with my family. A job with more vacation exactly fits my request. It was reported that more and more children were left home alone because working parents have no time to take care of them. Working parents can't make time to watch football games with their kids or go camping together. How sorry the parents are if they can not share the wonderful moments of life with their children due to the job with less vacation time. What's worse, with the situation goes on; the relationship between parents and children may be damage and leave bad memories to both parents and kids. The memories with my family members are more valuable for me than pay checks. (多余)That's one reason I want to choose a job with more vacation.

Another reason that more vacation time works for me is healthy concerns. As we all know, too much stress and pressure(重复) are harmful to human body. Tight working schedule makes people barely relax. When stress accumulates and break out, it could cause kinds of mental diseases such as depression. The news about employees in Foxconn China who jumped down the company building one by one can confirm my point. Too strict management makes the employee lose the passion to live and suicide. Physical function could also affect. It is not rare that someone die in their working place due to stroke or myocardial infarction induced by high pressure. (这一部分和foxcon的例子重复了 不是属于physical function的支撑)Therefore even you are a billionaire, if you are sick and dying, money cannot help anything.

Some people may concerned(concern) that low salaries are not sufficient to support a family. As far as I concerned, that's not even a problem. You can use part of your vacation time to take some part-time jobs to earn extra money. The key point is don’t ( doesn’t)let money rule your life. Money is a good servant but a demon dominator.

Considering all the factors above, we can safely draw the conclusion that a job with more vacation time but a low salary is better. Such jobs can give people health, happiness and good relationship with family and friends.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-5-31 09:43:01 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 phoenix2011 于 2011-6-1 02:59 编辑

5/31. Why do you think somepeople are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities?

Dangerous sports or other dangerous activities, such as hang gliding, surfing, bungee jumping, are increasingly popular and makes more people attracted. Why people are fascinated in an activity which has a high risk to cause injuries and even death? In my opinion, I think it can be explained both in physical and psychological aspects.

First, I'd like to demonstrate it in physical aspects. When encountering danger, human body will have a series of stress responses. A large amount of adrenaline will be released. This kind of hormone increases heart rates, constricts muscles, dilates air passages and brings excitement to people. Adrenaline junkies, who pursuing the plenty of adrenaline pumping moments, take large part in the group of people who favor dangerous activities. Take the movie Point Break for example, people in the movie choose to be bank robbers and sky divers for the adrenaline rush that accompanies with dangerous activities. Once experienced the excitement brought by danger, adrenaline junkies hardly experience similar feelings in normal life and can not to resist the allure of the second try.

The other reason that attract people into dangerous activities is the pleasure of control. When doing extreme sports, individuals are facing the challenges which seems an impossible mission. While they've had plenty adrenaline-pumping moments, their real pleasure comes from mastering the rush and conquering risks with the skills they've developed through years of training. Doing dangerous things involves the risk of dying and when they accomplish whatever they're doing they feel more alive cause they've defeated the fear of death. The dangerous activities fans such as climbers who've conquered the world's highest peak, Mt.Everest, often believe they can control their own fate and beat all difficulties in their daily life.

In conclusion, I think people attracted to dangerous activities for excitement brought by adrenaline physically and the willing of proving themselves psychologically.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-6-2 02:34:26 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 phoenix2011 于 2011-6-2 02:42 编辑

6,2 There is nothing that young people can teacholder people. Do you agree or disagree?

Confucius said, if I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and bad points of the other and correct them in myself. A lot of people hold misconceptions that there is nothing that young people can teach older people and young people are always the one be educated. In fact, just as Confucius quoted above, old people also could learn something from young people, such as curiosity to unknown world, ability to accept new things and courage to confront challenges.

My three years old nephew always ask me some questions like why sky is blue and why dinosaurs are extinct. Some of the questions I can explain to him while quite a few I can not answer even with a degree of science. Then I began to ask myself: when did I lose my curiosity about the world? I even didn't notice the moment that I stopped asking questions and started to gain knowledge passively. Before Newton's time, there must be someone curious about why apples fall down to the ground instead of sky. However, when they've grown up, most people are more likely to treat this question as a fact or experience and stop seeking the reason. Newton didn't stop, so he proposed Newton's three laws of motion in Mechanics which greatly improved the development of science and technology.Just try to imagine if all adults still hold the curiosity to the nature, the development of our society surely will be accelerated which makes the world better. Innovation comes from curiosity.

The other point that old people can learn from young people is the ability to accept new things. My grandpa and even my father often feel that they are so obsolete that can not keep pace on the changing world. Unlike young people, old people are stubborn and accept new things slowly. Take the use of computer for example. When home computers were put into use at the end of 20th century in China, my father thought it was not a big deal and didn't take it seriously. However, ten years later he found himself so outdated that he even can't figure out what people are talking about, such as twitter and facebook me. Then he realized that if he refuse to learn using computer, he will be eliminated soon. On the contrary, young people don't have such problems. They are fast-learner and love to try new things. They don't have fear to unknown things and much easier to accept it.

Last but not the least, compared with older people, young people are braver to challenging the authority. Just as the ancient saying goes, the more wit, the less courage. Before doing something, older people always concern much about the bad consequences and lose the courage. Young people are fearless, therefore young students often take the leadership when the society need transform. Forexample, the May Fourth Movement of China in 1919 was a challenging to traditional Chinese values and asked for freedom from colonists. And the leader of this significant movement was young students. The courage of challenging authority is another point older people should learn from young people.

In conclusion, old people have wise and young people have passion. Young people also could teach older people something no matter in knowledge or in values.

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RE: Daily Writing by phoenix2011(四饼加油!) [修改]
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Daily Writing by phoenix2011(四饼加油!)
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