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[i习作temp] Issue136 [决战AW]第六次作业 by Ocm [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-2-7 17:42:10 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览


ISSUE136 - "The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare."

Choice, the act of choosing, is generally related with the crossroad-like situation where multiple selections can be taken. On the contrary, the absence of choice indicates the occasion of one-way street where a single choice is available. On this premise, the speaker regard this absence as rare while i take the opposite idea. In another word, i think this one-way-street occasion remains usual in our modern even though it is more scarce than ever before.

Admittedly, modern society places more emphasis on individuals and thus provides more choices in all aspects of modern life. Ever since the darkness of middle ages, man's will has been granted special respects. In this purpose, scientists, engineers and politicians works hard to strengthen the power of a single man. Instead of cowering in caves begging the god's mercy, we can now comfortably stay in house ignorant of winds and rains outside; Instead of being tossed up and down in a crowded cart for whole month , now we can fly over cities and states in few hours. Modern technology has offered individuals more selection and promoted human-being to a position closest to the god himself.

In social field, individual also enjoys more selections. We still remember the time when black people treated as slaves had nothing to do with election-the activity to select the country's president. We also acknowledge the period of time when the black were entitled to make their choices between two white candidates. And today, the whole world is witnessing a historic moment- white and black Americans are selecting a black as their president. Yes, we can choose.

economic issues sometimes make seemingly available selections actually unreachable; It is apparent that advanced products usually associate with high costs, and thus there exists an invisible but firm wall against the poor. That is why china was once called "the kingdom of bicycles " while European streets were filled with vehicles. That is why thousands of African children die of malaria every year while the disease is nothing serious to Americans. Poverty blocks most roads to welfare and the left single one is usually the worst.

Even to those in good economic condition, considering morality and law, the absence of choice also exists. Take human clone for example. Years passed since birth of the first clone sheep Dolly, but clone of human is still out of sight. There is few technical obstacles involved, and none of economy. Countless millionaires can't wait to have themselves cloned in pursuit of eternal life at ant costs. It is the moral consideration functions. Are humans entitled to create human like god? Should or not the clone human be regarded as human? What if a clone want to replace its model's social identity? After all, we see the choice of human clone but we can't choose.

Last but not least, the absence of choice exists everywhere by philosophic point of view. We have pointed out that modern society has more choices than old ones. In another word, modern technology has turned historically unavoidable affairs to be selective. Admit it or not, future technology will do the same thing, and things that we regard as one-way-street today may become cross roads next weekend. The simplicity of current society and the absence of choice are the double sides of a coin. As we cannot deny future society will be more complicated than present society, we cannot say that absence of choice is rare.

Based the facts i have pointed above, there is sufficient reasons to make the assertion that the absebce of choice widely exists in our society.

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Issue136 [决战AW]第六次作业 by Ocm
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