Currently now, there are great sumof old people in the world and it is hard to define that those people do notenjoy their life because of their old age.There is no denying that those oldpeople indeed have several interests although in old age such as playingcheese, watch humorous film and cooking. However, in my opinion, young peopleenjoy life far outweight old people.Elderly people, to some degree, have theirown habits and they will try to make themleves more happy.But most of them don'thave a good health body due to the old age, in another word, young people havemore energy than older people.
First of all, bad healthy of olderpeople limit them to do many things. Older people can not go some place faraway from their home so that they can not enjoy the beaufiful landcaspe inforeign countries but young peole can go everywhere teay want to go. As for me,I always go on long distant place to travel everyear summer holiday. Altoughtmy grandmother really want go to Hongkong, she can not realize his dream becauseshe is too old to take plane, which troubles her and she always complains hisbad health. In anther case, many old peole can not enjoy the sports though theyreally want to join to play with young people becaues of their bad bodycondition. When they watch exciting football game or basketball game on TV theymust want to do some outdoor activity like those players but they can't.
Secondly, it is difficult to most ofolder to receive new things like compuer so they can't enjoy the computergames, internet and so forth. My grandfather is very old, one day when he saw Iwas playing computer, he can't believe his eyes. He has some interest incomputer however he can't learn how to use it although I try my best to teachhim.